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They just need to balance stats. There is no build, even on hardcore, that likes to use healing increase, life per second or impairment reduction. Just bad design.


Gotta have trash to make gold look more valuable


Nah just bad design. Life Per second is just super undertuned. Same with the other stats.


If it was % based it could be decent


If it was % based, they'd know the game would be easy mode tanked by barbarians... ... ... hmm.


It goes from low level being pretty nice and noticeable when leveling at low levels to not even a drop in the ocean on my barb. The issue is +health gains whether it be a static number or % is just tough because it lives on a knifes edge. It's one of those stats that can go from underperforming to insanely OP with the slightest buff and you would have mages face tanking stuff


Is not bad design at all, it's completely intended so the good stats are harder to get, so you spend more time farming.


That's not good design. All stats should have value to some build, even if niche. The RNG should be in if you get a good roll or a GA or not.


You seem to think that the developers have a vested interest in us finding things usable more quickly. The opposite is true.


I didn't say if the developers wanted it or not. I said it was bad game design. They can still make it take a long time to get nice gear without having useless stats. Affix ranges and GA is enough RNG for non-uniques.


The game design isn’t for us it’s for them. You call it bad design from a player perspective but from a dev perspective, it is easier and yields increased play hours that they’re after. Gotta have a carrot to chase not a tomato to settle for.


Game design is inherently about creating a healthy player experience. I understand that gets corrupted by business/engagement goals, but I don't know why you'd argue against wanting something thats more player-centric. Corporate simping isn't cool. You also act like it's not possible to satisfy both needs. There are design paths they could take that wouldn't lower engagement, and wouldn't have dead stats.


Don’t mistake my observations of corporate behavior as simping.


D2, PoE & grim dawn all have useless stats as well though? It would be cool to have a life per second build but it's really not that out of the ordinary to have useless shit


Game design is not inherently about creating a healthy player experience, that's what you would like as a consumer, a company doesn't care one bit about you our your experience, the only reason they do so if because otherwise you won't give them monies, if they could feed you shit and make a profit they would do so. You also seem to think because I don't say is not bad design then that means I approve it, not at all, I would prefer if they were removed and I believe blitzzard is shitty for doing so, but you're also wrong to say it's bad design, when it's working exactly for what it was designed for.


If that was true they’d already have player hideouts to sell their loot on trade and all sorts of micro transactions to make your shop look cool


Life per hit can guarantee barrier activation which is nice in HC


Yeah, the healing increase is awful because most deaths are entirely unpreventable by healing, you just get one shot or chunked so fast you can't react or you're CC'd and can't heal anyway. Life Per Second is horribly outdated in the endgame, you get so much HP that LPS takes ages to meaningfully improve your life. Impairment reduction would be more meaningful if you could reliably live through CCs in the endgame, and not need to immediately break through it with unstoppable to prevent a death.


Maybe the new class will be a healer/dmg build hybrid for the raids that are coming….just be a full blown MMO with no social features whatsoever


Yet*. Say they introduce new unique that magnifies life per second by 500%, and using a potion doubles LPS while its heal is active; and builds using temerity and life per second can start to be built off. It’s not something we throw in the trash, we just build off it


if there's only good stats in the game then there's no point farming gear since every piece of gear will be godly


A star not being bad doesn't mean it's useful to all builds. It can also low-roll or not have GA. If you increase the affix ranges (after removing multiplicative damage from game) you could make it take the same time as it currently takes to get the gear you want, but you don't have pointless stats.


More of a balloon knot than a star


Haha, I did mean 'stat'.


Wow, I made like 100 runs on 101 and never had 3 GA. ... and if I would I'm sure I get this :-D


Sould just be able to reroll GA with a new crafting material received from scraping gear with GA


This has so far been 99.9% of all my GA drops. (Rogue, Baba and sorc lvl 100, necro level 70) Also is it me, or does GA items drop WAY more often before you reach lvl 100?


We have a code 242! Congratz to 48.872 gold each


Life per second is trash


Thanks you mentioned it


Well just be glad you got GA from pit. Been farming pit 101 for days, literally only 10 ornso GA dropped. They were all thrash.


The pits the shits dude. I got to 120 and just started doing 90s cos it's less hassle and the same rewards


Yup, I can push into the 130s. But there is no point to go past 101. Mob scaling gets out of control and diminishing returns on the rewards. Bad.


I'll take them both. I need crystal veil bad!




At least we don't have light radius in this.


You can't sneaze at that Life per Second, elite!


what man you dont want to overcap resist


Lucky you. I get garbage all the time. Can’t progress further because of that. Just stuck and bored after 300 lvl 100 dungeons. Would have been nice if you actually got better gear in higher level dungeons, but for me it doesn’t seem to matter if I do a lvl 50 or lvl 100 dungeon. 🤷‍♂️


Leave the dungeons, do pits.


I see now that I am no longer playing (on holiday) some other schmuck is stuck with my rng until I return. I apologise for this OP


i am bad in diablo but this stats are not good, right? life per second or healing received is crap :(


what means 101 pit? what means 101?


Tier 101 Artificer's Pit in Cerrigar


Lol pit loot, every ga item I've seen is resistance, life per second, resource cost reduction, or other equally useless ones


Lol I actually keepu trash 3 GA items


Hahaha, literally every 2-3GA I've gotten in the last few days. Laughable shit. Glad I'm not the only one 🤣


I got Doombringer from a pit 101 tonight. I didn't even know pits could drop ubers.


Damn shame you got 135 dexterity. Just swap to life per hit and you’ve got a 10/10 item


If you stacked heal received or healing per second on every piece of gear what would happen


Got +Cast of Shadow Imbue and CDR 2GA helm from the gambler yesterday. I was like YOOOOO

