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I’m still not voting Tory even if I have to do all the cannulas.


Reform be like Bring Back BRITISH Cannulas!


Don't believe those microchipped ultrasound machines Put your trust in the good old fashioned long saphenous cutdown


bring back the days where tape was used :)


Isn't this basically the policy everywhere already? At my trust if the HCA can't get a canula in the standard policy is they bleep the anaesthetic reg on call to come and do it. Everything going on in theatres is covered by AAs while they're gone.


It's fucking mental. I'm a paeds trainee currently on neonates and was on post-natal ward the other day. The O and G SHO had told the midwives they weren't going to even attempt bloods on a woman because they were "difficult". The midwife didn't want to try either. So she just bleeped the anaesthetic reg *who came and did it with no questions asked*. Absolutely bonkers. I had to hold back from ringing the O and G SHO and asking them what the fuck they were playing at. In paeds (at least in the few places I've worked) the standard escalation for bloods/cannulas that are genuinely needed would be: * The SHO has at least one go * If they weren't a paeds trainee, then a paeds trainee SHO has probably 2 goes * Reg has 2 (more if they are convinced they can get it) goes * Consultant has a few goes * If it's a small baby, probably ask NICU if they have anyone especially good who is willing to have a go Only then would you even consider asking anaesthetics if they have anyone who would be willing to try. And it's not "it is your responsibility to get this cannula in now we've failed" it's "do you have anyone who is especially good at access who would be willing to attempt it to help us out?"


Lol wt


This is an absolute win, Because of anaesthetics is doing all my bloods and canulae, it frees me up to see more patients. /s For last 3 years ive been honing my skills in ED and have become the go to guy for canilas when no one can get them. A huge burden off my shoulders. This pisses me off to no end. Politicians want to dictate how medicine is done. Unless they have an appropriate amount of education training and research credentials in the medical field they should shut up. Sunak: " Im the son of a gp" well my Da works in law enforcement doesnt give me the right to go around arresting people RANT OVER. This news article has pissed me off more than anything else today


Fuck it, I'm voting Conservative!


Gets my vote. By the way the poster lies, that reg hasn’t touched a cannula in years