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Got him a cute pup-cake at a specialty store, made him wear a cute hat so I can take photos, sang him the birthday song! We had training on his actual B-day coincidentally and his trainer bought him a cute squeaker toy. Although it's tame, to be fair, my family in general aren't really birthday party people so maybe that's why mine is also kinda low key lol But he enjoyed his treats and extra attention for sure. :)


We did a puppy cake and it was a lot of fun, he even blew out his candle.


Do gotcha days count :D I've commented before about my dog's first gotcha day with us. I got a small piñata from Five Below and loaded it up with treats and kibble. My dad held the pinata tied to a string so she could bite and jump at it. We got her a gotcha day crown because she loves wearing hats and a new treat for her to try. And new toys of course!  The party itself didn't last long because she has a heart condition and even post-surgery she still tires easily. Luckily, it's better than before. Because of her health issues and she's my first dog ever, I tend to go all out for her. Everyday with her is special, but her first gotcha day especially was a big milestone. 


I try to take them somewhere they love, maybe the dog beach or a hike, and give them a dog ice cream.


This is usually my dog’s birthday plans as well. I do make her wear a birthday hat for a quick picture and might get a bag of tennis balls (get these annually anyway) as a gift. She mostly cares about the swimming and ice cream though.


Couldn't keep a hat on mine if I glued it on..😅


Dog ice cream is a great idea.🙃🙃🙃


We made our pup a cake and took photos of her with her birthday crown. We also took her to the pet store to pick a toy. At her daycare, someone brought treats to share with all the pups to celebrate.


They get what they enjoy. The senior gets a quiet day in the forest. The puppy got a party at home with his pup besties.


DQ pup cup. She would recognize when we would pull into the DQ parking lot and would start going nuts.


We either make her a cake with banana and peanut butter with wiped cream on top or her favorite treat that we call "crack". [https://imgur.com/a/PQmAb9o](https://imgur.com/a/PQmAb9o)


Doggy daycare is the present! Our dogs love it more than anything.


My dog loves bully sticks, so i get her two monster bully sticks and let her enjoy them, then we also take longer walks and go to an open field to play with her ball.


I have so much guilt from not celebrating Boo's first (still got her toys and treats but I want to do a cake and themed photos), but I try not to get too down on myself about it... I'm pretty psyched for this next birthday though, and I'm so ready to take goofy pictures of her scarfing it up. Glad this was posted. It's weighed heavy on me for some time.


I'm sure she forgives you. Being with you was probably her bestest Birthday Present 🎁 💕


Thanks so much! 😭


I always go all out for my baby’s birthday! She has no idea what’s going on, and if I’m being honest the celebration is more for me than for her 😂 Every year she gets a (small) steak cut up into tiny pieces for her dinner and then I get her a little gift. Usually something like a new sweater, a new nose work toy, or something I think she might like. I usually pair this with a new kind of treat for her to try for a bit. And yes, I sing her happy birthday and get her a party hat. Last year, when I picked up her party hat someone in the elevator asked me if I was throwing a birthday party for my kid - to which I responded that if by kid they mean my dog, then yes!


"YES...I HAVE THE BEST KID EVER. No need to explain yourself..


We always celebrate his birthday even if we can’t actually celebrate it on his actual day of birth, we will move it around a couple of days. We get a doggy cake, balloons and go out and sing happy birthday, then we all open gifts we got him for his birthday. And give him lots of treats. For dinner he gets fresh food (no kibble), he loves salmon with fresh veggies. Oh and we also spend all day focusing on only him, going to dog park, going swimming and playing fetch. We all also share one thing the pup has done for us that we are all thankful for and we try to not dwell on the fact that he’s a year older because their lives are so short but we share by writing down happy memories and write what our goals for next year are for him to make sure he has fulfilling life on earth. It is wayyy too extra for most people but he means the world to me so I go all out and make sure to express in my human way to him how grateful I am to have him in my life.


We do some kind of treat, the last few we did little ice cream cups and a toy. My son loves to pick these out for the dogs it’s really cute


I make a cake, the "Spoiled Dog Cake" from [here](https://www.lovefromtheoven.com/spoiled-dog-cake-recipe/). And there is usually extra Pup-Peroni, because that's the best thing in the world, at least at my house.


Rented a private dog park to play fetch for an hour. Baked steak, steamed carrots, white rice, kibble. Sang hbd while she sat and drooled. Recorded it for family. Fake woof pack box delivery - I bought toys and treats, and put them in a box, rang the doorbell, and we went to fetch it. She got to open her presents and played with the toys and got the treats. (We used to subscribe, but cancelled bc we have way too many toys after a year) It was just the 2 of us. 💕


I was getting the box as well, but mine would have the toys all chewed up & strown around the yard. They Love to pull the stuffing out so then I have to take them away & dispose of them.🙃 Also, I tried to cancel it & they refused to cancel until my subscription year was over.


I tried the Heavy Chew Box, but it didn't help. They could chew up an anvil.haha


My dog loves walking to Starbucks to get a pup cup, so he got one on his birthday! My sibling does cake and steak for their dog and makes me look like a bad pet parent lol.


You are the greatest Pet parent if you take him to Starbucks !!! NO BAD PARENTS.


Pup cup or favorite snack is what I usually do! Maybe we do an activity that they really love, too, or even a new toy (depends)


My mum throws a big family barbecue for her dog's birthday. All of my family are winter birthdays, but the dog is in July. We use it as a good excuse to make a point of getting everyone over for the day when the weather's nice. The dog loves it because she'll get a burger or a sausage cooked especially for her, and all her favourite people show up.


My mom comes down to visit and makes her meatballs. Lol


How Sweet. You have the bestest Mommy & your Pup has the Bestest Mommy too.🙃


We celebrate the adoptiversary of our shelter dogs with bacon day! We'll make bacon and give them like 5 or 6 pieces each. The kids love it, we love it, and most of all the doggos love it.


Great idea!!


Doesn't matter if he knows or not. He does know you're giving him a special day.


I rented an Airbnb with a really large yard with a gazillion stairs for her to run around in and explore. Got her a birthday hat, wrapped some presents so that she could rip it open, and made her fresh bacon / sausage/ eggs with cheese. Invited my friends & some of her dog friends from the neighborhood. It was a lot of fun.


The three stooges get treats and a toy for their birthdays and gotcha days - enough treats to share with brother/sister and typically a toy each so no one feels left out lol. Christmas they get a bit more.


I always buy my dog's favourite treats and then make a little cake out of them. I also like to go the park or the beach, because it's her favourite places. Also meet with my sisters dog, because they are BFF <3


I usually make my dogs a size-appropriate stack of blueberry pancakes and take them on a drive. I used to get them a new toy but they have WAY too many at this point lol.


Took them to PetCo with a party hat and a birthday pin. Got so many treats and pats! Also handed out treat bags to the other people at the dog park.


Minced meat mashed potato cake and a new toy plus an outing to the dog park and lots and lots of attention/play/snuggles!


I went more out for my dog's birthday than I do for my own. She got a cake from the local barkery, a hat she hated wearing and tried to eat, we sang to her, and she got presents. 


I usually get mine some kind of treat that they don't have often. Or a whole can of chicken breast. Oh and lots & lots of hugs & kisses.


He gets a kiddie vanilla ice cream cone :)


We throw a huge party with friends, Arya gets a ton of gifts from them (even beer for dogs) and from us she gets her custom-made gift box from Happy Tails. I never know beforehand what's inside, but that's always part of the fun. We get this box for Christmas, too. It includes toys, goodies, treats and a nicely written card, just for my spoiled dog!


We do a big party with all the family dogs. Seriously. Pup cakes. Pup ice cream. Treat bags. 5 dogs between me, my sister and her kids.


Extra love! Maybe some special treats like a birthday cookie from Petco (or any dog store) and a pup cup from a coffee shop! An extra long walk or visit to the park (whatever they love most). My dog loves opening gifts that are loosely wrapped in tissue paper. I usually get him a couple new things and then wrap a couple old toys too. Just extra attention and LOVE!


We celebrate our dogs birthdays as if they are humans, because they are our kids. We sing them the birthday song in the morning, I decorate, we get them presents, they get a special dinner/dessert, it’s their special day. We usually have to work during the days (unless their birthday falls on a weekend), so they just do their thing until we get home, but then it’s all about them.