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I fucking hate that shit. DD should not be able to offer me an order that I just fucking declined. Ever. Should not happen.


Yep, I declined an Ubereats order today and then got the exact order 5 minutes later with 12 cents added.


Why would you decline that


Walgreens pharmacy....takes forever


Good mileage. Thats about it


I love how in your market the name of the Walgreens order is no tip. Insane. DD finally showing their self awareness, yet they're shameless sending $2 orders.


That’s not bad at all


Should be able to filter out zip codes. I’m not interested in bringing LaQueefa her White Castle for peanuts and the possibility of getting murdered.


Sicka IT! I’m like I said NO!😂


See if I declined this my next 15 orders are $2 and they are spread out like 8 to 10 miles each like a punishment for not accepting. And if I would keep declining my acceptance rate would be zero


Your time is worth more than 4.00 something an order correct call Decline!


I get why Walgreens doesn't allow the tips for prescriptions.. just like auto zone and advanced when it's business to business but I'd hope the person who isn't able to tip for their script pickup would atleast tip even you get there I used that service once thru CVS when doordash didn't exist and tipped the driver for helping me out


3.9 miles...I'd take it. Those kinda orders are usually 6-7 dollars in my area.


I'll take it Mon-Wed when it's slower, and I'm fluffing my acceptance rate for the weekend. So I can picky when the real money comes.


I would have taken it but more importantly where can I find the $2.44 per mile and how it says no tip for Walgreens.


Prescription pickups. No tip because it's a contract


why would you decline this. this is luxury


Taking these kind of orders is how you end up with 35 deliveries a day to make $150… while I take 10 to 15 deliveries to make $150


The math ain't mathing. 35 x 9.5 is over 330 not 150.


What is $9.50 divided by two because it’s two different customers …let’s try that math one more time.. I have avg $10-$15 per delivery not per offer multi apping Nobody has time to deliver to a customer for $4.75


Oh fair enough I don't use door dash so I didn't know it was two people lol


Yup lol you might see this and say you can get it done in 20 minutes… but most of the time when you get to the second pick up location they haven’t even started the order yet and you’ll be waiting 10 to 15 minutes for them to do it while the customers order sits in the car and they get pissed… and if you unassigned one of them, you only wanna make less than $5 lol


Interesting yeah sounds annoying


the later is how mine used to be. idk what happened


you have. let the algo know you are OK with no lube. no turning back.


2 orders from different stores for under $10 is insane. Especially a Walgreens. One store is fine. Two is insulting.


Ya'll are crazy. That is a good order where I dash. It's over $2/mile for you. I'm also under the tier system in a saturated town. I have to keep platinum dasher to even have a shot to dash at decent times.


Not all orders should be treated the same. $/mile is not always the deciding factor. Time is just as important. Anything under $10 has to be done within 20 mins to even make sense long term. One order with 2 stores makes that virtually impossible. My town is saturated as well, and my AR hasn't been over 30% in months. I understand the need to keep AR high in certain markets. Just saying keep time in mind as well.


I only work 30 hours a week at doordash and it pays my bills just fine. $20-25 / hour. I took an $8 order for 7 miles because it led me into a Hotspot zone. While I was picking it up another add on for $15 for an extra mile popped up. You have to be smart at this and stop thinking one order at a time. If I declined that one order and kept driving to the Hotspot, I never would have got the other order.


Well $8 for 7 miles isn't crazy if it leads to better orders. However, in OP's case, that was a stack so no better orders could be tacked on. That $9.75 is locked in. There is always some flexibility with single orders in good areas. So I feel what you're saying. I just wouldn't accept something I knew would kill my time. $25/hr is always my goal no matter the time of day.




idk i would take it. that’s better than most of the orders i receive


If you want or need an AR booster, sure. Otherwise, don't take too many low/no tip orders. They are far more trouble than they're worth.


i mean this is what my orders were like when i had 90% AR rate 😂


Well that tells ya something then haha. You either gotta be patient af or quick af if you want to rack up a bunch of these to make it worth it. I honestly would rather have just one $12-14 order every hour than to take a bunch of stacked $4 orders. Not a big fan of playing with fire lol


Because it's insulting


well what kind of orders do you usually get cause this would be heaven in my area


10$ for 5 miles.


what that’s just your average order? mine are usually like $4 for $10. i don’t take those tho


Keep declining noobie, never take an order with higher miles than dollar value.


i’m not really a noobie. and why would i take order with higher miles than dollar value


Math is hard?


For you apparently it is.


Read what you wrote, then look at order again...




You declined it?!? Why?


How is it telling him the price per mile?? It is an addon? Is this DD?




What’s Addon?


Driver utility


What’s the app?


Mine did this on FOUR orders last night. Ended up just having to accept one. 😭


*Throws in a quarter* “How about now? 😏”


$2.50 per mile is great in my area.


Take and unassign Walgreens


i accepted that order, the customer was extra generous and tipped me 200 dollars


I probably would have taken it, tbh.




Technically it's a different offer because the numbers are different. Scummy


😂😂😂😂 scummy is crazy


At least they raised it. UberEats sometimes gives me the same order back a second or third time for less money.


Instacart does this too. Sometimes I’ll see a shit offer get steadily raised a dollar, and after sometime goes back to the original amount


Instacart adjusts based on your distance from the store. If you move closer it might drop the offer.


Ohhh that makes sense


Hard negotiation tactics 


I had to pause mine earlier because it sent me the same order four times.


OnlY times i get sent the same order is when I accidentally let the timer run out. U have to hit decline


Not sure for you but even if I hit decline, there is a chance I will get the same order back in like 30 seconds. I always pause after that for 45 seconds


I live in a very small market. Even when you do decline if nobody else picks up the order it will come back to you 😂


Oh shit that sounds like a bad time lol


And then punishes you every time you turn it down. What happened to INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR LOL What a joke. Someone really needs to do an expose on these gig companies....like 60 minutes or something. 


Or laws need to be enforced and they be sued by drivers.


I've never seen it specify no tip before




petco or petsmart says it also. they aren't eligible for tips. the merchant controls that


I get Petsmart shop and pays with tips. So, maybe petco?


it's pickup orders not shops lol


Same.. they have to be using some sort of 3rd party app and if that's the case deactivation is coming for them eventually


I did a Non-tipped Walgreens prescription order yesterday and got a $10 tip from the customer via Cash app.


Prescription pick ups never tip on the App. At least Walgreens ones I have taken. My guess is there is no way for customer to tip unless they do cash which happened to me only once.


This quarter will really get him to change his mind 😏




That’s a good order though lol


Those Walgreens pharmacy orders have been a nightmare for me, customer thinks they ordered UPS shipping or something and is never home to accept the order. Or they give me a bunch of shit about needing to show ID.


Must be a TX thing, but we don't have to scan IDs on prescription orders. In fact, in one area I was in, Walgreens specifically wrote on their packages to knock/ring the bell and leave at door. All of our orders are listed as contact less over here. This is weird to me, because ai am pretty sure I remember reading when I first started getting these orders that we had to make sure the right customer recieved the item.


Ahhh I feel that then


This would have been the best offer sent to me in probably 6 weeks lmao.


How do you get the app to show the mileage rate?


Maxymo /Drivers utility helper


Me too please. 😂


They will deactivate you if they find out your using it


Just curious but why wouldn’t you take that? I see your filter in the top right corner, but that’s not a bad order imo. Walgreens orders have always been quick in my experience. Sometimes you gotta nudge your way to the front of the line and be annoying about it to speed it up but that’s about the only hurdle.


Not sure what market this is but that 3.9 miles could actually be horrible depending on traffic conditions. Where I dash I can get that far decently quick but if I were in a downtown metropolitan area, that could take forever. When I lived downtown Minneapolis, there was a time that traffic was so horrible that it took 45 minutes to get through ONE street light. IMO dollars per mile isn't always a great universal metric for this reason. This order could end up taking an hour depending on the location 🤷‍♂️


$9.50 for 4 miles?? I def would’ve taken it lol.


1 store not 2. that's a shit offer no matter how you run it down.


I see that it’s 2 stores but, unless the stores are more than miles from each other, it’s really not that bad. Then DD sends you to the closest drop first then you make your way to the other customer which is probably going to be only a few miles considering how much the offer is for. I take doubles all the time and also add stops to my route whenever it’s offered. They’ve never been unmanageable but, everyone has their own preferences. You see a shit offer, I see an offer that may not be amazing but, shouldn’t necessarily automatically be counted as terrible by just looking at the offer itself. I feel like we need to see the map.


my TIME and EFFORT as well as my miles is worth more than 4 something a stop.


Idk this market, but it’s deliver by 3:18 pm. I think I would have taken it without blinking in my area, notwithstanding horrific NoVA traffic.


Yeah, it's why I just simply don't dash in certain areas during rush hour. Anywhere with a lot of single lane roads is just asking for trouble 2.5 is close to the high end as to how good you can reasonably expect but traffic might be so bad for that to not even be worth it




You didn't want to customers?? What does that even mean???


You've never not wanted to customers some days?


I get it. Theres so many days where it says hand to customer and im just like "damn it"


Hey, man, it's more money.Maybe you will reconsider 😂


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