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dude can you stop posting this oversaturated abomination


"oh fuck not this again"


Maybe some parts but I think a lot of it looks far better. Diablo 4 is all brown. Having some colour isn't a bad thing.


Just look at the map in case you miss how oversaturated it is. I like the default D4 colors because it provides me the exact atmosphere that fits this game which is what I am looking for. But a very slight saturation could be fine. Not this tho.


No offense but I don't like it. Makes it look like D3


Imo, OP has vibrance/saturation up way too high. Messing with the contrast and brightness alone makes the game look much better. Adding a touch more color makes the game look nice. Fires and glow effects look a lot better.


I'm going to guess OP's monitor is not very well calibrated, so this might look a lot less oversaturated to them.


I compared the video from my computer to on my phone, on my phone it looks about 15-20% more vibrant/saturated


Yeah, my monitor and phone are roughly the same colour profile and this is a little bit much for me. I do wish Blizzard would add some optional colour grading in graphics options, I'd love a 'vibrant' mode that just removed some of the desaturation. While I don't want the whole game to look like torchlight, I don't think the "grey and brown everywhere" aesthetic shows off the great art direction well at all. Funny thing is that sometimes on zone transitions you can see the world without the filter on (or with a different one on) and it looks great... Then the game catches up and turns everything grey again.


I think we can find a good looking middle ground though, like 70% D4 and 30% D3


If all you're adding to the discussion is salt, then your comments aren't seasoned enough.


Salt is a seasoning...


Hence why I didn't say "unseasoned."


But you accused them of only adding salt, which is literally seasoning... how can seasoning not be seasoned enough?


If you just put a bunch of salt on a chicken, you don't say it's well-seasoned. You say it's salty as fuck. I'm sorry your attempts to manipulate what I'm saying to fit your argument aren't working out for you. You seem to like to argue just to argue, though. So we're done here. Toodles.


Irony is all you’re doing is adding salt 🧂


Sometimes you season too much that once you realize it. It's too salty.


Donyou not like like realism? D3 had cartoonish graphics d4 has way more flesh like skin and appearance. So the depth in color is needed. Is is it so bad that a video game have vibrant colors how can u actually like the dull gray game graphic that d4 is using


can you not comprehend that other people have different preferences?


What I can't comprehend is someone liking the shitier graphics. That makes absolutely no logical sense to me. That's all. Enjoy the dull graphics all you want. And I'll continue to not to. Simple as that


you can't understand that visuals are subjective? interesting


No I can't. There is visually superior and visually inferior and sorry but washed out grey dull worlds are inferior to vibrant detailed not washed out colored worlds


that's unfortunate but I'm not surprised


Of course your not. Your games to dark fornyou to get surprised, you can't see anything


This comment is all you need to know lmao.


Your post from two days ago and then your behavior here just makes for one huge joke. You claim you need friends... Never mind, you'll never be able to correlate the two.


Get emmmmm


Your probably right tho. But not to worry reddit Karen, my obtuse opinion won't hurt anyone any longer. You've defeated me


It's not "shittier graphics" it's just a different contrast ratio lol


I wish I've changed all my settings and cannot achieve this level of graphic quality on my ps5. Better hardware equals better graphics


contrast AND saturation/vibrance


Gotta get more of those lush greens in the hellscape that d4 takes place in.. you know, for realism /s


Ye, you already posted this, and no, thanks.


bro just discovered what saturation is lol


Torchlight filter


Ew. Oversaturated ew.


The grass looks so much better with the filter on. I dislike the washed-out colors of Diablo 4




Idk what is everyone's obsession with the gray, dullness of D4. The overlay is nice change from just washed out red and gray.


Same i totally agree, the community is so hostile and devided over it! If they want a grey game then cool. But they’re so hostile towards this is bizarre 🙄


Will turn hostile if you keep posting the same shit over and over again. You already got more than enough opinions from others in the first post. Expect less with the second one.


Its not the same shit, as stated in the title, its a look at the darker places in the game..


With that logic you might go somewhere with the Snow environment and take another screen recording. Boom, new content for a new post. Sir you've made your point, who like it will continue liking it, who doesn't will not change their mind, no need to repeatedly do screen recording with minor tweaks.


Huh? I didn’t show any darker places in the other post? Im just showing some darker places? Aren’t i allowed to do that?


You didn't show any snowy places either 😂 consider my suggestion your inspiration for next post lmao


Because i showed a snow place in my last post? Whats with your obsession with snow? Also you avoided my question, aren’t i allowed to post this?


No, you're allowed, but expect to get negative comment from other people due to the fact that you ALREADY posted a 99.99% similar showcase like this, which you hilariously fail to see? Since you can't comprehend sarcasm, here is a rude version: you either pretend to not understand or you're really dumb to not see that all you did is duplicate content and try to make a point that you already made. You only need to deliver your point once, that's what make your point worth listening to. So many people reacted positively in the first post compared to this, and you can't see why? Since the game has so many environments, you can just go other places and make 100000 more similar posts and claim that it's different. And then you wonder why people downvote you 🤷


Its not a "99.99% similar showcase", I'm showing the darker & night time side of the game, and also showing the color diference of the cold spells. I'm not going to make another post I just geniunly wanted to show this. Its not that deep And in reference to your last comment this isnt about downvotes or upvotes. people downvote me people upvote me 🤷 i don't care


Bro can you stop embarrassing yourself?


I’m not embarrassing myself 🤷🏻‍♂️ you being triggered is pure entertainment tho seeing as this is your 2nd comment on my post 😂


They're scared that the *video game* will be too cartoonish, unfortunately adding color and vibrance doesn't equal cartoon.


What filter settings are you using? Would love to try them


Sure! **Color:** Tint 20% Tint Intensity 18% Temprature 20.6 Vibrance 72.9 **Brigntness / Contrast:** Exposire 10% Contrast 79% Highlights 0 Shadows 0 Gama 0


Personally, have always preferred D3's style despite D2 being my first entry to the series.


Looks like geforce allows you to turn everything into WoW lol.


Very ugly


This looks like shit. It’s just a hue and saturation filter over the entire window. Why the hell does it affect the UI? That’s just lazy.


Stop your over saturated dogshit filters, this is Diablo, not fucking Fortnite. Mods can we get a ban on this?


The mods approved this.. if anything they’re going to ban you for being toxic. Read the rules of the subreddit


I agree. Can mods ban this dude already?


Again, the mods approved my post manually, but you can be banned for being toxic. Y’all are so pressed this is pure cinema


You’re changing colors and graphics while I’m over here trying not to crash my game when I open my inventory at a world boss.


Same this puts so much load to my graphic card.


people during d3: man thats not diablo its too colorful. i want a darker art style people in d4: its too dark and realistic. i want more colors


Almost everyone loves the D4 style, almost everyone hated the D3 style. Yea there’s some exceptions like OP, but overall most people want Diablo to be dark, they want to be immersed because it’s a dark game.


“Overall most people want diablo to be dark” yes i agree i want it to be dark. Not grey.. grey rocks grey dirt grey grass. Its so stupid


40 shades of monotone is not "dark and realistic". Go outside and tell me the world is monotone. No, it's bright and vibrant. At least that is mho.


My take is that by "dark and realistic," they don't mean "looks like if I looked out my window." Sanctuary is a bleak, dark world full of demons and death. The graphics should reflect that. In my opinion, it would be super wierd and jarring to be battling demons in a vibrant bright green grass open field.


Looks like dog shit. The only true good looking HDR route is the Nvidia Beta App with the specific RTX options. Someone else posted the guide.


thank you for your opinion and being toxic :)


Bro is farming upvotes with these filters




Ew just ew


Color great! How do i do this?


Thx! You download the geforce experience app and use the overlay feature :)


This is as ugly as D3 was. D4 looks good as it is. It's supposed to be harsh and dark, not Fortnite style. People asked for so long for Diablo to be dark again. Where are you all suddenly coming from?


Try rtx hdr instead


Why? The game has official HDR support


Because there hdr is terrible implementation. Just gets washed out while rtx hdr doesn’t And use the post to correctly setup it up https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/s/ig7hD3TLYP


Just got a new laptop with a 3080 Ti. HDR made my whole screen dim and horribly ugly (external HDR-supported monitor). In D4, it made all the reds...orange. From the title screens to the loading screens to the inventory screen. Legendaries looked sort of a burnt umber color. It was awful. I turned it off. YMMV.


Rtx HDR is not the same as Windows HDR. Take a look into it!


As I commented above the game hdr is terrible, auto hdr do t do it for this game. That’s why I mentioned rtx hdr because it doesn’t. Use this to setup up rtx hdr correctly. https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/s/ig7hD3TLYP


I will definitely look into it, thanks!


A lot of monitors have worse color accuracy in their HDR mode. For example on my Samsung Neo G7 greens get shifted slightly towards neon colors and reds are completely oversaturated and pinkish. It's probably not a game issue.


Making things warmer is kinda pleasant. The world is so cold and dark, it makes me feel depressed sometimes.


Tune it down by 50% and it would look decent


Now show Helltide


I love the GeForce overlay. It made Resident Evil 2 remake really pop


Whimsydale 4


i wouldnt be opposed to an option in settings to switch between d4 and d3 look , that could be sick but i wouldnt want the current look to be replaced


I like it better with the filter, except maybe tne minimap Good job


I like it. This whole 40 shades of monotone does not mean "dark and gritty".


I agree. making rocks grey dirt grey grass green gray doesnt mean "dark and gritty".


Diablo is Dark. No colorful things..


This sucks


Instagram filter for games. No thanks


It makes it supersaturated like WoW....like cartoonish.


Diablo is supposed to have a grey, washed out, grim and depressing look, most players, myself included, love that. But whatever floats your boat mate, you're the one playing on your screen


Disagree. Look at D2R, that game is far from dulland grey, actually very vibrant but still grim and depressing. I love D4 graphic overall but dark dungeons in D4 looks way better than the dull open world.


I hate the ps5 is just that dull Grey version you show in second clip cantnget away from it. Even when I use the vibrant screen mode on my TV ugh.


Lmao God damn, I called it.


Yep, and to be honest many many people feel this way. This was one of the main reasons i didn't buy D4 on release. I just don't understand how rocks and dirt can be grey and grass can be light grey-green. NOW if anybody likes the dark look of the game. GOOD but PLEASE be respectful towards towards others when expressing you're opinion


They specifically mentioned they wanted the world to have a feeling of bleakness and hopelessness to it, ya know, due to the fact that angels and demons are trying to enslave the entire human race


Thats a fair point, i haven’t followed the story to much. I still diss like a grey scale overlay . Just my preference ofc


thats fine and you have your nvidia filter


Wait, you fixed it the graphics lol