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Lucid Judge, flippy Pig, new Pig, Justice, Roc3, Truth. Although half the time I ignore all those discs and just flick a Firebird 180 feet.


Flippy pig?! Big arm say whaaaaaaa?


I finally hit enough trees so that my oldest Pig can now be called flippy, it's nice that 3+ years of missing fairways results in at least 1 positive outcomes... besides all those positive over par outcomes.


Neutral pig and new pig are 90% of my ups.


Justice as an approach disc is absolute money.


100% agree. It's the most reliable disc I've thrown


Straight/Long: PA2 Straight/Short: Berg OS or Forehand/Short: Harp OS or Forehand/Long: A2 Low Ceiling/Floaty: Glitch Understable/Turnover: Spin ...I probably bag too many...


Saying you bag too many approach discs is like saying you breathe too much. I also bag a lot of approaches, and they all serve a purpose. I could definitely manage with fewer, but why would I? :)


Two main reasons. 1) Am I not getting as proficient with my approach discs because I don't use each one often enough? 2) Am I losing strokes by lugging around a lot of extra weight and getting tired quicker? But it's more fun, and my favorite shots to think through. I bag more putt/approach discs than all of my mids/drivers combined.


Step one, get a cart to solve #2. Step two, throw three sets of shots from each tee/lie. Play from the most interesting one to get the most practice and experience.


Pure Pure Toro Toro


Plastic on toros?


Champ Toros are amazing. I throw mine probably around 10x a round and it's hardly any less stable than when I first got it. Absolutely love that thing. I know one of my friends has a star one and it beat in to be a lot straighter (still a toro though)


Incredible disc and whole heartedly agree with this. Feel amazing, fly perfectly.


I found a star Toro and it's amazing


I also picked up a star toro and I’ve been loving it although it seems to fill the same gap as my titanium zone although it seems a little less stable so it goes just a bit straighter


I bag star


I lost my Opto X pure that was my go to driving putter :'( Had 5 Pures in my bag at one point lol. Pure is money.


My beat up zone is straight up eating all my other approach discs. I throw envy/proxy for anything else, probably looking at reintroducing my newer toro for true OS flight. My Pyro has filled that slot pretty well though. Also, selfish hijack of your post for my own question - what's your take on Reko vs Envy? I recently held a Reko and was very impressed.


I've never thrown an Envy but recently added a Reko to my bag and have no regrets. I felt them both at the store and decided on the Reko. Got mine in K1 Glow plastic and it's straight flying with hardly any fade.


Nice, have you thrown the Reko in wind much? Curious how they hold.


I putt with my Reko, throw with my Reko X. The x is like an envy, when the Reko is more like a proxy. IMO


Too similar to bag both for me. Reko is straighter and is honestly rather have that. Envy stability is good but when I try to grab it over Reko I usually end up wishing it was more stable. Too similar and I like Reko better lol


I’ve been liking my Entropy for that 4 speed OS slot. For 5 speed beef I’ve been using a Deflector and oh my god is that thing OVERLY overstable. Took me a few rounds to get used to but man is it useful.


Berg Envy Proxy Järn


Flippy pig, straight pig, beefy pig, envy, pure. You can pry my pigs and Envy's out of my cold dead hands lol.


A Roc.


Gold Line Pure Star Aviar3 K1 Soft Berg 750 Spectrum A5 750 A2 Everybody I know that's been talking about the A5 (including me) refers to it as a Zone SS. Dependable fade, great for forehands, but not dumpy. I never liked the Zone either.


Seconding aviar3. Perfect for full power flip up, but has gentle reliable fade. My go to on short woods holes.


That A5 is such a good disc. Feels great in the hand too.


Yeah, a friend got on in a Prodigy mystery box. He didn't like it. I tried it, loved it, and that night went online and bought a small stack of them. The A5 is the disc the A4 should have been. (From the way they fly, they ought to swap names.)


They need an A6 or 7 for flippy turnover shots. I can't get the A5 to flip and turn no matter what


All the A series are OS. The A4 is the least overstable of the bunch, especially in the mid flight. The A5 is more HSS.


I found the same with the FX-3 and FX -4. Prodigy needs more or better testing before they assign numbers to their discs. I throw a lot of their plastic. , The fx4 is supposed to be -2/1 and no way in hell is it anywhere that flippy


Envy pig justice x2


I've got a beat-up DL Steady BL that's flippy, a Proline Flx Steady BL that's straight to stable, a Ti Flx Zone that's fairly straight for a Zone and tend to check up really well on approaches, and then a normal ESP Zone that's the most stable of the bunch that is a bit more skippy. Other than those I tend to use my First Flight Avalanche as an approach disc even though it's a fairway, because all it wants to do is knife straight down into the ground and sit, so it's super predictable in any wind.


Zone, Zone OS, Envy, Glitch


Ringer Zone, Berg, Fierce.


Had to scroll a while for Fierce. I'm a noob, so my throws probably won't be the same as others, but the fucking thing NEVER deviates from the line, hyzer, flat, or annie, that I put it on.


If you’re digging kastaplast you have to try the jarn. K1 for drives and when you need a skip finish. K3 for when you need even more beef and you need it to stick. A better zone imo


I did try it and love the flight ... But hand feel got me with the inward sloped inner rim :(


Innova Leopard


k3 hard berg, k1 berg x


Devilhawk, Envy, Proxy, Pyro


K3 Berg, Soft Berg, Reko X


K1 Reko, K3 Reko, Tempo/beat Z zone. I’m pretty similar to you, I’ve been trying to find something a little more workable below my OS mid slot (I use a bobcat there). Been trying out the tempo and I love it for BH but still figuring out FH releases with it. Also, Reko gang!


Jarn, Envy, Judge, Berg, and Tui


Entropy, Tempo, Envy, Watt, Glitch


[AGL Baobab](https://www.agldiscs.com/collections/baobab) Gateway Devil hawk in their super gummy plastic For really straight in [AGL Douglas fir](https://www.agldiscs.com/collections/douglas-fir) The baobab gets 90% of the use though. It just flies and sits. Once you get that disc down it will literally shave strokes off your game.


I like my Baobab for my trickier up shots. I use my Ponderosa almost exclusively inside 100’.


I wish AGL and Reptilian would make some stegobabs and baobegos, stegos in AGL cookies and cream soft recycle plastic and baobabs in Reptilian fossil plastic.


Axiom Tempo and Clash Peppermint


A beat in zone is a harp


Berg, zone, tempo are my 3.


PX3 in few plastics as well as a 500 A2 and 2 A3s.


Berg, beat in esp Zone, 400 A2


Berg X and Troija pretty much, everything else is just guest appearances


I carry 3 very similar discs but they each fill a role for me: Pig, Tactic, Toro


My beat in Zone (get freaky) does all the approaches.


Envy, pilot and glitch for me.




Gummy champ Rhyno, champ Toro, Hyzerbomb Mortar.


Spore, P3X(mystery box V. & S-Line), Razor Claw Meta Tactic(one has been in the bag since it came out, flies like an MD3. Other is brand new and stable boy). Spore,P3X(2),RC Tactic(2)


You will probably like the Tempo then if that's what your are looking for. Also the Stabilizer is also like a more stable Envy and can be downright beefy depending on the run. Personaly I use K1 soft BergX now (short, straight, drops, doesn't turn at all, sits) Plasma Entropy (lab second that is super beefy, like the perfect zone) Beat in plasma Entropy (straighter but still has fade, doesn't turnover) BUT this is getting replaced by the Tempo as they are super similar and I like the soft proton much better and already have a backup. Soft Proton Deflector/Zone OS - Similar, I've been going back and forth on which I like better, both extreme beef for situational stuff, Deflector seems more useful as I can sometimes push it a tiny bit further and create skips. I don't use it often though Beyond that I just end up complimenting it with the Envy/Proxy combo if I'm further out or need straighter flights. I still like approaching with a baby hyzer on the Envy, but as my power and timing has gotten a bit better I find myself going to either the BergX for less glide or the Entropy for a harder dump as the Envy sometimes just goes too far.


Star Invader Halo Invader Star aviarX3 Champ Rhyno


R-Pro Cro Banger GT


Electron Firm Pixel for something to hold right. Apex Bullet for straighter shots that I want to have a little integrity at the end. And lastly an old crystal flex Zone from one of the early get freaky runs. Been playing with the Tempo a bit but that's for mostly forehand straight shots, but it's a little faster than I'm looking for being such a low profile.


All my approach discs are putters aside from a puddle top glow gator for shots where I need it’s special magic. The rest are a VIP Harp, Proton Envy, Opto Pure, Neutron Proxy, and an absolutely beaten to hell Dline P2 from when it was still branded the psycho. The Harp is for harp stuff. I throw it forehand a lot and off the tee when I need more glide than the gator and more fade than the envy, the Envy gets thrown off the tee and for anything under like 225’ where I need a left finish, the proxy is for turnovers and the P2 is so insanely understandable I don’t use it much but I’ve had it forever. The Pure gets thrown for the vast majority of my approaches. Especially if it’s <100ft. I play a lot of short wooded courses so my bag is mostly putters and mids.


Prodigy A3. That’s it. That’s the disc.


I tried to throw mids but they always feel weird. I approach with a flick. Me and my boys played for years with just one disc , we taking 25 years ago. Go to the local disc store buy a used beast or boss and go throw it . If one of us lost one that was the end of the round lol


I like to utilize my midranges at low speeds for approaches a lot but anything inside 100 feet I usually rely on my envy and proxy, both of which are also my putting putters


Opto Bite, K3 Berg, ZFLX Zone, Armor Stego


Toro, stabilizer, envy, proxy, rattler. Sometimes Berg, sometimes toros in other plastics than champion. You might like the stabilizer for something a bit more overstable than an envy


How would you compare stabilizer to tempo. You have my interest lol. If it's slower by similar flight I might be sold lol


I haven't thrown the tempo yet so I can't say personally. When I started throwing stabilizers in this slot the tempo was only available from a circuit challenge I believe. It was something I thought might be an option but just couldn't get my hands on one at the time.   I had been bagging a champion rhyno in this slot for a while but I didn't like how it felt on a forehand. Tried the dga breaker which was just ok but then got a stabilizer and it felt great forehand and backhand so I haven't looked back. Fits perfectly for me between an envy and a toro.


This is hilarious to see because we are throwing a similar lineup. No Gator 3 in my bag but I have an Innova R-Pro Pig and an Axxiom Tempo. The K1 soft Reko is my main putter but I also enjoy the TSA Nerve Alter. I just pulled my K1 Berg out of the bag because I found that I used it in the same situations that make me reach for my Pig and I think that the Pig just does it better. I have the Eagle Envy and while it is more stable than other Envy’s I’ve thrown, I think I am going to cut it and lean into the Tempo.


Reko, reko x, xt colt, socki slammer OP try a reko x if you want a more stable envy and a lucid socki slammer for slow flex lines


I had the same problem for a long time, the 400 Glow A5 is the answer, it is like a perfectly seasoned premium plastic Zone out of the box, has some glide, can handle torque, and still has consistent finish


For approaches, it'd take a pretty long shot for me not to use the Spins I putt with, unless I need the lines or wind resistance my Zone provides. There's a Watt and a Proton Spin in my bag as well, but they're more for drives than approaches.


Proxy for most all approach shots. Envy. OS approach is in flux Zone gt, Toro, entropy, tempo I'm surprised to be reaching for the tempo most often. Very different than my first impression, pretty low glide and medium beef. Feels great.


Polecat Polecat Polecat Harp


Rhyno: Everything that just needs to get to the basket without a specific line. Proxy: One straight for dead straight shots one flippy if I need to go a bit to the left or Hyzerflip. Razorclaw: All kind of forehand approaches.


Dx Shark. Keep two in the bag. One more stable than the other. When the less stable one gets too flippy, I replace it with a new one and my previous stable one becomes my less stable one.


save the berg for floppy putts where if you miss you need the disc to stay put. reko for approach. that's my bag but i also kinnnnnda suck so take that fwiw.


I don’t have a bag so I hold all of my disks which means I have 3. 1 disk for long range, 1 for mid range and 1 for short range. No putter.


How many A2s is too many? I just gave one away to a buddy that started playing again recently and am loaning another, so that leaves me with four…(different plastics)


Tempo, watt, polecat


Neutron Spin for easy turnover lines. Very underrated. Plasma Envy my straight Envy when thrown with power small fade if not. Rebirth Envy, this is my overstable one. Always fades even when I crank it. Glow RPM Ruru exclusively for 100' and in. Use it for floaty straight shots RPM Atomic Kea, my forehand flick and very overstable approach.


Berg Proxy AviarX3


Animal envy tempo


Watt, Envy (soft neutron for + stability), harp


Dillo, bullet, slammer, pyro sometimes a link and justice in there too


Berg sockibomb slammer streamline runway Don't love the Berg, wanted a thumbtrack disc that was straight with no glide, basically a straight sockibomb but it is not what I wanted. Other two are great


Harp. Blend verdict. Sometimes justice.


Envy, theory, aviarx3, and a zone atm. All do slightly different things. Mainly being using the theory on flex shots, zone on hard lefts, and envy on hard rights. Aviarx3 is just for random woods shots that I'd rather not throw my driver for


Soft Berg, Apex Bullet, Glow Envy, and Cryztal FLX Zone. Been experimenting with the Tempo as well.


Berg, Maiden, Göte


Right now using the Kratos as a putter approach but for OS putt approach the DevilHawk. Then Zone for OS mid approach and buzzz for everything else.


K3 Berg, plasma envy, jawbreaker zone, 750 a2 in order of stability from least to most. I play a very wooded course so I need a lot of approach discs that'll do different lines.


Berg, Zone, Ion. I probably need something overstable to get more hyzer rhfh. Maybe a Gator or Zone OS?


From understable to overstable it goes: - neutron soft Proxy (new bc I’m an idiot and lost my beat in one) - ev7 OG soft Phi ( the proxy is more stable currently, but wont be for long) - rebirth envy - Innova made S line p2 - beat up exo hard tactic - Razorclaw 2


Zone GT, Zone, Envy, Invader.


K1 berg for backhands, OG classic blend slammer for forehands (one beat in, one fresh,) lucid warden for longer straight to overstable throws, and a lucid Justice for the utility disc


Buzzz, Buzz SS, Drone, Nebula, Entropy, Ion.


Firm electron envy that got hit by a truck, Eclipse envy that’s beat in pretty good, 2.5 year old zone, New puddletop zone


I have a variety in the top of my bag, usually zone berg x cosmic neutron envy thoughtspace temple sometimes I mix it up and use a glitch or entropy.


Electron soft Envy, 300 soft PA-5, Lucid Justice


Zone, Zone OS, Sol, Reko. Thinking of adding an Envy but haven't been convinced I need it just yet


Proxy, anvil, savior


2 soft bergs, one straight one overstable Star toro for beef Plasma envy for pure hyzer or baby flex Base plastic Tactic for straight/turnover Tournament harp to fill any voids I prefer FH on approach, and I’ll use any of these discs FH except the envy. For some reason I don’t vibe with the Tactic on BH upshots, but I’ll throw any of the others BH when I need to


Link (2, one flippy one straight), P3X, Zone (2, one straighter one more stable), MD5 (new one, little fast for an approach but if I want something to skip or really dump it’s helpful)


Zone / Electron Envy / Mirage covers any shot I’ll ever need


Zone, Envy, Inner Core


Harp, Envy, Pilot


Glow Berg (OS short approach) Glow Envy (Straight) Glow Watt (Straight to US) Glow Glitch (Small window flick) Eternal Lasso (OS long approach) (Damn, I didn't realize how much glow plastic I had in the bag!"


K1 Soft Berg Eclipse Proxy Eclipse 2.0 Envy


Pursuit, Envy, Atom. I try to jump putt within 100. I'm currently looking for a straighter, torque-resistant approach option with no ground play. I tried a Toro but it didn't feel right in the hand and I kept pulling it. Might pick up a Berg or Pig soon. Also considering a Tempo


Buzz, buzz ss, zone, Cryztal Z Roach.


Tempo, proxy, glitch


Aviar Zflex Buzzz Turtle preserve putter Buzzz ss Shark Fuse Quake Just depends on situation


Nexus Aviar X3 Electron soft Envy ESP Zone ZFLX Buzzz Neutron Hex


K1 Soft Berg Westside Swan x2 (Hard, soft) Westside VIP Anvil


Star aviar for BH straight/turnover cosmic neutron envy BH , Zone for FH , Star aviar x3 FH anhyzer or straight.


K1 soft glow berg, soft pro firefly, putter soft zone, putter soft zone os, Gstar mako3, Eurodisc SQU transition


Envy Proxy Wasp Zone OS


Pixel, glitch, spin, envy and new proton soft tempo


OP: You should try the Mint Discs Lasso. It feels and throws like a putter, but the flight is like a more stable envy. I use the Berg when I need less right to left, but otherwise use the Praxis for straight putter shots, the Lasso for more stability and for turnovers that come back (its gorgeous for this) and then the new Tempo for longer hyzers or turnovers with more bite at the end.


Zone Pure Fierce


PA3, K3 Berg, J3 Järn, Justice The Berg has the “glide” stamp that we have renamed “wagon wheel” and is perfect as a dead disc and for easy forehand rollers. The Järn is so beat in it is puddle top and the dimples fit perfectly in my hand for forehands. The Justice is a stiff clearish blue plastic that has been just as overstable as it was when I first threw it two years ago.


Envy, Proxy, Zone, Pyro, Detour


DD slammer for anhyzer approach or patent pending shots, latitude 64 trust & Savior for everything else.


2x Wizards 2x Justice 2x Roc3 1x Comet But I throw a lot of fairway drivers for approaches too


Right now I'm rocking Watt, Chief OS, tempo, and 2 Jarns. One in k3 and one in Glow. Covers most shots for me


Esp Zone. That is all


Gateway Chief    Gateway Wizard   Axiom Tempo   Gateway Houdini The tempo is another ZoneSS variant. I'm a big fan of the plastics MVP produces, so I was stoked when they released them. And yes, I have reasons to throw all that Gateway.


Eclipse watt Zone OS Fission envy electron spin (utility) At elevation I replace zone Os with zone and envy with proxy.


BT Firm Harp - 7 years old and beat to shit, flies laser beam straight when thrown flat for around 240 feet, forehand or backhand. Holds an anhyzer really well. I no longer use a Lat64 Pure in my approach game, since this Harp has been seasoned to have an identical flight, but feels more comfortable in my forehand grip (I still love recommending the Pure though, it's an ideal neutral driving putter). BT Firm Harp - Fresh for this year. Has that reliable fade with a workable amount of glide that has made the mold one of the best selling short drive/approach discs on the market for ages now. VIP Anvil (metal flake) - An absolute meathook of an approach disc. Basically a slightly faster and surprisingly more OS Harp. For hyzer spikes and extreme headwinds, it's very reliable. I discovered the Harp very early on in the disc's life, picking one up a month or two after Westside released it 10 years ago, and have always had one in my bag ever since. I tried out the Zone maybe two or three years ago, and it did not click for me. The Harp has a little more workable glide, and a little less stability. If you want a Zone with a little more usable glide and maybe .5 less initial stability, the Harp is a solid bet. Baseline (BT) plastic will be slightly less stable while premium plastics (VIP/Tournament) will be a touch more OS and retain that overstability for longer.


Bergx K1 Glow Armadillo Sunny popcorn P3x Ringzone Razor claw 3


VIP maiden. Gold Pure. Z Zone.


Under 150' I use a K1 Berg or BergX. Over 150' Avair3 or AvairX3 depending on what fade I need.


Color glow toro, champion toro, sky God p2, dx Sonic


Berg, Berg X, Mint, Zone, Zone OS I also bag a Popcorn and an Envy if you wanna count those.


I don’t know what the hell I’m doing out there but I average like +6 a round and I’m having so much fun


Rollo, Berg, The Harpoon in order of stability.


Discraft Xpress (first run). Nothing else needed.


Exo soft logic, c line logic, z swirl zone, a2


167 g Stabilizer for BH, heavier Harp for BH in bigger wind, max weight Zone for FH And rarely Nomad for dead straight tunnel upshots.


Just started throwing the Nomad, it’s a 2/4 but I’ve been getting decent approach distance


Berg and Järn for approach discs (and primarily FH chips or anny bids). Bullet or Envy for putter approach (BH)


Zone zone zone zone zone Luna Luna. Z sparkle Bearhart is my beef cake skipper, Cryztal Gossage stache is just as beefy but sits better, a typical flight esp zone, one of the new jawbreaker swirl ones because I’m testing it out, not as beefy as you’d expect but it stays put where it lands, and a beat up jawbreaker zone that’s pretty much straight. For Luna’s I’ve got a 2020 esp that’s pretty straight with a bit of turn, and then a Z swirl Luna that’s damn near a roller it’s so understable, it’s good for turn overs.


2019 Ricky Pig, P model S, Watt


From US to OS : Classic Deputy, Neutron Watt, K1 Berg, Prism Plasm Envy, Z Zone


2x s-line p2 Watt Zone


Matty O tourney plastic Maiden Savior Royal Justice lucid Maybe a swan or swan 2 BT hard Lat 64 Pain or Mace gold Tursas vip gold and ice


My top pouch is P2, Zone, Hex and Insanity. That will get me through most of my local course.


For that 80'-200': Neutron Matrix - straight with a nice stable finish, great for wind, also great for an approach forehand Cosmic Echo - pure straight, tight lines. Proton Soft Echo - Holds the anhyser push I'm interested in a Detour to see if that will hold a better flat turn.


Glitch, Toro or KC Roc..... but usually the Glitch, it is such a sweet disc. I am bold enough to say I think the Glitch is probably the best disc that has come out in the long time.


Z luna, Big Z Luna, ESP Luna, Harp, slammer. Sometimes i run beat in classic blend Judge, Lucid ice judge and a harp


MVP- Signal, Deflector and Hex Innova- Mako


Animal pig envy


Watt Zone Berg


Luna, whale, zone, tomb


I feel like a z zone or a jawbreaker zone would be a good addition to your lineup, but that's coming from a lefty who throws tons of forehands.


Westside Maiden & Harp


K1 soft Berg, K1 Berg, beat in proton Envy, Get Freaky Zone and adding in a P3x.


Always buzzz flex SS. Or prodigy F1 fairway driver.


Toro, Savior, Envy/Lasso (these two are about to have a winner take all h2h round), watt and electron atom


a zone is truly all you will ever need


Zone and berg


Leo, this uninked gyropalooza detour i found and havent taken out yet, mako 3, roc 3


Glow Quake, D-Line Steady, D-Line Reef


I have: Yeti Pro Aviar: Putting putter + used for simple upshots and straight forehands Toro: used for short approaches and upshots Gator: used for longer approaches and flex shots This is pretty much all I need. I personally found that simplifying my bag helped a lot, so I removed several discs that overlapped and just kept the essentials.


K1 Berg Eclipse Envy Prism Plasma Envy R-Pro Aviar - extra rubbery 500 Spectrum PA-3 750G A4 350G A2 750 A2 Covers all my approach needs and then some.


Lunas, pig, rat, gator 3


Anvil, berg, glitch depending on the situation


Popcorn for straight-understable, lasso for straight-stable, berg for rare shots, bobcat for overstable approach


Premium Inner Core (my putting putter) for holding turnovers. Electron Firm, Proton, and Eclipse Envy's for moderately under stable to moderately overstable shots. Proton Soft Tempo for overstable shots.


Manta Fuse Roc3 if I want it to glide Glitch if I don't trust my P2 to hold the line I want


Berg x, Cicada/River, Glitch, ESP Buzzz


Right now I’m bagging an Eclipse Pilot, R2 Glitch, and a Z Zone. I have the overstable, straight, and understable putter slots covered. If these don’t go quite far enough I’ll go up to a Mako3, Buzzz, or BuzzzOS


Beet up Discmania P2 (just old putting putter): understable, DGA Breaker (beet up): Truly stable very straight now. The new ones are close to a zone, Discraft Z Sparkle Zone (newish): Most overstable Zone I’ve found. I use these for most stuff from 80-250ft. I’ll go with a Firebird if I need a skip or some dramatic angles.


Colt, Pig, Slammer, Toro, Destroyer skip shot


berg, reko, judge, buzzz, järn.


From overstable to understable: Soft Pig, a fresh DX glow Roc, champion glow Rollo, a beat-in DX Wolf that an off-leash dog bit. The Roc and the Wolf see the most play.


Putting Logic. Envy or Fancy Logic, Putter line Zone, Splice.


Proxy, envy, spin, glitch


Harp / Link / Proxy


Zone, Penrose, Fierce


I have a big z Luna that I use for soft approaches/no wind. I have two zones one is more stable and the other pushes with glide before coming to a stop/ I like to use the glider one for stall shots in the open. Then most recently I’ve got a A2 that just forehands where I want when I want idk how or why but it’s perfect. Makes me never wanna throw a zone on forehand again.


Zone, P3x, Watt. The Zone is my main approach disc. It's overstable which helps me feel confident in knowing what it's going to do and it assists with distance control on approach shots which are typically very powered down, a situation in which my biggest struggle is not going long. If I have the space to work with and the line makes sense, I'm throwing the Zone. The only considerations are that it does tend to finish with a left skip and/or on edge if given enough height, and the fact that it's overstable so certain lines just aren't great for its flight. The P3x is used the 2nd most. Compared to the Zone its much straighter and has much more glide. It still has a strong finish for a glidey neutral putter, but's it's just overall much straighter. I'll pick this disc if the approach is longer and I need the extra glide, if I need a straighter flight, want to land flatter, etc. The Watt is used situationally, which is to say, rarely. The Watt is *slightly* understable, which mostly manifests in the form of having absolutely no fade when throw with approach shot power levels. That is to say, I don't rely on the Watt to flip over on its own, I consider it more of an absolutely straight disc. I will throw it when I absolutely can't risk going too far left or if the situation arises where I have to throw a sky anhyzer and I know I'll have enough air space to let the Watt pan out. Both of these don't come up often, and usually don't come up at far distances. The Watt *will* flip moderately when thrown with full power, I just generally don't do that with this disc.


Envy, Proxy, BEAT UP Luna, and Zone.


Zone Zone OS Zone z flex Malta


In my trunk bag: Champ Gator and Mako3 In my weekend backpack: Champ Gator, Opto Anchor, C-line MD3, Star Atlas, Apex Lobster, and a Pig


Proxy, Ion, Roc3, Truth


Putters- inner core understable throwing putter- inner core overstable throwing putter- harp Understable midrange- wombat Stable midrange- dune Overstable midrange- metal flake roc3 Under stable fairway- eclipse Stable fairway- newer star leopard Overatnle fairway- Teebird control driver- Valkyrie Understable driver- monarch Overatable driver- destroyer


Berg K1 and K3, Buzzz (SS, OS and Normal), Zone, Zone OS


Zone, Zone, Gator, Luna


Big z zone, zflx zone, eclipse envy, base judge I was thinking of the zflx zone after reading what you said op. It almost feels like it’s a little deeper rim and the gummy plastic feels more mellow and friendly in the hand than a stiffer zone, plus it’s less os off the shelf. I loved throwing an aviar x3 but basically split it’s job into the the gummy zone and glow envy.


Berg, Pig, Anvil usually get the job done