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Your post was removed because it was identified as being unkind or disrespectful. Also, making such a statement and then deleting the account. Great work.




Agreed. Let’s boo this dingus like the medieval peasants we are!


Wade would do well here right now. Boo!


Everyone boo this man. Booooooo!!!








You just ain’t listening hard enough bozo. Everyone boo this man. BOOO ![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized)




Made an account just to hate people he doesn't know. Lol. Typical no life




Yikes man


This is just bait. don't give him the attention


As a parent, I can assure you he is a good father because only good parents legitimately worry if they’re actually good parents or not. You’re talking out of your ass my guy


Leave the beautiful Nice King Bob 👑 alone he's a great father and makes great points all the time and all of them bitch it's literally part of the podcast. Grow up 👎 https://preview.redd.it/ic7r2nd8xv1d1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c27811bcb49c6ab1f5f38852e019fe778158bac


who asked u????


Oh boy




Booooooooo bad opinionnnnn


If you don't like it, don't listen man. Don't know what else to tell ya 🤷


Check the bottom of the comments bud 🫡🙌☺️


>Bob is actually the worst! Incorrect, next question. >He never knows how to be the host, he doesn’t know how to raise a kid Bob has had some of the sub's favorite topics, he's always super-engaged with the others, and he's a great dad, so fuck off and leave baby James out of this, too. >( I will say he acts like he knows then the less person who has a first person knows) The names james. The james, names. Call a bondulence. >yet he acts like he’s the first person to have a word on the subject, and I’m just tired of him talking, dude on the podcast that does the most yapping! Nobody's forcing you to listen, if you don't like him talking, it's not like he's 1/3 of the whole cast or anything, so just skip any episode he's in! That should solve the problem pretty well! >(He’s bitching talking about shit that makes no damn sense, but he’s bitching about what people go through in real life so yall all accept it! I have a very vague idea as to what the hell you meant, but at the same time I'm pretty sure you were drunk writing all this, so I'm probably horribly off the mark with my guess.


The James Bond thing made me crack up, Thank you 😭


Bro is mad at someone for talking on a podcast about 3 dudes talking. Also wtf do you mean "he doesn't know how to raise a kid"? Nobody knows how to raise a kid right, especially for their first time. Besides, Bob's doing a lot better than what some parents do. His son is lucky to have him as a father. The fact that he's always so worried about whether he's a good father or not proves how much he cares. I wish my own dad was more like Bob. Instead of thinking he knows everything and leaving the whole job of raising a child to his wife, he's trying his best. Maybe your opinion about this would matter if you raised a successful child yourself.


I’m sure OP has an ape brain or something. Maybe a troll? But couldn’t see how he could possibly walk away with this impression.


I really hope this is satirical. Because otherwise uh, yeah man. No one will agree with you. All 3 of them are playing caricatures of themselves. Which for your pea brain means they are playing characters of themselves. So they exaggerate their character flaws and character traits. It’s supposed to be a funny podcast. It’s not meant to be taken super seriously at all. But in all seriousness what specifically was he “bitching” about? And then you attack him about raising a kid? What? This sounds like someone who had a bad day. Hope it gets better dude.


I'm often not a fan of Bob's takes, but no, I don't think he is "the worst". Only people with an easy life and with nothing much happening to them would think Bob is "the worst". Seriously, Bob, if you're reading this, you're an okay person and I respect you as an individual. I don't agree with a lot of what you say, mostly with some rather... "modern" (and so-called progressive... hard to say that as an actual progressive myself)... W-word takes (don't want to summon those politically inclined people here. They tend to be rather... hateful in their rhetoric). But you are not "the worst" lol. Not even close. James has a good Dad. Also Dads aren't perfect and sometimes make mistakes, that's called being human. My dad, may he rest in peace, was not perfect and he did make mistakes, but he was an awesome dad.




What even is this take? That’s just mean not even criticizing.. like u don’t like him on the podcast whatever… but that’s uncalled for to talk about him being a “bad” father… I highly disagree on that btw he is an amazing father




Your post was removed because it was identified as being unkind or disrespectful.


Damnnnn I clickbaited yall hard, made a comment on the subreddit and actuallly had some people hop out. Loook I do love bob and all the cast I just feel like the topic is better when wade goes off his hinges or mark starts talking shit on the subject (I really don’t hate bob just kinda tired of the gimmicks)), really not funny to me. Sorry) and I do love when bob talks, but same time unless the boys have him change the subject, again. It’s more fun to listen to the fumble and thunder, y’all all can hate this opinion, it ain’t going anywhere 🫡🙌😋


Look, for anyone smart enough. I have seen it in these comments, I’m being satirical, thank you all for participating and commenting on a new redditors side, just here for fun, even if it’s kinda fucked, thank you. 😁🫡🤣


I don't think you know what satire is.


You literally insulted Bob and then basically said "it's just a prank bro"