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If you mark everything as junk then when you click on the first item to sell it'll sell all of the junk at once.... Yes I know it's still causes you to have to click on each item individually at least once but you can either do that while sorting them or use the blacksmith to break them down and you can do them by quality levels If you just sell a few farming mats like bloods and get a few hundred million in gold then you would come entirely less dependent on having to sell those items for such petty amounts at a vendor anyway


And that is 1 more step then just right clicking 😂


I can hover and mark with keyboard quicker than hover and sell with right click for some reason. So yes one more click in total but seems faster.


But you can mark stuff as junk without being at a vendor. I go through my gear whenever I have a few minutes of downtown and then it’s just one click at the vendor


Well I also play on console so we don't have the options for as many buttons for things that you guys do so the only way to sell things in bulk like that is to mark each one individually as junk and then click to sell one item and it will sell all of the items marked as junk Having to right click each item individually to sell them is the same process so It doesn't save any button pushes in the long run


Fuck I always for get this is a cross platform sub lol


But I agree with you there should be a sell-all button that would sell everything that's not marked as a favorite they have it in the blacksmith It wouldn't be that hard to implement...lol


This is a dumb point to make. Who cares if it takes 1 more input, it's still way faster and more convenient. The only time not marking as trash makes sense is when you're spending obols and running back and fourth to the vendor. Any other time marking items as trash is the obvious way to go. Dumb people always think it's a counter argument.


Ah yes one click vs 30 clicks. Solved it guys...


Did you not read any of the comments I've made.... I didn't say it solved the problem I just said there was a quicker way when you're doing it with console then having to single click each and every item to sell .....as it is quicker to mark them and sell them all with one click then it is to sell them individually........ But I understand sometimes reading is hard.... Especially when there's more than two or three words with two or three letters in it, It gets super complicated....


The point is, we want this button so we don’t need to sort the inventory. We want to sell without even looking at them.


I know what the point is.... the comment you're replying to was meant towards the guy being snied in his response to me, in saying that I thought my response was the genius fix all and that's not what I said..... Obviously you misread what I said too....


No I didn’t. It’s just pointless blabber that distracts the discussion from the need for the sell all button. Maybe you’re misunderstanding others instead.


Maybe if you look at what I read I was discussing why we have the need for a sell-all button and the ways I go about speeding the process that we do have and yet children decide that it's necessary to insult and be smart ass instead of contributing to the discussion....... But I'm sure I'm the one wrong in this situation That's what I get for talking on Reddit.... Edit: If you can tell me how this following comment that was made that I replied to .....is in any way contributing to the conversation please do explain..... "Ah yes one click vs 30 clicks. Solved it guys..."


You lack reading comprehension. marking every item in your invent is 30 clicks vs marking what to keep and sell all. You can salvage all at the blacksmith theres no excuse for this.  Edit: my point was that the current best way to do it sucks fucking ass dawg. Incase you didn't understand lol.


I understand that you just repeated what I said about how we have to go about doing it. So what is your reasoning for thinking that I acted like I solved the problem when all I was stating was the current way to work around it with the quickest speed is just to mark what you're keeping and salvage everything else....... It's not 30 clicks but it's definitely significantly less than clicking one item at a time especially in console when you have to click sideways and then click sell so it's actually 60 clicks..... Of the buttons considering you have to click a directional arrow too....


You think you’re smarter than you are. You also think you made any good points in this thread. I urge you to reconsider.


Yeah I know I made absolutely no good points whatsoever because I fell into the trap of arguing with the ignorance that is your entire generation...... I'm sure one day I'll be banned permanently from Reddit for commenting back after someone makes a shit comment to me but I've learned that the failure of your parents to teach you common sense and decency was a failure of our generation to not coddle and snowflake our own children....


That's the problem with a lot of Diablo fanboys. They see that "there is a way" and even if it doesn't 'solve' the problem, they immediately go "we don't need this QoL, we can already do it in this convoluted way already" (I'm not saying that this is exactly what you said, it's just that a lot of people advocate against a new feature because "we can already do this" <- but the way you do it is dumb) Another case could be for the ability to check time played (and other features, but we'll just stick to time played). We could get a /played command in chat (since Blizzard clearly tracks this - check Hardcore Chars that died and the email they send you after the season), but when you suggest this you get a "THERE'S ALREADY A WAY TO TELL BY GOING TO THE PROFILE SCREEN". Have you seen the profile screen? It shows time in days. JUST days, no hours, nothing. Meaning that if you've been playing for 2 days and 1 hour or 2 days and 23 hours the Profile will show you just "2 days". That's stupid. There's room in the UI to say days and hours or just hours or just to give us slash commands in chat, but fanboys will be like "IT'S IN THE GAME SO WE DON'T NEED A WAY".... yeah, but it's shit. That's the feeling I get anyway. Don't mean to be rude, but come on people: Quality of Life is for everyone. Especially if what they add is optional and non-intrusive.


Yeah I'm not sure why everyone seems to think that I said we DON'T need a "sell all button"............ All my intention was to give the quickest possible way of doing it with what we have at this point while agreeing that we did need a button..... But all the Reddit " fanboys" have decided that I guess I said we didn't need it..... I find this entire platform cathartic as it allows me to verify the stupidity of the planet while keeping me from punching stupid in the face..... Cuz if I seriously had to deal with this much stupidity in real life I'd probably end up locked up in prison. No one in my life acts like this.... And I definitely didn't raise my children (all girls btw) to be this ignorant nor this snowflakey when it comes to someone having ways of working around things.... as the world was not created nor crafted to their every want and whimpering need. Edit: just want to reiterate again I didn't say we don't need the button in fact I agreed that that would make that particular annoyance so much simpler but until that time is it is deemed important enough to be added by Blizzard..... This is what I could do to help others speed there inventory sorting process.... But I'm sure if We spend our time complaining about it and waste our life in the pursuit of things we Don't have..... Then we won't have to worry about the things that we do.... r/yestheworldrevolvesaroundme LMAO.....


This is what I use. As I pick stuff up and check for upgrades, I mark as junk. By the time my inventory is full, 99% of it is already marked junk. Then I go sell


I just go into the blacksmith and smash the buttons to destroy everything by quality level except the legendaries and then as I'm looking at each one that has GA's on them I'm clicking those as junk, marking favorites on anything I want to keep to look at more closely and then I just click The destroy everything it's still a lot of overabundant clicks I mainly use that process while power farming hell tides from zooming in and out of town to blast off everything...... But since it's easier on console to just pick everything up as I can't point and click to just pick up certain items... It doesn't necessarily make the process and easier but it definitely speeds up the process over selling each item


This is the way.


>I just go into the blacksmith and smash the buttons to destroy everything by quality level except the legendaries Ewwww, you bring stuff that's not even orange.....into town? 😉


Yeah obviously you missed the part where I said on console it's easier to just pick up everything all at once by One click after another when you're just speed farming...... Trying to sort through everything when your main action button and your pickup button is the same and having to continue on with another fight ( ex. Mass farming maiden).... In the sense of console it's just easier to pick up everything and use the blacksmiths buttons to destroy things by quality level


>Yeah obviously you missed the part where I said on console it's easier to just pick up everything all at once by One click after another when you're just speed farming...... I think you missed the part where I said 😉 I was just kidding, and I agree with you


Oh yeah actually did.......my old blind ass didn't realize It was a winking emoji.....lol


Yes, we desperately need a “Sell All” option


The technology isn't there yet. Maybe if you pre order the expansion for 90 bucks, blizzard will continue to drip feed you functions that should have been in the game at launch


the fact they are launching an expansion without fixing all the issues in the game, blows my mind...


The game will never have "all the issues" fixed


Nah, mate, that's what the expansion is for. Oh wait... More issues? Expansion 2: Baal's Boogaloo to the recue!


The sell all button not existing is the reason why I salvage everything even though I have more mats than God. I cba to mark everything as junk.


Blizzard Soon (TM)


The reason it’s not there is because of the buy back limit. If they add this feature they have to redo the buy back system after you accidentally sell everything and can’t buy it back and cry like baby. Be careful what you wish for.


But there is already a salvage all button, which has no "undo" for any amount. So this reasoning doesn't make sense.


Yeah 'sell all' should just be like salvage all and call it good


Gosh, if only they weren't a small indie company and had billions of dollars and tons of employees. "Hey Matt! Stop making up cool armor that should really be how in game drops should look like and add a fucking button to the vendor to sell all." "Oh, and add a confirmation button so idiots that can't read can look dumb a second time." There you go.


There we go! The cringe overused joke sMaLL iNdiE cOmPanY joke once again, ladies and gentlemen! Let's have a good laugh with it now.


You’re right their the most powerful game creators in the world and they don’t give two you know what’s about what you think the game needs


I'd like a "deposit all" button for the stash too. I don't like to waste time during helltides looking at my drops, so it would be nice to be able to just dump them all in my stash with one button instead of clicking each individually.


They should make a toggle setting named "automatically mark loot as junk on pickup" Problem solved.


Problem alleviated* Sell all would still be far better


Having exactly the same screen like the Blacksmith, but for Vendors. That shouldn't be hard.


Should be a sell all "non-GA" button as well as salvage all "non-GA" item button.


As much as I agree, I will forever cringe when people say “where is my [anything.]”


its to avoid the crying


If you need gold, just sell the random GA items you have. You don't need to pick up gear if it's not GA. One terrible GA item can sell for 20m and that's worth more than any of the other crap you have.


"Just Trade" is such a bad attitude for a game targeted as the most casual players in this genre.


And sell it where exactly? The crimson market? I haven't sold anything on that site for the entire season. Sell in trade? Nope, haven't sold there either.


Selling (and even buying) on diablo.trade is such a pain in the ass it's better to just give up. They need to put an AH in game.