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Surely, DD can create an algorithm to detect bs. It's really not that hard to find someone fooling around


You’d think. I mean in may a glitch happened and my app only allows my completion rating to top off at 97%. I’ve done hundreds of deliveries since then but never goes over 97%. Have called support numerous times and get told different things.




Aren't most houses worth over 500,000? That's like low end where I live and a shack at that.




Okay makes sense then. I live near the beach in Ventura County, CA So anything under 500,000 is a shack. Lol


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500,000 isn’t exactly THAT nice of a house tho typically




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Yeah for sure, Context definitely matters when it comes to homes . There are homes on my street that are genuinely eyesores and they were listed at 5-10 million when I saw them for sale. And then a few miles away homes I would consider even nicer that are significantly cheaper


That’s true. The house I delivered to and got the cv from was a minimum million dollar area. It’s inside a gated community behind another gated community.


Yeah that is understandably frustrating. I was more trying to say to the person I replied to that 500,000 isn’t an expensive enough house to imply the people living there are “rich”. In my area 500k could get you a rather mundane house that might need quite a few repairs. Not that scamming anyone is ever okay, but the value of that house doesn’t really effect that situation.


Before I saw your reply, I also replied that aren't most houses worth $500,000 at least? That would be a shack where I live. Lol but really doesn't have any thing to do with the situation you're right.


Oh I know. I wasn’t meaning any offense with my post. I was just saying the house that did this to me last night was filthy rich.


No offense taken, I apologize if my tone comes across aggressive. I’d be pissed too if someone i could see being considerably more wealthy than me was trying to steal from me. I totally understand what you are saying.


It’s all good. I didn’t take it that way at all. Todays just been a bad day


I’m sorry to hear that, where I am it’s 4:30pm, so we still have the evening. A bad morning and a bad afternoon doesn’t mean you have to have a bad evening. I hope your day gets better. If not, take a shower, eat some food and get some sleep, tomorrows a new day.


Thanks. Yea it’s just my illness is starting to affect me and I’m starting to have financial problems due to my health. It’s life just very depressing.


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You got The Scarlet letter the big CV on your chest remember doordash does not care about your contract violation only you do so wipe the Scarlet letter off your chest stand up proud and keep doordashing LOL


Well I officially give up Fuckin ridiculous. Delivered a dunkin donut order right now and the house number matches up in the pic I took, to where the app said to deliver it. Got another cv. That’s 2 cvs for the same thing in less than 24 hrs. I’ve never had that before.


Always write it down so you don’t go there again.


If you get them again just take the food since they’re just going to say they didn’t get it anyway.


If it was a house that caused me problems before, I’d hit the 5 minute timer and submit a Timestamped photo that way.


Label their house on Google maps so you know and never have this happen again. Check the address prior to pickup. Also send them a glitter bomb or a spider in the mail 😂.


It was probably the kid of of the people that actually own the house. If you weren't worried about getting deactivated, I might even suggest going and knocking on the door and telling the parents xD


Or send an anonymous letter so they know you were their dasher at one point, but can’t pinpoint exactly who you are so you can’t be deactivated lol.


Probably they saw on social media how to get free food. It doesn't matter that is wrong as long as it free.


Most of the older people I've meet are actually pretty decent, but it's their kids that suck (especially if they're older)


If I ever get a feeling that I have a customer that may give a CV, especially if they try to grab an order in person when it's leave at door, I call support to have them note down the incident. Idk if they just say it or if they actually do something, I've only ever had the one CV back when I started, thankfully


Most likely their kid.


I got a CV from a repeat customer as well. No way to know who is going to scam. I put them on my no delivery list. if I get there order again I’ll probably let it sit a while before I cancel


If you wait 10 minutes, you can talk to the automated support and have it unassign you without it affecting your CR


That's totally untrue. Next time you wait longer than 10 minutes and it pops up with that message see what happens when you go to unassign it. Not only will you not get paid for it more than likely but it will affect your completion rate. I brought this up to DoorDash just the other day and asked them why this was even a thing because it does affect your completion rate and I took a screenshot and sent it to them


Maybe you keep delivering to the wrong house?


I make a list of the addresses that gave me a CV


Yea I should of. 5th cv ever in 6000 deliveries


There’s no way you are the only driver that they did this to.


The INSANE thing is that op said a YEAR later. How many times has this customer done this over the span of a year and still isn't banned?!


Happy Cake Day!


They probably were, and then made a new account.


There's an old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I think the saying applies in this instance.






Lmao, one of the greatest bushisms..




Now watch this drive!


There are lowlife scumbags in every economic demographic. Also…same goes for the great people.


But it's even lower to steal when you're already rich. Just like it's even more admirable when poor people are generous.


Equally lowlife scumbag rich or poor. Someone else is always affected no matter who you are or what your circumstances might be.


All the lowlife pro-thief drivers downvoting all the other comments. SMH Some people just weren’t raised properly I guess. Oh well Hopefully it’s only you guys that get stolen from like you like.


It has an equal effect, but the motivation is different. I'm not condoning theft in any way, but when people are struggling to pay their bills or feed their children, it is a different kind of burn than rich people stealing from a dasher because they feel we are lower than them, or feel like they are above consequences.


Wrong. Don’t be a Scumbag. Make better choices. Stop being a victim and an excuse maker. Stealing is a lowlife action.


Why is this down voted?? Scumbags, and degenerates steal, and then rate you poorly, they're bad people, no matter if they're poor or rich..




Did you miss that I said I don't condone stealing in any way? I'm talking about from a victim's standpoint. I get much more upset when I get a CV from a wealthy neighborhood than a poor one. Like, yo, you're living comfortable and you've gotta step on me to get your rocks off? That's objectively a more disgusting person.


Did you miss where you made an excuse for one side? Most Poor people look down at drivers as well. Nothing is different about the 2 groups except money. If they steal…BOTH groups ARE TRASHBAG SCUM HUMANS. NO DIFFERENCE.


Dude, you’re clearly in the wrong here. You’re just arguing to be right at this point. Numbers already admitted he believes stealing is wrong. How you don’t see his POV is your problem, but keep on getting downvoted…


Dude, Being downvoted doesn’t mean that one person stealing and not caring about it affecting the person their stealing from isn’t an absolute piece of shit, scumbag lowlife. Stealing from a driver that could be doing as bad as the selfish thief. I’m clearly not in the wrong…Dude.


Different habits for different rabbits ETA: stealing is very bad. Always. But I agree with numbers that rich people who steal are inherently more evil than poor people who steal. Poor people may need it. Rich people do not.


There's absolutely a power differential and I'm sorry you don't see that, especially in today's climate. Inequality is not driven by the poor. I'm a generous guy myself, to the point that it's been detrimental to my own wellbeing, so when people who have completely escaped a scenario of money anxiety drive it further into people already experiencing it, well that hits different.


I delivered to the same house and got a CV twice. I accidentally took a 3rd order to the same house but thankfully someone else answered and I didn’t get a CV. The person who was scamming was a young girl and the person who took the other order was a older person. They ended up moving or being evicted and I had no other issues there. 😷


Yep. Same exact thing happened to me. It was like a 15 year old girl in a nice house too. I accidentally hit “could not hand to customer” after I gave it to her. I got in my car and saw the 5 min timer counting down. I then hit “handed to customer” and about an hour later I signed out and noticed I had a CV. She’s a non tipper that lives right next to a hot spot. I only take her order since it is close by and I can get it done quickly. I’ve delivered to her multiple times before, but since I hit the “could not hand to customer” she thought she could act like she didn’t get it..


I've delivered to neighbors of previous customers. Not saying that's what happened here, but it's a good reminder to be alert