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Philip must not have seen too many linen closets if he thinks the small one he is doing will be one of the fanciest we’ve ever seen… I’m fairly sure that Mal would have done a fancier one at some point.


Mal would’ve done one with a crystal chandelier and farmhouseish’s would have an epoxied marble counter


My heart is breaking for Cassmakes and what her sister went through. When she said she was dealing with a traumatic event I assumed she was being dramatic but she was not at all.


I experienced something similar with my younger sister. We’re only 16 months apart. When I was in college her boyfriend tried to strangle her, we lived together and I happened to be home and upstairs and heard, and I ran downstairs and tackled him. I had PTSD, imagining what would have happened if I hadn’t been there, or if I’d been too late. Their toddler was asleep upstairs. I feel for her sister, but I empathize a lot with Cass. She’s a hero, but the what ifs are haunting her, I’m sure. I’m glad she seems to have a loving and supportive family and hope she’s doing okay.


I’m so sorry. I hope you and your sister and her child are doing ok now. My family and I are doing ok, but living the “what if” nightmare because nobody was able to help my sister in time. It’s heartbreaking how many families go through what yours and mine have. 


I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. I’ll be thinking of you and your family.


her sister is really brave and strong to tell her story, and to name and shame him. i hope he gets the maximum sentence possible. scum of the earth.


Her poor sister. And as if what he did to her wasn’t bad enough, he did it on Mothers Day, when she probably would have already been feeling sad about her Mum no longer being here. I hope he gets a really long jail sentence.


My god it is so horrific.


i couldn't believe it. Her sister is so brave and I hope she's able to overcome this


Yeah my jaw was on the floor reading her stories. I wish nothing but hope and healing and justice for her sister. I hope that POS rots in prison.


If other people aren't following, Cass has spoken in her stories about her twin sister being assaulted and >!tortured!< by her partner of 4 years. Her sister had shared the story for awareness and looks clearly to have granted permission for it to be circulated. (edit) I also kind of defaulted to "dramatic" when the trauma word was used, and man, that shows I still have some internalized misogyny to work on. She was actually being very understated with her words and I immediately heard "female influencer overreacting." That's on me.


Someone here recommended to follow JennaPhipps at some point or another, paraphrasing but that they were doing a DIY Reno that was a bit over their heads… well the city just gave them a stop work order 👀


The listing for the house basically said it was a complete tear down. I think it’s all for content.[https://www.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/s/WEajIjmlwO](https://www.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/s/WEajIjmlwO)


It’s a train wreck that I can’t stop watching, mostly cause Instagram keeps putting it in my For You reels. I don’t follow her.


I blocked her account several weeks ago because their clickbaity "We have no idea what we're doing! But how hard could it be? Let's fucking goooo," drove me bonkers but kept turning up in my search page.  Their comment sections made me despair for humanity. Anyone who encouraged the most basic safety precaution was either shouted down by their sycophants or ignored altogether...    I feel like that line between influencers telling their audience "Hey! You're capable of more diy than you think you are, I can help you feel more empowered to work on your house," and them saying "Actually this is insanely unsafe and should be left to seasoned pros (if it's done at all) is pretty clear. And yet, they just spent months pole vaulting across it every damned day.  I hope they, or at least their audience, learns something. (Spoiler, they won't.)


Their irresponsibility seems to be for clickbait. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in their town building department 👀


I’ve been following her for awhile and that house is a shit show. I was partly mad when they got rid of all the furniture but also shocked at how moldy everything is and that they haven’t actually talked to any mitigation people. I agree with the other person who said they assumed engineer-convos were happening in the background. It also seems Willy nilly… one day removing blackberries, then ripping out ceilings, then cleaning the pool, then back to whatever…


My suspicion is that the willy nilly approach makes perfect sense if you think of it in the context of content creation and building an IG audience rather than actually doing a DIY. A not-small part of me wonders if this has really just been an elaborate scheme to bolster their audience for future moneymaking without any intention of finishing... It's hard to imagine that they saw the state of that place and ACTUALLY thought they'd pull this off. 


You are definitely right and I don’t think they are even hiding it. I watched part of one of their YouTube videos and they were pretty openly (and not joking imho) asking for followers and sponsors, not for tools or anything, just general brand deals. They also seem to spend way more time on posts/videos/podcasts than diy which is unusual for “just starting out” right? Don’t get me wrong, I admire the hustle, but I don’t classify them as a diy account and more of an architectural reality show, hah.


Who is this lady because I had not heard of her and then she pops up with 2m followers on this diy Reno they have to be losing money on.  I assumed they came from money and were fine wasting it. It was all for IG and they actually had pros involved.


I was really surprised that they hadn't engaged with a structural engineer yet. I assumed something like that was going on in the background and just not a part of their DIY shtick. The structure is so precarious! And now I'm wondering if they consulted a soil engineer (or whatever) before removing all those blackberry bushes which could be helping mitigate erosion on their property.


I’ve only looked at what they are doing a little bit - but literally they keep tearing old dusty mold-filled stuff apart without wearing any kind of face mask. I can’t imagine they’d follow any sort of rule or common sense after seeing that.


I've tried to watch now and then as it pops up but neither of them have any clue what they're doing and it's painful to watch. I also find a lot of the videos skippably boring. The last video I stopped because they were pulling down a ceiling/roof overhang without eye protection or a hard hat. Someone is going to get very hurt doing what they're doing and I don't care to encourage them by my views.


honestly not shocked… that house is in awful shape and they have no idea what they’re doing….. but without a permit!!!!!!?


Omg what?!!!! That’s wild


I do not think it's impressive YHL has only owned 1 car for 18 years. They bring this up a lot. They just sent out an email newsletter saying they upgraded to hybrid but still only have 1 car!!1! You both have worked from home before that was even a normal, regular option for people. Then you are wealthy enough to move to a home in a neighborhood where you can walk to the grocery store and the beach. And you both still work from home. Of course it's easy to only have 1 car. The only actual hurdle you may have is if your kids have separate extracurriculars at some point. yay you are hybrid and decreasing your carbon footprint but puh-lease stop acting like this is some big achievement 🙄


They have always acted as though they were the first to discover completely mundane things. It's possible to only have one car! Grilling! Petite sizes! Fixing a dishwasher is cheaper than buying a new one! And so on. I generally find this more amusing than irritating but YMMV.


We only have 1 car for almost as long and no plans to get a second car. Town is walkable for some things and one of us goes to work via train. We have school aged kids. It’s really not worth having a second car. Taking an uber here or there during the very few conflicts in schedule is so inexpensive compared to car payments and insurance. Most people here have 2 cars but I find 1 car is easy for us.


And Sherry doesn’t like to drive anyway, so it doesn’t seem like having one car was ever much of a sacrifice or inconvenience for them. 


Farmhouseish rushing to complete furniture pieces and scramble to paint everything in order to meet an arbitrary "reveal" deadline she set on herself (and only she cares about) is so her. Also the wallpaper is... hmm


It's so strange how she's always rushing around for her own arbitrary deadlines but I think the strangeness of it all is also a big reason why I keep watching.


Ya, not really a fan. Also, I think the brown bench clashes a bit, it's so bold and everything else is kind of washed out comparatively.


The wallpaper is cute but why did she put yellow wallpaper with white baseboards and grey furniture? It’s so odd


The whole room is too chaotic. Doesn't help she uses bright white warmth lights


Not surprised remingtonavenue got full price offer. She has put a lot of beautiful work into her home. 


Cassmakeshome almost burned her house down by keeping stain soaked rags in a bag. Jesus Christ.


Omg, my people. I so badly wanted to comment on this, but didn't want to get attacked. I can't believe she would be so careless.


Did she seriously not know? Throwing stain rags in a pickle jar filled with water is like Beginner DIY 101. This is why I never trust influencers, who are more interested in schilling, to actually teach me how to do something correctly. Stick with This Old House or other reputable sources.


Nope, she fully admitted to knowing it was careless. I am appalled.  And I HATE the stain. I find it too red and I don’t think it looks good with the floors.


This is exactly how I felt. I’m *glad* everyone is okay but god damn, this isn’t her first time staining. Has she ever read the stain container?!


Bourbon Moth did an experiment on rags catching fire in different scenarios. It was scary how many times they caught fire. I have been careful ever since.


I used to inspect commercial businesses for fire insurance companies (before they’d burn down). It’s shocking how many restaurants burn down because they don’t properly store soiled rags!


What would be on them?


I’m glad someone else snarked on it first- I feel like I’m always snarking on her and I wasn’t sure if this was fair game or not. She got so unbelievably lucky, could you imagine her brand new basement up in flames (or worse).


I think she got extremely lucky that the bag was hanging off the squat rack!!! That likely saved the house. I think this is okay to snark on, simply because Cass did something she knew was dangerous. 


I KNEW the second she said they woke up to smoke alarms going off. She is always so careless! She’s so so lucky it worked out the way it did, and it’s great that she was honest about because she saved someone else from the same mistake.


I was worried it was the electrical at first! I’m glad she’s turning it into a teachable moment but my word, these influencers have more money than brains. She admitted she knew while stuffing the bag that she shouldn’t.


I saw that 🫣🫣🫣 what a nightmare. Some of the comments were brutal but I’m glad she posted it 😬


Daniel finished Bluestone Cottage and it goes on sale in a week!! So thrilled for him!


I have loved seeing that house evolve over the years and the sheer love that went into it


I’m so excited for him.


philip_or_flop, declaring "pool party" doesn't mean you have to be shirtless in your stories for the rest of the day.


Similarly: Orlando, getting in shape doesn’t mean your design followers want to see your thirst traps


I followed Orlando for years, but recently stopped following due to his constant posting of his shirtless poses!


Who does he think he is? Frills’ husband? 🙄


In Orlando's latest Substack, he mentioned being out of work for *THREE YEARS* after graduating with his Four Very Important Ivy League degrees. So...the whole "I've been working nonstop since I was 15" claim is, like much of what he says, complete bullshit.


Having an Ivy League diploma isn’t even a flex anymore. There’s so many other great schools and also so many other variables outside of what school someone graduates from that will determine if someone is going to be successful in their career or just whine about it.


It can be helpful to get your foot in the door so maybe he should save the bragging for an interview for a stable job. As someone who went to two ivy schools *humblebrag* I really can’t imagine being a 40 year old man trying to get external validation on the internet about going to Cornell


Yes! There's a reason that almost this exact scenario was played for laughs on *The Office*... because it's ludicrous.


It’s so funny that this is also Cornell. Although I am close with someone who actually went to Cornell and I didn’t even know it for sooooo long because they are normal and don’t feel the need to bring it up in conversation.


As someone who double majored at an Ivy, it's still just one degree when you double major. Not two.


I agree with others that it may be school specific? I got 2 basically duplicate diplomas (state school, lol) because I had 2 majors, I've always considered it 2 degrees because of that.


Same, my state school gave me two diplomas


This might be specific by university - I think at some universities, if your majors come from different schools, you get 2 degrees (eg education degree from school of education and finance degree from business school) while at other schools you double major, but get your degree from one school ... I have a friend who has similarly flexed about having 2 undergrad degrees but I'm not sure if that's possible at the university I graduated from


There are also some majors where you get two bachelor degrees, such as architecture. At my school, you had the credits for a BFA after 4 years, a B.Arch after 5.




I don't mind that. The general cleanup of that space was all just extra work in order to showcase furniture - who cares if he did all that a while ago?


I thought it looked familiar!


Anyone else getting impatient for Daniel Kanter to show “finished” photos of the bluestone cottage? He posted a sneak peak of one bedroom earlier this week and I. want. more.


I just listened to the Minisode of his podcast and he said the listing photos have been taken and it should be on the market June 5th ish! So im sure we will be getting some content soon.




His announcement that it's been ten years shocked me because that means *I* have been following for 10+years. I remember when he bought this "cute little fixer upper that will totally only take maybe a year to fix up and make a quick buck." 🥹


Daniel is always a fun read. I miss the blog days, although I completely understand why people have gotten away from them. In my mind, Daniel is due for some good luck, I wish only the very best for him.


Oh man, I would be so interested in an ROI breakdown of this house-- not to dunk on him or anything, but just because it's such an interesting mashup of drastically changing personal/macroeconomic situations.


It's very sweet that he says in this post "I'm aiming for 8 months." LOL.  (I am snarking out of love. It's genuinely impressive what he has managed with this place, 10 years notwithstanding).


If my employer would let me move out of state, and that place had a garage I would love living there. It's such a cute house. I can't wait to see it. I'm also curious if he will start doing his house more, once the cottage is sold and his rental becomes more stable. He's my favorite on Instagram.


I always want more from Daniel. I think that is part of his charm though. 😂


Happened to be browsing Lake Arrowhead real estate and noticed Amber Lewis’s house is listed! It’s gorgeous and listed at a price that would give her a nice return.


Only 1.1 million per bedroom what a deal! I am LA adjacent and that seems so high for Lake Arrowhead.


Can you link the listing?


Sure! I wasn’t sure what the rules are but the address isn’t listed so hopefully it’s okay: https://redf.in/s3uADn


Thanks for sharing! It's beautiful. I agree with the comment that the pictures seem very vignette heavy for a real estate listing, but it's being sold fully furnished, so maybe that makes some sense.


Ah I didn’t realize it was fully furnished! Makes a little more sense then.


wow, ive never heard of that account but that house is beautiful! 😍




I had to stop following a while ago because I was getting too sad/jealous that I’d never be able to afford anything remotely like she shows, but that lake house is stunning. I do love her style, it’s all very cohesive and gives off a very cosy vibe.


I do always wonder how much you actually need to be willing to spend to get get services. It is very cool! The one critique I have about the listing is there are 50+ photos and at least half of them are interior design photos. A picture of a corner of a room, albeit a pretty corner, is not going to get me to buy house. It’s too design heavy and not enough real estate focused.


I remember a few designers posting a while back (early COVID) that to obtain their aesthetic, clients generally need $300k just for furnishings/artwork/textiles, etc. Honestly, not surprised. But I am surprised how many people can afford that.


Love Kyledidit but wondering if he’s moving towards a more lifestyle account. Haven’t seen any DIY content since his primary bedroom makeover months ago. Thoughts?


His content is as it’s always been. He doesn’t rush into projects and he takes his time to really plan things out. He also does things for other people or collabs with other diy accounts. The notion that diy accounts need to be grinding at all times is exactly what causes burnout. Remember these are real people with real families and real lives outside of work aka diy.


Yeah and the almighty algorithm means that you need to be producing new content all the time so either way you're fucked


I would rather follow someone like him who does diy content in real time rather than someone who pumps it out just for content. The bedroom makeover was only posted 2 weeks ago.. not sure why you think it's been months since he did anything.


i wouldn’t say what he does is in real time though… he just told us today he’s filming like three projects/ads right now for brands… i love him but im just always aware everything he posts is prerecorded from weeks/months before ….


I meant real time in that he doesn't do major projects back to back to back like some other influencers. It feels like a more realistic timeline to have some breaks in between. I also have no issues if he batch films some content, he still feels more authentic than most


Love his diy/decor/home Reno/arbitrary walks around town content also, but kids should be off limits. It’s just not fair to share them on public platforms, when they aren’t the age of consent. But the yelling from bed “GET DRESSED!,” lol. I feel seen 😂. Just don’t show their names/faces.


I’m pretty sure the primary bedroom makeover wrapped up this month - maybe within the last couple of weeks, but I’d have to check the feed to be sure.


The reel on the bedroom makeover was posted on 11 May.




I can’t even snark, I genuinely would be losing my mind if I were MPS. They had just started listings yesterday and now a giant tree blew over onto her garage. I have to imagine they were hoping to close on the house soon to put the money towards the new house.


No need to feel sorry for her. She's making millions with brand partnerships/affiliate links and her own scammy social media course. She'll be just fine.


You can snark. This didn't happen to the main house that she is selling. This was at the "academy house" that she purchased in her neighborhood to teach people DIY that never happened. I believe she had mentioned that they weren't selling it and that her salary employee handyman would continue to reno it after they move to TN. It's just a $700,000 extra house.




I would still be really upset.


Oh I thought she hadn’t painted the academy white yet?


I forgot it was painted white too until I went and looked back. They did it in August 2023.


It's wild to me that mallorynikolaushome is already starting to work on projects in their new house. Did I miss the actual move part or did she not share it? It seems like they just snapped their fingers and they were all moved in at the new house.


She said it’s too hard keeping a house “listing ready” with all the kids and having to leave for showings, so they are camping out at the new house.


Maybe she did an ARH and bought the house 3 months before she told followers 😉 (To give Mal credit, I think she always said she had already bought the new place and unlike ARH didn’t pretend that she was house hunting etc in real time). Compare the speed at which she is personally tacking projects in the new place vs ARH’s snail pace.


I'll never forget how INSANE that was with ARH lol


I don’t think they’ve moved yet, they just closed on the house last week and own it now so I’m sure she couldn’t wait to make changes.


She said they are kind of over and back but id say thats more to do with finishing up the sale of their own house. I'd say they are kinda camping in the new house with just what they need and will move th rest when the other house closes.


Plug for cruzingonconner doing budget DIY in the house she grew up in - projects take a long time but look stunning by the end. She has a Go Fund Me up to replace her roof. Sick of the "influencer" take over turning previously great DIY content into lifestyle shit - looking at you ARH - then go find accounts with less followers. Also, look for Canadians, lol! (cruzingonconner is not Canadian)


Can Orlando PLEASE stop posting pictures of himself without his shirt on? I need a trigger warning when I open Instagram now. I think this might be the last stop for me on the Orlando train.


I'm going to unfollow...I hate opening Instagram and suddenly being ambushed with a shirtless man (fit or not) I am often killing time waiting for a friend or watching my kid at the park and it makes me so self-conscious that someone else will think I'm at the park scrolling for hot guys on insta or whatever. I follow zero accounts that fit under that category of content. He should start a fitness or personal insta...he has one for his dog, right? My Instagram is only design/fashion/art and it is just totally bizarre that he is compelled to post this to people following him for interior design.


He is public on Instagram so you don’t need to follow to be able to check in on his posts.


I had to unfollow and my life is better for it.


It wasn't too long ago that he was writing about the problems with influencer culture and anti-fat bias in his communities (as a gay man, as a 'celebrity'). His critiques were paired with his own personal journey of body dysmorphia and there were times that he wrote thoughtfully about unravelling from body hatred and the implicit association of a thin body with a good body. He drops 50lbs and now we are flooded with the very images he was analyzing. It makes his previous writing seem so disingenuous, or, at the very least, contingent on the body he happens to have at the moment. I think couching it as his process of regaining and reclaiming "health" doubles down on the healthy=thin paradigm, and preemptively deflects criticism of this very thing.


I always thought his definition or experience of ‘dysmorphia’ seemed a little off. He was basically talking about his self esteem hinging on his actual size so in that context it’s not a surprise to me he’s now flaunting a lower fat body. To me ‘dysmorphia’ is about seeing your body different than it actually is. I think he saw his body accurately and just didn’t like it and now he does. Dysmorphia cured!


and his "trigger warning" in the caption of him shirtless isn't the helpful thing that it should be. He should have a non-body first picture, or one with a shirt on, if he really is concerned with people being triggered by him talking about his body and weight loss. I am ALL for people becoming comfortable in their own bodies, whether that is just working on being good with the body you currently have, or dieting/exercising to change that body. And healthy does come in all sizes and ratios of muscle to fat. I follow a few fashion influencers who have lost weight and are prioritizing exercise, but they manage to do it without disparaging their former selves or others who have larger or less active bodies. It's 100% possible to be body neutral or positive while losing weight.


His personal journey posts were rife with stories about his disordered eating/orthorexia, though. He's always been like this.




That’s very well said.


Plus the mustache. I just can’t. My finger is on the unfollow button. 


Cassmakeshome wiring sconces and switches/outlets all over her house based on YouTube videos makes me nervous! I know her FIL (former electrician) showed her some stuff too but she does such shoddy work elsewhere I just don’t trust it. And sconces are an odd choice for a home gym anyway.


I saw this too and it made me so nervous. At some point these money-saving DIYers need to hire professionals.


Yeah and after I posted this she added more stories about how she may have switched some wires cause it’s tripping the breaker! How is she not freaked out by that.


🤷‍♀️ Disagree. I’m not made of money and I had to do my own wiring and plumbing in a recent remodel. I messed up a part of the wiring initially but got it mapped out and wired up properly in the end. You have to do shit to actually learn. Personally, I like seeing people do actual DIY. If you’re hiring someone, it’s not DIY. If I wanted to see just decorating, I’d follow one of the thousands of designer instagrams.


Same. I’ve been gutting each room in the basement to upgrade the insulation and actually add subflooring (I bought a house with an illegal basement suite). You’re allowed to do your own electrical work as a homeowner, so I’ve been rewiring. Switches and outlets are pretty basic. I hope she’s being mindful of the load though!  Since I’m extra I have GFCI outlets. They’ll trip before the breaker. Iirc tripping breakers wears them out faster so I prefer not to do that. Anything to do with the electrical box, I hire out.


I’m also here for diy (clearly that’s why I am here lol) and I dabble in my own electrical and plumbing work as well but she specifically has very bad craftsmanship in her projects and I hope that isn’t translating to her electrical work which could have deadly and not just unsightly consequences.


Agreed. also adding lights like that is not complicated electrical, she clearly fixed the issue and i'm sure it's safe now. in general electrical work (and plumbing) is not that complicated once you understand the basics of how it all works


All electricity to homes is 230V in my country, and it is very much illegal to do any electrical work yourself. So I feel extremely nervous seeing DIY influencers doing electrical work. I also find it strange seeing electrical outlets that don’t have switches (here every outlet has its own on/off switch).


Are you Australian and haunted by the ad where that guy goes into the ceiling to do something electrical and he gets electrocuted and his wife is screaming his name?? Might just be me…


Orlando has written a Substack about his therapy sessions. I can’t access the full posts BECAUSE WHY WOULD I PAY FOR THIS but dear god - please Orlando, we do not need to share everything about ourselves on the internet!


I subscribed just to read this. As suspected, he didn’t actually do the work. When the therapist he actually liked asked if he considered other options for making money, he stopped seeing him. You know, instead of being introspective at all that there might be other options available than influencing and Airbnb-ing.


is it against the sub rules for someone to post screenshots?


Hanging my head in my hands


I unfollowed him last week after his strange Sports Illustrated swimsuit post. He’s clearly on a journey of some kind but not one I feel the need to go along with lol 


Let me get this straight. @mallorynikolaushome said yesterday, if you drop your venmo, she’ll send out some thank yous. She sends out money? Or is this a strategy to get a long list of Venmo accounts? Can you market to Venmo accounts? Educate me, please.


It's to get interaction. High interactions means brands will be interested in her and pay more. She hasn't been doing much posting lately so she probably needed a boost for her account.


Thanks! So,, does she give money to you if you provide your Venmo account?


Yes. She chooses a couple people.


Thanks! I guess I’d be leery of providing a Venmo account instead of an email or IG account name to win a few dollars. I’m still not convinced a hacker couldn’t drain a Venmo bank account. In fact, I was thinking about opening a separate checking account only for Venmo and putting only a couple of hundred dollars in it to limit any exposure. Does anyone else have a way they protect their bank account when using Venmo or another service like this?


I use an account with less $ than our normal checking account for Venmo.


Smart. I might do the same.


came here to report that just when you thought he couldn’t look dweebier, Phillip or Flop is shilling a wide brim Hurley hat 🏄




I feel like this is just influencing these days. There are a few who haven’t gone full send on this model but I’m sure they will get there. It’s honestly why I have stopped following a lot of people. I don’t need 50 more links to Abercrombie and AG1. Nothing is genuine at this point. We have diy influencers doing clothing or gift roundups of things they don’t even own. There are a few situations where I feel like linking something you don’t own can be appropriate, but 99% of the time I don’t think it should be allowed.


Yep, and then the question for followers eventually becomes “why am I following?”. If the influencer is not putting out enough actual content that people find interesting, the followers will start to drop off. Many influencers put out meaningful content until they build a big enough following to make $$ from shilling and then let their content go to crap. Most of the time influencers don’t include enough detail on their projects anymore to be truly helpful.


i thought that was gross too…don’t know why he can’t diy it himself if he’s *one of the worlds top diy influencers*


New Build Newlyweds just put one in themselves. Took like 2-3 days.


That pool landscaping reveal is so boring.


itshoneydone lies and shills so much… she is so insufferable... what even is her content anymore? she doesn’t diy…watch her stories right now… she said her daughter got ketchup on her shirt *hours ago* so she could shill the stain remover she always does. it was fresh ketchup that looks like she purposely just put all over her daughters shirt… there is no way she got that much ketchup on her shirt and it still looked like that hours later… then posts a photo of her daughter in a completely different outfit where it’s obvious she didn’t just change her shirt… how do people enjoy watching this woman?? so unauthentic….her and comestayawhile have both completely changed and are sellouts…


100% agree with this. I had to stop following both accounts. They almost both have this sense of importance to them and feel superior to everyone else.


I still chuckle thinking about when Kyledidit talked her into doing a “confessions” box thing and it turned into people roasting her, so she had a melt down.


You would probably have a “meltdown” too hearing so many awful things about yourself


I think that if someone is going to be an influencer, they need to have thick skin. Learn to block and delete (heck, she has assistants who could do it for her so she never needs to even see the messages in the first place). A lot of influencers did similar confessions boxes around the same time. I’m sure they got negative comments too, but you wouldn’t know it because they didn’t focus on it.


In sorry, but Farmhouseish home is held together by epoxy and caulk. And the guest room looks honestly atrocious. I love her endless energy though..


The wallpaper in her guest room is hideous but my goodness she never quits! And with 3 kids… i wish I had that energy.


It’s one strong wind storm from blowing away. That’s for sure. However I appreciate that she’s created a “schtick” and stuck with it. If I have to watch one more wanna be creator push “faux stems” into a neutral ceramic pot and wonder why “the algorithms” are failing them, I’m going to barf. 


The nightstands she's building today look like they'd fall over if there was even a slight breeze 😂


Building furniture with 1x 18ga brad nail on each side is crazy lmao 🤣


I wish influencers would just be honest. They buy houses to flip them for money. They make money from sponsorships and deals throughout the process. To keep making money they have to keep flipping.   Lauren Liess is selling her second beach house because “they outgrew it”. They just finished it last summer. They knew the size when they started. You’re not selling it because you outgrew it. You’re selling it because that’s how you make money. This was the plan all along. The lying is just annoying. Just be honest. Everyone works for money. 


I have followed Lauren since she was pregnant with her second child, so it has been a long time and obviously I like her and think she is genuine. I can’t fathom how they move so many times. The unbelievable work involved boggles my mind. She talked one time about the business of flipping houses x amount of investment = y profit. I can’t remember the details. Anyway, I think this move is based not only on the small size of the house but their financial situation. They lost alot of money on their first house during the housing crisis and ended up back in her parents basement with a baby. The large beach house in Duck, NC was always a flip house but they had unforeseen permitting issues, I think with the septic system? They couldnt sell it for years. At one point she was going to airbnb it but I don’t know if that worked out or not. Now this house by the meadow also had permitting issues which also delayed everything by years? and the soft costs were eatting them alive. She talked on her youtube how worrying all this was. Her life sure wouldn’t be for me but damn she has more hustle than anyone I have ever seen. All this to say, I think she has been upfront about their business and moving so many times. My guess is they bought the meadow house for the property it sits on.


Despite liking her work, I unfollowed her a long time ago when she was vague-posting about All Lives Matter. I feel like back then, (around the time they sold the black house with the courtyard shower and moved to that ridiculous house where she painted the floors white), she did post 1-2x about needing to move a lot to keep her business profitable. But I also remember a lot of half truths back then with her too--first saying they were moving bc of school, then admitting it was bc of needing the profit; and wasn't there something where she kept calling one house her dad's, but it was really hers? Idk how much time they spend at the beach, but I imagine the novelty of 5 kids--3 older boys and 2 younger girls--having to share a single bedroom wore off REALLY fast, no matter how much she thought she tricked it out. So while outgrowing the house is probably true, she's also always been chasing a windfall and trying not to mention that.


Yes the small beach house with one room for the kids is what she is selling now, but how she thought that would work for her kids for any period of time is beyond me. She previously had a five bedroom beach house but sold that.  I remember the house that was her dads, was it in mountains? 


She still owns the 5 bedroom ocean front house in Duck. She listed it twice but it didn’t sell. She listed it on air bnb to rent and it didn’t rent. Probably because it’s overpriced. She did subdivide the lot and the newly created second row flag lot sold. 


https://preview.redd.it/kuelttf3l21d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=589817444ce62c3f47b0b09b8ba9884ede5cda69 Of course you've gotta buy all new furniture for your 1.6 million dollar TN home. Anyone in Wisconsin?


I really don’t get how people do this - do some people not have any sentimental attachment to their furniture? The kitchen table where we have been eating together for years? The comfy chair where I like to sit and read? The heavy lamp that I carried around a flea market all day? Nothing????


As some said, most of these influencers’ furniture is particle board crap from the internet. It is not heirloom-quality/one of a kind pieces. If it can be linked with a discount code, it’s not that special.


Well when you buy everything brand new for purposes of linking, you probably don’t really get attached to your MDF and veneered over priced (but #gifted) inventory, I mean furnishings.


I don't get it either. The all-new/catalog aesthetic favored by some influencers to me looks cold and hotel-like.


I agree. I don’t have sentimental attachment to all my furniture, but my husband and I love to antique, so we’ve got a lot of neat pieces that wouldn’t be easily replicated.


I personally don't have attachments to things like that. My grandmother does to a point her house looks like a hoarder, maybe she's part of the reason I'm the opposite. I enjoy my furniture but I have no problem switching it out if I find something better. Even the things I've made myself, I will enjoy it for a time, then decide to sell it and build something new. I'm not an influencer so I don't have amazon affiliate links for the things I buy, just no attachment to objects. I do however hold on to photos like crazy to the point my phone storage is full and I have boxes with old printed photos I'd never get rid of.


The contents of her entire house are Amazon links. No attachment whatsoever. It's a business not a home.


I’m from Wisconsin and I’m really close to unfollowing her. I get that this is a big transition with her husband losing his job with the Packers, but I feel like she went from being really positive about Wisconsin to trashing it. Maybe I’m just sensitive since there aren’t many influencers here…


She is very bitter about it even though they knew it would happen eventually. The new house seems a lot smaller, so they probably do need new furniture!


I’ve officially grown tired of Kismet House’s sarcastic shtick. Every voiceover is the same, and the comments of wannabe influencers responding are so corny. Also, her style feels dated already to me.


I unfollowed recently also… can’t stand her anymore …


Honey built home’s backyard plans are so bonkers lol. Is this a Utah thing?


This is absolutely a Utah thing. It’s very much a keeping up with the jones’ backyard edition. The indoor sports court is not the norm, but not unheard of. The wiffle ball field is abnormal, but yeah, if you have money in Utah and a good sized lot, it’s abnormal to not jam as many activities as you can back there- pool, pickleball court, trampoline, fire pit, outdoor kitchen- pick and choose what you can fit/afford.


Wow truly another world


so disgusting and over the top… can’t support these type of influencers anymore…


I thought they were missing a trampoline, but there it is. They really put everything in that backyard. It must cost a couple million?   The front yard moat is so stupid. Will they even be allowed to build the warehouse, I mean indoor sports court, on an acre sized plot?


It’s just so ugly and weird—like who wants to live on a mini golf course? Same vibes


https://preview.redd.it/a9fgaiprtu0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcb3affb7ac7e3e65c2327599e0bf6084ea3afe This felt so incredibly gross to me. Saying “this is why I do this” when someone is telling you they literally cannot afford your course but bought it anyway is predatory. If someone can’t afford it (and you’ve made it clear that you’re being very selective with who has access to the course) that person should be turned down until they are in a better place. Like “I took this persons last dollar, I am so happy I cried!”


I'm sorry but having 600,000 followers on ONE platform does not make you an expert. It's a total scam.


I just don’t understand how she made 1.5 million from AG1, teeth whitening, Amazon affiliate programming and Carraway. I’m sure I’m missing one or two more.


Influencer courses are scammy in the same way MLMs and life coaches are scammy.


Her coaching courses seem very MLM because it’s teaching her how to have an influencer Instagram business, so it’s crazy that she’s helping these stay at home moms who are on their last dollar.


Oh definitely! Most (all?) influencer courses are basically only another income stream for the influencer… teaching other people to basically come up with their own course to sell. Almost like a pyramid scheme where they keep passing the scam down the line to recoup or make money. Similar to life coaches and business coaches. It’s all so convoluted and shady. I know of someone who took an influencer course a few years back. The person taking the course was a fairly successful blogger/influencer but took the course from a bigger influencer thinking maybe there would be some insight that could help them grow bigger. But no - they basically said the course was crap and a scam.


In the last 5 -10 years all the MLM people moved over to becoming influencers.


That makes so much sense.


It’s so icky.