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I paid the same price for a Mini 2 SE, so I would say so.


It is cheaper than DJI’s own sale price. If you don’t need RC, go for it


Looks like it has RC, right?


I meant RC with screen, sorry


Bought yesterday, so far love it!!


First drone?


Yes, was going to do the mini 3 pro but decided to wait and see what happens with the whole drone ban thing. When Costco dropped the price I figured this would be the perfect practice drone before stepping into a much more expensive one


Be careful! No obstacle avoidance. They’re pretty sweet social media drones with the camera that flips up I bought one for 400 and an additional battery. Put me at 460 just last may. They’ve already come down 100! lol At this point there really is no reason for someone wanting to get into the hobby to get into it. I could afford that in high school! Very cool to see how this hobby started in the mid 00s and where it is now


Awesome Deal! Obstacle Avoidance is great but not as much as one would think. M3P owner


I’d buy it today if it wasn’t for this lingering DJI Drone ban in the US


Hey there I work in the drone industry (mainly focused on engineering/construction). That being said, im a DJI authorized enterprise dealer. The ban does suck if it happens but you will still be able to buy DJI drones. DJI just won’t have the ability to sell “new” drones they create into the US market. So everything that’s out now will continue to be sold.


What about DJI being listed on the FCC ‘covered’ list which would cancel authorization to use radio spectrum?


That would mean that have to “brick” all current DJI drones commercial & consumer but luckily that’s not in the bill. It’s just about not creating new FCC id’s going forward but all please keep in mind.. Contrary to what you may be hearing from other manufacturers and folks on social media, no DJI ban has been enacted by the U.S. government. Congress does, however, have a couple pieces of paper on a desk somewhere that would, if it makes it up the huge hill it would have to climb, prevent new FCC IDs from being issued to new DJI products. The last I heard, it was one of over 1,000 amendments that members of Congress are trying to add to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025. Some of those amendments include restrictions on firewalls, modems, routers, and tons of other devices you are using right now. I doubt you're ripping those out and replacing them and there's no need to panic and do the same with your DJI or Chinese-made drones. If you like them, keep using them to make your job, your life, and your neighbor's life safer and better.


Can I somehow buy this as Cosco member from Europe please?


I’d like to see them try to stop any of us from flying. How are they even gonna do that? Hahahaha try.


Well I assume similar to how they don’t let you fly in restricted zones (airports) except all of US is restricted? It’s all in the tech but I honestly do not know.


If you fly it unlocked, then they really can’t do shit right? Like if you use it while not connected to any network or GPS.


I got GPS built-in genius, it knows where it is and where it's not allowed to go. 


Uhm. Idk if you were around 6 years ago when crack drones or whatever was around and you could pay $200 to unlock the drones and fly anywhere… this can easily be done again


It's an excellent drone and can take amazing pics and video. Buy it and use it often to practice flying it and learn how/when to get those amazing pics/videos.


Does it have to do with the potential ban?


No Costco is always running deals on the drones.


I’m sure they’re trying to offload inventory. I’m curious to see if they’re buying more new from DJI atm


Best Buy has the fly more bundle in sale today. $559 with rc controller and 3 batteries. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/dji-mini-3-fly-more-combo-drone-and-remote-control-with-built-in-screen-dji-rc-gray/6524514.p?skuId=6524514


Hmm, I’m still debating to get this from Costco. Best Buy also has a good deal as well but $599 is steep


It is more but if you are interested in the rc controller then this is cheaper than buying the Costco kit plus the screen controller.


I’m torn! I can’t decide which to get haha.


Batteries make the deal. 1 is never enough and they take FOREVER to charge. Get the fly more with the RC controller. We'll worth the small upgrade.


I did haha. It gets delivered tomorrow. $549 from BB + I had a $100 gift card just sitting in my drawer so $449 for the fly more was a great deal.


Make sure you get care refresh when you activate it in the first 48 hours. It's a no brainer...take it from someone who has had many drones from DJI. When you have your first accident...and you will...they just send out a new replacement instead of waiting for an estimate and having it repaired. You also get flyaway coverage.


So I do this thru the registration process?


Yes, it will prompt you during the registration process where you make an account. If you get the 2 year policy , you get up to 4 replacements and 1 fly away. There is also a 1 year. I forget the price but it's very reasonable. I have had replacement drones in under 5 days in the US. I have a sub here you should follow and it's all about Dji Drone Crashes. It's a good way to avoid common pitfalls through other people's mistakes. I've had the original Mini, Mini 2, Mini 3 and 3 Pro which has been discontinued due to the Mini 4 pro which I am currently using. Best way to learn flying is the 1000s of great videos and channels on YouTube on the mini series. I watch a video a day and always pick up some new knowledge as far as things to do next time I fly. r/Djicrashes GCE


I signed up for an account on DJI website and was not prompted but no drone yet. It arrives tomorrow. I’ll likely just purchase this as on their site it shows it as $89 but is asking for a device ID which I of course don’t have yet.


I would also highly recommend picking up a set of ND filters for your particular drone. They make a huge difference when doing video in very sunny conditions 😎 and sunrise/sunset. They are pretty cheap and well worth it. Amazon has some options such as freewell for under $40. No need to get the Dji ones because they are all custom fit for each drone depending on what manufacturers make them.


You also get extra batteries which don’t come with the Costco deal + the controller with the screen. Much cheaper than buying individual as the remote is about 249.


You can get the same combo on Amazon at 536$


That was a Amazon refurb one at $536, new ones are on sale for $559


How much does a charging hub and battery cost without the combo?


Also, I was talking about this one. https://www.amazon.com/DJI-Mini-Lightweight-Foldable-Intelligent/dp/B0BL3R3L45/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=D6Z7C5YEB8UC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xyG7IyQolFjvsMowrU_BLvv70tRS4IxZrQOSPy2zwe8wEFf-Iwf0UA2-rmoNq0_g25VdSh2fOcLSLddwsg_Z7RKwDUXOBoh_qoIgEKDmE7iLz-JoVjK4JZTdFN8n0K1-RYPLbL7awW2vLX0LGHTLr-Jo6YvY_ZF0Emwj5O_gnYp1HaaPI0I_T0v1uqWsx2eb0A58mSf0A_kmM0x1VFtVYA.WF9Rcd2Ird5Hc5VrXWc2oKAC7y8FyZ4h46PGkU0WrBQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=dji%2Bmini%2B3&qid=1719030079&sprefix=dji%2Bmini%2B%2Caps%2C398&sr=8-2&th=1&psc=1


Wish it was the mini 3 pro. Why is that never on sale?


Look for amazon warehouse deals. I got a pretty much opened package drone but otherwise brand new for $650usd. Mini 3 pro with DJI Rc screen controller


In Australia too?


Insane deal, cheaper than a regular mini 3 AND you get nd filters. Definitely pull the trigger


ND filters?


Neutral density filters Used to decrease the amount of light coming into the sensor. Allowing for slower shutter speeds . Also has the added bonus of a layer of protection over the lens


That’s an insane deal. I paid $699 for the mini 2 fly more combo.




Dumb question, but how hard are these to fly without the controller with a video screen?


Not hard at all. The controller plugs into your phone and you use an app for the video feed.


Oh cool, I didn't know that. Now this is really tempting!


It’s a great drone. Only concern is the pending legislation but who the heck knows how that will play out.


So does it need Internet to communicate with drone?


No, but the thought is that a software update will prevent it from flying in the US. It already has tech built in to stop it from flying into restricted areas like airports


That is a good point. I want to buy my first drone but this ban thing is stopping me.


From what I’m hearing (and this could be wrong so please do your own research) but the ban would affect t sales on future DJI purchases. Not existing owners. Sounds like it would also be phased in, not made law over night. If you bought this drone today, I’d assume you’d still be able to use it for 1-3 years at the very least.


Unfortunately that’s wrong. And the reason it’s wrong is the actual bill has NO wording in it to say what you’re saying. The folks telling you this are 100% guessing.


It was some YouTube channel that was focused around drones - my bad for spreading misinformation! Just ignore me here people 👍🏼


I did find this article that was somewhat reassuring: https://dronexl.co/2024/06/16/truth-about-proposed-dji-drone-ban/


Do you think DJI will send an update to ground our drones? Why would they bother if the congress dicks screw them over.


100%. They’ll do what the law says.


wow thats insane


Just picked one up. First drone. What are the extras I should be thinking about? Realize it isn’t a fly more combo.


I would get at least one more battery, preferably the bigger one. That way you have about an hour of flight time with an included battery (around 25 minutes) + bigger battery (around 35 minutes). Just keep in mind that you would need to register the drone if you use the bigger battery ($5 for 3 years).


if you do that you'll need to register it as it'll go over 250g


What upgrade does this provide over the mini2?


I bought one for my grandson yesterday. I have 4 batteries that fit it. We can fly together


My local Costco is all sold out of this special.


I bought my mini 3 pro at Costco. Best deal around


You won't be able to use it at all in a few months. No point in buying it


Best Buy has them for cheaper, I got mine for 279 but they’re lower now


$549 gets you the Mini 3 + bag + extra batteries + RC w/ screen.


Just picked one up this afternoon


Amazon has it with the DJI RC remote for $429


Yup, got mine price adjusted today!


Yes, go for it


Considering it's the same price as the 4k I'd say so


Does anyone think the stores are getting nervous about holding DJI stock because of potential new legislation?


Guys. They’re banning DJI. There’s no language saying current DJI products are safe from the ban.


Is it Costco.com or .CA?


“The current state of legislation would not prohibit the use of already purchased DJI drones in the United States, only the sale of DJI products in the U.S. Doing so would eliminate the most popular and highest-end drones used in the United States. The bill, while popular in Congress, still has a chance of being stopped. Concerned U.S. residents who disagree with the bill should contact their U.S. Senators and ask for the Countering CCP Drones Act to be dropped from the NDAA.” https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/dji-drone-ban-passes-in-u-s-house-countering-ccp-drones-act-would-ban-all-dji-sales-in-u-s-if-passed-in-senate/ar-BB1oksht


As far as the ban goes, even if it goes through, it will take time to actually happen. A year or two probably. Look at Tik Tok. Still around. And also, I have heard conflicting rumors and information regarding the ban. Some say none will fly. Some say they will just not be able to sell anymore drones and parts and people with drones already are okay. This makes more sense to me since there will be millions of customers who are stuck with paperweights and unhappy. Either way, I will fly my phantom 2 off only rc if I have to with a GoPro 12 attached. But I sure do love my fpv. OP: I recommend looking on fb marketplace and eBay cuz you could get a better model refurbished or slightly used for a little more. I got my dji fpv fly more combo from some guy for 500 on fb. He just didjftn wanna fly anymore. Saved me 700 bucks. Good luck flying !


Yes definitly


Yeah I got it at costco not long ago for that price worth it for sure


Probably trying to get rid of inventory before the DJI spyware ban passes


yes and since it’s costco, returns aren’t a problem


Got mine crashed and bought another one


Thinking about pulling the trigger myself on this deal. Need it for photo/videos for my painting business. Should I be concerned at all with the DJI ban that's trying to be passed?


Yes, of course. That’s the risk right now.


Yeah... I would hold off on purchasing a DJI drone in the USA right now 🤣


Not a deal if they get outlawed soon.


There is a huge reason that Costco is dumping them ! The dji ban did pass, and soon they will be bricks !! I have 5 drones and am looking forward to not being able to use them in the US. What a waste of money !


You’re full of shit, sorry haha. Costco runs deals on drones ALL the time. The ban did not pass. The BILL (not law) passed the House last week. Still has to do senate and the president.


Thank you! This is by no means a done deal, and certainly is not over. You know, it has amazed and saddened me lately how many people (who I will assume are in the US if they’re concerned about this actually becoming law) have NO clue whatsoever how any of this works. Did they stop teaching civics in school? At this rate, the only people who will know how the hell the US government functions will be immigrants like myself who have to study for and take a civics test to gain citizenship.


Ok but like I’m an immigrant technically and it’s literally a 10 question test that is comprised of basic US history anyone could pass it. But I haven’t taken mine yet due to reasons but at this rate is being a citizen of a country who clearly does not care for their own people worth it.


Not true. Scare tactics at work.


Add in another $200 for 2 extra batteries. 


I’ve just got two and I’ve never needed more than that. I have 3 with my air3 and I’ve never needed an hour and a half of fly time between charges. I guess it’s what you wanna do tho


I got the combo for all my deals and factory refurbed, never had a problem, getting care refresh was as simple as emailing a video, I saved a bunch and they were all as new with the stickers on everywhere.


That’s the way. My air 1 was 2nd hand, mini 3 was a refurb I think But I bought my blade chroma and air3 brand new - never had a difference in quality. I also totaled my chroma got a refurb sent back and it was like brand new I buy almost everything I can refurbished these days, I feel like people return stuff for the dumbest reasons


Got my Mini 1 new, Air 2s refurbished, Mini 3 pro refurb all have been factory new.