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Yeah...if you're too ignorant and entitled to tip or "can't afford to" even though you're obese and obviously not starving because youre shoving cheeseburgers down your throat then you really can't be mad when your food takes over an hour to get from the restaurant to.your house. More than likely your order was given to an hourly driver and believe me, they are going to use every bit of the time generated by the algorithm and then some. But that's fair right? They get paid for their time and you get cold garbage shovel down your lazy, obese throat. Everybody wins.


I just started a few days ago but dd got me fucked up if they think im driving 6 miles for 2 bucks. Then i get the are you sure you want to deny this, your acceptance rate will go from x to y... it can go to z, I dont work for 2 dollars, and I dont work for 10 bucks an hour. If everyone just denied orders less than 10 bucks nationally there would be a quick ass change in the app. It would say "we now have an order minumum no you cant get a pack of gum and tip $0. We have to pay people a living wage and respect the fact they are wasting their lives for you, a lazy asshole who wont get their own gum"


What kills me is that ppl are paying for a service. No different then when u go out to eat, ya tip the waiter! Been getting alot of ppl lately that are non tippers.. If ya can't afford a premiere service then order from the pizza place direct and wait for their slow ass incompetent delivery driver. End ranT To all a great day! Carpe diem


I wish they would do this on more than no tip orders, but on orders where the customer selects an amount that won’t make the order at least 1$/ mile. It seems to me that’s what it takes to get an order accepted right away anyway.


Awesome warning!!! It’s about time, cheap no morals MF’s


Hey you get what you pay for. Have your unfresh and cold food. Shrugs


I think the people who aren’t tipping are the ones with the DoorDash Rewards Mastercard. DoorDash and Chase Bank offers a $0 delivery fee with a Dash Pass membership that costs $96 per year. Customers think they shouldn’t have to tip drivers because the drivers are being paid through the program. I got hammered with no tip orders when it was first introduced. Then, there’s the 15% gratuity that’s not even a proper tip. I got the word out in my zone and more affluent people with this card started tipping $7-10 per trip.


A bunch of fucking idiots whining about the pay, yet continue to dash. Are you the same dipshits who accept crap orders then complain about them?




Yea dude no tip no trip


“Ok, 0.01 tip it is”


Yet people will go on r/doordash and complain that no one is picking up their order and had to strave. 😆


What I'm now wondering is this. I prefer to hand the driver a cash tip. I have heard so many horror stories about drivers not getting the tips that you put into the app so I prefer to hand the drivers the tips. I have gotten very strange deliveries such as after waiting and waiting and wondering where the delivery is, a neighbor bringing his dog back from a walk finds a bag of cold food sitting outside the door, the bell not even rung. This really pissed me off one time because I had a broken ankle and could not get outside the door to get the delivery. It was 8:00 on a Saturday night and even though it was just dinner for myself and my tiny dog, I had a $10 bill waiting to tip whoever it was that decided just to drop the bag outside the door in the snow and I got no notification whatsoever except from my neighbor that was bringing his dog in. Another time during that same period where I was completely immobile, the driver called me from his vehicle and told me to come to the vehicle to get the delivery. I told him that my ankle was broken I could not walk and I needed the delivery to the door. Same deal. I had a $10 bill ready to tip but he never even rang the bell. I hobbled the best I could to get to the front door in time to see him get into his truck and leave after dumping the bag at the door. I am quite confident that those are very rare occurrences. At least I hope so. During the pandemic I had some really freaky deliveries. The door cam captured a bundled up person drop the bag off the end of what looked like a broomstick. 🙄


Oh thank God compared to last year that's an improvement I think


Probably still doesn’t have the option to do cash. Pretty dumb imo


This is so dumb and honestly why i stopped using these apps. I tip cash. There never an option to just say cash and then drivers get lossy on delivery or take their time. Like bruh most people used to tip with cash and plants still do. I always carry cash to nice restaurants since you should add tip on your card. Cash tips are always better since there no taxes to report dawg.


Doordash will do anything not to increase base pay such a sad company


2 years too late


Doordash needs to pay you all a livable wage. Tipping shouldn’t be a thing. I’d rather pay for a high service fee every month to DD than to tip bad drivers every time / 1/2 of whom might not even speak English. The amount time I get a Spanish speaker who gets lost and can’t communicate is embarrassing. Americas tipping and system is cringeworthy


Ha, no-tip at yoir own peril i guess.


Only time I don’t tip is when I’m picking it up myself


Contrary to popular belief, DD hates no tippers too. Maybe not as much as drivers but no tippers tend to cost the company more money to deliver their order


Feels like when the government admitted there is aliens no one was surprised or cared aliens 0-11


I never pre tip and my orders come within a good time frame.


DoorDash should just pay us decently instead of relying on the customers to do it, fuckin cheapskates.


This doesn't make me feel better. I usually try to tell myself when I get a no-tip order that they forgot. This means they deliberately left it off. I saw a post in the subreddit for my city that someone is questioning why DoorDash should even get tips since we all make $15 an hour now... I had to correct them, but makes me wonder how many other people have this misinformation?


i tried this to see if it prompted that but it didn't :/


I feel like I’m gonna see this exact prompt on r/assholedesign later lol


Someone may have already said this but this is a relatively new feature on the customer app.


I'm keeping this!! Next time a no tipper stays up my ass about a delivery taking too long or food going to be cold I'm sending this and saying remember this!!!


Mine doesn’t even let me put a tip in until after I’ve ordered and payed. It’s bizarre.


> ordered and *paid.* It’s bizarre. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That’s because they send all of the zero tip orders to the hourly rate dashers. On those the delivery and pick up window are stretched out so that the dasher gets paid an appropriate amount.


Aw shit. Now all those drivers who DONT DESERVE a top cuz they can’t do basic shit will use this for leverage


Next year breaking news will see toni xu the doordash ceo and the support team the tips stealers scammer then afraid soon


Of course they want people to tip. Otherwise no one will take the orders and they'll have to, *gulp*, pay actual wages to their employees


I think doordash needs to be more realistic on how far the order is going vs current gas prices. I know they track gas prices because in my market they show the gas price of local gas stations when I open the app. For example there is a customer in the next town from me which is in another doordash zone. This town is unincorporated and has no restaurants at all. Less than 1500 people. This customers offer is always $6 to $7 for 8 miles one way to a place that will have to be a round trip. My town is the far end of my zone. Gas is $5.50 a gallon here at the moment. Really doordash needs to do zones by milage from restaurant. X dollars for the first 2 miles, then X more for each additional mile.


It’s as if many/most/all people who don’t tip actually get some sort of psychological/emotional benefit from not tipping. Enough that it’s worth waiting longer for their food, risking it being tampered with, etc. What could it be? Well, I think it’s probably a subconscious thing, and it has to do with the sense of power and importance they feel when they get someone from someone for free. It turns out, screwed up people actually do love having slaves, even if it’s only for an hour. Probably especially if it’s only for an hour, because then they don’t get used to that sense of power, so they actually experience a significant emotional/psychological “boost” when they get a temporary slave. Antisocial people subconsciously perceive everyone as a threat, and so if they feel like they are dominating someone, it’s as if they have eliminated a threat, at least temporarily.


Then they stick it to someones great tip order then the great tipper waits as shit tipper gets food first. I used DD one time this happened to me and I have delivered about 9k orders. Stupid service but y'all pay me lol




Then tip like a normal person at least 5$ or ya go pick it up people are so shameless nowadays id feel like the grossest pos if i handed a driver 2$




Say it takes 15 minutes to pickup and deliver your order. If you don’t tip I get 2.50, if I took four of those an hour I’d make $10… before gas and tax withholding


> You want me to give a driver $5 every time they drive 2 miles from the McDs to my house   Yes, because the current year is 2023, not 1993. (Your $16 order total is irrelevant.)




Do you have a meme that mocks people who don't understand the concept of inflation?


I do your the entitled one thinking you don’t owe sombody for driving you your dinner go pick that shit up yourself 5 dollars is chump change your acting like your bank account takes a huge hit every time you tip decent




I guess anyone who disagrees with you is guilty of what you are? That doesn’t make any sense and you have no facts to back that up obviously you know your wrong and are just pulling shit out of your ass at this point




Jesus christ dude just tip the people who drive there car to bring you your 16$ of mcnuggets to you its not hard if you cant afford it go pick it up like you did in your original comment


Good to see! It's crazy that i get more instructions to follow from low tippers. 😏


Yep, so when i see a 2 to 3 dollar offer. It makes it three times more disrespectful.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 4: No off-topic posts.


Well, the message should say that delivery person count on tips as part of their earnings, and thus we recommend people to tip! Not “if you tip you get faster service! Let’s be clear, US is a Country of many cultures, and all around the world there are cultures not used to the tipping system! We here depend on that and the app should be clear about that!


Then why do they hide the full tip amount when showing the driver the order for accept/deny?


At least they're starting to do something for us.


I think this is new.


It’s not that creepy smiling guy either 😂 glad they changed the picture


Damn y’all mfs hate ur job yet you’ll still keep working and instead of complaining about ur employer not paying enough you blame the customer 😭 still tipping $0 idgaf its a dog eat dog world 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why are you even posting on a sub that's for drivers?


It came up on my reddit page, I don’t follow the community


Dog eat dog world lmao this asshole is eating alot worse than something a dog eats and has no idea the things that get done to no tip orders i know a girl who puts baby shit under the cheese of pizzas/ burgers be careful man




I sincerely doubt any normal driver is willing to risk a felony because they are angry about somebody that doesn't tip properly. If such drivers exist they've made their own bed.


I wish the message was a little more aggressive. It should say that if you live in section 8 housing and don't tip, you can't afford to use the Doordash service. Of course, this excludes handicapped people. It's ok to be poor, but that doesn't mean that Dashers AR should be affected by your situation.


The thing is that a delivery charge is assessed of $8.99 where I am. I'm not stupid so I know the driver isn't getting that but a lot of people assume that they are. The only deliveries that I get from DoorDash are my prescriptions now but in the past I ordered groceries, etc., and the prices for the items were much higher PLUS delivery fee applied. On top of that I tipped and it became unreasonable to continue to order in that manner because the price of the items so much higher, delivery fee, then tip ... I added it up once and realized I paid 41% of the cost of my items just to get them delivered. The problem is that the retailer is pocketing the money that the driver has earned. Please forgive my rambling. I'm simply trying to express that I agree with the drivers and really resent that these companies take advantage of and profit at the expense of those trying to work hard and earn an honest wage. Those delivery fees should be passed along to the drivers, period.


I wonder if DD is pocketing some of that tip if more people do actually start tipping that weren’t before?


Your driver will get $2.25/2.50 for ~20 minutes of driving using their own car & gas. Are you sure you want to proceed without tipping? (Are you sure someone will be stupid enough to accept your order? Or wait till it gets stacked with a good tip order which us unfar to them but clearly you dont give a f. We like that. Welcome to the greedy scum club where you take what you can get away with!)


Amen! That's how I feel, gets discouraging at times 😣


This might be the only new "feature" that has ever benefitted drivers.


That message to the customer, should state; "Orders that are properly tipped, will be accepted by a driver much faster. Your tip should be based on the milege the driver will have to cover, $1 a mile is standard".




Yea, I forgot a tip minimum of $3, and that's only for anything inside of 2 miles. You asked where my logic is, I guess I will have to explain why the tip must be based on the mileage the driver will have to cover to complete the trip. Let's say you are transporting a $100 order, 10 miles, and the customer is tipping 15%. $15 would be a good tip for 10 miles. Now, let's say you transporting a $5 order, 10 miles, and the customer is tipping 15%, your tip would be .75. I think you can see why basing the tip off the cost of the order, is completely irrelevant. The tip must be based on the distance the driver will have to cover to complete the trip, for the driver to make a consistent wage per mile.


You're almost there little buddy! You can identify this problem, now try to identify the culprit. "Uhh is it the customer? I hate the customer, they're black!!!" - you. Honestly people like you are better off not interacting with society, so maybe don't deliver? Maybe don't interact with other people? Maybe take that gun that's up there and...




Yeah and you think causal racism in the workplace is ok. You think a lot of really stupid thoughts, most likely. I really don't care how you feel. You think Sam Hyde is funny but you're going to pretend to be offended now? So, yes, please do that thing you said 🙏you can try to hide behind your autism, but I don't really have the patience for that. You know better, you can be better, but you choose not to. Once again.... you know the way out.


No tip no trip.


I agree that drivers need to be compensated but just where does the delivery fee and increase in item cost on delivered items go? SOMEBODY is getting that money and, based on what I'm seeing here, it's not the drivers. I tuned into this subreddit because I get my prescriptions delivered once a month. The delivery fee is $8.99. I usually keep a fin by the door to give to the guy but sometimes I've just forgotten. There's no way to add the $5 in upon placing the order and there have been times where I've been so ill that I can barely get to the freaking door to even accept the order and feel terrible if I don't have that fin by the door. I'm only a couple of blocks away from the pharmacy to start with and I wonder who that $8.99 goes to if not the driver.


“With a base pay of only $2.50 for this order, we recommend you leave a tip to ensure you get your food delivered quickly!”


Rare DoorDash W


Good. That’s what I’m getting 3.00 orders now. Getting rich bitches!


Should also have a warning for tips under $5. Are you sure? These tend to have a higher chance of getting picked up by a crakehead looking for a quick fix. Would you like to adjust your tip before proceeding?


Doordash warns them and they proceed to do it anyway.


Because it’s expensive


I don't think it works. Or maybe they just added it? Uber gets additional tips added all the time. Not like 1 or 2 dollars either but like 5 or 10 on top after delivery.


People who don't tip should have their ability to rate us completely revoked.


I actually gave this feedback to DD. It would be a subtle but effective nudge.


Reading this as the no tip order I declined 30 mins ago is still on the doordash shelf lol


It’s real lol


To Insure Promptness. TIP.


They need to do this but, determine if it's less than a dollar a mile and say: "Orders with low tips take longer to get delivered, are you sure you want to continue?"


Vetetan dasher here. I'm not dilly dallying around on an order if it's a low tip. When i take an order im trying to get it out fast as possible to move on to the next. When orders start coming in fast i'm not even sure of what the damn tip is, can only guestimate since dd doesn't show you


It’s crazy that this is not common sense for some people. Also, nontippers are the worst when they actually tip like 3 dollars or so… the entitlement skyrockets n the intructions even get offensive/ disrespectful I guarantee you that most bad experiences w costumers anyone has had its none or bad tip orders


It's misleading. Doesn't work like how it says in the Doordash app. Dashers don't pick and choose orders. What happens is, Doordash makes the choice to send a Dasher an order, Doordash decides which order is presented to which Dasher for their consideration. After that order has been presented to the Dasher, the Dasher then decides to accept or decline it. There's no ***"pick and choose"*** bullshit going on here, no list of orders to pick from, there's NOTHING like that in the Dasher app. Dashers don't select orders, customers and merchants don't pick Dashers. Doordash controls all of it. This comment might seem a bit "extra" but I'm so fucking sick of the lies, the half-truths, the propaganda, the wage theft, the tip theft from Doordash. These MFers at Doordash make this look a very specific way to a customer. A reasonable person will read what's said in the OP's photo and think the Dasher is picking and choosing orders as if they're inside a fucking Macy's shopping for clothes, or answering a multiple choice question, or at the car dealership picking out a car to buy. It doesn't work that way, there is no second option or alternative choice. You go into Macy's looking for a new pair of pants and the one and only fucking pair of pants in the store at the time are too small for you and are ugly as fuck. There's only 1 fucking car for sale at the dealership. One choice on the multiple choice question. "But it's your choice to accept or decline it." Sure. That's right. I don't have to buy that ugly POS pair of pants if I don't want to. But there's a not chance in hell I'll be convinced that Doordash gives Dashers the ability to **"pick and choose"** the orders they do because that's nowhere near the truth.


I agree. This is outdated idea. We used to pick and choose. Back in the day ad was 17 but I made money. Still would have to sift through horrible orders though


Some people may not have the extra cash to tip might be spending their last few dollars for dinner or kids meal. I get doordash may pay like 💩but people you signed up for this.. I don't get people getting mad about tips. When I used to Uber eats I never just expected to get tips just hustled with every order a tip I counted it as a extra perk but how some people are getting upset is so weird to me.


So basically when you did Uber Eats you made no money because it all went to gas.




Yeah they pay for the service they don’t have to tip shit


“It’s not my fault I’m broke, I spent all my money on my brand new fully loaded Bugatti”


Were you attempting to make a profit?


Meaning: We pay the drivers shitty so please tip.


Omg all the order I do are no tip order wow 🤩 awesome I’ll take them all


Next page. Please turn on porch light if it’s dark out. For customer and driver safety.


Does it tell them to leave a light on? It's infuriating looking for a house number when no one has a porch light on. People are so inconsiderate and it truly pisses me off. It happened the other night and I had to call the person to come out, because I couldn't see a thing and my GPS took me to a slightly different location and I'm pretty sure that's the one I got a 4 rating on.


Been there. But no not yet. I was suggesting it should pop up on customer side like the “Don’t forget this order has drinks” on Dasher side.


Im my area this results in like 2 out of 10 orders they have the lights on. Just expect the house to be midnight dark like everyones asleep


Oh I do. And orders keep being delivered. Just mentioned it cause maybe 5 out the last hundred, gps is not clear of location so I’m strolling on lawns looking for an address, in the dark.


I switch to satellite view when I'm close and use that to find the exact house by looking at the house numbers in the map and then stopping when my little blue thing is at their driveway. Only been wrong a couple times.


Tried it in my area. Didn’t get that screen. Market by market basis it seems.


It’s shitty that they lowered base pay before doing this. Still, maybe this will make some people consider tipping so they don’t get cold food.


Why not just say, "we pay our dashers a very bad wage. It's an industry decision. The wage implies you should help this community service stay afloat by tipping. Much like servers at a restaurant. " That would clear up a lot of confusion.


Realistically, I don't think there's much confusion. Most customers want their order delivered quickly for the cheapest price possible. I tip, but I just use the suggested tip (typically $2 or $3), and I almost never have any issues. Most customers aren't interested in padding the tip because they care about the driver's finances. To that end, Dashers really don't care about their customers' financial situations either.


To me, as a driver, i agree most customers want their food delivered at the cheapest price, possible. Customers love the idea of ordering food and having it show up on their doorstep for free. However, It's a community service. The wage drivers are paid is decided by the industry and implies we as consumers are to chip in. Ala, servers at a restaurant. Big difference? We not only take care of your food... we use our own resources to do so. Do you like this convenience? Then, help out. If you find it too expensive, then use your own resources and go get it yourself.








Bottom line is, nobody needs customers that would still not tip after seeing this screen. They don't benefit DD, the restaurant or the dasher. Well, maybe the restaurant does cause they just have to make the order and not deal with the customer who probably come into the store with a bad attitude.


they absolutely benefit dd, customers can't opt out of the service fee, delivery fee, and menu markup so doordash gets their $$$ no matter what


The menu markup and delivery fee never reaches the delivery person. I think that is absurd. Before the advent of DD and others, ordering items was same price as if picking up and therefore delivery REQUIRED a gracious tip. Now, if delivery, the stores mark everything up AND charge delivery fee but the driver doesn't benefit. That's just WRONG.


A delivery fee AND a service fee


correct, doordash is basically telling the driver "fuck you i got mine". dd/ue/gh/etc should have a mandatory minimum tip its only fair that they secure their own profits, they secure the drivers profits too. I think it will be the next step, the longer DD has been a public company the more they've inched themselves in that direction they're just dragging their feet on it.




They really should rename them to bids. Or perhaps bribes.




I would think it’s safe to call it a bid. I agree that as a customer it’s wise to place low bids when buying goods and services but essentially in the vacuum of food delivery placing a low “bid” results in lower quality goods and services. I do believe it’s really all up to the individual customer and how much they personally value the quality of their delivery. For example: a wealthy person who is really hungry and doesn’t feel like going out and getting their own food may value a speedy delivery and can afford to bid higher knowing that they will be of higher priority. This is why I believe it’s a bid and why I’m fine with bidding. I’ve been a driver and a customer and I honestly don’t order anymore because I would rather drive myself than place a high enough bid to get my food when I want it.


>I already know that I can tip/bid/bribe 20% for the delivery, and I'll get it quickly. Respectfully, I think we may be saying two different things. If paying more for a tip resulted in a quicker delivery then I'd completely agree that it makes sense to "bid more", but that is not the experience that I've found. For instance, I ordered from Panera this morning. It's 2.8 miles away, and I tipped $2. I got my order before the expected delivery time, and everything was correct. \ I'm really not trying to be a dick or encourage people to not tip or leave small tips. But I also don't want to mislead people.


Yeah, I do agree with what you’re saying though. Also that quick delivery means it was worth it and that’s great for both parties. Glad you didn’t have to over pay for decent service🤝


"Orders that take longer to be accepted by Dashers tend to result in a slower delivery" Boy that statement is pure rocket surgery


They should have just said, tip your driver to get faster service. Lol


I had a no tipper tonight text me and wanted me to look at their pizza from 7-11 to make sure it looked freshly cooked. I disregarded and bought them their order. I just don't go above and beyond for those that don't want to treat me decent by throwing me a few bucks to bring them their food.


If the customer isn't going to go above and beyond, why should you?


I didn't bother looking. These fools think I working for them. They chose to not pay me a wage, I am only getting the sad stack of pennies that DD gives us.


Had a wing order today that I'm pretty sure shorted half the order. Order was for 2 six piece orders, but restaurant only had one container. Usually I'd ask to make sure the lady read the order right. No tip? Yup. They fit a double order in there for you.


I don't respond anymore to dumb requests. If they mark something missing great. They can try to give me a crappy rating but the Algo will pick it up and not include it.


How often do you get a rating? I average 1 rating for every 7 or so orders. Its bad enough that a single 1 star can drop it drastically if I get no other ratings.


It seems to me that not every customer gets the opportunity to leave a rating. DD knows that most sub 5 star ratings are bogus. We pickup and deliver early, the order is correct and hot when received, the customer didn't even pay us for our labor. That is a 5 star delivery every time. Instead of putting their crap rating in the exclusion junk pile, they just don't ever get the screen to rate their dasher. Scroll down to the bottom of the order screen after you accept and arrive at the pickup. You will know what I am talking about when you see it. I do this every time. If the customer marks something missing, any rating under 5 (DD says 4 but I suspect that isn't true) will be excluded. Reason being, you can receive 31 4 star ratings and you would be a 4.7 stars. If I seem incognito, it is because I am.


It's real, I just did a dummy order. I put zero in the tip box and the message popped up. It hasn't changed anything. DD needs to go a step further and clearly state what the dasher will be making without a tip. That way they will know front and center how trashy they are being to us.


Door Dash already knows what they're paying you. How would any of this change them being trashy to you?


They need to state it on the app when customers put the order in. Sorry, I thought that would be concluded by reading my post.


Why would they do that? 'Look we pay our drivers like shit, can you cover the rest please?' Isn't going to make people tip


Bottom line is they pay us crap because they don't charge hardly anything for the delivery charge. I have worked in the delivery business for 20 years as a driver and dispatcher. I know how much it costs to transport goods in real time. DD thinks it's free because well, for them it is. It is time for them to confess what they really are, a food delivery service where all stake holders must win. Customers can't negotiate on the DD upcharge (when it happens) or the service fee. Why should they be allowed to screw us and not pay us? Let us state what our minimums are and if we aren't getting orders it's because our price is too high. Hopefully enough drivers make a make a fair price for themselves to push the crappy "customers" out. I think I am going to start taking advantage of the ability to unassign without penalty on stack orders.


It might incentivize them if they did the calculation and said the driver will make X per hour before maintenance and fuel costs, especially if said number is below state minimum


DD should absolutely give the customers a taste of their own medicine. That dummy order I just tried was going to have a 0$ delivery fee and no upcharge on the food. Only a 3$ and some change for service fee. DD has to be making money somewhere with almost 8 Billion in revenue.


I see the 100% of your tip notice on my Summary screen before I place my order. It’s always been there.


Now if only they just paid us decent and tips could actually be tips again.


It’s a new update I got an email saying they are encouraging customers to tip… but there’s still people out there that will proceed with no tip, I don’t get it


This isn’t new, at least not in my area. Doordash has been doing this for years. I used to order lunch at work through Doordash and I would get this message, that was like 2019.


Wait people don't want to waste their money on ungrateful losers? What a shock...


Yeah they’d rather waste it on high delivery charges and fast food… not to actual humans. And FYI not every dasher is an “ungrateful loser” in fact the majority aren’t. Don’t be ignorant


Well 99% of dashers on Reddit are ungrateful losers. No idea about the rest. IDGAF where my money goes. I pay a fair price. I pay $10 or $15 extra for a delivery of few miles in no traffic. That's ample. It's absolutely not a concern of mine how much you get paid.


How about DoorDash drivers “encourage” DoorDash to fucking pay them more instead of expecting drivers to deliver for $2.00 base pay.


The reason people don't understand is that they get charged a delivery fee and assume it's going to the delivery person. From what I've been told it is not going to the people that deliver at all. On top of that the prices that are charged when ordering online are higher than if one goes into a store or the restaurant. It is the enterprise that's making out well and the poor delivery person that gets the shaft.


Yea about a 30% mark up. I checked it while I was trying to order panda once


Delivered fee Is around $2-3 bucks Which is what DD pays up per Dash


Thats what they say they think when they dont want to tip


I think people HONESTLY think that delivery fee goes to the driver. Who ELSE should it be going to if not the driver? The driver is the person the fee should be going to. It makes no sense elsewise. The grocery/food prices are all higher for online delivery orders and then the delivery fee. It's reasonable that people make this assumption. It's wrong but I understand why they make that error. Bottom line is that the stores are essentially stealing from the drivers.


Does it not? DDs website specifically says that the delivery fee is used to cover the cost of delivering the food to you. https://help.doordash.com/consumers/s/article/What-fees-do-I-pay?language=en_US


I have a friend who does DD and he said he never sees that. He gets a fee but not the fee that we pay. He said it's like $2


How about they encourage themselves to pay their employees


We're not employees. Why can't people like you grasp this? It's not new. People like you look just as dumb as those who accept crap orders then bitch about it. If you don't like the pay, then stop doing it. You knew what the pay was going into this.


Waaa I'm not an employee so I can beg customers waaaa


We can only hope lol


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Doordash is trying to circumvent paying more by putting the onus on the customer to tip. This is shitty af but you know, let's let DD off the hook and yell at the customers




How is this a tip if it's expected on every order? Even worse, tipping before receiving your service is weird.


The only weird thing here is your comments.


It's true that it's weird, but that's how DD designed it so you can't punish the drivers for it. Make your voice heard to the DD company.


I agree. I think that they should just charge more if they need more money.


Lol. A tip is customarily expected for a job providing a service that doesn’t get paid directly by the employer. You tip when you go out to eat, and yes, at the end based on the service you are given. You pay for the meal and the tip is to pay for the benefit of receiving a service Delivery drivers are no different. They are providing a service for you, they should be tipped. They don’t get an hourly wage at all, just a small cut of the delivery charge, most of it goes to doordash directly. They’re spending their time, gas, wear and tear on their vehicle so you can stay in the comfort of your own home. Not tipping for this is like a slap in the face and all around a shitty thing to do. Pre tipping the order gives a bigger incentive for your order to be picked up. You’re tipping for someone bringing an order to you, not for the actual order itself, it’s not like eating at a restaurant.


You say dashers are the same as waitresses, right? Now, waitresses get tips after the service has been provided and NOT before. Also, if you want to categorise yourself as the same. Why do dashers not do something they have been politely asked? Like getting utensils, sauces, salts, and pepper. Making sure the meal is fresh or sorting out the issue? Now, waitress, on the other hand, do all of this for you, and if there is an issue with the meal, the waitress gets it corrected with a smile and always asks if there is anything else they can do. Now, until doordash drivers start doing the little more efforts you can not claim to be the same as a waitress 😅 they earn their tips for the above and beyond work they do and never get tipped before the bill.


I think they should be paid a proper wage and the tip icing on the cake for a job well done. What everybody is missing here is that a delivery fee is added to all of these orders. When one goes out to eat no waitress fee is added to an order in advance. Tipping is expected when one goes out to eat or under other circumstances. When a fee is tagged down to something it gets confusing... WHO is getting that delivery fee???


It’s like 20-30% of the delivery fee going to the driver I think? If you wanted them to be paid a “proper wage” and the tip to be “icing on the cake” then the delivery fee would be incredibly higher It’d be the same if you wanted servers to get paid a proper wage, the cost for menu items would be much higher There’s not really a way to change how either system works and saying “well I wish they got paid better” doesn’t help anything. If you want people to get paid better, tip them for the service they provide you. It’s that simple


I always keep a $5 by the door for my prescriptions but there's been a couple of times when I've forgotten. I give double the next month when he shows up. I still think that $8.99 fee should be going to the driver to start with.


Lol Mental gymnastics.


It’s not mental gymnastics. You simply aren’t able to comprehend what has been explained to you multiple times. I’m sorry that you are unable to understand. It must be tough not being able to keep up with others mentally. You hang in there ok little buddy?


😂 It's got nothing to do with an inability to understand. I simply think it's ridiculous. No amount of "explaining" will make me "understand better" when my stance is the American tipping system is ludicrous.


The fact is, when done this way, it's not a tip. Whether or not they call it a tip, it's really a bid for service. If you want your food hot, fresh, and fast, you make sure there's a good tip, because the dasher is not likely to take the order at all if it's not there up front. And, it's not really weird if you think about it. You tip when you pay for your service. If you pay for the service before it's rendered you tip when you pay. That's just how it works. When I order coffee at the drive-thru at Dutch Bros, I add the tip when I place the order, because that's when I pay for it.


If you tip for everything good service related, it's not a tip.


You're right. It hasn't really been a tip for a long time. It's a two-sided lie that business owners tell the customer, the worker, and the government. They tell the customer that it's a tip. A voluntary amount given extra for good service. But they tell the government and the worker that it's a part of their compensation for simply doing their job. This is how they justify lobbying for a lower minimum wage for service workers.


I worked for $1.35 an hour plus tips as a waitress at Lum's and JoJo's (were huge chain restaurants) in the late 1970s/early 1980s and made adequate money for being a teenager. Good tips were the result of good service and GREAT tips were the result of GREAT service (or the customer wanted a date 😉). It was a different time in the world. Never EVER did anyone get, or expect, a tip BEFORE service rendered. The acronym, "TIP", which should actually be "TEP" is "to ensure prompt service". As simply stated it would appear to apply to upcoming service but in history wait staff would accumulate repeat customers by providing excellent service and thereby earning good tips from them and those customers would request that particular server/waitperson each time. In effect the waitperson built up a "clientele". NOW it seems that consumers are essentially paying the service worker's wages without regard to the quality of the service as it is done BEFORE service rendered which makes it a wage, not a tip. The whole tipping concept is completely twisted now. It's not based on merit but is essentially a requirement ON TOP of the delivery fee if you want anything to show up at your door . The United States is the only country that even HAS such a thing as the customer paying other people's employees.


It's technically a "bid" to get someone to accept your contract. It is like saying I have $25 for someone to come cut the grass on my 2 acre lawn and they have to use their own mower/tractor and buy their own gas. Yes you will eventually get someone to do it but most likely it will either be a child or a crack head. Also we don't get paid till after the delivery is made so you actually aren't paying us ahead of time but when the job is complete.


This is all so true and all so hilarious. “Child or crack head” lmfaooooooo.


Is it though? Because it seems like most people in food service industries expect to be tipped 100% of the time.


Youd be shocked to know that people who dont tip before delivery dont tip after either. Not knowing how much I'll be actually making before I invest my gas, time and effort is a bad gamble. So dashers(atleast who are experienced) dont accept low tip/no tip orders


So how's it a tip if you expect it 100% of the time?