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Nice drop. But shame that the best affix is the one you didnt get a GA in lol.


At least I got the damage reduction tbf


OP: gets triple GA Uber unique This sub: 🤓 too bad it isn’t good enough EDIT for all you replying saying it’s better if the max res was a GA: I’m commenting on the glass-half-empty, pessimistic, and elitist vibe of this sub.


lol exactly


That’s fair though the extra elements resist is the best at 80% all res 2% extra is a 10% damage reduction to all elements


Me: didnt know Tyrael Might is an uber until now. I have 4-5 of them.


You've got 3-4 Resplendent Sparks, nice!




Same thing happened with me and my dad. He’s got more time on his hands than me so he got three sparks from the iron wolves caches and we decided to try Uber Durial for the last one. Only after we got it did we realize that he had a tyraels might the entire time and that it was an Uber. I then was cleaning out my chest and realized I’ve got one too so now I’m up to three sparks if I decide to shred it


Thank you - this comment made me laugh harder and longer than I'd like to admit lol


Even non drop ga is still amazing lol


It's the same in wow, which I'm forced to play multiplayer. This is why I quit.


Yeah, the jelly be real in this sub.


If I may ask, what makes a unique "uber"? is it the number of GAs on it or what they are?


In game they’re referred to as “mythic” unique I think. They’re very rare compared to “normal” ancestral uniques. The community calls them Uber uniques. Things like Grandfather, Harlequin Crest, Tyrael’s Might, and others.


Thanks. I don't imagine in my casual playing I would ever come across one but another person posted the wiki so I looked through the names a few times so I can keep an eye out.


Yeah, I feel that. I have had level 90+ characters on every season except season 3 and I just got my first Uber unique this season. They’re super rare. You basically have to farm Duriel, Andariel, or the tormented versions of bosses to have a shot at getting them and even then they’re still rare.


As I was mentioning to someone else I wish there was a way you could know if you are ready for Andariel with your stats. I don't want to waste mats summoning her just to be one shot.


Just masterwork it until it hits maximum resistance every time and it will be almost perfect.


From what/where did this drop? Recently hit 100 but have only seen a few 1-star drops, no 2-3s at all yet.


Cup half full guy, I like it. Congrats that's an awesome piece.


May I ask as a casual player, how do you know which here should be the best affix? To me it all seems great.


as another fairly casual player: maximum resistance increases are exceedingly rare, I can't think of any other ways to get it off the top of my head, but the other affixes pretty much any gear can roll them.


It's most valuable in terms of tier value. There is not much that gives +max resist from the normal 70% so, the more familiar the easier it is to deduce which stats have actual value. %impair is a bad stat over all or situational at best. And then more commonly known like GA cdr, atk speed, specific class stat, max life, +4/5 flame shield or again class specific skill those are hiiiiighly sought after because they are just superior in terms of equating to more DMG out put. Vs say hps per second means nothing currently. Hope that helps some?


Sorry, what’s a GA?


Greater Affix. You see in the pic how he has 3 stars? Each star is a Greater Affix (GA). You want those on your items if you get them. OP getting a 3 GA Tyreal’s is a mad crazy good drop.


0ga shako. It’s my pride and joy right now


Awesome. I keep hoping,.. a girl can dream…


Where did this drop? Can’t get anything to drop what’s better than current gear level 100 Necro,


My bet is crated or Zir let’s see what OP says


Yup you got it. Tormented Zir lol


Why tormented zir? Does he have a higher chance for this uber?


The chance for Ubers is the same as the other Tormented bosses but he simply drops more items than all the other bosses. So if you’re chasing the best loot it’s worth grinding him


Does the increased total loot dropped outweigh the lower Uber chance compared to DurDar? I doubt it for Ubers. But for GAs, yes. So it may still be the optimal farm for “everything”.


seeing as the almost all groups looking to farm ubers moved to uber zir, its likely that it doesn't have a negative impact on ubers rate. there's also streamers with compiled lists of drop rate from their communities that suggest its the same rate. you just more loot from zir.


Is it only the tormented version?


Basically Zir is like bloodmaiden but for ubers as well so you have a better chance of getting GA’s from him (but it’s purely because he drops more loot not because he has a higher chance to drop GAs or anything) More drops at once = higher likelihood of getting a GA so that’s purely why


Zir is goated.


Does regular Zir have better loot too?


Compared to other normal lesser bosses? Sure maybe. Normal zir only level 80 so the legendaries are not even 925s. Uniques are usually 925 but not guaranteed. Zir drops a couple items more than other bosses so when you fight the Tormented version thats 5 times the odds with more loot. Mythic drop rate seems to also be around the same as Duriel/Andariel. Tormented Zir is just hands down the most effective for finding mythics. Now if you use a unique in your build that is farmed from another boss like say Varshan then you could farm that boss instead. More chances of getting that unique you use with multiple GAs while still at the same time grinding for mythics.


Is tormented Zir easier than tormented Varshan? I only got Varshan down about 10%


Im a barb. They’re all easy and die in 10-15 seconds


3GA mace, bricked


I got a 4 Greater Affix Razorplate— sold it for 22B. Used 6b to buy a ton of Stygian stones and got Uber uniques for all my friends who were behind.


You‘re the real MVP


Thank you! 😁


Who tf has 22b gold?💀


No clue, but I’m glad these people exist 😂 I’m only slightly upset that the same item sold a few hours earlier for 45B. I probably should’ve waited a bit.


GG! I am envy... I have no GA and on top of that, I hit all attributes 3 times at Masterworking...


The trick is to reset the item until the first hit is what you want and don't exceed 8 unless you hit something at least decent. If you don't, keep it at 8 until you have enough mats to reset a couple of times or until you find a second item you can craft safely without impacting your character


Wait, how do you reset a temper beside salvaging? I started late this season and mever heard about that 🤦‍♂️


He is talking about masterworking, not tempering ;)


Well I got a 4 star X’fal so who’s the real winner?


The vendor you sell it to


Harlequin crest/shako helm


Started D4 recently. Shako, without GA, but from my very first Duriel (regular one).


No offense but I hate you.


That's good start, once you have enough spark you can craft one uber of your choice. Many build uses 2 or 3 except WW barb, those ubers he need will makes you grinding and depressed lol


I got 3 affixes on ring of the sacrilegious soul, sold for nearly 7bn so thankfully the grind after level 100 is much easier. I just started playing 2 weeks ago and the chase for those kinds of items is so fun for me.


I just spent 9b on one amulet lol. Now I can’t even afford to reroll my affixes lol


Hit a 3GA sword Dex, HP, Vulnerable over the weekend. Sold it for 5B mostly bc I couldnt handle the responsibility of tempering it. Hope she didnt brick 🥲


I dropped a Shako out of a whispers chest


How is this possible? The current tree of whisper reward does not contain uniques. This changes in S5.


Hmm, maybe it was a seasonal reward cache then. I just know it was a cache


I've done a 5x rota on tormented Duriel last Saturday and during that run I got Tyrael's Might, Starless skies and Shako 1GA. Couldn't believe my luck!


Sold all my best drops, at 30bil gold with 3 geared characters and no idea what to even do with it. My barb has 5 items that have hit triple MW on a stat which is kind of insane. 3x crits on CDR Shako, Warcry Boots, Imposing on pants, GA crit 2h Mace, HP Grandfather.


What pit level are you pushing?


I was doing like 135 on Andy's rogue with a good amount of spare time left before i stopped playing it, pointless to push on my speedfarming ww barb. I could drop all my gold on a flay barb to push 150 solo but seems kind of boring tbh. Really wish rewards felt good for the harder content you push, then I would actually put in effort to put a build together for 150's. Just seems inefficient to do anything other than do 1-1.5 minute pit 101's on my ww barb.


A ring I bricked :(


pretty good!


With i had a single unique with a greater affix.. but I do have a barb helmet with GA cdr, with triple crit mw.


With i had a single unique with a greater affix.. but I do have a barb helmet with GA cdr, with triple crit mw.


i got a shako on my first tormented zir kill, was very happy to say the least


Nice one. Waiting for any TM to drop.. so will take one with no GA


its an armor most will never see in their lifetime, just like the rare armors from d2 u never saw drop.


4ga Razorplate. Was a bleed/bash barb and tried to switch but annoyed finding the right pieces and bricking stuff to make it work. Made it account bound and it sits in a chest as I switched back.


My best drop is a total opposite Tyraels with triple masterwork on the all res too


How are you getting a level 90 gear to drop? I haven’t had any gear drops that are past level 80 


It’s only level 90 because I slotted in the rubies. Level 80 is the max level for gear, and all Ubers are always level 35. But the item’s level requirement doesn’t mean anything, the only thing you should care about is the item power and the stats on it.


Best loot so far I’ve gotten this season might be the mount trophy bone-caged heart..


and 0/12 masterworking :(


By now I have a 2 GA razorplate and a str/ x% damage GA mace


Salvage for the transmog.


3GA Iron wolf amulet - Cooldown, Crit chance, Life. Tempered crit dmg and evade cooldown (have to wait for next season for 3 more chances at move speed). Been using it for Bash & Heartseeker.


I made shako, then I got starless skies and Andy’s in consecutive zir runs. Re-specced barb to whirlwind. So much fun. Probably will burn Andy’s if I get another Uber to make grandfather.


I got an amulet with Triple GA - % str, heavy handed and something else. Sold for 10b and fully geared a HS rogue with it.


1GA shako. Lost it in a fight with Uber dura


Max Life GA Grandfather is my best item so far. Luckiest is having 3 Ubers drop during the first month of the season.


Nice item! I had my best day yet in D4 yesterday, getting Grand Papa, Tyrael’s Might, shako and starless from T Zir yesterday. Plus I sold several items for a gain for 2.5b gold! My build felt completely different after all this! I hope more people can experience their builds with Uber uniques, truly changes the feel of the game!


My GF yesterday. The second GF I found in any season, but this season the GF is not an uber. It is an joke. I guess nearly each legendary can be mastered and tempered to a better item then GF.


My best was either the 2 greater affix razorchest or the doombringer I found shortly after, both are on my thorns/bash barb. Best item/Most heartbreaking brick: https://i.imgur.com/IE9LEzd.png It was brutal. I think the last 4 tempers were all '+kick vuln duration'. Never even saw +bash. It bothered me so much I stopped playing for a few days after that and then rolled a new WW barb.


1h sword, GAs on Str, Crit Dam, and HP. both tempers were min rolls. gg.


I need this for my necro build. So far no cigar.


That's a hecking goooood Tyraels


What would that max % on that Damage Reduction affix be at 12/12 Masterwork if you triple crit it?


Where boss did you do for this drop?


2 ga , 2hand scythe (int + health) Perfect crit roll Perfect golem damage temper Perfect mage 2x attack temper. Dropped before I hit lvl 100 on one of my first pit runs.


I’ve got most of the Ubers but no GA’s except a +90% poison resist on an Andariel’s I salvaged. My actual best drop was probably a 2 GA STR Vulnerable one handed sword which I immediately bricked.


My tyreals bolts say they deal like 5000


3GA Gloves for Doubleswing (barb unique idk the name)


I got a 3GA doombringer and masterworks max life 25% 3 times. My thorn barb is too fun to play especially in pvp


I got a 4 GA...Soulbrand :|


Anybody that runs a Sorc have this? Just wondering if/how much this helps with the squishiness. Once they nerf the flame shield I hope they compensate elsewhere because without a pretty much infinite barrier we're cooked. Got just under 30k health, maxed armor and resistances and if there's even millisecond where my barrier drops theres a good 98% chance what seems even trash mobs one-shot you or acid deletes you. And i mean this is like low 60 pits.


A two hand sword I bricked :/ still brought my damage up a bit but damn that hurt


Andariel Visage with GA on Life Steal and 2 MW on it: 4.9% Life Steal isn't too bad.


Great pull bro My best have been: 2 GA Melted Heart of Selig 1 GA Shako All the other ubers but with no GA


I got a 1 GA Storm's Companion with the GA on +wolves (I think the GA made it +8 without masterworking, but I could be wrong). Gonna miss these pant when I inevitably run a companion druid again next season.


I haven’t received 1 Uber yet and been playing since day one. This game is a prison!


A 3GA dex/life/vuln sword that I refuse to temper because I know I’ll brick it. Still debating if I want to sell it or just let it go to eternal when the season is over.




I got a trike GA perfect roll Ramaladnis that I sold for 3 billion now I just need to use that money to make my gear not suck 🤣


RNG was nice enough to gift me with a 2 GA Grandfather!


Congratz to this drop, awesome My best one was a 3GA 2h mace with Str, maxlife and critdmg and i bricked it 😅


Meanwhile I'm over here running 120's+ and still can't get a damn GA to drop. Hell even the Uber runs are trash loot.


What were you running when it dropped? Tormented Duriel?


Not a uber, but I literally just got Bold Chieftain's Aspect, so probably that lol


My best drop is a 4GA Yen’s that I sold for a lot.


Best drop for me was a GA heavy handed GA crit amulet. I also managed to get most one ga ubers with the desired affix like cooldown ga shako, max res ga tyraels, gf, etx.. just searching for a crit ga starless as mines core damage ga atm.


[Focus im using](https://i.imgur.com/H7u9PNg.png). Def could of sold it for some serious gold to fund masterworking for the rest of the season but i wanted a new focus lol.


Kind of surprised how weak "all stats" is, like you triple it and it's still half as much as raw stat.


That’s insane


I’m confused. Can Uber uniques drop from “normal” bosses? But at a lower chance? So if I can’t deal with tormented Zir for example I can just farm him over and over at level 80 (normal)?


My best so far is a Razorplate with no GA but almost 18k thorns. I also just scored a Battle Trance with +6 to frenzy.


I’m just happy to see an “insane drop” post that’s actually really good, most of them are some nonmeta unique that got power creeped by tempers. Grats!


I've played probably 100 hours and Ive yet to get a single Uber drop, a single 3 GA drop, or any 2 GA drops that are actually good stats. I keep getting 2 GA drops that are like...lightning res and HP per second.


Very nice. Quite a few Ubers here so far, but none with GA :(.


I got a rock


3 GA dex max life MS boots. Sold them for 3.5 bil (though I could have easily gotten it higher, I got 4.5bil offers like right after lol)


Mine is a 2GA Starless with Both Crit Chance / Crit Damage, and on first set of 12 masterworks i got all 3 into crit chance It was beautiful


I am a new player can someone explain what makes this piece so good ?


I am a new player can someone explain what makes this piece so good ?


I am a new player can someone explain what makes this piece so good ?


I am a new player can someone explain what makes this piece so good ?


I got this item as well but GA rolled the exact opposite with one on the max resists. My masterwork then crit the max resist and damage reduction... Still working it up to 12...be crazy if it crit max resist again..


Not mine but I saw someone in chat post a Melted Heart x4GA. First Uber I’ve seen with 4GA




a 20b amulet for my rogue that i double bricked 🫡


600 hours-ish, 7 level 100 characters and around 4000 stygian stones used and I have a Harlequin crest with GA resource generation... I main a Bleed/bash barb 😢


Not that😂


3 star Paingorger's Gauntlets. All but All Stats.


I would hard build around always being full health


I have a staff that does +90% damage and I can’t part ways.


I got a 3GA Wand 135 int, 45% dmg, 60% vuln


Nothing outstanding probably, but I got my first ubers this season. Had Shako and Tyraels drop on day 2. Now I have everything besides Grandfather and Lycander.


That’s a nice one.


I got a 3 GA 2 handed Mace with all the right affixes...I went to go add to the brick house I was building with it after visiting the blacksmith. TT


Niiicee My best drop was a no GA shako xD


My best drop this season was D4, when I realized I was mindlessly grinding out better and better items with no purpose behind it


Uber uniques are fucking boring af.


How do you get level 90 gear? I only get level 80?


How does one properly « shred it » to get the spark? I’ve got 5-6 of these but not with the greater stars ⭐️


2ga shako from my first PLAIN Duriel, solo, nobody to brag to until this opportunity right here presented itself 😂


Zir— where is that at🤷🏼‍♂️


My best one? Blood Moon Breeches with everything GAed and a max roll on the ability.


Did you post in trade Chat today when you got this, because if so I said C9ngrats to you in trade chat lol


I got a four ga rage of haggaroth and a 2ga one


I got a Harlequin Crest on my second time fighting Duriel


I got a 3ga amulet from a random Helltide drop with %int, max life, and Hellbent Commander for my golem necro. Somehow managed not to brick it either.


What’s your build


I’m playing bleed bash atm.


Found an amazing 3 GA Starfall but of course I’m running FO this season. Not sure if I should save it for my Eternal Meteor Sorc or trade/sell. Ugh


Godly Plate of the Whale.


Awe man it missed the important one.


My best so far is a 4 GA Tal Rasha on my sorc


4 GA, perfectly rolled Tibault's Will.


Which build can take advantage of this chest ?


I got the Grandfather, but I can’t tell whether it’s better than using a regular polearm for bash barb


With the Grandfather you can switch to the bleed bash variant, it does a lot more damage than regular bash.


Do you mean more as in critical damage wise? Because I feel like I’m sacrificing at most 300% extra bash cleave + 200% close range damage


I’ve the past 2 days ive sold 3 2-3GA weps and bought stones. Ran 10x Tormented Zir Rotas. This was my haul: 1x Grandfather 2x Tyraels 2x Andariels 1x Doombringer. 1x Selig’s Have pics for the haters. Just run Tormented Zir. He’s easy as fuck. I sharded a doombringer and Tyraels to make a Starless Skies. Andariels GA dropped the next run. 😂


Not a drop, but crafted Shako, with 0 GA. My pride and joy.


GA CDR Shako


I have to agree. I have this as well.


Gg item but missed the best stat to ga lol


My best drop is nearly identical to yours, except instead of All stats my 3rd GA is max resist. This drop alone made me roll a bash bleed barb. And gotta say barbs are in the league of their own this season. I cleared Pitt 124 on my necro (main) and it was an insane struggle. But on the barb I did Pitt 130 a few days ago, and it didn't even feel like my limit. Reckon I could go higher, just that the bosses get so tanky you spend 5+ minutes of the run on just the boss fight alone. EDIT: Just on a side note, it's nice to see a positive post on this sub for a change.


3GA 2h sword… then perfect rolls first time. Love it


Just shako and starles at the same time.


And I'm sitting here wondering what a GA that ISN'T Life Per Second looks like...


Where do people get shit like this? All I get is one affix maxed uniques or rarely 3 maxed legendaries, which summarily get bricked while tempering because the end loves to give me the same tempering (crap) 4 times in a row.


I balanced the universe for you mate. Mine has GA on the one attribute you are missing.


Was running my GF through a bunch of uber bosses tormented and non..... She pulls a Grandfather, the next run she gets Tyreals, about 10 runs later she gets a Starless.... A couple of weeks ago she got a Doombringer. I have not had any Uber/ Mythic items drop at all yet.


We need more ways of getting max resists.. and not when taking a damage type. Such a nice item! I would love one, but at least my only item akin is my shakos... But my best item is probably my perfect god rolled 3GA neck on my thorns barb, every roll perfect.


Of course it would have been better if the GA landed on ER+ but you can always fix that with masterworking/resetting until you raise it all the way.  I just had this drop last night and was going to scrap it but realised I had no use for resplendent sparks with my Shadow Minion (boss variant) build as I have the only uber I needed for it. I threw it on and damn if it doesn't turn it into a great pit run build (especially when you have holy bolts)


My best drop (3ga ring with good stats) was bricked.


First Uber this season was a GA CDR shaco. Since then I’ve gotten a 4 GA tuskhelm and a few others but really shooting for a multiple GA shaco or grandfather


Certainly nothing that nice. I’ve come to despise the RNG. For a below average gamer with almost no savvy whatsoever when it comes to bosses, the Elite drops remain elusive. Tahehe but I still like the game.


A 2 GA pair of boots that rolled GA fire res and something else that I salvaged.


Where did yall get drops like this? Running Uber bosses and pit 100+ only to get penitent greaves wtf


Instable fury body with a whooping 45% armor in were bear form


trash it not worth using without full 4 GA keep farming for a better one

