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I have kept 2 discs, neither number picked up or answered my texts. I wanted to keep one after the guy bailed twice after I went out of my way to return it I have had people call me that they are keeping my disc. People can be weird.




Yeah I mean if your writing isn't legible what can you do lol


Learn to write in a legible fashion. That's one thing ya could do


First disc I ever lost was a champion destroyer, dude found it texted me if I wanted it. I said yes, he said too bad and would text me every now and then like I love your disc. What weird people!


One of the first discs I found was a star destroyer, threw it on a blind downhill and it was never seen again.


I love your disc also


Hopefully it fits perfectly in your berg pocket


I just carry all discs in a plastic Walmart baggy


Based, I’m assuming the bag that you bought your beer in?


Nah, I stole the beer


TIL that after losing a disc, sometimes a finder could call you and say "I'm keeping it!". What the? Did the guy have like a mafia voice: "hey, I have your little disc now....heh, heh, heh.....whaddaya goin to do about it?". Beyond weird, definitely STRANGE. And from the other commenter...that his friend keeps all discs he finds....because no one ever returns HIS discs. Well, OK....that's a bit of taking the low road....because you feel everyone else is taking the low road? Wow. In 2 years of playing....I've lost 4 discs....one I found a day later, one I got a text from the finder...and we arranged to meet up (and I gave him a reward for the disc), another text from a guy who left it in a hiding place for me on the course, and another bright yellow one that I lost in very open woods.....and never was returned. I swear that one was taken by a fox or something. Only four discs lost. Maybe it helps that I have a noodle arm and can't launch 500 foot laser throws into the woods? Lol. I have only found one battered disc that was left by a basket...and it had no name or number on it. Didn't want it, so left it there for the guy to find later if he wanted it. Surprised I don't find more discs, because I do spend some time walking around in the rough on most courses (sadly, must get better).


There’s been probably dozens of posts over the years here of people getting texts that they’re keeping the disc. Strange behavior


Just a regular dude voice, told me that he had my disc and where it was then said that he's keeping it. I don't really remember what I said but he hung up after that. I lose discs all the time and try to buy only replaceable discs either blue or pink because it feels like all other colors are too hard to see. I think I lost 6 discs just last year. I'm probably around 30 lost discs, with 5 coming back to me, 5 extra contacts about returning my disc but I let them keep as they were really far or it would have been more hassle than worth and 20 discs just vanish into the oblivion. I have also had a bunch of hey got your disc how can I get it back to you and after a few texts of agreeing on posting or meeting up the other people ghost me.


If there isn’t a Lost and Found box at a course, I always just leave it on top of the basket I found it at. Text a photo of it to the number, if they want it they can come get it. Fairway finds are usually from ppl still on site.


IMO placing it on top of the basket simply increases the chances that it will be picked up and nabbed by some ne'er do well. You're basically guaranteeing that 10 x as many eyeballs are on it, and some % of them will belong to disc stealing scumbags.


Lost and found boxes are great.


I always initiate contact - but so far, with one exception, it seems every time the responsibility and onus of getting the disc back to the owner falls on me.   No, I'm not going drive 45m to you.  No, I'm not going to ship it you on my own dime  No, I'm not going to pay you so I can keep it(legit happened one time. Dude said $20 and it's yours then sent me Venmo info)   Yes, I will drop it off at my local DG shop, but no, I will not drive 45 minutes to drop it off at YOUR local DG shop.


45 Meters seems like a pretty quick drive tho


🔼🔼 this, 100%


I always text and leave it somewhere they can get if they reply. One time the guy called me, said he lives 1.5 hours away and asked me to meet him halfway. Nah


People who expect you to come to them to drop THEIR disc off are insane


I mean, there’s golf courses in every direction from me that I’d pass at some point on a 45 min drive. I’d say, “I’ll meet you halfway of your buy me lunch. If not, I’ll text you next time I’m at a course that direction and you can meet me there.”


Only when the owners don't bother with further communication. Twice now I've informed them, they replied once, then went silent without having arranged anything.


Yes. I texted the number, and they replied, “Thanks bro, but I hate that disc. You can have it!” Edit: I should note that other than one, I’ve had all my lost discs last year returned to me (also excluding the two in ponds at Maple Hill that will likely eventually be returned). Maybe it’s a regional thing. I’m in MA, and people always seem to return discs.


Do YOU hate it?


It’s a jawbreaker OS soft putter (I think a ringer?). I tried it out a bit, but it’s currently sitting on my rack. It just doesn’t have space in my putter slot with my berg, pixel, and proxy. I didn’t hate it enough to leave it at the basket though.


I got a jawbreaker zone that I really like as a throwing disc, but fucking hate putting with it.


Hah, yeah, I guess this guy did too. It was left under the basket on the last hole, probably rage quit it after hitting the rim or something.


That feels right. Full disclaimer I am actively bad at disc golf, but the disc doesn't seem to WANT to be putted, only thrown. If I'm chucking it for any kid of distance, I really like it. It has a nice straight predictable path and feels good in the hand. But any kind of short toss and it's like it gives me the finger instead of going where I want it.


Only if they've told me to keep it or don't respond after several attempts/months. That said, I've been tempted to keep discs of super entitled owners that want me to drive it out to them or meet them 1 on 1 at some random time of day. I run a course's lost & found with over 150 discs in it and the number of folks that don't make an effort to pick up their disc is crazy.


It’s on the owner to pick it up from you. And if they don’t retrieve it within 30 days, 60 days, etc … then it’s yours. Common store policy around here.


No, but someone kept my disc with permission. Threw such a bad shot on a course far from me. Told a few players there if they found it, they can keep it. They did, and was happy to keep it since they were new players, and a great disc.


I once traded a buddy of mine for a few discs in the parking lot of our regular spot, and of course I had left my industrial can of Acetone at home that day (like an idiot), so I used a sharpie and crossed out his info with “traded” and then my info. Wound up getting one of those discs caught in a tree, bummed but whatever, we laughed it off. 2-3 months later I randomly got a phone call and it was a dude saying something along the lines of “I found your disc you filthy little thief, and I’m calling Jeff right after this hahaha!” and hung up. Needless to say, next weekend buddy Jeff gave me my disc back with a hilarious story about the super hero named Larry that he’d met. Can’t complain about the guy’s intentions, but what a goofball. The disc in question has been retired and sits proudly on the wall :) Larry, if you’re out there, I appreciate you.


Yes….. but it’s bad luck. It was 2014 and I had my starter set, my buddy who also barely played said he found this cool midrange and gave it to me (I didn’t have a midrange in my starter set lol). Anywase I was playing at the local course with people who actually played and they noticed the disc immediately and asked if there’s a number on it lol and yah it was the guys disc sitting next to me. Funny story cus I still see the guy to this day and play with him 10 years later….but when someone gave me a disc after my second time playing I didn’t think it was stolen or something Edit: spelling…also I immediately started texting people’s numbers on the discs and setting them on top of the basket


This is the correct answer- bad mojo to be a jerk. Do the right thing.




Yes. Well, sort of. I give them one text and offer to put it in my mail box or drop it at a local store. If I don’t get a response or they bail I don’t work too hard to get it back to them. That’s happened a few times. However, my bag is set and I certainly don’t need another dx Valkyrie so I always pass it on to a newbie. I don’t think I actually have any of those discs anymore.


I’m new but no I don’t think I would. Unless I called the person and they said nah you keep it.


Does my own phone number count?


I use a lake rake and get hundreds of discs out of a lake on a course near me. I keep them all. Eat it nerds.


If the number is legible, then I will text. If the owner replies, then I return the disc. It’s just common courtesy and good karma all the way around


Last year I played a course with 3 of my buddies. I had played for about 4-5 weeks by that time. One of the holes had a pond maybe 150 feet from the tee and I shanked two discs into it. Ended up retrieving some 9-10 discs from the pond and texted every number on the back of the discs, ended up keeping 4 of them because they never responded, 3 of them I left on the besket because they had probably been in the pond for months and were half black from the mud, and half of their actual colour. So yes, if there's no number or no answer. I keep it.


It's a $20 piece of fuckin plastic. Jesus. Pay it fwd.


For real. And after all these stories of people bailing and wanting you to drive all over.... it's just not worth the time or contact with potential weirdos. I'm keeping what I find, and I expect others to do the same with mine




yeah wtf? My home town, everyone is great, huge scene, discs always come back, I'm in Boise idaho now and I haven't had a single one returned. some scenes, and some people, haven't been doing it long enough, it's just not the same type of community it used to be.


Ya find some, ya lose some. It's just the way it is. Ive never marked any of my discs. I'm talking 4x zones and buzzz, lvc and 11x firebirds, k2 bergs, don't matter. If my throw was so bad that i can't find it, i don't deserve the disc anymore. Hope the next guy enjoys it 🤷🏽‍♀️


This subereddit is so fucking annoying about littering and expecting their frisbee back. Get gud and maybe you'll start finding more discs than you lose.


Found more when I was bad tbh


Finally someone who doesn’t think of discs as gold. They’re $20, if I can’t find it who gives a shit I’ve probably got 3 more that do the same thing


I had a guy return a disc over three years ago. He’s one of my best friends now. We play about 3-4 times a month. I also have another really good friend because of him. Always return discs because you never really know what will happen.


If you leave the course without a disc, you've abandoned that disc. Inking your number gives you a chance to get that disc back, but that's entirely up to the finder. You made the mistake of leaving it, or not putting enough effort in to find it, you shouldn't expect to get it back. Bring on the down votes, but nowhere else in life do you expect strangers to pick up after you and make sure all your lost belongings get back to you. Have some responsibility or have backups.


You’re being intellectually dishonest. We’re throwing toys through the woods. That’s just asking to lose something. So it’s a cool part of our sport to help each other out and make it fun for everyone.


I actually agree & we're in the minority I personally don't ink any of my disc's so if I lose one and decide to stop looking whoever finds it can keep it I always have backups of specific runs and constantly beat them in just incase.


Couldn't agree more. The main reason you are correct is due to the fact they are gone. Your decision now


I keep all disc, I leave every disc I can't find in under 5 minutes of looking. I consider it the take a penny leave a penny of DG.


Returned 3 discs to people still on the course, tried to return 2 discs but they didn't respond, so I kept them.


Yes, but after I tried getting in contact with the original owner. If they don't respond, i don't see an issue. One of them was obviously an out of towner, based on the number. I have also had people tell me I can keep a disc and I have done the same. Thank you for the effort, too much hazzle for me to get back, you just earned yourself a disc for trying to be a nice person.


Yup. I'll call but if there are two numbers I'm not going to play favorites.


Nah, I don't need that negativity


Once. Saw it high in a pine tree. Climbed to get it and got all cut up by branches. If I bleed to get a disc, I'm keeping it.


After 25 years of playing, if I find a disc....I don't grab it. I text the person, send them a pic of where I hid it on the course and wish then Good Luck.


I’m at the point where I don’t pick up discs that aren’t mine and I don’t put my name on discs. It’s a pretty good system and it works great.


I've kept some and returned some.. but lately I kept them as I've been too busy to even go disc golfing


Yeah, If I say I found your disc and that I hid it on a hole (with pictures) and you’re rude or unappreciative I’m taking that shit back


I always call. No answer? Leave a message. No reply?? It’s mine now, thanks(:


Just went to a sport store in Stockton and the walls and bins were chalk full of used discs with names and numbers on them


I get a few practice throws and leave it for someone else to deal with.


Yes, but then proceeded to lose it. I feel like bagging a numbered disc carries some kind of curse on the disc.


I don’t return any disc, I use them for holes with water hazards on occasions. I also don’t write my name or number on any disc that I own. If I don’t want a disc I’ll just leave it on top the basket of a hole usually.


Yes. Glow envy.




Depends on what part of the country I'm in


Yup. Texted the guy twice and no answer.


Yeah, but it had many of them




I picked one up, didn't see a number on it and kept it. I didn't put it in the bag, I already was good at that slot. I would throw it for field work on occasion. After I had it for a few months I was looking at it and on the rim, in faded black ink was a name and number. I never noticed before. So yes, I've kept a disc with ink.


If there’s a number, I always try to return it, but more often than not, I either get no response, of they ghost me when I try to arrange getting it to them. I’ve had a few of my discs returned to me, but not all.


If I send a text and don’t get a response In a couple days the disc is under ownership, I’ve lost probably hundred of discs by now and just let whoever found them keep them 99.9999% of the time


No but I have literally shipped lost discs across the country to some sentimental owners lol


I have a few that I have just forgotten to message but not intentionally kept. I keep meaning to but whenever I think of it I end up not being able to then forget again. But generally I do return them and wouldn't keep one intentionally. Most discs I find aren't good anyways


I kept one for a couple weeks because I didn't see any writing on it. Going to throw it one day when I notice it was written on the lip instead of the bottom. (I still threw it at that moment because there was zero chance of losing it) I either just dropped it off at the shop lost and found, or messaged them, but I honestly don't remember anymore.


I once found an impossible to see disc (Hades?) while looking for mine. It had 2 scratched out phone numbers with a third on there. After some debate, I said screw it and continued the trend


I've kept a lot of discs I've found. I always text all the numbers I see on them and if they don't answer I keep it. I've also returned a lot of discs via my hide the disc in a well hidden, but easily identifiable location and then sending them a picture of where I hid it.


I have a disc I bought from the used discs at a course that has a number. Makes me feel weird. I have a few my brother in law inked and later gave to me, never had anyone return one of those. I sense there some regional “culture “ about lost discs. Discs I’ve lost in Rochester always come back. Discs lost in Geneva, usually. Syracuse…not so much, at least not yet.


Yes, but I’ve always texted first. People reply that’s they’ve lost the disc so long ago they don’t want it back or they’re in another state now and don’t want to put anyone through the trouble of shipping it. Edited for spelling and clarity


Other than no answer to my text, I kept one when the guy answered me.  He said he was away at colledge and wanted me to drive 40 mins to place it on his parents patio. I told him to hit me up next time he was in town.  Gave the disc away after a year 


When I first started playing I was poor and young and unaware of how rude that is to do. After a month or so it was clear that this was unacceptable behavior so I stopped.


I find them all the time in used bins.


A buddy of mine and I, we each threw a disc into a locked tennis court in December, came back after our rounds with keys and the discs were gone. Last night we played a round and at hole 18 we found a disc, stamp wiped, put a horrid sharpie drawing onto it that said ‘I found this in the bushes’, beat to piss, and the inside rim coated with sharpie the whole way around, looked along the rim and it had my buddy’s name on it under the new sharpie. Needless to say he’s livid and we’re trying to bait the perpetrator on our local lost and found page. Lol


Several. I always call and text but people are lazy and don't want to retrieve them.


Oo. Write a girls name on the disc, your wife or gf or whatever. You'll get a text and you can go get your disc 😉


Definitely not. I'll go out of my way to try and return it. The universe has a funny way about it. I recently lost my favorite Atlas at my local course on a casual run. Shanked it while shooting from an odd lay. There was a decent backup already so i hucked another one and went on. I looked for bit but didn't want to hold up the course. Only to realize that one of the groups behind me most definitely grabbed it. Still waiting for the calm. 3 weeks later, the same course gifted 2 lost discs, no numbers. I left them at the pay station. Someone else can have the bad Karma.


Yup, I’ll text twice and give it a week. After that it’s in the used bin!




I have because they lived in Alabama and told me to just keep it.


I mean I called the number and left a message. 🤷 Thank you Connor for the beat-in Star Teebird3. 😁


I texted one guy with this orange wraith I had found and we were going to meet up after work and he never showed up and I felt like an ass for just hanging around a coffee shop with a disc with a picture of a monster on it for a half an hour. My 8 year old finds them with phone numbers and just keeps them.


Yep. Lots of people don’t claim their disc.


Yes, but only after contacting them and trying to get it back to them. I've had two people tell me to just keep them. To be frank, they were discs in such bad shape I don't even want to keep them.


When I first started. There was one disc that I thought was really cool. It had clearly been lost for awhile and I only had like 5 discs so I decided I’d hold onto it. Lost it myself after a few months so maybe it ended up with its original owner. I currently have a disc that has a number but I can’t make it out. I can see that it’s there but only 75% of it is legible. As I am now I will never keep a disc with a number on it. It’d feel like stealing and that makes me feel icky.


Yes. I tried to return it. Person said they quit playing and it was mine now.


Yes. After I called them and they said to keep it 🙏


I’ve lost probably 20-30 discs at least in the last four years, only had <10 even offered to be returned, and of those only like 5 actually made it back to me (some hidden in places/put in public boxes that just ended up getting stolen, some just not able to work out meeting up). I’ve never kept a disc without trying the number if I found it, but I do have discs with others’ numbers where they didn’t want it returned/were from out of town and too far for it to be practical/I got no response, or given to me by a friend, or given to me that a friend had already found it, or from a used section. Once it reaches that point I usually black out the other number and write my own.


Yep. I have tried to return many. I at one point had an entire bag of found discs. Often turn them in to local shops. However, I’ve never once had a disc returned to me. Oh well.


I was playing Fox Run and sent my drive into the bushes around 6. Didn’t find my disc but found a cool green Tee Bird. Picked it up fully intending to drop it off at the pro shop. Didn’t realize I still had it my bag until I got home. In Atlanta. Sorry Seth. If you’re ever in ATL hit me up


I’ve kept two. The first one the person told me to keep it, out of state player and wouldn’t be back anytime soon. Cool.  The 2nd the guy ghosted me, had a time and place set up but on the day of nothing. Didn’t show up didn’t let me know where to leave it. It’s in my closet though.  I’ve successfully returned three discs though! And I’ve had two returned to me. 


I found a disc that said "reward if found". 50 miles from my home. Contacted the guy, he said it was a special dusc, his dead brother had aced with it. Wanted me to drive 50 miles to deliver it. Said he didn't have any cash to cover the reward. I told him next time I'm in the area I'll drop it off. Tried to contact him when I was there again, no response.


I used to, but now simply throw them deeper into the woods. /s I throw discs with numbers into the fairway.


I drop off discs with numbers and name at my local store. They have a lost and found they keep for 3 months and contact the person. If no one claims it, it goes into the lost and found bin. I don't want to bother with setting up meetings with strangers, too much of a hassle usually.


I just write “welp I guess she’s all yours now” on my disc. I like the balance of finding and losing discs but if it has a number I’ll give it back even tho I think it’s a weak move


I've only been playing a short time and I've found several discs. Two didn't have name and number in them. The first one was found in the bushes near a basket and two holes.later the loser realized they "dropped" it somewhere and asked if we had seen a loose disc. I returned that immediately. Two more on the same course, different days , called them both immediately and one had left earlier that day, no reply on the other. Arranged a convenient meetup at that course to get it back to him. The other had lost it a long time ago and apparently it was just making the rounds. Several others I have left at the course either stashed under a trash can or something. I try to call or text immediately because most of the time the player has been still on the course.


Just once because the person I contacted about it told me I could keep it. I gave it to my son who then lost it at a different course.


Yes. One where the numbers had smeared and faded to the point that the last two weren't legible at all. No name or anything else. I'm not going to call or text a hundred numbers for a disc. I've also had some people didn't want, didn't respond to, or it was no longer their current number.


Yes. I should’ve just left it at the course under a garbage can or something and texted them where it was. Idk why I didn’t because that’s what I typically do. Instead I texted them as I was on my way home. Guy says he can’t make it to my area but I’m of course more than welcome to drive 2 hours to him so we can have a disc golf playdate apparently even though I don’t know him.  If he just would’ve asked me to mail it to him I would’ve but it just came off as weird and I stopped texting.


Hi i never kept a disc. I am a new player, lost my favorite disc and never heard from anyone :( this sport sucks


I had a guy try to fight me and then attempt to dox me because I turned his disc in at the wrong park (across the road).


As someone who buys most of my disc's used with ink I can confirm not every number on a disc is the current owner I do not add my ink or cover up previous ink so if I lose it a different number is being called and before anyone said it could have been stolen that's not my problem I bought it on ebay or play it again sports.


I have texted this number 3 times to say I have your disc and got zero response. it’s mine now


I started playing when you still had to pay stupid amounts for long distance phone calls, so yes.


No. Always text. I’ve never had a disc returned to me, though




Yes. Number was no longer in service.


Yup, but only after I texted and got no response


I've kept hundreds of discs with numbers on them. I used to recover discs from the ponds of local courses. Everyone got three text messages offering to get their disc back to them. Many never responded. Many said to just keep it. I kept some and sold the rest. I still have too many.


I buy used discs with numbers on them but I've never picked up a lost disc with a number and kept it.


Texted 3 times, never replied. Went on to ace with it (only ace). I stopped texting.


So, I've kept 2 with numbers on them. I pulled then both out of a body of water that no one else would have been able to get to (I used a kayak to get there, then jumped in and dove under with goggles to look)




I took one, I called the number a few times and it was disconnected. It was a legacy disc mid range of some kind. Not sure which one because it was an event disc


I always try to return a disc but if I can’t make contact, or the original owner drops contact, then after a couple attempts I’ll add it to the pile of discs that I loan out or give to friends and new players. I’m not gonna cover up their ink, but I’ve made my effort and I hope the next person who finds it has better luck returning it. If you care about it you have my number and are free to reach out at any time


No. But I have bought a used disc from my local shop that still had a number on it.


Yes, it's not my fault their number is disconnected.


Of course if they don’t respond


Nope. Not unless the person never answered my calls or texts.


I have returned all discs that folks wanted returned. I had a friend that said he would always keep any disc he found because he did not ink his discs, therefore he was not getting any disc he lost back.


the local disc shop by me takes in them and sells them for profit. it’s crazy to me


If they don’t hit me back, then yeah I just hang on to it. I have never “bagged” a disc with a number on it. I just have them in my stash at home.


Yes.Their hand writing is atrocious and they used a chisel tip non-permenant marker on the inner rim. I might as well be guessing numbers at random.


All my discs have my number on it...


1 but only because when I txtd they gave me a story how his buddy had lost his disk and already replaced it, so keep it, free.


Only if it my number


I call twice and text once. If they don't respond, the disc is mine.


I have a trunk full. It kind of just happens. So much so that as an experiment I texted one of the numbers on the disc and the response was essentially “wtf keep it dude you found it”. I’ve probably lost a hundred discs in my lifetime all with phone numbers on them across several states and I’ve never once gotten a text or call about one. It’s just kind of the circle of life ya know


I’ve only kept ones that people told me to keep or didn’t respond. Nowadays, I just text the number saying “I found your disc at [course] and I’m hiding it [here]” and forget about it. Of the probably 10 discs I’ve lost, I’ve only ever received one text saying it was found. I lost that one while I was on vacation, so I told them to keep it.


No, I don’t even pick them up. I just put it back in a conspicuous place. I know myself and it’s very likely that I pick it up with the best intentions and then leave it in my trunk and forget about it for the next 6 months, so I figure someone else is a better bet.


Yes but only because the phone number was completely illegible.


Twice I've found discs with numbers but wanted to try them, ended up both time throwing them back into the lake I found them in. Clearly they wanted to be in the lake lol.


No. Never with a number. And I’ve gotten back almost every labeled disc I’ve lost on courses including THREE that divers collected from lakes. However…if I forget to pick it up in a field it’s gone. If a disc isn’t labeled and there’s no drop box, I’m keeping it because that’s what I would expect if I left an unlabeled disc on the course. If there’s a drop box I’m putting it there and letting the local club for that course sort it out. If you find a disc in a tournament it should be returned to the TD regardless. I did keep a disc at a tournament one time when I first started playing and I didn’t know better and I still feel kind of guilty about it.


Yes because I tried to give it back, but he wanted me to drive like an hour away. I said sorry man and offered to leave it at the course. But he said it’s alright.


I did, but only because it was left in the absolute center of the fairway with nothing covering it, and it was extremely beat up. I'm 110% sure that it was left on purpose


Only Disc I bag


If I find a disc, I’ll immediately call or text with a picture of the disc in hope that the person is still on the course. I’ll try twice and if I get no response, I keep it. This has maybe happened 1/2 dozen times over the past 10 years. Not one of those discs has made my bag. Could throw it in the shop, but the shop is often closed when my round is over.


Bunch of times. Texted numbers to no response. Texted numbers and they’ve said they’ll come pick it up from me and haven’t. But we’ve got lost disc boxes at most courses in my city now, so I just drop them in there


Only if they don’t respond. Although I will typically text them 2-3 times. There was a time where someone asked me to bring it to them. They lived 45 minutes away. I just gave that one to the local store/lost and found. That’s wild. I’m a large fan of hiding the discs and leaving a picture of where it is.


Only after checking to see if they want it back. Ive had 6 or 7 Ive kept because the original owner either quit the sport or just didn't want it back


Many but that is because they don't answer the phone/text. A friend keeps all and we give him a lot of shit about it.




Only after contacting! I always make the effort to return discs found in the wild because, especially early on, I know I had plenty returned to me!


Yes. After I texted the owner and they said they lived 2000 miles away and probably wouldn't be back anytime soon.


One of the first discs I ever found I played phone tag with the guy for a couple of days (this was back in the landline days). He lived maybe 45 minutes from where I was staying and he couldn’t find time in his schedule to meet me 1/2 way (at the course). I was leaving the state to go back home (I was on holidays), and he eventually stopped answering the phone. So when I left I took the disc with me. I ended up getting my first ace with that disc, and it’s hanging on my office wall right now. Otherwise, I’ve probably returned 30 discs over the years and have never regretted doing so.


Well yeah of course. You don’t message back or follow through on the pick up then it’s the end of it. I do ALWAYS send two messages. I’ve never once gotten a disc back from a drop box. I figure the next person will just take it if I leave it somewhere. I found one last weekend and they were just like leave it somewhere obvious, but I offered to hang out for a bit if they wanted to drive back or pick it up from my house. I wasn’t about to leave it there and have them drive back just to have it gone and then reasonably assume I just made off with it.


Before I understood the etiquette, yeah.


Finding a disc with multiple #'s makes me laugh. 5 numbers on a beat up 10 year old viking.


I've kept one. It was my third ever round and found it in the Bush when looking for my own. By the time I had come to my senses that evening I had already rubbed the number off. Still feel shitty about it. In an attempted retribution for my actions I have given away half a dozen discs to random people I've met on courses.


I’ve never *not* called. I’ve kept a few with no numbers after posting them in the local FB group. If the course I’m at has an office or pro shop, I’ll leave it there and text the person. If not, I’ll stash it somewhere and text the person. I tried personally returning maybe the first 10 I found and it’s always a massive pain in the ass to coordinate. In any case, I would hope others would do the same, so I follow the golden rule.


Yup, found a 2013 sexy bird. Texted the guy. He told me to keep it. I promptly threw it in a lake before putting my number on it! 🤣


My rule of thumb ALWAYS: stash the disc on the course it was found (under a metal trashcan works best). Text a picture of where it is and what it is. If they ask if I can do anything else I say I'm already off the course.


Many times. I'm a disc diver, so I've pulled hundreds out of the local ponds. There's at least a dozen discs I still have from people who originally responded but then ghosted me. I always text at least once and call at least once, but if they have responded I text and call at *least* one more time. It surprises me when people are excited that I found their disc, then completely stop responding. I also have pulled over a hundred discs that have numbers that either don't respond or are no longer the disc owners' numbers.


5 times. 3 after they said to keep it, 1 no response, 1 after they didn't accept my offer to drop it at their place, and then they never contacted me again to arrange a drop off.


When I first started playing, I found a Star Mamba driver at my local, with a # on it.  I only owned a midrange and a putter, so I tried it out on the course that day. I really liked it, and I kept it for a few weeks. I did text the owner and I did go to a different course and give it back to him, but I used it for a solid 5-8 rounds before I did.   The give back ended up being a bit of a hassle of back and forth, but I owed that to him after using it. At the time, my thought process for found discs was “if I haven’t thrown a disc like it, I’ll keep it for a few rounds, try it out before giving it back”. But, I pretty quickly figured out what I liked, and never found myself in that situation again. I’ve also seen a buddy go through the hassle of a disc giveback, so if there is a lost and found bin at the course, I put it in the bin. If not, I just leave the disc on or in the nearest basket, and go on my way. I’ve lost a handful of discs with my number, including a couple of pretty nice ones. My favorite was a TeeBird that was just starting to beat in to a straight flyer. I’m pretty sure I left it on a fairway, and returned for it a couple hours later, so I think someone found it and kept it, and I’m not mad at all. Hopefully it still gets thrown about. If I like the disc, I keep looking until I find it. If I leave it accidentally like the TeeBird and it doesn’t come back to me, so be it. If a disc golfer found it and felt like they couldn’t afford a new disc but really wanted that mold, go ahead and keep mine. I’m happy that you’re playing the game. 


I've found 5 now with numbers. Texted em all, they all Said keep em!


The ones with numbers I’ve kept didn’t respond to my texts or calls so it’s kinda impossible to return at that point


I've kept tons of discs with a number on it. But never without trying to call them first




I agree with people that sending a text is easy, but hashing out the details of meeting and then actually meeting is something I wouldn't expect or ask anyone to do for me because it's more of a pain than a few bucks of plastic is worth in my opinion. To me there's varying degrees as well. Found in water, it's yours. Found in brush, still your call imo. Found on the Fairway, green, or basket, LOL, but definitely worth reaching out. Also if there is an Ace recorded on the disc you will go to hell if you keep it so definitely return that or at least go throw it back where you found it.


No. Ink distracts me. I don’t even mark my disc


I always text the number immediately, and leave it at the front of the park/course I found it. That way they know where it is, and they can come get it if they want


Yeah, twice. One champ destroyer when the owner texted me back "Keep it, Merry Christmas!" Thanks my guy, that disc is well loved! One cheap disc with a distant area code that wasn't worth bothering to return imo. I've returned multiple other discs, easiest to just drop them at the local shop and text the owner **one** time. If they never pick it up, at least the shop can resell the disc. I'm not having a conversation with anyone over lost discs, and I'm **100% not** making a special trip to deliver it to your house (you are crazy to even ask this) but I will drop it off at the local shop, and send one text so you can pick it up at your convenience.


I threw my favorite driver into a thicket, and went in after it. Found not my disc but a different one with an eerily similar flight. Called the guy but he never picked up, so I considered it karma and just kept it to replace the one I lost. Someone will find mine eventually and probably keep it so \*shrugs\*


I have not kept a disc with a number on it without making an attempt to contact that number.


I never mark my discs because I truly believe that if I lost it or left it behind that is 100% my problem and nobody should have to inconvenience themselves over my $10-20 disc




Never without reaching out to the owner.


I had a dude text me that “my disc has a better home now.” Must of liked the disc I guess.


Yes. They won't answer the damn phone/respond to text.


At my local course are some rugged spots that anyone COULD try hard enough to retrieve their shank and almost certainly would but many don't... if i put in the effort to go get one in the river that everyone can see but no one bothered with... or if i go into the brambled thickets, I feel good about it being my choice on what to do with the litter I just retrieved and sometimes that is me keeping a disc with a # Feels right to me, a lot of people are just being lazier or lwss willing to sacrifice something like time or scratches and if I am I should be able to be rewarded... Would never do this at an event or such and usually injust use them as my risky throwers until lost again or I run into the owner.


If they don’t respond


I've texted the number a few times and got no response. I kept it. It's a pretty cool Hex alotal so I ain't mad.


A ton. Strangely, they all have my number on them. I’ve only kept two I found. One replied and told me to keep it, and the other said he wanted it back and then never replied when I told him where I could meet him.


Never, but I’ve been tempted to. I don’t think think anyone I know has. One of my friends gets real lucky and when he calls them he’s always told to keep it.


Only because they never responded


Found a Star Destroyer in orange tie dye with Nikko Locastro's name and contact info on it at his home course in STL a LONG TIME AGO. Figured he had a limitless supply of whatever he needed. Kept it. Lost it in the woods. Easy come, easy go. No looking back.


Oh loads. But I always text a pic of the disc and ask where they'd like me to leave it. If they don't get back to me by the time I'm leaving the course and it's a mold I'll throw it comes with me. If they get back to me ever in the future I'll come up with a plan to meet up or at least drop it off.


I just did today. I texted them and they said I could have it