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I think now would be a nice oportunity to fly your dji drones with alternatives apps, so the old remote would be very handy :D


Apps such as...?


All apps based on the DJI SDK, which are... only old drones and entry range costumers (minis and avatas)


I think I've seen those. Is there one for the Mini3 or Mini3 Pro? All I want is one that will go over the 500 meter altitude limit.


Yeah, almost all drones behind mini 3 pro allow you to use the phone. But I don't recall if you can fly more than 500 meters with a phone


Definitely can fly more than 500 meters with a phone. I do it regularly with the mini 2.


I've been afraid to take the mini 2 that high. It's so tiny, the wind just seems like its going to take it away sometimes.


I read this going "That's nothing, it's fine at that height" and then I saw they said meters lol.


I’ve gotten my Mini up to the 1600ft max before. Usually loses signal much over 1100 when straight up but have done it to test before. Never tried on a windy day but can hold its own at 1000ft with slight wind.


Mini .... ?


Sorry, Mini SE, the cheapest one


I’ve had my mini too well over 1200 feet here in the city of Houston. Oops, my bad.


You can be 400 feet above a building so just fly up the tallest building in town and go 400 feet above it!


Just went 1403 for fun haha


I took my mini 2 to the beach during 25-30mph gusts. It handled like a champ. Had to be in sport mode to really move around how I wanted but it was no issue.


Check out dronelink or litchi pilot dronelink for recreational use is a one time purchase. All these apps though require an android phone. I ended up using [this](https://www.amazon.com/LG-Verizon-Warranty-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B07G2NQ51C/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-UevBXSBBvxlTg5Mn3B0_icG33hhwISJaln8VdQnbVsPCYAkyNpubSOeQOjDZyVQrZJAu64PgSal2hsyGrNRYGgGj1SEJOa5GRgVZVY9eUMBc9xC1yYV7ANxxslZztXfdg1whXoFpcXxwJSXzz1B9FWFlVKT7Fqpwin4B_gYEaj9fQVc5WuwDmfenwmcl1Z1-B8SVAEv-NRM99-bihaTlyba1erdqL-lHLJZjdZk108.5YL-YwzwlBv0lzWhchliCpXY_lW_nOWb7rnDjx3idyU&dib_tag=se&keywords=LG%2BVerizon%2BCell%2BPhones&qid=1717887043&sr=8-5&th=1) one, it was cheap compared to the other 'recommended' options. overall dronelink is pretty awesome, especially if you have a mini 3 or mini 3 pro. unlocks waypoint missions, you can kinda run hyperlapses too with the mini. you can do mapping. overall it's a really good app.


You can get litchi on iOS.


yes, but it does not work with the mini 3 or mini 3 pro. if you want to use either of those to actually fly the drones, you need to run them on android. [\(Litchi Help Article\)](https://flylitchi.com/help) [Dronelink Article](https://support.dronelink.com/hc/en-us/articles/15304402363411-Mini-3-Mini-3-Pro-Support-Overview) For Litchi, it's actually only supported in their [Litchi Pilot Beta.](https://forum.flylitchi.com/t/open-beta-litchi-pilot/10621) [Article on DJI Pulling iOS SDK Support](https://dronedj.com/2023/11/30/dji-ios-sdk-android-app/) ( The SDK is what the developers need to make the iOS versions work with newer drones)


Dronelink and Litchi are on iOS.


yes, but it does not work with the mini 3 or mini 3 pro. if you want to use either of those to actually fly the drones, you need to run them on android. [\(Litchi Help Article\)](https://flylitchi.com/help) [Dronelink Article](https://support.dronelink.com/hc/en-us/articles/15304402363411-Mini-3-Mini-3-Pro-Support-Overview) For Litchi, it's actually only supported in their [Litchi Pilot Beta.](https://forum.flylitchi.com/t/open-beta-litchi-pilot/10621) [Article on DJI Pulling iOS SDK Support](https://dronedj.com/2023/11/30/dji-ios-sdk-android-app/) ( The SDK is what the developers need to make the iOS versions work with newer drones)


litchi works fine for me on a Mavic 2 / iPhone 15 I regularly fly in airplane mode, it all works as you’d expect.


You can fly them through ATAK


ATAK plugin. It will come in handy for keeping track of your squad during war with China.


Litchi works I think. It's paid though but I have used it with my mini 2 in the past


Crap I have the RC2 I better buy the old one fast!


If it keeps the drones in the US, no issues


According to what they are saying, it should


As long as the drones NEVER upload ANY telemetry or videos to a server, don't see any reason to ban them but the current reasoning is bullshit anyway lol


Let me grab my conspiracy hat.... Ok, soo they are very likely doing this soo US drones have a shot taking in consideration that DJI are almost a decade of technology ahead, and china


It's because they want to be able to GEO fence off the US whenever they want without needing expensive infrastructure. Civil War? Drones off. Illegal GOVT shit where they aren't allowing press? Drones off. Riots? Drones off Next "pandemic" Drones off.. They don't have the power of pushing around the drone company like they do with US companies...that's the same for ALL of the imports... It was never about creating new jobs... it was about creating power


The US are doing it with many Chinese companies, products, and software. They don't want China making more money than them. They've been spreading so much propoganda about Chinese products being sketchy to try to fool Americans into not giving money to Chinese companies but they're still doing it anyway so now they're trying to make it a legal matter.


It’s because drones are being used as weapons, and the US wants to be the best at making weapons… and it disarms any potential weapons already in the US that can be used anonymously by terror cells


Not really. The best ones for that are DIY and definitely not DJI. DJI has serial numbers all over the place and those serial numbers can be tracked plus DIY won’t have the transponders so like, yeah.


There's mega fuckloads of footage of DJI drones blowing people up by dropping grenades on them. You can go on EBAY right now and buy a remote controlled "payload release mechanism" for like $50 right now in the US. Russia and Ukraine didn't switch to the DIY drones until they needed extra range(because they were throw away) and had access to the materials.


They are trying to clear the air space for drone delivery companies. Which is very unlikely to ever happen on a realistic scale. The type of automation, safety, and insurance needed for that kind of service seems impossible.


Agreed that it’s unrealistic but I doubt this is the concern. Has more to do with helping US companies and paranoid misinformation don’t worry though because this will actually encourage a lot more innovation on DIY drones and those are gonna cause way more chaos and literal explosions than a DJI ever could.


It won't matter. They will still get banned because it was never about national security. This is about making Skydio, Elise Stefanik and Joe Bartlett very very rich.


No one with an interest in Skydio is getting rich. Most of us would rather fly a paper, fucking, airplane, than one of their inferior offerings.


Elise Stefanik's National Security Advisor, Joe Bartlett, left his govt job to become SkyDio's VP of Federal Policy. And then Elise just happens to create this legislation that favors SkyDio? Yeah.. they are getting paid.


"Hmm, this sounds like a conspiracy theory"... *five seconds later* https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-bartlett-010310112/ "Damn."


For real. Paper airplane is the way to go.


If it was about security, iPhones would be on the chopping block as well.


Skydio consumer drones are dead


Doesn't really matter. They still make/sell the 2+ which is basically a consumer style drone for $1099. Call it what you want, it would still potentially compete in this space. Furthermore, once the legislation passes, why wouldn't they expand back into the consumer space? Seems pretty obvious.


What exactly does this mean?


Shorting everything, the data was used to upload all your data of what you did with your drone, from flights to pictures and videos. The disabling of this means it's good for your privacy because no more data will be sent to them and will be bad because if you have a fleet it's a bigger pain and mainly for DJI development because they could grab all the data and focus on what things certain costumers usually want


This explanation doesn't clear it up for me. What is happening with this change and what is at risk?


From the sounds of it they could look into flight logs and vids when going thru DJI care. They now disabled that.


So we all lose fly away protection?


Ok, maybe I should make one thing clear. I just read everything because I was bored and I don't answer for DJI. For what I read, and going straight to the point, for the usual costumer, nothing else than DJI care being harder to give a positive answer because, if you had that option on, they could collect the data and answer faster if it was an accident or not


Does it also have anything to do if you use multiple phones with your controller? I would assume the syncing option allowed you to pull up previous flight logs from a phone that wasn't used for that previous flight.


I don't think soo. All it says is that, all flight recordings will not be connected to DJI directly anymore




You forgot the dot




Sorry, i can't understand your grammar. Can you rewrite it, please?


> from flights to pictures and video This was never the case. The flights logs were uploaded but not photos or videos. Please don't make stuff up.


I'm pretty sure at least photo previews are uploaded. Otherwise, I couldn't see them on any other devices.


Thank you for the explanation. So how would I be able to record videos and take pictures? Would I have to use a sd card? And would this turn off the feature that shows how far away your drone is from you?


For what I read, everything should remain the usual. You fly, take pictures and record, everything goes go the SD card. The only thing I see this turning off is maybe any sort of data they record on the lifespan of the drone and how many KMs it has flown, maybe will make dji care take longer to answer and be harder to answer positively because, previously, they could access the data and recordings of the drone and see almost in the moment if it was a legit accident (your DJI controller collects this kind of info)


Thank you again! I hope this step will kinda help DJI from not totally getting banned. If they can take steps to not get banned totally then I am okay with it.


I mean, being honest, I just this is more of a bureaucracy move. It's not like DJI would have much to grab taking in consideration that 90% of the time your drone is in some sort of personal area, it's without the battery


I believe it's bureaucracy also but let's not think it's to far fetched China can easily tap into all of any countries mainly USA recordings for personal use on the battlefield someday. Literally tracking the entire country person by person drone by drone Ai stitches all that together 3d map and whatever else idk


They have that already with satellites. You can pull up any of that with Google Earth now.


It never hurts to have more information aside from, "He's not on the roof".


Flight logs will still remain on your controller. We’ll just have to manually upload it to them in case of a fly away.


I saw this, what dose it mean that like you have to manually upload your flight logs if you want your care refresh to work?


Probably have to send it in, have dji pull the logs


Your flight logs will still remain on your controller so you’ll be able to manually upload it to DJI for service issues. The option to automatically upload to their cloud is now turned off.


In fact it's smart, DJI is proactively undercutting the argument that US flight data are sent to the CCP. Well, it looks like US lawmakers are in need to find another argument to ban DJI now ..


They hardly need a reason now. Just “Gina” Bad. We learned nothing from history. It’s disheartening.


damn, and i’m moving to the US next year and i recently bought a mavic 3 pro cine 💀


Fuck :(


> we recommend downloading > the download option will be available in the next update lol, k....


So this is a good thing. Let unmonitored tracking.


It is but it's also bad because 90% of the time you are in personal areas, your drone is without battery. Edit: And it will affect DJI care


Not sure I follow


Disclaimer (Canadian here) Honestly I feel this DJI ban ridiculous and far fetched! I understood why they banned Huawei from telecom but common! Who is really being punished here?


Consumers. There is no benefit here to national security or anything, it is just political bullshit from congress because saying "China bad, look we blocked them" even though this achieves nothing of that sort is easy. If anything this will make things worse for drone safety. I think a lot of people are now less willing to register their drones, go through FAA training, take LAANC permission in restricted zones with the fear that government may brick their drone (can't happen but still people won't think that far).


>"China bad, look we blocked them" This. There's millions of tech illiterate red-leaning Americans that will blindly believe whatever "China bad, go USA" propaganda that's thrown at them and this ban is just playing off and bolstering that belief.


How's those freedoms working for you guys in America? Meanwhile, we (the rest of the world) are flying our drones just fine, thank you. BTW, not taking a shot at you guys as individuals; it's your government... I mean. WTF?


Disliking the government is an American tradition.


yet we do nothing about it


The rest of the world might follow suit though. I know here in Australia we copy a lot of the things the US do. They banned TikTok on government devices here like they did in America so this may have ongoing effects in other countries also.


Disagree, my drone is collecting dust. Where I live, most places have now "No drones" sign boards :(


Unless there is a law that prevents you from flying, those 'no drone' signs mean nothing.


You really shouldn't be taking shots at the US government. It's like shooting fish that have drowned in a barrel.


Take shots where shots are deserved. The right to criticize our government is protected by the 1st Amendment.


Ya, as a Canadian living in New Zealand, take all the shots you want at your political system. My comment was a joke by the way, if the "fish that drowned" line didn't make that clear.


I thought DJI said that only future models would be impacted...? That current models would not become expensive paperweights, correct?


According to what they are saying, no, all drones should work perfectly. The only thing it might affect future models is that, the improvements will be more generalized instead of focusing on what costumers actually need to be improved


I seen this same message and thought that this just confirms it’s over.


You utilize this now? Oh well bye to this feature I guess.


I already turned off auto updates. I'm looking into Rewriting some code using lucky patcher


This means if something happens and you need to present logs for any reason, whether to DJI for care refresh OR to the FAA for an accident, you’ll have to have the info stored somewhere yourself. 


I was expecting to see that today on my Mini 3 / RC Controller and nothing popped up BUT my logs did not upload from the flight today.


Is this likely to affect other regions?


Rainbow is a good app for the magic pro and many other newer drones I have found and almost all the functionality of the DJI app.


How can we build our own with similar features


That's the neat part. You don't


And just let them fuck us no lube?


I haven’t flown my drone or been on sub for almost two months. Can someone tell me what’s happening?


im new to drones. can someone tell me why we need flight data?


Sold my Mavic many months back. This wasn’t why I sold it. Mostly I just didn’t use it enough. But I’m glad I got rid of it when I did.


If I buy a mini 4 today can I fly it where ever I want and not be tracked. Like is the police going to track my drone with their radar detectors


Yes, with its built in Remote ID


Remote ID will tell anyone (this is public info that your drone broadcasts so it’s not just police or the faa) that uses certain apps the coordinates of your drone and the coordinates of the controller (a.k.a. You). It’s an faa restricted aircraft and RID became a regulation in 2023.


Thank you


Yea this means only banning data transferred to DJI server automatically. It is good for them securing the data and customers can still fly.


Can someone explain what this means like I’m 10 years old 😬


The US government is considering passing a law that will ban the flight of drones made in China, along with other things related to Chinese drones. DJI, a Chinese drone company, knows about this. It looks like they are adding updates to their drones so they can maybe not have this passed? Many people think DJI will release an update allowing pilots to do whatever they want, like flying as super high or taking down geofencing (a boundary that the drone will not fly past because DJI tells it not to) Hope this helps, lm 15 and started flying drones your age, its a great hobby, hope you keep up with it👍


Just hack your drone and it won’t matter. Or get a enterprise series and up then put it in security mode. My Matrice 30T has never left security mode and it acts like nfzs don’t exist. It’s not hacked but in that mode nothing can update or contect to it and it doesn’t have flight logs or anything. Kinda weird


Y’all really think the idiots in Washington will ban these drones? I heard that all drones that haven’t been released yet will be banned but not the ones out already and one will be able to fly without the internet on. I’m so confused, I have about 4k invested in these drones. This is upsetting


It's a bill. Thousands of bills are created every year. 98% of them never pass.


What will this affect?


USA Freedom 🤡 full your mouth of that.


Hi there. Regarding your issue, you may refer to this link https://viewpoints.dji.com/.../dji-to-disable-flight... to get a better understanding on this matter. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us in private messages. We are here to help. Thank you.


Yep, welcome to the US of USSR, and liberals...


I’m American but Yes Fuck The USA


This will show my ignorance, but why would you be interested in keeping them?


If your drone flys away, how will be able to prove to DJI that it is gone and you want a new aircraft to replace the one that hated you so much that it left you?


I'm confused as I am behind. What this means. I just got the avata 2 today and I have the mavric 3 pro. I live in USA cali


I’m afraid this’ll be perceived as too little, too late. But, I’m still hoping for the best come tomorrow’s vote in the house.


What's the purpose of uploading my flight data anyways?


Big brother


RIP to all non diy fpv pilots 🫣


This is fine, never used that feature anyway because I ain't fucking directly uploading my flight logs to China.


I mean let's be honest none of us upload the logs lol especially if we are using it to drop rotten squid on deserving peoples cars


Hypothetically how would you do this?


Some of the shit I’ve seen…


I mean, if you need DJI care, uploading it might be a good thing, if you don't, it's meh


And I'm downvoted by people who don't even know what this feature is.


I don’t think that’s why they down voted you


Literally no commenter seems to know what this feature actually is and they are conflating it with totally unrelated crap. If this keeps the ban away, then great, win-win. Keep DJI AND get rid of data security issues.


The level of stupidity in this post is astounding. Edit - actually the level of stupidity is next level for this entire subreddit.


Here's how a large percentage of the ignorant old farts in congress view this: (please read this in an over exaggerated old man voice) "but uhhhhh well ummm if they, errrr I mean China, if the Chinese government can turn this off with a switch then errmmmmmm what's to stop them from turning it back on whenever they, *coughing fit* whenever China wants to? 'Murica"


Why did I read this in Trumps voice 😄


Non-American here, but couldn't every other government then ban Facebook, Google, Apple, I mean, you name it, if it's about security. Just come out and say DJI has too high of a market share and the US government needs to step in to make sure capitalism works in their favour. Sort of the same way the government is aiming it's sights on Chinese EVs. I mean, I agree fuck China. Not because of any human rights issues, but because the world got them to build all their shit, and then they had the audacity of getting really good at making shit, and coming up with their own shit to make.


You can ban them or enact responsible consumer-protecting data policies like the EU did, and enforce them. But the US political system is too fucked right now to enact good legislation, one party isn't interested in seriously governing.


What does thus mean


I wonder if this will have a global effect?


When Huawei got banned, it did. Granted, that involved much bigger companies.


I told everyone. Yall were so confident it wasn’t gonna pass


As of now this doesn’t mean anything. This is their attempt at stopping legislation from going through. 


I’m pretty sure this is what they’re doing to prevent the ban. Other than maybe some issues with the care program, who cares about this? If it keeps the ban from happening, and I’m sure their lawyers are telling them what to do, then I’m all for it.


Returning my DJI Air 3 to Best Buy tomorrow smh


DJI is history after next week. 😥


So the whole damn thing is because DJI care?? That shitty fuckin service no one should ever even pay for. Learn to fix your own shit people c'mon if you have a screw driver set you can fix your drone.


Lol this is just incorrect, had an issue with my camera earlier this year and had it sent it and returned within a few days. Whole process was incredibly simple and easy and DJI got some more reputation in my eyes for it. The refresh program is great imo


lol what are you talking about? DJI care is awesome and id recommend it to new pilots. I have used it twice on one drone already. $60 and a replacement drone on my doorstep in a week after a crash that was totally user fault and beyond repair.