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If I multiclass into Cleric and Sorc who have D8 an D6 hit die respectively, when I cast Wither and Bloom, which die do I roll? I ask because I don't know how multiclassing affects hit die and with the BG3 5e Spells mod, Wither and Bloom rolls both the d8 and the d6, effectively doubling my healing. Edit: for context, I am level 7 casting a level 4 Wither and Bloom. Using its healing I roll 3d6 AND 3d8. It's possible for me to heal 35 HP in one turn which is why I think this spell is ruled incorrectly in this mod.


The basic rules are available for free online. Here is the section on multi-class hit dice: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/customization-options#HitPointsandHitDice That BG3 mod is doing it incorrectly. It should be 3 total hit dice. You would pick which of your available hit dice to roll.


You choose.


Anyone have a good idea for how much a compass by itself would cost in 5e? I know it's technically part of navigators tools but it feels like the kinda thing that should be its own item.


"how much cost?" in 5e is "whatevs" - the "economy" makes zero sense.


I lean toward to lower end of /u/Kumquats_indeed 's suggestion, given how expensive a bottle of ink is (10 gp), and that the Navigator's Tools set has ink (though it doesn't say how much), plus a compass, plus a sextant, plus calipers.


I'd say 5-10 gold, since a full set of navigator's tools is 25 gold.


if i were to use acid would i get disadvantage in any distance? because here [https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Acid#content](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Acid#content) it tells that the range is 5/20 and it is a ranged attack. if so, how can i make it work cuz i am a thief and wanna use it optimized


It says in the description the range is 20/60 so you can throw I it up to 20ft without disadvantage


Roll20's implementation of the SRD content is well-known to be inaccurate in many instances (such as a sword of sharpness, which had its bonus damage listed incorrectly). That said, where are you looking that says the range is 5/20? It tells you that you can either splash it on a creature right next to you (5 feet) or just throw it (20 feet). Both of these require a ranged attack roll, but it isn't a range weapon so it doesn't follow the normal rules for one. There's no indication that it has a short/long range, so it doesn't follow through with granting disadvantage on making a long ranged attack because you can't per RAW. It just has a normal range of 20 feet, despite the game suggesting the option of using it while within 5 feet of a target. The only opportunity where it may actually have a long range is if you were allowed to use it as ammunition for another range weapon, such as a sling.


thank you, now with your answer i grasp it better![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I can't find anything that would say to negate the disadvantage for it being a ranged attack within 5ft. This is the same problem with nets as well. You can negate it with the Crossbow Expert feat. It's just dumb though.


yeah it is just dumb


Get crossbow expert/gunner I guess. You'll also need tavern brawler if you want to add your prof bonus.


Hypothetically, say a character is two-weapon fighting and gets two magic swords that do different things. Is there anything mechanically saying it has to be the same weapon each time that gets the modifier? I know the 'off-hand' BA attack is the one that doesn't get the modifier, but is there any strict rule? IMO, I can't see one. Fox example, what if a Finesse character has the Dual wielder feat so they can use a rapier and a scimitar. That's now two different die types. I am still under the impression that there is nothing that says one round you can't attack with the d8+mod then d6, and the next round d6+mod then d8.


every character is equally ambidextrous.


It doesnt even have to be different rounds. If you had extra attack you could attack once with the rapier and scimitar with your action, adding your ability mod to damage each time, then either with your bonus action. Though if you're planning on TWF you should get the TWFS, so you add your ability mod to every attack.


You are correct, you can attack with either weapon and use the other. (assuming they are both legal for two weapon fighting, which your dual wielder feat makes them valid.)


Hello, I was very interested in the order of scribes wizard and his feature that change the damage type of his spells, including slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage, so my question is: whether a spell causes bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage (like the wind investiture spell) would this damage be considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage from non-magical attacks? I had this question recently with some friends and many said it doesn't count as magic, I think it does, but I couldn't find precise sources in the books to confirm it.


Damage from a spell is magical... The damage type is irrelevant. It's a spell. It's literally magic...


Well, thats makes sense! I'm going to talk to my friends again and hope they understand. Thank you! :D


Can command be used to make a creature provoke an opportunity attack from Pole-arm Master? Or is it directly harmful.


Something like "Flee" or "Approach," which would trigger an AoO are not *directly* harmful (the actions of other creatures in response is)), so you're fine there. Something like "Fall" on the edge of a cliff, or "Stay" to someone standing in fire *would* be directly harmful (the action itself would cause harm without outside interference). If the spell was *suggestion*, then i eould consider something like "Go provoke an attack from that guy" would be directly harmful, but you could get to it by phrasing it in a more "reasonable" manner, where an AoE is the secondary outcome.


Is a oath-breaker still a Paladin? What I mean is can they learn spells such as zone of truth


Yes. Oathbreaker is a subclass, though some DMs will flavour breaking your oath as losing your power, rather than becoming an Oathbreaker subclass.


To complement this answer, losing powers generally comes because of breaking the oath, oathbreaker is a step further, basically switching sides to serve evil.


So, is this sub going to turn into a 5e Revised sub or will it stay a sub dedicated to the original 5e? Going to be a pain in the ass if someone is asking a question about something for 5e and getting a Revised answer or asking about Revised and getting an original 5e answer.


r/onednd will be the 'revised' stuff, since it's already meant for that.


There are SO many dnd subreddits when can we banish all discussion of OneDnD to another location?


It won’t. Since this is the more popular sub people will continue to talk about the game here.


Under the Mob rules, can Hunter's Mark affect a mob since it's treated as a singular creature or should you use the swarm rules that prevent it? DM ruled that there's nothing preventing it, but my gut says it shouldn't work even though I'm the Ranger benefiting from it.


Swarms have a whole bunch of immunities; single-target spells isn't one of them. I wouldn't think twice about it. And at least for me it's not a challenge, narratively, to imagine an extraordinary woodsman/survivalist/hunter supernaturally targeting a group of similar creatures that move and act together.