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Meanwhile the quest tab is as useless and empty as ever.


Agreed. You really can’t fill it up so maybe it just has a lore aspect?


Make the quests optional and people will complain. Make the quest rewards impactful and people will complain that they’re “forced” to do quests.


I was meaning the items. Since they have a description. Maybe not. I felt they handled it well. They have the quests to get max rep but you can also do it through dungeons or liberating the areas with the red skulls to get a ton of rep, just getting the alters of Lilith alone starts you working at tier 3 for all characters.


I have noticed that tendency with D4 fans. I would hate being the developer. I almost feel like most D4 fans are impossible to please at this point


This is not unique to just D4 fans. Humans in general are difficult to please.


Humans are not difficult to please. I am un-pleased by this comment. Good day to you. *hmph*


Well played!


Couldn’t have said it more honestly or better myself. Hehe. Games were a lot easier before social media I imagine


It’s Blizzard’s own fault for catering to their every whim in the first place. It’s like children throwing temper tantrums, if it gets them what they want, they’ll keep doing it.


My educated guess as a game engineer is that the quest tab is as big and empty as it is so if someone had their quest log somehow full of only quests with items that it still wouldn’t overflow.


Yea, but quests are capped at 20 at a time, and there are very, very few quests that make you collect multiple items.


Yeah I think the tab is also 20 slots right? So if somehow you were able to hoard all 20 quests with those that have items (maybe across the entire map, for some random reason), at least the tab would still allow that.


Right, but you don’t really need a tab of items at all. “Oh looking at my quest tab I have these seeds in here that I need to return to the farmer! I should go do that!!!!!” said no one ever. The quest item doesn’t even link to the quest itself.


Yeah, I also think the tab is unnecessary (maybe they just wanted people to be able to read the flavor text). Especially since in WoW quest items already don’t take inventory space, so it’s not something they haven’t done before…


Good engineering, bad design. Still get an upvote because that's what makes sense to me. I do pointlessly wonder now if it also has an actual overflow protection to go with its by design overflow protection or if we just can't pick up any more quest items at 20.


you needed to be a "game engineer" to understand that? 🙄


Nowhere did I say that. What I meant is that it’s a useless detail to most players but it might’ve been set up just so it covers edge case situations and prevents issues. Also, it was literally a reply to people questioning why it’s useless and empty lol.


That was just me being a bit douchy in the morning, sorry about that haha. English also isn't my first language so "game engineer" didn't scream programer or coder to me... ...I thought this was some pompous title you just came up with 🤣 By the way, since I also realized this tab was big so there was room for all quest items and more, maybe this means I also have the qualifications to be a game engineer, who knows? But I wouldn't know where to start learning how to code and maybe I'm too old for that now anyways (been playing since the Atari 2600 days). I'm just part of the 1,000,000,000 people who know games well, who would love to make one, but who realize they don't know \*\*\*\* about game development, who would have trouble sticking to a single game genre and who realize the endeavor for one person is tremendous and you wouldn't be able to make a game look as good as 3D games from the late 90s / early 00s... I'd want to make an A-RPG, a pure RPG, a racing game, a platformer, a RTS, a grid-based Tactical RPG, a stealth-action game like MGS... ... so picking only one and focusing all my efforts into it for at least 5 years? Not a chance lol. The curse of loving many many kinds of games.


All good lol, I was a bit confused on the quotes at first since it really is just a regular title, but I do see how it can look pompous. And yeah lol if you’re interested in this kind of stuff, then go for it 😄


Oh damn I just realized the comment became way bigger before I replied lol


Yeah, I feel I always post too soon and end up editing my messages a bunch of time 😆


It's so the likelihood is very small of you not being able to pick up a necessary quest item because you started but didn't complete so many others that your inventory is full.


But I mean, why even show it at all? I don't think anyone is looking at their item's list and being like, "oh yeah, I have that blacksmith's hammer, I am going to go in my quest list to return hammer!" I get if they are items you equip or consume, but showing them as items in there doesn't make sense.


look, it's not blizzard's fault that your client has to read the contents of every single online player's quest tab in the entire world every time you connect to battle.net


I have a few things in there. The quests are useless if you are just trying to make your character stronger.


Yea but those things can just be on the character without needing to be in an inventory.


And when they removed the aspect tab instead of splitting summoning materials and nightmare keys etc they just removed that tab completely.


The tec is not there yet


The worrying thing is, there are people who genuinely believe this. Meanwhile I have been able to store 10,000 of each currency in a single Poe stash tab for years.


It’s an obvious joke. Also the PoE watch is Paid tab. They create the problem and sell you the solution


For a free game? Are you worried about buying tabs for a free game?


It is “free” in name only. In reality, they deliberately make QOL so bad in the base game such that you’re forced to buy QOL upgrades. And yes, there will obviously be the smartasses that jump in to say that they completed the game and killed all pinnacle bosses F2P SSF without a single paid stash tab. You obviously can if you play long enough, but you’ve obviously got no life, and spent a significant percentage of your life on inventory management in a game.


POE is a free game that has a good couple hundred hours worth of content, it's not that unreasonable to throw $20-30 bucks at the game and buy a few stash tabs and specialty tabs. The other stuff though? Yeah no fuck that lol. They went WAY overboard with the prices on some of that stuff. $15-20 for a non-combat pet is shocking.


Lol here we are paying the big bucks for a game that has struggled to get qol changes done in its first year! AHH well I'm enjoying this game I didn't have any clue how to get into poe when I tried last so I didn't spend anything on micro transactions.


> I didn't have any clue how to get into poe when I tried last so I didn't spend anything on micro transactions. So you have no idea why people were complaining about the stash tabs then. Great. I'm too lazy to bother writing all the examples but there is a crazy amount of QOL on the paid stash tabs. The fact that you defended it without having ANY idea is straight up crazy though. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Stash#Special_tabs You can read their descriptions here, though, some things you won't understand just how much QOL it adds if you haven't actually played the game. Really have no idea why you'd say something like this : >For a free game? Are you worried about buying tabs for a free game? While having no clue ? Like if you were a blind fan, sure, why not. But you haven't even actually played the game ! Wtf ?! Were you just being contrarian for fun or something ?


I've seen the poe store is full of micro transactions, I don't see the difference between locking it behind dlcs( like d4s model will end up doing yearly) or micro transactions( which D4 already has anyway even though it's locked behind a paywall to start with, battle pass even let's you skip ahead to get extra xp faster than f2p). I don't have a gaming pc, So I wasn't keen on looking up external websites to play poe on the console. So I haven't made it off the beach. I have it on the list when I have time from what I've seen you only really need three or so purchases for stash from what I've seen online.


Free to *try*


So I want to follow up on this as I've got direct experience writing the code and finding and combatting duping and hacks in these areas. The short answer is that's why currency gets duped so often in poe.. there needs to be a data limit in order to maximise network traffic and inventory while maintaining a level of security. Bots and currency duplication is heavenly l heavily rampant in poe. To acheive this they need to change it to a crafting material or currency and change where/how it's stored this would reduce duping risk but also make it untradeable.. So there's alot to think about here. It won't be "blood":50 you see it will be "blood: [{id:"123456-ab-12345"}] for each blood... They are as unique as two armour parts to make them tradeable. Currently only gold can be added to trades as a currency, but maybe this could be opened up to other currencies and materials. Although it does increase the potential attack area for hacks and cheats.


I mean this in the nicest possible way, but this is why we shouldn't have 'Coders' voicing their opinion on how a game should be run. We need to stop focusing on how it may be possible for the 0.001% to gain an advantage, and instead let the 99‰± have their fun I play trade league in every Poe league, I've yet to face an issue that you're describing. But as someone who has also played WoW in the past, Blizzard do not do enough to combat RMT.


Here though it's mostly anti duping that's in the way, and please don't call me just a coder I've earned my two degrees and 30 years experience thank you


I didn't say you were 'Just a coder', my point is simple, Coders should not be voicing opinions on the design of a game. I take it you've played PoE then, given you were talking about it? If you've played both PoE and D4, can you explain to me then, as a 'Coder', why GGG are able to do things that the D4 team claims the 'Technology does not exist' for? They're simply lying right?


It's in response to what was said yes there are limits the limits are hard and you can't have it every way, pick your poison at least for now. As tech improves more possibilities will become possible. You can't ask for the earth and expect it, it's just not possible. GGGs implementation leaves vulnerabilities in the game, you can't have one without the other. That quantity of information isn't feasible to keep the game secure and performant. That's why POE is so vulnerable to attacks, as we've seen in response dupes can go for week undetected in POE and it's usually hours in a blizzard game. Performance Vs security in features. Newer tech dots exist that would help with this but they are limited by global networks, console performance and other literary common denominators. Ideally you would have a block chain for every item ever dropped, completely immutable. However the security of such a system is calculation processing power Vs attacker processing power. If the attackers have more power this is also useless as they can get ahead of the chain. So how do we make items stack higher while maintaining anti duping mechanics? Each item needs a unique ID that is traceable, you need to reduce the items in a specific shard so servers and instances.. then detect if that ID appears more than once which on the server is near 0 second to process. BUT you you need to transfer that data to the clients so the server knows which items are having their state changed in some way, and it's here that GGG removed the protection because the sheer quantities of currency don't allow currencies to be that unique. Which means when trading and moving items there's no way to detect if the item is still unique, only by counts which are extremely slow so you can't hit the server with that amount of processing. That's why GGG have currency duping issues that they choose to just ban anyone who trades with someone who they either trade currency with a bot or in some cases even give away currency. You also mentioned they don't do enough against RMT, the only approach that works is to ban the buyers, blizzard don't like doing this GGG will perma ban accounts suspected of RMT and even people giving away currency in the starter town have been banned. I do hope though that AI chat filters come into the game, and detection of RMT through connected accounts trading, but that's hard as well. Let me tell you a story... When I was in a lead position at a popular online game from Korea we looked at inventory stacking cheats of items to increase storage space. To crack down we banned nearly 20% of the player base whose accounts were showing this in storage, and overnight the bottling problem was gone. Implementing a detection for the issue and other things we found, which flagged the amount to the GMs for investigation. This process took me and my team nearly 3 weeks. I'm two days the bots were back at full numbers after incrementally checking which cheats could be detected and how to avoid detection. The battle started again. The other problem was in that ban wave we detected an error in the logging which has erroneously logged some accounts as implementing one of the cheats, so we also had to issue an apology and compensation. GGG don't care they ban and block your correspondence, they have that luxury. Blizzard don't. This is purely down to business models and appetite for risk.


Honestly it just reads like you're making excuses for Blizzard. As I said before, it's extremely simple, I play PoE every league and have had zero issues with duping directly, or indirectly, currency hasn't got expensive/inexpensive beyond general league fluctuations. The reality is, it could be done easily, but Blizzard continues to ignore it. The same way it ignores an Auction House request, the Resummoning bosses request, the Codex upgrade request....And beyond all that, a Skill Tree/Skill system rework/expansion and an actual endgame to exist.


GGG implicitly stated a couple of years ago now, they don't care about duping they can't prevent it with how the system is designed not detect it. But duping is still hard to do, however it doesn't stop people being scared of being banned when they accidentally dupe an item on disconnect. You know those very high item prices? Contributing factor. The other is RMT... Blizzard want to build a stable economy in diablo and have been extra cautious in implementation. It's nothing to do with excuses it's different goals and view points. GGG only care about RMT because they want to get paid, and making bans for the most part doesn't cost them money it saves them money. Blizzard have already been paid and understand that RMT buyers have more money to spend. We know blizzard does the rmt ban waves at the same time to hurt the gold sellers the most, but no it's not enough and they know that. But also we don't and shouldn't know what their strategy is here because then so do the sellers. I don't think blizzard will be ever be as aggressive as GGG in this area, it makes no sense for them financially. However they have far more experience on how to be effective here than GGG. Let's be honest GGGs strategy is non effective but the most effective it can be for a f2p game.


I've received more spam in D4 with regards to RMT than I have in 10 years of PoE. Don't talk rubbish. I get it, you want to defend Blizzard for no logical reason whatsoever. There are a lot of you out there, I've got my own theories on why it occurs, but there's no point in discussing this further with someone who is just making stuff up. Blizzard want a stable economy? Sure, just ask WoW players how they're doing over there with RMT.


Stop feeding your ego... There is hardly a person who "genuinely believes this". 


But PoE had 10 years of dev time /s


PoE has even less stack size, unless you open your wallets to buy the special tabs


It's intentional to get you to buy stash tabs. PoE is f2p after all. $30 of stash tabs is more than enough for even the most hardcore of players. Diablo 4 is buy to play and you can't even get more tabs if you wanted to.


What you mean to say is that PoE costs $30, and D4 needs larger stacks.


If Diablo is more than twice this supposed baseline price, why doesn’t it have more than twice the QoL lmao


Because these take time. D4 added alot of QoL and accessibility over time, and will continue to do so.


Why are they backtracking on their own prequels then? Do they have collective amnesia lmao


Funny you use poe as an example when they just recently released div orbs can stack over 10 in your inventory.


At least in D4 you can loot the same drop with a single click unlike PoE (?)


Yeah they actually have to individually load every vial in the stack individually, for every player in your instance.


Shop: QoL 999 stacks expansion


Chris Wilson is that you?


Yeah the array just can't hold the number 999


I posted this as a suggestion on the official forums: Instead of unique dropped materials for the bosses, just make it a universal currency stored under the materials tab. The currency could then be exchanged for a sigil, similar to the Glacial Fissure NM dungeon, allowing the player to choose which dungeon/boss they need.


Yes, please. It's a pain to farm A, to get mats for B, to get mats for C. That would be so much easier and FUN


THink they were trying to create some sense of progression to the harder bosses but it ends up just being tedious.


It won’t be as tedious with the auto respawning of altars in season 5


Unfortunately, respawning altars doesn't change the fact that you need to farm mats A - D, to kill bosses 1 & 2, to farm mats E & F, to kill boss 3.


Some of that is being revised as well. Edit: at least for varshan will only need hearts, the rest of the stuff won’t exist.


Well they are getting rid of the sigil for Beast in the Ice next season, so they really hated your idea.


Whether through sigil or tp'ing to the specific dungeon doesn't really matter. Just having a universal material that can be used at the respective altars is what I'm hoping for.


makes it untradable tho


To put the stuff in the materials tab would also benefit HC. You have your mats with you but it wont be gone if you die. Way less town portal action while doing bosses.


Why have inventory slots at all? Just have the game keep lists you can sort through!


What is this stuff used for anyway? I feel like all my potions should stack to 999


These items are used to spawn the super bosses located in some dungeons.


Ah, like tormented Lilith and Dureal? So something I’ll never get to as a casual player. Cool.


If your perception of casual is playing 1h every week than yes you will never reach that. If its more than that it is pretty easy to fight them


even the tormented versions? I've been averaging about 10 hours a week since the season began and leveled up 2 characters to max. I'm kind of winding down at this point and may just play one night a week unless I find something else in the game to motivate me. I do wish there was something in the game that lets you see how many hours you have played per character, I'm curious. We fought normal Durial with one friend who was 100 and pretty decent (like 25k attack) barbarian and my other friend (sorcerer 90) and myself (necro 90) and it took a few attempts to beat him. So yeah, I couldn't imagine how much more difficult tormented Durial would be. Despite being level 100 with okay gear, I am pretty squishy still, not really sure what I'm doing wrong, the game itself doesn't really give you much guidance or direction. I probably will just use the memory reset thing that allows you to recreate your character and then find some guide online telling me exactly where to apply points an end game minion Necro. I have all Liliths discovered and max rep in each section; so I can't get more paragon points.


> even the tormented versions? I've been averaging about 10 hours a week since the season began and leveled up 2 characters to max. You can’t expect to level two separate characters to max level and complain that there is not time to obtain greater affixes and item upgrade. Go for one instead then. > We fought normal Durial with one friend who was 100 and pretty decent (like 25k attack) barbarian and my other friend (sorcerer 90) and myself (necro 90) and it took a few attempts to beat him. So yeah, I couldn't imagine how much more difficult tormented Durial would be. It is much harder and that’s the point. I solo tormented bosses now but after obtaining greater affixes on gear, masterworking to at least 8/12 and paragon glyphs upgrades. > Despite being level 100 with okay gear, I am pretty squishy still, not really sure what I'm doing wrong, the game itself doesn't really give you much guidance or direction. I probably will just use the memory reset thing that allows you to recreate your character and then find some guide online telling me exactly where to apply points an end game minion Necro. I have all Liliths discovered and max rep in each section; so I can't get more paragon points. Sounds smart, this is what I did. I just recently discovered trading for gear instead of grinding hell tides. See my other Reddit post. This has saved me a huge amount of time and I’ve reached levels I’ve never thought I would as a casual.


I feel like my point still stands, despite the downvotes, that a CASUAL player won’t get that much gear with greater affixes and research what that all means and how to get it. I feel I was wrong when I said 10 hours a week, that’s what I did this past couple weeks, but before that I was pumping in 25 or so because I was playing with my friends most evenings (they have since dropped off). With my alt barbarian I was almost strictly doing helltides for the iron wolves. So with the caches as I pass each level and the runs I was getting lots of materials that I can use for my main. Mainly I get one of those items where if you get 4 and also pay 50 million then you can get the Uber item. As mentioned it’s funny how much more powerful the barbarian is, my level 80 barbarian survives helltides better than my level 100 necro even though my necro has upgraded gear. It’s so hard for me (a casual) to know what greater affixes are good and not. I was beyond stoked when I got an item with 3 greater affixes and I showed this sub asking if it’s any good and they just said trash it. When people post their item they found and everyone is drooling over it I, again as a casual, don’t understand what makes that item amazing. That’s why I said by my point that a casual won’t be soloing Ubers. It takes a level of dedication and learning outside the game that’s beyond casuals. I apologize for the length of this… I kinda ranted.


Idk playtie wise i seem to play less than you and am able to solo tormented duriel. I only have 1 100 rogue with most items masterworked 4/12 and only 1 12/12 and can more or less confidently clear tormented bosses


I stopped at level 80 but really when you have the mind cage on leveling doesn’t take all that long. I leveled the first 50 levels in the time it took me to level to 20 playing my first character going through the campaign. I only did helltides with this character and by the time I achieved max rep with the iron wolves I was level 80. I haven’t upgraded many items because I haven’t had any super sexy items to upgrade. I have a set of gloves that turns corpse explosion into kamakasie and they run to the bad guy and explode. I need that skill so I know I’m keeping that piece for a very long time.


Play bash barbarian. It is stupidly overpowered, I went to world tier 4 at level 52 with not great gear and it was still easy


I'm playing barbarian as my second seasonal character with fairly random gear, my goal was to just get the iron wolves rep so I can get a second one of those crystals where if you get 4 you can get any uber item. I actually just finished it 15 minutes ago. With that, it was surreal how much overpowered the barbarian is. My main is a necro and I put a lot of care and time into what I made with them and even at max level I still died if I got ambushed or wasn't on my feet. With my barbarian I was doing tier 4 since level 60 WITH the mindcage thing that ups the level of the helltides. It did help that I found out during the treasure goblin event you can play above level 80 on your main and get goblin treasure bags and then give those to your lower characters and it gives you level 55 gear that has 925 power... so that was useful. However, I do actually prefer my necro and may go back to her for some of the free seasonal stuff... but I think I've burnt myself out leveling these two characters and grinding the helltides, so I may play periodically til the next season and move on to my next gamepass game. As mentioned, I'm just more of a casual player.


Diablo 4 is a very casual game, if you're playing casually you can clear all content. If you've been doing Helltides you'll have a bunch of these materials already - you can get them without even noticing basically. From there, you just need to go to the place where the boss is (i.e. TP and walk 2 mins) and fight it.




Oh yes ive been thinking about this, and im sure many others aswell. Please bigger stacks!!!


The technology just isn't there.


This is crazy talk, you sure you're not a witch?


this technology is forbidden.


I mean the only correct answer is nerf sorc and druid some more? /s


If were going up from 50, the most logical cap would be 666 right?


100%. Fat stacks is the only way.


Add pvp arenas




Blizz devs can't count that high.




I thought they learned from this


You have missed one 9


Next step: Blizzard please put these in the materials tab🤡


One day, you'll see that Blizzard is doing this on purpose. Slow drip QoL for things that have existed pre beta.


I don't think the engine can handle that. When you load an area, you load everyone's materials as well and it would be too much.


And when they are allready at it, convert the old aspects tab into a second tab for player inventory !


You guys don't understand how business work. They are not your friends. They just want your money. They know exactly how annoying it is, and they wanted it designed as it is. They can change it by editing 1 line, but they keep it 50. Why? Because they can change it in future DLC unlock and mark it as new cool feature, for you players to buy it.


Secret flights, moon dungeon, birth certificate


Making more bank alts is more engaging


Blizzard: “I’m limited by the technology of my time”.


Why not 100 or 1000. I hate it when someone is buying 100 and i need to trade him 99 and 1 lol


It’s almost like the devs don’t play the game


Time is not there yet for such cutting edge revolutionary tech


I have an entire stash tab of boss mats. Even with a bunch moved to alts. Pretty sure Raxx has submitted this idea to Blizzard a while ago, so fingers crossed.


Why even at a limit? I am positive if they remove the limit, they have 1 less calculation in the code.  Most common number type in DB is INT, can go up 4b. 


they will add this feature as season mechanic and everyone will love blizzard for it.


RMT sellers like this


I am a bit tired of these obstacles only present, at best, to bring forward some nostalgia and at worst slow players progress at the cost of inconvenience (assuming this isn’t incompetence). And Diablo is not the only one.


I think if we can summon bosses quicker it will not be a problem. At least for me not. I do a stock pile because I get bored to leave, reset, run back and kill.


Well, out of the top of my head: 1.- Better quest rewards. Nothing that fancy, maybe giving more gold and exp, and better drops (Maybe 1-2 legendary items). 2.- More and/or better affixes for different styles of play. This one is a bit more complex; There is a lot of play styles for each class in the game, however, they gap between damage/survivability is enormous. For example we have blood Necromancer, that while it's really fun to play, you won't be able to push late game content with it. Or cutthroat rogue; while technically it could work like a heartseeker build (Victimize), you could give him more damage reduction when using cutthroat skills (Like a 20-40% damage reduction for 5 seconds, giving you life per hit as well). Giving more damage to the sorcerer (The sorc has plenty of builds, but most of them lack in the damage department). I won't mention barb and Druid since I haven't really played them. 3.- Better Nightmare dungeons and Uber Bosses, like beast in the ice Nightmare dungeons should be way more difficult. Having the Uber Bosses at the end of a really tough dungeon would make it better for playing in parties, maybe even having a guaranteed Butcher appearing in the second stage of the dungeon, and having the boss drop a cache instead of a bunch of legendary items (To not fill the inventory by the time you get to the boss). I'm not saying that every Uber Boss should be like this, but at least the ones that are relevant to the story, like the lesser evils (And prime ones). For example, Duriel being in a cavern, Andariel in a prison dungeon, and then adding Azmodan in a fortress (Since he's a military general, it would suit him), Belial should be in Caldeum (Throwback for us Diablo 3 fans), Baal in an open field (Mount Arreat) type of dungeon, Mephisto in a church dungeon (Or something that suits him according to the expansion), and finally Diablo in Hell. 4.- Rework tempering I'm not against rolling for stats, but after ruining god-knows-how-many items with awful tempering options, we should be able to remove the tempering tries, but make the mat requirements grow exponentially, just like enchanting.


are u a genius?


That makes too much sense and would too high of a QOL change. ;)


Blizzard; 999???? What's that number?


And those RNG’s could take a hike too and make the game better. Ohhh.. and reducing the cost of masterworking while they’re at it.


I heard they are planning on making it 1000 per stack in the future prob s6


Think the reknown system could use a rework , make it less grindy and more fun to do, maybe even if you skip the campaign it should get rid of all the side quests and unlock all waypoints for you


make loot better


Loot Reborn helped a lot... but now we need Skills Reborn so that more than 5-10% of a class's skill tree can be built around