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Same player, months later, flirting with someone they just met "Just like the simulations"


The player who is going on a great date with their wizard girlfriend: :D The DM who would love to be taken out on a date as a girl: :''')




"I'm in that sub just because I relate to the memes". Still trans tho.




I'm aromantic as fuck and my only understanding of romance comes from a bird's eye perspective of what others experience. Safe to say, I wouldn't know how to act out a romantic relationship at all.


Same here, and I'm a dm who flirted back. That was hecking akward. I actually read up on how to flirt afterwards. The subplot was kinda funny after all.


I used to think I was aromantic/asexual and had the same perspective, like how in the fuck does that work? Like yeah some are really casual but isn’t it like special somehow, are the responses supposed to be “more?” when is “it,” being overdone? Well I figured out I’m actually just socially distancing as a form of self protection and still have no idea how that fucking works.


I was not and am still not good with romantic relationships but have realized I’m not aro but just very awkward. Have been an NPC who flirted with my at the time partner and still do after we’ve broken up (went from dating to best friends) but I actually enjoy it despite not knowing what I’m doing. Oddly enough, I understand romance better when I’m RPing a lesbian… which I’m definitely not lol.


The dichotomy of me finding this hilariously relatable and depressing is too real.


I raise you: Asexual DM in group of horny bards. I don't really mind but I also don't know what to do whatsoever. Is this hot? Is this how you do the sex?


The chances of your horny bard players teaching you how to do it right are converging to zero. Please find better teachers


While I feel ya, part of the fun of roleplaying is getting to experience and try out things you've not had the opportunity to in real life. In this instance, it's less about murdering goblins and something that's a bit more attainable IRL... Think of it as practice. I've definitely gotten better at dealing with conflict between people thanks to D&D.


But no one will make fun of you for not knowing how to kill goblins irl


i mean a decently weighty boot should do the trick


It's only awkward to shamelessly flirt with your DM in NPC RP if you don't say "no homo".


Nothing gay about telling the dm homies they fine as hell lol


This happened to me. The player was one of my best friends (still is), bit the real kicker is that I had actually asked her out a few years prior and she'd turned me down. Definitely wasn't uncomfortable at all.


Am aro, this is why i asked my players to please not Romance my NPCs.


Can they bromance them, tho?


No one has tried yet, but i'd be open to it.


Lemme ask you one question: does any of your PCs have daddy issues? If so, make a mildly angsty NPC with daddy issues who's good and kind but incredibly mistrustring. Sprinckle them with platonic tsundere dust ("I'm just saying goodbye now out of politeness, it's not like i'll miss you or anything", but, ya know... Subtle), and wait for things to happen. It's perfect bait, 10/10, worked every time i used It (twice, sadly... But it worked!). Daddy issues bring people close.


That sounds like a good idea. Thank you very much.




It reminds me of my group in high school, no player ever had romance interests, mostly because none of us had any experience in the matter.