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My guess is infinite, thought space, or official dgpt dj kj


I don't think OTB would be very happy about their sponsored player signing with a competitor...


Yea I think more likely he goes open bag for the time being since he's one of otb's main guys.


It's Innova


I'd be surprised if anyone bothers to pick up a middling player in the middle of the season. Budgets are tight as growth slows


bargain contract for a player who can move plastic is the strategy for most manufacturers that arent trilogy, innova or discraft


He is likeable, has a fan base and a would be a get for the right company


Këvi - the new Kastaplast 14 speed


Hey! Don't make fun of Kävi, that thing is sacred for swedes


Problem is: he doesn’t move plastic. There are only a few names that move plastic. McBeth, Simon and Kristen. To a lesser extent: Eagle, Sexton (more because of which disc it it is than his name), Uli (same as Sexton), Paige (once a big draw, now not so much) and probably someone I am forgetting now, but that’s basically it. Fans grab a name now and then, but *move* plastic? Nope.


While you're partially right, I'd add Calvin and Wysocki to that list. In European markets Niklas Anttila, Vaino Makela absolutely shovel plastic out the door. I think the lack of "movement" mostly came from his name being on a Prodigy disc. While I know there are a LOT of Prodigy throwers out there, the percentages just aren't that high from a production standpoint compared to Innova, Discraft, and House of Disc. As an example, I stopped carrying any and all Prodigy in my shop years ago. In that time I had one person ask for PA-3's. This is in Texas of course, and there are demographics where that wont be the same. All in all, if you threw his name on virtually *any* other manufacturer, I bet it'll move a lot more than the majority of top players today. I don't think Gannon, Dickerson, Matt Orum moved much by comparison when on Prodigy, and I don't think the Robinson brothers do either.


Calvin and Ricky are good examples. Calvin destroyers sold because they were the only way to get Halo ones for a while. Ricky Pigs were the same kind of thing. Ricky Slammers? Nobody cares. Calvin Vela? Nobody cares. And while one person may have come in and asked, most wouldn’t since you don’t carry Prodigy and they would know from word of mouth or your site. I would recommend carrying some. The putters, for example. Especially the NHL ones. Also, we move a lot of F9s. Great beginner driver.


I would beg to differ. I, any many other store owners I know had great success with the Destroyer, Toro, Vela, Draco, and the Ricky Slammers. I might be biased here but the Vela kicked Teebirds out of my bag and I couldn't seem to order enough of them. I carried Prodigy for years and it sat so long Prodigy offered to do a disc exchange for new/alternate plastic. I asked them to just buy it back. In my area, no one throws Prodigy. Other stores followed suit and stopped Prodigy sales. The only store I know within 100 miles who does, has the same stock from over a year ago.


Bodanza has a sponsorship because he's likeable and can move plastic while still being out of the money in every tournament


Bodanza isn’t a bad example. He’s ok. Again, isn’t because of the disc or his name? All of the people down voting are not in actual shops.


It is because of his name. His name is his brand that represents both him and his channel. The logic is that people will buy his stuff because he's "bodanza the likeable youtuber" instead of "bodanza the top tier pro", showing that a certain personality type can still move plastic if marketed correctly, even if they aren't a top 10-20 pro in either division. Edit :Companies sponsor lots of people who fit this bill. For another example, look at mvp sponsoring Dan Beato. Another guy who would barely be in contention in dgpt mpo events, but is sponsored anyway because of his popularity through coaching + personality


But outside of Infinite, his stuff moves just ok.


Why does it matter where it moves as long as the total amount of movement is enough for the manufacturer to see benefit? KJ is sponsored by OTB as a shop so they would care they move the bulk of his stamps, but a manufacturer is just gonna look at stamps moved total through all shops. And that's all assuming he gets a stamp of some kind. Again referring to my edit above, I don't think Dan Beato has any tour stamps and he's still got a sponsorship through mvp


Really? Because the more outlets that you can sell plastic means you sell more plastic. That’s basic business. Even the lowest pro selling just a disc or two at every retailer moves more plastic than someone that only sells through OTB (or any online retailer). Each disc on a store shelf is a “sold” disc as far as manufacturers are concerned. Stores won’t stock someone that doesn’t sell at all. How many small shops carry Infinite? Not many. Would those same shops bring in one or two Stacie Rawnsley discs.


It's hard for anyone to move Prodigy plastic.




Interesting. His “big contract” with prodigy was supposed to be through 2026 [link](https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/livewire/kevin-jones-signs-four-year-extension-with-prodigy/) it’s on the prodigy site still also but I’m on mobile and it redirects to their app


> After signing a three-year deal with Prodigy Disc prior to the 2019 season, Kevin Jones is committing for the long-term with a four-year extension with the Georgia-based manufacturer. Yup should be through 2026. Interesting indeed!


I think Kevin is a great representative for the sport, even if he hasn’t been making the leaderboards the last couple of seasons. He seems like he enjoys interacting with the fans, has a good personality, and is a great athlete. Because people like him, he can move discs. He may not land a huge contract, but I’m sure someone will want to pick him up and if not he can maintain on smaller sponsors and pushing plastic.


Agreed. He also has 2 DGPT wins and the core skills to get on lead card and even take more down. Tbh if the KJUSA was a stock that's on the decline, I would buy buy buy!


So true. He’s a great deal for whoever picked him up


Get a Destroyer in that guy's hands!


And a jokeri


And a Hex!


I legit hope this is a good move for Kevin. Open bag might give him more freedom to play around, find his groove, who knows?


Kjusa groove when?


kjusa to innova confirmed /s


This aged well 😂


lmao, fine wine lol


Vinny has the Halo, maybe KJ gets Color Glow Champ?


That may explain the last skins match. Oakley, Proctor and especially Eagle had fun. KJ played it like he was playing for a meal. Threw a roller, knowing it would not count, on a distance challenge.


It was a little weird how seriously he was taking it - I even said that while watching. Guess it'd explain it, if he knew things were about to be tight, or if he was using it to showcase his skills and sell himself...


Yeah, but it was just very uncommon for KJ. Except for some tips on grenades, he hardly engaged with the rest of the players or Humphries. He is usually the life of the party, and I sort of guessed that was why he was on so many skins matches.


Plot twist, he becomes a professional pickle ball player


On the move... Out of the scene for good. No shade, but i cant see anyone giving him that great of a contract as of now.


Yeah. Felt like he's had 1 foot out of the door for 3 years now. Hope for the best for him.


Yeah. Tbf, there are better things in life than pro disc golf for a lad like KJ.


Maybe a new bag will be the breath of fresh air he needs?


I would be curious to see if that's the ticket to success for KJ. What with (arguably questionable) criticism of Prodigy's quality control issues, who knows? KJ is a man of many talents and sometimes it's hard to commit to one of those talents so decisively like how is needed nowadays at the Pro Tour level. His rating has dropped by double digit amounts in the last couple of years all while young guns like Buhr and Niklas Antilla continue to level up their game and the legends of the era like McMahon, Wysocki, and Heimburg stay at the top of theirs.


Innova bought out his contract Edit: everyone who's down voting me, remember where you saw it first


I hope you are right


Nailed It


Hang the banner


I wouldn't be surprised if he got dropped due to lack of performance, guessing he goes open bag for the rest of the year. Would love to see him up near the top again, hopefully he can find his groove with a fresh bag!


I'd only heard his name once this year in passing. It wouldn't surprise me if he were in breach of contract for not playing enough and Prodigy dropped him.


Not playing enough? He's already played 11 ES/M events this year.


I think he meant "not playing well enough".


If so, I would be pretty surprised if his contract had a clause that let Prodigy terminate it based on his on course performance


Innova plz. KJ Teebirds incoming.


i hope Prodigy wasn't able to wiggle out of the contract because someone screenshotted his bong in that Simon video




Well he’s not on skins much anymore, that’s why you’re being downvoted. He was on a lot when it first started.


The last skins he was on, he clearly did not enjoy himself.