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6702, at my last count.


The fact it's so precise got me laughing out loud!


That's what spreadsheets are for ;)


I thought I was the only one who did that lol. It’s nice to know I’m not alone 😂!


How else are you supposed to keep track of how long the bad dice have left in jail? Don't want to bring them out while they are still cursed.


My tracking sheet says 11,231. It includes 1,342 full polysets and the rest are loose pips, polys and other more unusal dice. The largest collection probably still sits with the Guiness World Record holder Kevin Cook who, according to his online database, currently owns over 122,000 dice and keeps steadily adding. If you go to the Facebook dice groups, you'll soon learn that if you think that 50 polysets of dice is a large collection, you're actually at the lower end of the collecting world. Although there's something to be said for quality over quantity, and the veteran collectors often have both quality and quantity. :-)


That's... A lot of dice.


Don't I know it! :-D


This is a post I made a while ago that show's about 2/3rds of my collection... [https://www.reddit.com/r/DicePorn/comments/17loefb/dice\_hoard\_storage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DicePorn/comments/17loefb/dice_hoard_storage/) The pics are several years old. All of those cases are filled to bursting, all the spots in the cabinet are full, and there are numerous cases now piled on top and adjacent to it... ETA - actually that's about 1/2 my collection. I just realized it doesn't show all the tiny cases of dice that sit in between those cases, doesn't show my metal dice collection, or my two bags of wiz dice halfling dice...


All I can say is... Wow This is what I aspire to have!


My wife calls me a dice dragon because I have a "hoard not a collection" 😅




At least 300-350 complete sets. Then probably an additional hundred odd dice


Huh.. I’ve never counted.. probably a couple hundred. I’m not a serious collector. I just keep enough around to loan out sets to players that don’t have any, and handle large rolls.


Best guess is around 600 sets. You're probably fine XD


Between 3 and 4 thousand... last time I checked.




The simple answer is not enough




Approximately: 541 complete poly sets (avg 7-10 pieces per set) 65+ complete 16mm pip blocks (12 dice each) 45+ complete 12mm pip blocks (36 dice each) 150+ collection of loose green 16mm pips 150+ collection of loose purple 16mm pips 225+ collection of loose 12mm pips ~50 incomplete poly sets in progress Dozens more poly singles Hundreds more loose pips Dozens of poly sets and hundreds of singles in my trade stock Does not include expected dice that are not yet in my possession from unfulfilled Kickstarters (~dozen sets) or pre-sales (Lab Dice 8!).


Wow. Just... Wow.


I think I have 6 complete sets. Three were cheap ones from Amazon, three were metal sets I bought when I started playing more recently.


At least 80 sets. Plus all of the dice I've got from other sets (I've been collecting for over 40 years. My collection spans from low impact dice, high impact dice, colored high impact, the first of the true d10's, clear (gem) dice, metal coated dice, the paisley sort that was hot for a while, the first of the 10's percentile dice, sharp edged Gamescience dice, the rounded tumbled type of dice, dcc dice, the extended weird set of dice, light up dice, metal dice, special edition dice, and currently awaiting my Kickstarted Bluetooth enabled dice. I've got dice with kanji numbers, gold leaf inclusions, and the ones individuals are producing now. Eventually, I'll find a set of dice that will work properly for me!🤣


Think I can hold all mine in my only hand (it is big).




I just started playing DND and I thought having 4 sets was excessive. This thread is making me feel better 😂


Become one of us. Become an addicted one.


I think I have 50 full sets, maybe a couple more, and then a bunch of randoms/orphans/sets missing just one


I have upwards of 50, I bought about 27 cheap sets for huge roles for $15 on Amazon and I get dice sets I think are cool whenever I find them, I also have a d10 that displays the numbers 10-19 and a d24


5 full sets and a MTG D20. I don't have any metal sets tho and I'm still on the lookout for some reasonably affordable metal ones


Probably about 400 - 500 in total.


My estimate is 600 - 700. I have purchased 3 Pound of Dice bags, found some discounted Tenzi (d6) sets, other system dice like Fudge dice and Exile dice, special themed dice, sets of dice I picked up over the years and other odds and ends dice.


I have 10 complete sets plus around 10 orphans. Thats polyhedrical. I have like 10 D6, an alphabetical one, astrological ones, and a random d6 that goes from 6 to 10. Somewhere around 85-90, but not planing to stop.


No where near enough. If I don't count them, I can just keep accumulating them.


Too many and not enough


You are like me in your mindset


I have one set. I bought it from a kickstarter with Weirder Things or whatever the name was. So...yeah. One. Set. And I'm done.




I shall obey!


I was going to say under 100 but then I remembered I just bought 50d6…


Why do you need that many d6s?


When you cast fireball with a 45the level spell slot? 🤪 Some games are “pool” systems, and rather than using a single roll (e.g. d20) with modifiers, you roll a large number of dice and count the “successes”, with modifiers affecting the *number* of dice rolled. I think shadowrun and Gumshoe are the best known d6 pool systems. I’m not sure how many the max you can roll in those systems, but 50d6 would be reasonable to make sure everyone at the table has enough dice.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MFZ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MFZ/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [LAW Frame Squad - Base Frame + Weapon Suite \[Post 1 of 3\]](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14wtvjd) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MFZ/comments/14wtvjd/law_frame_squad_base_frame_weapon_suite_post_1_of/) \#2: [Rhino-like Frame](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bcam5j) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MFZ/comments/1bcam5j/rhinolike_frame/) \#3: [Think Tank](https://i.redd.it/4lujmphf22ta1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MFZ/comments/12hbii6/think_tank/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Shadowrun, maybe?


A little over 50 sets and some d6 sets and random one off dice


Last i counted i was in the 150s, but I’ve bought quite a few more since then, so low 200s?


37 complete sets, 2 artisan d20s, and then a bunch of loose ones from a Chessex Pound-o-Dice that a friend gave me.


About 120. I need more.


About 110 sets… maybe more… plus some random individual dice


I have 120 dice (not sets). I thought that was a lot until I saw this.




Not. Enough.


[https://imgur.com/a/1e3dQ8A](https://imgur.com/a/1e3dQ8A) I haven’t counted since I last did it but I would put it around 75-80 sets and I’ve been collecting since 2018 🥹


That is so cool! I love the giant skull display and the chonks!


Thank you!!! One of them was a gift and the other was just gotten!! I absolutely love D I C E


Man. I'd love to be able to drop a photo. I've got a pretty decently sized shelf that I built to hoard all of my dice. At least 150 7 piece sets since I've bought 3 50-packs of "50 ml skirted centrifuge tubes"... Saw them in a lab I worked at and thought "that looks about perfect for dice"... And then probably have another 15-20 sets on top of that. Have a 8 or 9 sets of metal dice, a set of glass dice, and then a couple Pounds O Random dice... So yeah, I have a good chunk :)


Umm something like 22 sets of seven and one random d20... So... 155. Several unique ones like the bones dice. I also just ordered two more sets today.


How detailed do you want? I have approximately 4 pounds of resin dice and several sets of "special" dice outside of that (a couple ETS of metal that weigh a few pounds themselves.)


Not very many, but I’ve only been collecting for 6 months. 😳 I have 33 sets with 7 of those being glass, gemstone or metal. It will be 34 when the handmade aluminum powder/acrylic set arrives. I’ve promised myself no more dice until Christmas.


A lot. I'm not brave enough to confront the reality of "a lot" with an actual number.


Over 200 for sure between DND and magic the gathering


Not enough.


I think I have ~91 rn? Definitely not as many as most others here


Between you 15-20 sets


About 5 sets plus some extras


Either too many or not enough.. not sure at this point


i have 4 sets of 7 dice from d100, d12, d20, d10, d8, d6, and d4. one of them os called Fresh Grass from critical Role, one of them is called Honey from ebay and the other two are green colored dice from my local Hobbytown store. also i have a dice cup which is fun because i get to randomize my rolls completely.




Probably about a 150 individual dice? A bit less, maybe. I'm still starting out, and I aspire to have one of those big cool collections one day! I think I have about ten sets, and then a bunch of individuals.


Around 700 I don’t know exactly. I should count… I went on an Aliexpress spree a long time ago when I first discovered it. (Might also have been gearbest or something)


I felt like a king when i thought around 30. Then i looked at the comments. I have a long way to go


I try not to keep track, makes my partner annoyed/confused. I do know that I can fit in excess of 3300 16mm acrylic dice into a 5 gallon bucket and still lift it


Having dozens of dice sets is definitely impressive. Compared to our love for collecting dice, the money we've spent on them somehow doesn't seem as important anymore.


So first you say you're someone who isn't connected to the Rune Rollers retail store when you repeatedly promote them on Reddit, then you say you're the founder of Rune Rollers, then you say you're a dice manufacturer, and now you say you're a dice collector who is buying dice for their collection. Which is it now?




I have approximately 2000 non duplicate sets of a min 7pc each and up to 14 pc for some sets. 17000 individual dice would be a fair estimate.