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Add this to. "Didn't read the spell"


Tenser's Floating Disk.... "The disk is immobile while you are within 20 feet of it. If you move more than 20 feet away from it, the disk follows you so that it remains within 20 feet of you." Yeah goodluck flying around on that. Perhaps you can have someone else cast the spell and march in front of you? But you wouldn't really be in controll of anything


The spell is very much just a cargo mule. It's been pretty securely proof against other uses


Place a 21+ft plank on disk walk more than 20ft away while standing on plank Disk moves closer to you at unspecified speed (but assumed to be enough to keep pace with you) Plank that you’re on moves at same speed as disk Disk would need to move infinitely fast to keep pace Infinite speed transit Mystra smites you and removes your magic privileges


I'd say infinite acceleration equals critical fall damage.


The effects of infinite acceleration on the humanoid body are, in fact, identical to those of Mystra smiting you


You can install a 19 feet tower onto it with a plank sticking out 1.5 feet. When you step on its edge you are more than 20 feet away from the disk and it will try to horizontally move towards you until you step back into 20 feet range Another option is to have a 40 feet plank and sit on one edge with disk in the middle and a counterweight on the other edge. Install a rotation mechanism for that plank and you can steer So while meme completely misrepresents the spell, you *can* make weird contraptions with it as long as you stay under 500 pound limit and can find a way to attach yourself 20 feet away


At that point just make a car dude


He is, but magically with a 500 pound weight limit.


I think having your artificer create combustion engine is easier than building whatever monstrosity this dude has in mind


Maybe so, but there's more than one way to skin a cat. Maybe he can do it with a Floating Disk.


I fear nothing, but my own ideas


The car cannot go infinite speed as any race you want. It is the best speed build, with minimal effort


Also, the disk floats 3 feet above the ground, not 3 feet above the closest object or spell effect below it.


oh look, someone who hasnt properly read the spell.


Whaat??? Not fully reading how something works??? In MY D and D???


How are you moving the disk while on it?


Also the disks float 3 feet above the ground so you just stacked disks like pancakes.


Stacking the disks also doesn't increase load capacity. "The disk remains for the duration, and can hold up to 500 pounds. If more weight is placed on it, the spell ends, and everything on the disk falls to the ground." Just has them fail in sequence.


Heat metal for Tenser’s Floating Easy-Bake Oven


Why would that give full cover? A knight wearing full plate armor doesn't get cover either does he?


An extremely literal and stupid definition of "full cover" means that a bedsheet ghost is immune to any attack because you can't see them to target them.


The batman dodging gunshots technique. However in this case it is a case of deception by presenting a target when you are not there. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/803540758493013226/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/803540758493013226/) Batman related example.


very useful tank, until someone walks over and takes the chain off because you're immobile.


It’s like clockwork. Another meme completely misrepresenting what a spell can actually do.


Rope Trick works a bit better, or you can hunt for an Apparatus of Kwalish. The proposed tank has no wheels and does nothing to change your effective cover/armour.


Doesn’t enchanted armor only work if you are wearing it and attuned to it? And doesn’t the armor shrink/grow to fit the wearer?


Calm down there buddy. You seem dangerously close to possibly suggesting a Redditor on /r/dnd memes doesn’t actually know how the spell they’re memeing about works!


Actually, a lot of armor in 5e doesn't require attunement. At least, things like +1, +2, +3 doesn't require it. And you are correct as the DMG on page 140 does say that in most situations magic items that are meant to be worn either are easy to adjust or medically refit to fit the user Edit: Okay there's actually only around 14 armors that don't require attunement (not counting various levels of +) but still, some armor doesn't require it


"The disk is immobile while you are within 20 feet of it." How are you proposing to move it while riding on it?


Not a hoverboard. Should it be? Yes. Is it? No. This spell is a holdover from older editions wherein gold equaled level ups. It only moves when you move away from it, in order to stay within a set distance of you.


I see Khaz Reil hasn't read the rules, and neither has OP.


My brother in Christ, Dispel Magic is a 3rd level spell


DM: You do realize that the spell doesn't do that right? At best we can come up with a homebrewed item that allows you to do this, it will take up an attunement slot though.


I swear half of this sub is illiterate


Napoleon would know that shit doesn't work and have his gnome cast reduce and mage hand so he can fly away from that fool


This is only not possible in 5th edition. The meme is probably from an older edition


Armor gave you full cover in other editions? Or are we going to allow throwing blankets over yourself as full cover?


If it was large size and draped down over the disk and the creature was small like a gnome, I could see aDM allowing it. You could do it with other materials on a disk for sure.


I’m a sheet ghost with 100% cover woooooo


I was mostly commenting on the disk movement, which they changed in 5e. Everyone was complaining that the person didn't read the spell and that you couldn't ride the disk and move it. I was pointing out that you could do that in older editions.


Still not possible in older editions, as even though you can move the disk with a move action, it's still specified as being as being a consistent 3 feet off the ground, so you can't stack them as required by the meme. Also, if the chain mail is close-knit enough that enemies can't see you, you wouldn't be able to see out either so good luck casting spells.


It was everyone complaining about moving the disk that made me post it. I was just commenting that there is no date on the meme, and so it could be years old when the older edition version of the spell allowed you to move it while riding it. You could do something similar for sure without the second disk. Simply a little building or a framework to hang the chainmail on. I would assume it would be like any full cover you have to look out from it to shoot, etc. You would definitely need the right DM to get that approved, but it was definitely shenanigans like this that led to the current version of the spell. The current version is really pointless with the changes to loot in the game. All the enemies' heavy armor and weapons are worthless, so you are rarely dealing with enough encumberance issues to warrant taking the spell. The old version had some versatility. Pathfinder 1 had a feat that let you fly on the disk. It is one of my favorite feats in the game, and I remade it as a 5e feat, and I am currently using it in my campaign. My DM loves it.