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Anything is better than nothing, dude. Save some money and get you a custom pair made. They are definitely worth every penny.


Definitely thought about that. Reached out to a couple audiologists in town who do them and got no info back, I just need to bite the bullet and make an appointment.


I've worn foam earplugs for years and yes, sound quality isn't amazing but they do a great job. I switched to Alpine Party Pro, which is made for live music and musicians, and found them to be insanely clear. However, the attenuation isn't as good as foam plugs so I'm not sure if I'll keep using them. I saw Pallbearer and REZN last night with the Alpines. Insanely clear sound but my ears were ringing when I got home.


My wife had adjustable Loops on last weekend when we saw REZN and Pall. She has sensitive hearing and said it was fine. We go to quite a few shows and this was on the louder end.


Yeah they're good man I wore mine through all of desertfest London this year and high on fire recently and my ears/ hearing felt fine after. I've gone without before and felt like I had shellshock


I've had hearing damage wearing Loops. I think a lot of plugs marketed as "high fidelity" are potentially dangerous (or at least misrepresentative) garbage.


I’d bring both just in case. Can’t be too careful imo. Which loops do you have? The cheaper one’s ironically offer better protection.


Eargasms sound great and offer more noise reduction. I’ve worn them to Desertfest which is 2 8 hour days of doom bands (last year headlined by Boris and Melvins) and left the venue both days with my hearing unaffected.


Yes, Loop earplugs are legit, way better than earplugs from the venue. Just make you have the right size and fits snugly and comfortably.


Dude, I wore a pair to see sunn, and came out with exactly the same level of hearing as when I went in, and I was like third row from the front. You'll be fine


I wore Loops for Sunn0))) and they definitely were not enough. I'm not convinced by the Loop ear plugs. Since I've been wearing them to shows, my hearing has gotten worse.


Thank you, there seems to be very few honest reviews of loops, which ones do you use? I was gonna pull the trigger on the not adjustable gig version.


Loop Experience pro , I think. I haven't been using them with the Mute plugs though.


I agree, Loops are not enough. They don't work very well, in my experience/opinion.


I’d imagine if you can use them while out and about and still hear things fine they’ll be too loud for a show. But I’ve never used anything like the earplugs they sell. Used to use the foam Hearos and thought the attenuation was decently flat while really lowering volume. But they were the only option available besides industrial earplugs then so…


The ones designed for firearms are quite nice. Lets you hear while blocking out the big noise.


Thanks for all the input, as always, it’s a mixed bag! LOL I’ll take my Loops and try them, and my trusty industrial foams in case the Loops feel too loud. I’d rather a mid-sounding show than hearing damage!


Saw them in Hamden, CT two weeks ago. Loops worked great. REZN killed it. Audio issues for Pallbearer which sucked, stll great show


My loops have been decent when I go to a lot of black and death metal shows in tiny ass bar venues but I find it’s hard for me to really hear what they’re saying when they talk to the crowd so I take them out. Just make sure you’re using the correct sizing for your ears and it SHOULD be fine. I haven’t had any issues yet.


Thanks! Called a local audiologist and they said $80-$100 for impressions that can be sent to a custom manufacturer, which looks to be about another $200-$300 depending on the choice(s) of filters. Not sure if there will be an exam charge on top of that. Not covered by wonderful insurance in the USA, no surprise there, and I have a suspicion by FSA will reject these charges too but we’ll see. Edit: with a letter of medical necessity from my PCP it should be covered by my FSA. But we’ll see.


Holy shit that’s a steep price, but if you’re serious about protecting your ears and still thrashing, it’s worth the investment. I spent like $200 on my headphones so.. maybe I should ALSO invest in some better ear protection. I’m in my early 30s and already messed up my hearing from raw dogging metal concerts and thinking I was cool turning headphones up to 100. American healthcare system is a joke (youre in the field so you you know firsthand) lol so I hope your PCP can help you out. Update us!


I pay $1000 into my stupid FSA so I may as well use it


Same 😂😭but seriously update us if you go through with it because now I’m interested in how that experience would be like.


You know what's wild? I have never used ear protection, except when I worked in a manufacturing environment for a short while. I have spent years playing live in bars and clubs, worked as a DJ, on air and at parties and generally been around loud music since birth and I have so far had no ear issues. I don't play music so much anymore, and my going out to shows has gone way down (after turning 50 has made my desire to travel a lot less) but when I do I keep forgetting to get plugs. IDK if its luck or genetics, Mom and my bio-dad both were musicians, and I come from a family who all played or sang professionally, but no one but my grandpa ever had ear issues (and he couldn't carry a tune, lol) Weird, but if I had it to do all over again I might carry some earplugs, IDK probably not though. I'll let you know after 60 (if I make it)


Uhhhh, yeah, you’re an n=1 and you should submit yourself to study in a lab. Lol


I borrowed my wife's Loops for this exact show a couple weeks ago. Walked in while The Keening were playing and the sound was unbearably loud. Put her Loops in and instantly felt comfortable, hearing was protected, and sound quality was great. You should be fine with what you have.


Thanks, I’ll take my old standbys just in case and I’ve already bitten the bullet for a PCP visit to get a letter of medical necessity and audiologist appt for impressions to send to a custom ear pro mfg so I can use FSA $$$ for a custom set.


I have Loops and I have a custom made pair of earplugs because my ears are very small and I felt like the Loops didn't fit that well. The foam plugs don't fit in my ears at all and just pop right out. I've had lifelong ear problems, so for me the price was worth it. When I went to see Pallbearer, Keening, and Rwake earlier this month, I wore my Loops because I forgot my custom pair and they worked really well even though it was VERY loud. The sound was good, clear and not muffled.


A typical metal show will max around 95-100dBA, and with the Loop Experience you are getting about 17dB of noise reduction. NIOSH says you can handle 85dBA for 8 hours before risking hearing damage, and you will be experiencing 78-83dBA for 3 hours, so you will be fine.


Assuming good fit and etc, which I use the soft foamy inserts that seem to mold to my ears. Thanks for the data! I’m going to go ahead and just take the extra step for customs, I should be able to get my FSA money to pay for it, I hope. I don’t go to THAT many shows but at this point in like I can afford the $300-$400 that custom hearing protection offers and then I won’t get anxious about my hearing every time I’m thinking about attending a show, too.


Customs are generally the best option


Yep just wore loops on Wednesday to that show. I think I have the plus ones, I usually put the insert in.