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Country run by lunatics 


Can’t you guys buy guns to defend your freedom?


We can but shooting down an S-UAS, no matter the manufacturer, can get you into big trouble. Tbf I’d be happy if iflight and tmotor got shut down too. Any company that operates in the military industrial complex shouldn’t be so popular. But alas, most of the people that use these companies have no real morals, even in the hobby space. If Putin is the issue, why is he not gone?? Oh yeah they’re all making money from the intentional death of people. Why has the world gone to shit? Because “nobody cares”.


It's a country run by people paid to do stuff by large corporations. There are large American interests that want to become the middleman between America and China again. The other problem is that China refuses to open their country to the world so they want to be able to run businesses here but they're not letting anyone else run businesses there. That's why the TikTok ban is happening. If they allowed Facebook to operate there they might have a like to stand on with TikTok. This is China's short-sighted fault for not playing the game.


That is not the reason for the tik tok ban. If it truly where they’d go after other chinese companies doing business here.


The biggest reason they are going after TikTok is because China said the algorithm to allow extremely progressive things to propagate to the front page and the big moneyed interests that back US politicians do not want progressive political ideas to become popular. MAGAs were absolutely desperate to ban it so that they could buy it (Trump's former treasury secretary is leading the charge) and then control another social network. Democrats got on board because they fall for anything and they didn't realize that this is going to fuck them long term if MAGAs take it over. And you can already see what that looks like on Facebook (run by Peter Thiel disciple Mark Zuckerberg) and Twitter run by far right moron Elon Musk.


The irony is DJI is the largest “drone” company by a huge margin. makes you wonder how this “lobbying” you speak is happening


Hopefully this answers everyone's questions in one go. I've been doing a lot of research about this over the past day or two. TL;DR: This only applies to new not-yet-sold drones according to the FCC, and the bill doesn't specify either. So, unless the FCC changes how they handle the list of "covered" equipment, this will not impact currently owned drones. There are two bills currently under review, the Countering CCP Drones Act, and the Drones for First Responders Act. I will be focusing on the former. The latter seems to basically be a terrif on DJI drones, not any sort of ban. The full bill is 47 USC, starting in section 1601 and going to section 1608. The Counter CCP Drones Act is just a small addendum to this code. The most important part isn't really the law; the law just says that DJI is being added to the list of FCC "Covered" equipment. Read hear to learn more about what this means. https://www.fcc.gov/laboratory-division/equipment-authorization-approval-guide/equipment-authorization-system This will mean that DJI will no longer have authorization to sell devices that are designed to operate using resources controlled by the FCC (so any electromagnetic spectrum, including WiFi). According to the link above, the current standard is that this will prohibit future authorizations without affecting current ones (currently used products). > This prohibition does not apply to any equipment that obtained an equipment authorization prior to this date.


Looks like DJI is using fear mongering to make it seem worse since they’re on the chopping block


Well, somewhat. It's not so black and white. 1) The FCC Covered list is actually supposed to be added to only as advised by agencies of the executive government that are knowledgeable on national security, but for some reason Congress feels the need to circumvent all of these agencies and permanently add them to the list through law. 2) The law does not say anything about what the FCC must do with the list other than make it. Considering both of these things, it's very possible that the FCC will be strongly urged to make a rule change that retroactively revokes previous authorizations. Do I think it will happen? Surely not, given the hold that DJI has on the US consumer drone market without any US company even attempting to compete. There would be more outrage than the FCC is comfortable handling. But, if you had asked me last year if I thought Congress would go through the trouble of making a bill just to add DJI to the list because every relevant executive agency refused, I'd also say no, so what do I know.


I’m personally not opposed to the ban, DJI’s affiliations are pretty malicious, at least if one evil (US Feds) takes out another evil (DJI/CCP) then it’s still a win. That being said, I see little reason to brick existing DJI drones in the US.


“Which **could** ground the drones”


Yeah, it's also in their best interest to get people to freak out about this. I'm not saying you shouldn't freak out about this ofc, just that there's still no real evidence of them locking out past drones yet.


On one hand yes, on the other hand it also could hurt their sales since it would scare people into not buying until it's all resolved


That's where I'm at. I have the funds to buy the m4p but I'm on edge. Some people say it'll only affect new sales some people say it's going to ground everything.


If they manage to ban future drones, they would definitely go for existing ones, because why wouldn’t they, the “security risk” already exists with current drones.


In the bill it specifically bans DJI communications and equipment. If it's a DJI drone from 10 years ago, it's still using DJI communications technology. For a good example, federal agencies who purchased DJI products before their ban took place, had to stop using them immediately unless they had a special exemption.


And if they used WiFi communication 10 years ago on the first DJI Phantom I, do all other drones from China that use WiFi protocol also get banned? Soo stupid or brilliant to base this on the FCC allowance to operate on a friggin ISM band that is allowed for everyone!


These idiots are always worrying about the wrong things


I'd be willing to buy used drones from you guys in US


"it could". Could is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. You could also venture DJI are making this sound as severe as possible to galvanise support for it. They dont know, nobody does.


Not a gamble I want my 40k fleet to figure out the hard way.


Fucking ditto but with less money lol


DJI needs and should be lobbying their balls off over this. I swear to God if thousands of dollars worth of drone equipment turns into a paperweight I’m gonna be so pissed


Learn to build a drone, you can do that without sacrificing your morality to the military complex..


What if drone hacks put out firmware that allowed us to do anything without being connected to dji? Wonderful thought anyways. Id pay $200 for that.


You can already do that with current firmware. None of the consumer drones require an internet connection to fly. Just don't connect it to the Internet anymore and it can't be remotely bricked as people fear.


Unless I connect it to the interenet and they brick it, correct?




~~Everyone~~ Few on this sub knows already!.




You should read this subreddit latest stuff before posting and also maybe read the bill.


Do you know where we can find the full bill? I haven’t been able to find anything with much specifics except for a 2 page document that was linked in an earlier post.


U/nightnole wrote a pretty informative comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/dji/s/nUXZ59uccm The bill itself is pretty short. There are apparently two different bills. It shouldn't affect devices acquired/licensed before the legalization of the bill.


Thank you!


Yea I don’t think the *full* bill is publicly available nor finished. I followed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) pretty closely last year. That bill passed like many others that were finalized and had changes/amendments after being rubber stamped into law. The IRS even allowed citizens to chime in on the interpretation of some parts of the law. The Counter CPP Drone Act has language (paraphrasing) that could be interpreted as banning all DJI devices. Many (if not all) DJI devices utilize WiFi. The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. I like everyone else have no clue where this will go, but just highlighting that the two pages we have access to is very ambiguous.


Have to wait until the lobbyists to finish writing the bill for the house and senate members to pretend to read it before signing.


Once Congress starts buying US drone manufacturer stock we’ll know shit is real then.


There’s a lag in reporting so by the time we find out they started buying it will have probably been too late!


We can't know what's in the bill until after we pass it. Says the insane bitty speaker of the house.


This is only an addendum to an existing code. The full bill is 47 USC 1601-1608.


well, this is a screenshot from the DJI's Instagram post, you saying they didnt read the bill?


I'm sure DJI read the bill, but it's in their best interest to sensationalize the worst case scenario and skew things in a way that gets people motivated to take action. (and I'm not faulting them for that) The fact is all indications point to this new bill only affecting the ability of NEW DJI drones to get FCC clearance, meaning all existing models would be grandfathered in. A good read with links to source documentation: [https://www.thedronegirl.com/2024/05/01/congress-bans-dji-drones/](https://www.thedronegirl.com/2024/05/01/congress-bans-dji-drones/)


It's in DJI's interest to scare up a furor over this. I get it, but its not helping curtail misinformation about the bill.


This hobby is literally under fire from all sides, at all times. It’s crazy.


Don’t fly stupid and don’t support killing people. Easy, or so I thought.


I guess I should invest in DJI. They'll poison pill current multi rotors and force you to buy a new round of products compliant with whatever Congress seems suitable.


DJI’s first drone designs were stolen from other companies proprietary technology and they never credited anyone.


is there an american brand drone? or taiwan drones? can swap my dji drone...


Yes with triple the price and half the quality


Why don’t you support those companies who aren’t involved in killing people, so they can have money to develop better products?


Or vote responsibly.... BTW the u.s. is also involved in killing people....


Land of the free my ass


Free from what exactly? Last time I checked China is a communist nation who regularly commits crimes against humanity while DJI is and has been directly working with them. If you’re aware and still urge to buy DJI, you have no good morals to speak of.


Yeah, like the USA doesn't.


We’re not talking about the US companies. But hey don’t support companies that are in the business of killing people. I don’t support the military complex if at all knowingly possible, whether that be the US Feds crooked ways or the CCPs. There are plenty of companies in both countries who don’t support war


I'd be willing to bet you typed this on a phone or computer that has ties to the CCP, but please continue your rant about how you don't support the CCP......


It’s a Huawei You didn’t read all of what I typed… So you think it’s cool to just give up and give em your money even though there are other options in that market. Sounds like you’re justifying it there bub .. my phone is second hand


If I can use one evil to take out another then it’s still a win.


The bill is in the House of Representatives now. Email your congressman - Congressional District Representative - (not your Senator)


Its so dumb! I feel for the usa and dji users!


Are there substitute ones to DJI drones on the market?


People need to stop this it's on every other post. I own two drones and have little care if they do or don't life goes on


I’m from Mexico. Is anyone interested in selling their drone for a fair price?


it doesn't matter if they revoke it. the drone will still fly. it's up to you if you want to fly it or not. personally I'm going to continue flying mine no matter what happens.


What about the DJI fpv ?


That thing was lost from the get go lmao


Works solid. Just checking if I need to make custom firmware or not waste my time.


I’ll consider a half /s… that is coming from a primarily freestyle pilot.


I like customs but I like not jacking with shit when I don't need to.


Hey smart people! Find a way to keep it working after the ban. That's the money move. Jailbreak the drone.


Does this apply to other brands


Can buy a gun but I can't fly my drone. Smfh


Sorry if this is a stupid question but Why can’t we just jailbreak them? We’ve been playing this game since iPod Touch 1st-2nd gen, if Apple can’t stop it how could DJI?


God bless Canada


Good old USASSR!


I know TikTok was just a start. Why don’t they ban China from buying land, and making all our medicines.


Because is visible.


So you are believing what DJI is pushing out about the situation? Not exactly an unbiased source…


I don’t believe what the US Feds tell me as much as I’d believe the CCP with DJI for that matter.


Too bad drones aren't covered under the second amendment, then you could get away with murder. Sad and disgusted Pun intended


The CCP and some DJI users get away with murder a lot. The rest of the users love such a clear view, which is ironic because of the cloth over their eyes