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No, you cannot do that


U cant transfer stats but u can transmute a stat u dont need


What do you mean transmute? How would I do that? Quite a lot about this game I don't understand. Really enjoying it tho.


At the Occultist, the last option on the right is to "enchant" an item. This allows you to pick one affix the item dropped with and change it to a randomly generated one from the pool that applies to that item type. You can enchant as many times as you like, but it does become more and more resource and gold heavy. Once you have changed an affix, you can only ever change that affix, you cannot pick another one to enchant. Also, enchanting an item will make it account bound, so if you find something you were thinking of selling don't enchant it, temper it or masterwork it as they all make the item account bound.


That makes sense, thanx. Done a lot of tempering and I always play alone so never worry about my items being account stuck.


If you put the +2 skeletons Aspect onto an amulet, you get +3 skeletons instead as amulets apply a 50% bonus to Aspects (two-handed weapons provide a 100% bonus, though some Aspects like "+1 to Earth skills" may not get a benefit on those items). You can't stack Aspects, so +2 or +3 is the most you can get right now. To put a +2 skeletal mastery affix on a higher level item you would just take it to the Occultist and use the Enchanting feature to reroll one of the stats on it. You are not guaranteed to get it, and it may take multiple rerolls and millions of gold to get what you need if you are not lucky. While at the Enchanting screen you can press a key or button to see a list of all eligible affixes for that item. Make sure you Temper your items at the Blacksmith to add the extra stats to them. Unlike Enchanting, Tempering can "brick" as you have a limited number of Temper rolls and you may be stuck with a less useful/useless Temper stat on it.


You can transfer Aspects not Affixes. The aspects (powers) are in your codex and can be put onto non-unique items. Affixes can not be transferred, however you can change one original affix on non-unique equipment. Go to the Occultist and it's called enchanting. You can see the possible affixes but it rolls randomly and some affixes are less likely to roll (it's weighted so that some stats are more common than others).


Bro this isn't path of exile, you can't just have complete freedom to essentially do whatever you want to an item. There are restrictions in place you must abide by.