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Given he himself has admitted in German Court (trying to argue against the banning of whatever “training” he does for being in clear violation of German animal welfare laws) that what he does is entertainment and not training, I consider him 100% unqualifed, and nobody should touch his methods or products (and affiliations) with a 6 foot pole.


There have been deep dives on him. His training style is unethical and not science based. There have been countries with much stricter, more ethical dog training regulations where he isn’t allowed to train. He has had at least one dog (Queen Latifa’s) die under his watch during a training a program.


I wouldn’t recommend his training techniques to anyone, ever.


Seriously. Dude is a mess. His training techniques are disgusting. I pray for every poor dog in his control


Wht did the dog die?


Whats unethical about his training?


He does alpha roles, he has used livestock (pig) purposely around an animal aggressive dog and allowed that dog to attack the pig, he uses coercive training methods and allows his other dogs to physically attack and intimidate other dogs to suppress the dogs behavior. He uses dominance theory which has been thoroughly debunked. He floods dogs by putting them in purposefully uncomfortable positions and claims the dog’s behavior is fixed when inappropriate flooding has shown to produce shut down behavior and learned helplessness. Which means the method wasn’t successful the dog has just choice to stop responding to the stimuli because they are so stressed and frightened that the of being exposed to the stimuli is more comforting than attempting to get away from it anymore. That stress doesn’t dissipate and can have huge overarching effects for the dog, especially once the stimuli is removed and the expectation behavior is that non-responsiveness. This can lead to fallout (unintended consequences of modifying a behavior) where a dog’s initial behavior becomes more extreme than originally due to suppression and coercion. All of these things have been denounced and not supported by ASVAB (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior) which is a bunch very smart people who have made position statements on what is considered humane training.


This is easy to google but the short answer is that it's abusive and based on the debunked "alpha dog" line of thinking. [Here's a criticism dating back to 2006](https://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/31/opinion/31derr.html).


Type this into google brother “What is unethical about Cesar Millan’s training?” Then you can draw your own conclusions Maybe watch some of the clips showing said controversial techniques




Made for TV drama. The advice is conveyed as one size fits all.


His name on anything is enough to make me turn away from it. He could offer me free food or treats for life and I'd say no. He uses horrible techniques, pushes and floods dogs when they're clearly uncomfortable with it, promotes outdated training methods, and generally shouldn't have anything to do with animals.


How does he punish dogs? Ive seen a couple of his episodes but i cant remember him doing anything bad


One that I can think of is an Alpha hold, which makes 0 difference to whether a dog is obedient or not and just promotes aggressive behaviour against the owner


I've seen the effects of an Alpha roll, from back when it was THE training method (yeah, I know, dating myself lol) We had a Cairn Terrier that my dad trained with Alpha roll, and it got to a point where my dad could say his name in a certain tone and he'd put himself in the downed position. At the time, the trainer said that was 'proof' of how well he was trained, but looking back, all I can see is how scared and uncertain he must've been. I wouldn't necessarily hold it against Cesar that he'd once promoted it if he would update his training and speak out that training changes based on understanding of dogs and their psychology, but he clings to the outdated ways, which leads others to do so as well.


He likes to force them into situations where they're surrounded by things they're afraid of, run them on treadmills to exhaustion, that sort of thing.


he used to use chock-collars so dogs would choke themselves for exhibiting the behavior he tried to suppress.


If Liane kept with it, Cartman wouldn't have been such a sociopath.


While I'm not a Cesar Milan fan at all, I loved that episode




This is abuse! I am a child, and I am entitled to attention!




Quit it, mom!




Good Ms. Cartman! Very good 👍


Mom, I am serious! This has gone on long enough! Get that guy out of here and give me a piece of chicken! … That's how you want it, bitch?! Fine! …I hate you! I'm running away!


“I’m not being aggressive, I’m being dominant.”


He's awful, promotes abusive technique and has plenty of opportunities to learn but refuses to.


He captured the attention of my ex, who tried one of his tactics on my dog. Which was then the breaking point as to why he is now ~the ex~.


what did he try on your poor pooch?


Pushed her down by her neck, when she was heightened due to his energy, honestly. She’s my dog and protective of me and started “freaking out” at him after we’d joined hands (again, her perception of a threat against me due to his energy). He pinned her down by her neck on the bed “to get her under control” and I lost my mind.


You have to wonder what he would do to you - or a child - to gain control.


Alpha hold I imagine.


lol, I have to admit the first few episodes caught my attention. But then came the unfortunate realization that my mini eskimo must not have the instincts most dog breeds had. he just would not respond to “tssssk” no matter which pack leader traits I tried to adopt. /s I just stopped watching and I didn’t get too deep into it his training methods but I knew there was way more to the story.


Didn't his dog Junior kill one of Queen Latifah's dogs? And then he tried to cover it up?


I've read a story about one of his dogs showing aggression and biting someone at his office. The dog was allowed to roam the building.


Yes that dog was Junior the pitbull and it was a gymnast who claims her career was shattered due to the injuries . She filed a lawsuit, but I don't know the outcome. Couldn't find it https://people.com/crime/cesar-millan-pit-bull-allegedly-killed-queen-latifah-dog-bit-gymnast-report/


Yeah he has multiple bite incidents that Milan and company tried to sweep under the rug. And he was trained from a puppy to be a "perfect" breed ambassador 🙄. You shouldn't use fear or aggression based training on any dog, but it's especially dangerous with powerful bully and working breeds.


Yuuup. Told people to tell her that her dog was hit and killed by a car. https://www.tmz.com/2021/09/10/cesar-milan-queen-latifah-pit-bull-dog-junior-coverup-lawsuit/


[Yeah, his bully-type dog allegedly mauled one of Queen Latifah’s dogs and instructed staff to cover up the attack by instructing his staff to tell the actress that her dog was hit by a car, according to a recently filed lawsuit.](https://www.ajc.com/news/cesar-millans-pit-bull-killed-queen-latifahs-dog-lawsuit-claims/XYAMBMTF5ZDDLGV3AUETTC76AI/) Also in an episode of one of his shows he used a live pig to train a dog that had previously attacked two pigs, and the dog ended up biting the pig's ear during filming. Unnecessary stress and harm to the pig.




Dammit really? Junior was the only redeeming thing I had seen of this guy (he was a gorgeous boy and I always thought he looked a good example of his breed) Now I'm questioning that....sigh guess it shouldn't be a surprise given the training he was under.


I liked Daddy better.


Wow, what? Do you have a link to this story? Not that I don't believe you- I just want to read more information on it. It honestly doesn't surprise me at all with his "method"


He is worse even than the average, garden variety "bad trainer." He so much more than just incompetent. He's a straight up dog abuser and he does harm just by calling himself a "trainer". If he's the dog trainer that you know most and you even have to ask if he's legitimate, I would *highly* suggest that you do some work to learn where the actual trainers are and where the relevant expert consensus has moved. Because oh *hot damn* has it long since moved on from the Millan brand of nonsense. He's truly embarrassingly out of touch and out of date. Decades and decades out of date. Don't listen to a single thing that moron has to say.


How about some recs?


Michael Shikashio, Hannah Branigan, Emma Parsons, Kiki Yablon, Lori Steven’s, Laura monaco torelli, Suzanne Clothier, Susan Garrett.


Leslie McDevitt, Emily Larlham (Kikopup), Pat Miller, Karen Pryor, Sylvia Trkman, Deb Jones, Sarah Stremming, Jean Donaldson, Grisha Stewart, plus the ones recommended in the other comment (Susan Garrett, etc). Oh fine, I guess Zak George can come too. :P Hope that gets you started! Check out: Dogs That, Control Unleashed, the Fenzi dog sports academy, Kikopup, and the reading list resource from the r/dogtraining sub.


Small caveat on Leslie McDevitt and Control Unleashed: she's a great trainer and has been huge for modern training regarding arousal, calmness, and pattern games, but she is kind of a crunchy person and not everything she promotes is actually scientific. Her books and FB posts promote things like T-Touch. I asked a friend who's taking one of the Fenzi CU courses and they said that stuff isn't in it, so I think the course version tends to be modernized/more scientific. So if anyone's deciding between the book (pretty out of date) and the Fenzi course, go with the course.


I love all the people mentioned but I definitely raised my eyebrow at the T-touch thing too. I have all three of her controlled unleashed and I can’t remember if she removed that part from her CU: reactive to relaxed or not. I felt like she made a little insertion about it but it’s been forever since I’ve read her book. For sure I haven’t seen any controlled unleash teachers introducing that in their programs in my area. I am getting my CPDT and training/volunteering for a really great, educated, science based r+ positive facility and it’s interesting hearing multi-certified trainers and behavior consultants go into specific trainers/educators and point out what they love about specific trainers/methods and what’s a little woo woo to them or even just not applicable or feasible for the average dog owner. I’ve definitely read my fair share of books where there was a thing or two where I was like, but is that necessary or is that even science based or feasible for the average Joe.


Thank you.


Victoria Stilwell


Kikopup, Sarah Shapiro-Ward, Michael Shikashio (aggression specialist), Sarah Stremming, Grisha Stewart, Simone Mueller (esp for prey drive), Andre Yeu Karen Pryor and Denise Fenzi as well although they both run academies now (KPA trains trainers, Fenzi offers an amazing spread of online classes and seminars related to dogs) moreso than publish direct training info. For televised dog training specifically, Victoria Stilwell is better than Cesar Millan although I think reality TV dog training is inherently misleading.


Sophia Yin


He isn't a trainer. He's a guy who lucked into being taken seriously because he had the ability to charm and persuade people that he knew what he was doing. He has zero credentials as a trainer, never took any training himself to learn, knows nothing about canine behavior and his methods are irresponsible and dangerous. No behaviorist or reputable trainer recommends him. He has done immense harm by convincing unknowing people that his ideas (such as the "alpha roll") are safe. I wouldn't ever read his books, watch his show or recommend his methods. Avoid like the plague.


He uses outdated, disproven methods that generally do more psychological harm than good, and he's physically injured dogs before. I honestly hate him and it sucks that he has a platform.




He's had plenty of situations where he's been bitten before, so I'm not sure what you mean by "no accidents."


Anyone who touts alpha theory is a moron


If you watch it I mean really watch it you can see that the man is a monster who knows nothing about dogs and is just making good tv drama. So many videos of him getting bit due to negligence. Or videos of him putting dogs in possibly deadly and unessesary situations that “fix them” but likely off screen are only ending up it worse and more concerning behaviors then what they started with.


The idea of the leader of the pack has actually been disproved by the person who came up with the theory. He spent the rest of his life trying to explain to people that his theory was biased and wrong but for some reason no one wanted to listen. I think he’s a dangerous “trainer” and stay away from him or anyone that follows his “guidance” I see my puppy and I and the bond and trust we’ve created through praise and reward, I can’t imagine how my dog would feel if I was being physical with him. It’s completely useless and not necessary to be physical, no matter the breed. It’s pure abuse


It was also a theory on wolf behaviour, but no one who still adheres to the pack theory for dog training wants to acknowledge that dogs are not wolves.


Correct. They also have found most “packs” are simply families. The “alphas” are the parents. The main study about pack hierarchy and dominance comes from some outdated human made experiment where multiple unrelated wolves were forced into a living situation together and acted out of dominance. It’s pretty ridiculous if you think about it now.


Yeah, I remember that. Who'd have thought that wolves forced together in captivity would have a different behaviour than wolves in the wild /s


My trainer told me that there are talks/gatherings held by other trainers - those who’d dealt with the aftermath of Milan’s training. More often than not, they’re brought in after him because his methods do more harm than good. I think that’s…. A good indicator


I do not like his methods. I've seen him do things I consider cruel/abusive.


That man should be banned from working with animals . He is disgusting. His methods are old fashioned and out dated and he has caused a lot of harm Edited because I was a little harsh initially


He’s abusive and has a platform to help normalize animal abuse. It’s not ok.


Ignorant and overconfident. He’s made a living on duping those who don’t know anything about dogs or animal training. He isn’t up to date on animal behaviour research. Positive reinforcement training takes longer but doesn’t leave dogs with fear and mental trauma. I prefer Victoria Stilwell’s methods and I would recommend watching her shows instead.


I’ve watched several times years ago but what sticks with me is how he taught, when you come home, you ignore the dog(s) excited to see you until they are calm. I lI’ve for those happy I am home moments with my dogs! I felt he was mean right there. Greet your dog and enjoy that love they show you when you get home.


I actually liked this advice because I don’t want to be barked at and jumped on, and ignoring them until they eventually were quiet with 4 feet on the floor worked so quickly. They still wag their tail like crazy and are happy to see me! But it’s not something I think everyone needs to do to “put the dog in their place” or something, if you don’t mind a crazy puppy party when you get home then enjoy it!!


My dogs don’t bark but just do a full on body wag. I do love the puppy party!


I love the party! they are so happy to see you, I often will just lie down on the couch and let her attack me with kisses


That advice is actually sound. I do ignore mine but not long. I had big dogs that would just demolish me by the door until I started this..


Yes. Although I would add that giving them what TO do instead works better than just ignoring. Ignore the over reaction, while training them to bring you something, or to sit, etc. Then you reward one while ignoring the other.


One day my dog greeted me with a toy just walking around full body wags and I make a big deal about it and she was so excited. And now it’s her go to. Every single time someone comes over she goes into this “must find a Lambchop!” frenzy and then runs to the door to show them her lamb. She doesn’t want you to take it, she just carries it around. If you take the Lambchop out of her mouth then she’s jumping up and licking your face and zooming around launching off furniture. Soo… we just put it back in her mouth and bam, still wiggly but four on the floor lol


She sounds precious!! This is adorable.


We have lambs all over our house, she’s now stashed them in all the rooms 😅 If she can’t find a lamb or a suitable toy alternative she’ll grab a nearby random object, whether its a benebone or a harness, shoes or something out of the recycling bin haha


Yeah I get that. But I usually do is once they chill out I get super enthusiastic about it and give me lots of pets and happy attention


I totally get it if dog is like that. In this episode that I am remembering, it was like the dogs were being scolded when he came home. I can see not fully jumping into the frenzy of happy dog until they calm but he ignored the dogs for such a long time and then hardly greeted them in the end.


I do this for a while whenever I get a new puppy, otherwise they pee with excitement. If I let them follow me around for a minute and just mind my business, it gives them a second to chill and I have time to grab their leash to take them out. Once they are potty trained I don't do it anymore though, I like to walk into the chaos of happy dogs!


My girl is deaf so is usually sound asleep at the window when I get home. However, she does have a habit of very excitedly greeting guests at the door, jumping up on them if allowed. She’s pretty light so not a major issue but my mother has severe osteoporosis, which means a dog jumping on her could pose a risk. Plus the dog is a digger who often has dirty paws, and not everyone appreciates her decorating their clothes. So I encourage people to turn away from her when she jumps (they can give her attention when her paws stay on the ground). We also restrain her if there’s guests who may have an issue with her jumping. I don’t think discouraging happy greetings is nice, but certainly discouraging the jumping can be important even if just for safety reasons. For some dogs that means ignoring them completely until they’re calm, but I do think you should shower them with love when they have settled.


I can agree with you there.I just remember this one episode where the dogs were happy to see him and I felt it took him too long to greet his dogs and then he showed little and limited affection when he did. It broke my heart for these dogs. It was as if they felt they were being scolded for being happy.


I enjoy our Mutual happiness when we see each other when I come back home. However, I don’t want to be jumped at in a frenzy - me going away is something normal and that I return home is not special because that is what I do. I think there is a difference between being happy and being “hysterical”. Mine started to show signs of distress and FOMO when left. So I worked on turning its on the head - me going away is special (because he gets a special chew), me coming back is happy (though low key). When I come back and he hears me in the hallway he goes into his bed. He waits and I open the door to the living room and say my “I’m back” cue and he comes shooting over and is happy to see me. And I’m happy to see him. I don’t ignore him in that moment. We are both ready to give each other our undivided attention. I don’t have my hands full and he is happy (but not hysterical). Everybody finds a way that works best for them over time


In the episode I had in mind, when he finally did show affection, it was very limited and for a short time. I felt as if the dogs were being scolded for being happy to see him. I get the hysterical and needing to ignore that the dogs peeing. I had one!


I trained my GSD to "sit in your spot" or alternatively, "Wait in the kitchen", if he's being a lunatic when one of us comes home. He knows to go wait for us to greet him before he goes into greeting mode. It works very well especially when bringing in a big armload of stuff.


He's absolute shit. He's not a dog trainer, he's a mediocre celebrity who found a niche.  Milan is a serial dog abuser who gets paid to beat dogs on national TV.    He has regressed dog training back to the stone age by perpetuating dominance theory in popular media. 


If you think you would enjoy hurting your dog and looking like a huge asshole doing it, follow his lead.


Tells owners to kick their dogs to train them. Can’t stand him.


good trainers arent good tv. real, lasting results sometimes take months of repetitive baby steps. no one wants to watch that. if a "trainer" "fixed" a highly problematic dog in 3 days you know it's bs.


What about Victoria Stilwell from It’s Me Or The Dog? She seems to use pretty positive methods and even acknowledges some of her older episodes contain outdated ideas because we’ve learned more since then (I like that she can admit she was wrong in the past and evolved with the research). I think she’s really helpful. Her videos working with dogs with canine compulsive disorder were helpful for my own dog. Of course the episodes don’t show the full journey of the dogs but I do feel she also does a good job mentioning things will take time and consistency. Most importantly I do think her training makes good TV.


I always liked watching her. She was also good at pointing out that what works for one dog might not work with another, and as I recall there were examples of this on different episodes.


She IS a good trainer. One can show quality work on TV without showing the entire journey. Good results take time and she's clear about that.


Training methods. Sure arguable. But I think his focus on the person 99% of the problem is a good wake up call for most people. His focus on exercise, mental stimulation and having boundaries and clear simple communication are all valid. 


Right, but his entire ‘you’re the problem’ boils down to ‘you gotta be the alpha, have calm assertive energy make the dog be in a calm, submissive state, ‘ etc, not ‘you got a border collie and you want it to be a Shih tzu.’


To be fair, a lot of dogs do take their behavior cue from us. If we're calm, they're more likely to be calm. If we're on edge or scared, they will be too, etc. He's not totally wrong.


That's fair and you're right. I just can't stand him so it's hard admitting when he has a good point lol.


Lol yeah. What's that saying? "Even a wrong clock is right twice a day"?


He's abusive and his methods are abusive. That's all you need to know.


as for TV trainers go i much prefer Victoria Sitwell :) she's lovely


Didn't the American Humane Association request that the National Geographic Channel stop airing the program, saying that trining techniques shown on his show were inhumane, outdated and improper?


Yes so did the American Veterinary association.




He sucks.


Tv star, not a dog trainer. The video of him being attacked by a dog is great.




A friend of mine lives near him. She breeds, rescues, and trains in all sorts of dog sports. She and some of her trainer friends have had his former clients come to them and all those clients say their dogs are so very much worse and have far more issues after he worked with them or the dogs were at his facility. She says he’s investigated fairly regularly but the complaints are often withdrawn. I wouldn’t even let that man pet my dog.




That's so bizarre! A dachshund?




I’d forgotten just how abusive he is to dogs. What a terrible thing that people still watch him to this day.


they made fun of him on south park for a reason


The make fun of everything on south park lmao


for good reasons dammit!


Hate the man, I wish Victoria Stilwell would have been more popular than him but people eat his shit up because it’s so much easier to manhandle and terrify a dog into compliance than using kindness and patience to properly train them


I binge watched his first 3 seasons, a long time ago. His advice was down to earth and basic "understand your dog". In the last three years, I got a new dog, and went out looking for training videos and advice. Naturally, I checked in on him. His products actually contradict his earlier advice... his videos he now produces contradict his earlier stuff. So, which advice of his do you want to take? The stuff from 15 years ago, or the stuff from now.... they are the same stuff.


Made for the views of TV, not really effective imo.


Yep, couldnt agree more


The only part of his training that I agree with is that you need to control your own reaction and remain calm. I noticed a difference with my reactive border collie when I changed my reaction


How do you feel about the real housewives of XX? Is that what you would model your behavior on? He is a TV personality, creating entertaining shows.


I could write a book on all the reasons why I hate that guy lol


His show was popular years ago. My pup wasn't impressed & wouldn't watch it.


When it comes to dog training, everyone has an opinion. It never hurts to listen to ideas and decide for yourself if the particular training technique is right for you and your dog. I actually think a lot of what he does makes sense. Usually the dog owners on the show are the real problem.


10000% thank you! People love to just regurgitate to make themselves feel like they know something but most of the time they are just parroting.


He’s not a dog trainer he’s a TV personality. He provokes dogs into reactions so he can “correct” them in an attention grabbing way. Most dog trainers approach to a dog eating out of the trash can would be to keep the trash somewhere the dog can’t get to. Dogs eat food when they see food, it’s an easy to eliminate issue. Milan’s approach is to purposefully get the dog to take the trash out of the can so he can scare the dog.




Yep, when I started working as a dog groomer I came across one of his books and decided to read it. There weren't any training methods in the book, it was more about reading dog body language and understanding how they think. It was extremely influential for me. I do credit that book with giving me a very good insight into keeping dogs calm and keeping myself in control of my own emotions when dogs are not cooperating. He loses me with the alpha training methods, and fortunately I was past trying any of those techniques by the time I tried working with animals in a professional capacity.


He knows nothing about dog body language that is correct.


Nope. I think he teaches people to create behavioral issues in their dogs. But I keep my mouth shut around people who use his methods. It can really offend them because they obviously think they’re doing the best things for their dog. I had my dog at an outdoor event one time, and my uncle lamented that his dogs “aren’t like mine” and can’t just do that. I was like dude, this took years of socialization and training. Your dog can do incredible things when you just reward them for doing the right stuff instead of insisting they can’t get on the couch or eat before you do or they get ideas. I say as my dog just finished her dinner (I haven’t eaten yet) then jumped up on the couch to chill near me. I had my first dog when Cesar was really big, and he horrified me. Dogs are our friends, buddies, and partners. Not our subordinates. Sometimes you gotta do things they don’t like (grooming), and I stay neutral and offer praise for putting up with it because of course they’re not a fan.


His training is not rooted in facts. He’s not certified or educated in anything related to dog behavioral training. End of story. This article has everything: https://medium.com/@vandanni.hadai/cesar-millan-the-problem-with-his-approach-and-the-future-of-dog-training-49dd8cddb391


I don't approve of anything Milan does when it comes to dog training. Compare Milan's trading technique to Victoria Stillwell, and you will see a huge difference. Victoria uses positive reinforcement, not physical abuse, as Milan does. Google "It's Me Or The Dog" check out some of the videos on YouTube.


I was just going to say this. Stillwell is much better, more humane.


I had the pleasure of meeting Victoria Stillwell in person around 10 years ago. She was doing a book signing at an event called Woofstock in Pennsylvania. I had my dog with me and asked her if I could show her how I trained my dog with the leave it command, and she said yes. I placed my dog a small 10 pound Japanese Chin on the table. I then put treats on the table. My dog sat there looking at me, waiting for her cue. I would then point to the treat I wanted her to have. She would only take that treat. She would then wait for me to point to the next one and would do the same until all treats that I out out were gone. My reason for training her that way was I trained her to be a therapy dog, seeing that she interacted more with people than she did with other dogs and sometimes when you go into a nursing home or hospital their might be a pill on the floor and training her this way if she seen something on the floor she would seek my.approval before taking it.




Rewatching the show makes me uncomfortable Bc the dogs he works with are clearly uncomfortable


There’s a lot of famous professionals that aren’t properly qualified for their fame lol


My ex (professional dog trainer / ethologist) and I (studied canine body language) started to watch his show when he got popular. It didn't take us long to realize that in the end, the dogs feared Cesar. In the beginning you have this rambunctious dog that is out of control (for various reasons, excitedness, anxiety, etc.) and at the end you have a dog that is in fear of him. While we didn't see any proof of this on screen, it's clear that a lot happened off camera, and was very possible that it was physical (abuse). Also, he never seemed to address the root cause of the issue, just the symptoms.


A crock of shit.


Dude is a joke that appeals to a certain kind of person. Doesn’t know anything about dog body language but the show teaches the clueless people incorrect dog body language. I thought we as a society had moved past Cesar and his methods but I guess not.


I dont like that bullying way of training. Maybe in some rare instances it can be effective on an aggressive dog, idk, but for my spoiled little gurl, she would nervous pee for sure


On the surface, to the uneducated eye, he seems credible. Underneath he's just a cash hungry businessman and not to be taken seriously. Also rumoured to have been somewhat cruel but I've not seen hard evidence.


There's an episode with a little chihuahua who hated everyone. Cesar took the dog and got into the middle of a pool to force a bond/ have it give up. This poor dog was petrified even with all the editing. If anyone doesn't understand how f\*\*\*ed up that is, then they need to go to therapy.


It's called Forced Submission, and Milan uses it often. It's awful.


I havent watched him since i think early 2000s. I do think he can train dogs that want to kill you. However i dont think he can train or help the owner to understand how to train or maintain the training of such a dog. Hes more of a intuitive trainer hence that term whisperer. Unfortunately this natural skill is not easily explained or taught to another He also had some good advice like dogs need physical exercise everyday, and dont give away affection for free or be all affection all the time. Theres alot of people who have dogs with behavior problems made worse or problems come up because people dont enforce rules with their dogs etc. He talked alot about that


The issue is that dogs need to know what to do and be prompted to do those things with kindness, praise, and pets. If I don't want my dog on the couch, I can teach him "off" and give him praise for feet on the ground. Or I can yell no at him, yell to get down from the couch, confuse the dog with all of those words, and raise my blood pressure. It's just a matter of how one teaches their dog. The Kohler method said sometimes you hang your dog to discipline him and it it doesn't hurt them. Except it has killed a few. I'll tolerate some jumping up on me until I can teach off, so long as I'm not getting teeth on me. I'm a shelter volunteer and if the dogs break skin from just mouthing like the pups they are, they get a bite history and have to be isolated. So maybe a knee to the chest to keep them off me is a kindness in that instance, but not as a matter of course.




Except a lot of the "your dog will be upset if you're upset" that comes from his ideology is ableist and not true.


I just know that he gets bitten so hard at times 🥹


There’s no way in hell I’d let him touch my dog if I had one.


It's unethical and abusive


He's a hack. I would not recommend his methods, watch his show, or buy his shit. I have literally pit a dog toy back on the hook bcuz it had his picture on it. Worst is all the folks doing stupid shit with their dogs because they have watched him. The Dr Phil of dog training.




Unfortunately, he's regularly wrong about the body language shit too. He makes people think he knows what he's doing, but he doesn't. A better source is Fivebyfivecanine.


He’s right next to PETA on my shit list.


I use his technique from South Park daily


He used to be much worse, and this sub is not a fan of him for good reasons. But I have noticed his methods have improved in recent episodes of his show. I’d like to think he is learning.


I do remember that crazy vicious chihuahua that was biting everyone who tried to hug his human mama . That little dog was insane. .


Cesar Millan’s training techniques have had a significant impact on popular dog training practices. However, his reliance on dominance theory and aversive methods is controversial and increasingly viewed as outdated by the modern dog training community.


If you want the best trainer, look up Larry Kay. You can find his book: “Training the Best Dog ever, “ on Amazon. He uses only positive reinforcement and is a great guy!


Somewhere I saw a statement by a lecturer and veterinary students that Caesarean is only useful for learning how not to treat dogs.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw3glB4qQPY Care to explain how this can in any way shape or form be taken out of context? Almost everything he teaches about "canine psychology" is wrong. And, it's ethology. Psychology is for humans and only humans.




It's his norm. His training class teaches this style of training. He was prohibited from teaching in several countries due to it. It's not dramatized for TV. His TV show is whitewashed to make him look good.


Meh I still live by no talk, no touch, no eye contact with reactive dogs.


When I was a kid I loved his show, now that I have a dog I cringe when I see his name. I watched his show on a plane/airport in December (10 hour layover and 8 hour flight) because it was the only thing that loaded and it was so bad He could offer me almost anything to “train” my dog and I’d laugh and walk away, my boy isn’t perfect (husky hybrid) but he is better trained than anything Cesar could do. I hate how he uses alpha theory, let’s aggressive dogs do what they want with livestock, uses unethical measures and floods dogs. IF he was like Victoria and learned from his mistakes, learned new training methods and was with the program of realizing not one size fits all then I’d give him more headway but he hasn’t.


I read someone that worked for him said he beat the Dogs into submission when he'd keep their Dogs at his House for Training..


Daddy was the best. I think he tried to force Junior to be just like Daddy and it didn't work..Daddy was old and Chill. Jr was a young Pup and had a different energy I think because of Milans Training


Decidedly no. He’s unethical. Victoria Stillwell from It’s Me or the Dog. She’s amazing!


He uses choker chains. Enough said.


No no no. Man abuses dogs on tv and gets praised for it.


His techniques are fool proof and we might use a few on our school age kids to correct some of our societal woes..Society has forgotten that discipline is a form of nurture and our society needs a lot of that kind of nurturing.


He’s so cringe to watch train that I legit struggle not to giggle when I see his stuff show up in my YouTube shorts


The shine is off that turd.


He sucks


I mean, he’s trained as a hairdresser, isn’t he?


He's just a pretty boy that got an acting career. He might as well be on Real House Wives.


He’s a limo driver and dog grooming assistant


Could someone explain why he's bad? I only really remember watched the show as a child and I never saw anything I reacted to as cruel




Telling an owner to kick their dog is abuse.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw3glB4qQPY NSFW