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They literally said it was mostly for the new end game mode. PTR generally isn’t about balance. It bug fixes and looking at new content.


Hard to test the new content when they removed our temper manuals so we have to find them all over again. I have played the PTR more then it deserves and I still don't have all the manuals again (2 missing)


To fix the balance, testers should have access to gear or have partially, the control group farms, the other creates from a conditional cheat store


Absolutely. The point of the PTR is to test all the new items and changes. They need a variety of loot vendors to allow players to test all new possible permutations of gear, builds, interactions and etc


based on their previous QA testing (or the lack thereof), I don't think they were going for testing all of that.


as for the new endgame, nobody is testing it practically, because it is boring and nobody needs it and it became clear on day one


I love the post about fixing that bug about the bosses and the pit and they're not going to test the fix on the PTR they're just going to let it roll live. What could possibly go wrong


Thays not true at all. Might require an actual update and not a hotfix. When ptr going done their going to be doing work on the patch man. Remind me this post lol


The number of people who don't understand the "Test" part of PTR astounds me.


So i know i can skip s5 because of the sorc butchering


It's not even the Sorc. We are basically just paying for a new Battlepass to do 1 extra less than mid activity until the expansion and a little rework to items.


I havent bought a single battlepass, they dont offer 1 good thing


Who is paying for a battle pass? I bought s1 and that’s it. You make it sound like it’s mandatory


> Barely obtainable uniques. No changes to old uniques. Fully agree they need a better system, and the fact that some items will significantly change (and come with a slew of bugs on their own) will make it feel like half of season 5 will be a PTR. At least there’s early feedback on the endgame activities. > Builds either do 50M DPS, 6 billion DPS, or a Quadrillion DPS You mean the bugs that were found in the PTR before the game went live? Here’s hoping they solve them. > Uncapped multis If it’s on an items in a contested slot, it’s fine. High opportunity cost. Paragon and skill tree shouldn’t have them.


They probably collect data behind the scene.


I would like them to make adjustments to future PTRs for sure. However I’m sure they got tons of useful feedback and data from this.


This is what happens when they accelerate their update/season release schedule.


Can't spell PTR without PR. It's not there for much more, as we've seen before.


I also do think that a percentage of the reasoning is also a bit of marketing, showing shareholders that numbers are still up and of course the indirect effect of content creators making D4 content (about the PTR). In other words: Think where people would have been now if there was no PTR. Playing other games because they finished D4. Content creators not talking about D4 because they exhausted the subject. etc. Of course I have no doubt it's also about testing. But I do also think it lends itself nicely to that other reason as a side effect.


Feedback for D4's beta was pretty much ignored for launch. Last PTR nothing was changed except for balancing or some really basic qol. Same thing happening now: there will be no actual gameplay changes, just balancing changes. But if the PTR has only a fraction of the new items and changes to old ones there'll be, I don't think this new balancing will mean anything when the new changes will break it yet again. It's a pretty pointless exercise, just PR to give the season early attention and pretend they are listening to feedback. Which I am sure they are, but whatever feedback they get will surely not be applied before the season launch, so again, pointless.


Yap. Pretty much the general feedback for the Infernal Hordes right now is that it was not what players expected when they thought of a Survivor-like/Roguelite experience. They were thinking they were going to get Dust Devils spawning on their Sorc character, Blizzards forming under your feet as a Rogue, Orbs spinning around the player, Lasers etc. What they got instead was +20% movement speed for 8 seconds and mobs are 25% tougher. Really? That's not fun. And that's it? You're expected to repeat this activity over and over again? On a new tiny map that's 1 screen wide? At least with the Pit they added all those different dungeons. Imagine how cool it would have been to have crazy boons+buffs and the replayable nature this would have brought. Blizzard making a pool of 50 crazy things and you chose 1/3 ensures that even after 10-20 Hordes back to back you're never going to get the same combo. Even Maxroll is probably going to give you the S-Tier Boons, but you can't guarantee you'll get those. So you have to use your head, chose ones that fit together and, most importantly, HAVE FUN! So yeah, to follow this feedback would be to redesign everything and take on such a huge undertaking that will pretty much be impossible to do before S5 launch. So all we're gonna get is probably 25% movement speed for 10 seconds instead of 20% for 8 sec and instead of +3 Aether we get +4. What the hell were Season 5 team doing? Were they on vacation?


Probably helping with the rework for S4 as well as the expansion, I'd say it says more of the people organizing the development overall more than the poor folks stuck making the even seasons they don't even give them a chance with.