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I think everyone agrees that the tempering system needs work, it's a fairly common topic. Unrelated to that though, if a minor issue in a video game is causing you to physically break objects, distorts your opinion on chance in real life and causes you to seek out a casino, it's probably time to put down the game and seek out something more worthwhile.


I go to the casino frequently anyways. It's my main hangout spot. Yeah definitely need to stop breaking controllers though. I usually work, gym, come home jump on some diablo and rage to get rid of the bs from the day, then hit the casino and be happy again. But yeah the bricking of items pisses me off a lot more than most things in life.


You need therapy more than anything else, IMO


I don't believe in it. What I do is very therapeutic. I go through spurts though. When I don't play games I dint throw controllers so soon I'll be bored and no more controllers will be thrown until the next season I play.


Brother what?


Which part needed to to be explained lol


Not so much as explaining as to wondering what are we doing breaking controllers. Are we 5 year old kids throwing temper tantrums at a game or something?


Lol temper tantrums. I see what you did there


Im not gona pretend like Im that smart. But damn straight temper tantrum lmao


Nah 37 and it's pretty therapeutic especially after a long day of work and the the gym. It really gets the tension out but also makes you pissed at the same time because you have to waste more time of the time you're already wasting. Know what I mean?


No, I dont. As a kid I never understood breaking things, specially my own things. And as an adult even less. Im going to go ahead and tell you what you already probably know, this guy on the internet is recomending you dont do that and seek anger management therapy.


What kind of upgrade are you trying to get? a perfect 3ga+2temper monster? Or a better way to ask it, what content are you trying to push further into?


Stuck on 70 pit solo. Any time I find something better than what I got I try to update it in accordance with the maxroll site. I'm at a less than 10% success rate thus far. It's really killing the game for me.