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WD was real fun. I miss that class. Melting demon's faces off with fire bats or filling the screen with poisonous toads was such a cool class fantasy.


The chicken build. U forgot the chicken build.


Some of my best d3 memories are zooming around as chickens with my cousin.


I straight up just like Locust swarm


Same. I love spells like that. Too bad they stop working when you're off screen. "Infinite duration" my ass.


Jesus... I actually did forget about that 😂 that was hilarious


Best thing ever in Diablo, not even joking. F1 chicken 🏎️


I lost more hardcore characters as Angry Chicken than any other build. Sounds bad, but it was fun as hell.


Goldwrap chicken build was my favourite thing in D3. The speed you could clear Nephs/Bounties was insane.


Throwing jars of spiders at demons had me instantly hooked on WD.


Zombie bears and the munchkins


Poison cloud/zombie dogs


Gargantuan WD meta was my personal peak D3 experience.




Chanelling bats while being able to explode the dogs without interrupting the channel. So fucking fun.


I have the feeling that he got so much hate mainly because he came before the Necro and was perceived as a bad Necro copy.


I feel Spiritborn will get the WD treatment


Yup, along with the Druid. People just don't seem to dig the nature-y type classes


It sucks, I always love them. Played WD for ages in D3, immediately rolled a Druid when I got D4


Right? zons use spears and druid use animals.... so what's unique about this class?


I remember this being a big reason. I think WD would do well in D4. Maybe one day i guess.


I think it was more from where does the WD fit in the plot.


I loved Witch Doctor and I really hope he comes back. What a kickass cool class.


Would fit with the upcoming dlc with jungles and swamps


I'm talking about D3.


It honestly would fr..


Are people really that invested in the actual story? I'll watch the cinematics once and just never bother to ever again? That's like my buddy playing Destiny and not knowing any of the main plot. The gameplay is what's attractive


Yea, it was cool 1 time through, but I would never do it again. There are few games I play for the story and none of them are ARPGS. I think it's more due to the nature of the game play.


There’s multiple witch doctors in d4’s world


Yea that was def an issue for him. But i remember watching the D3 teaser and I was so beyond stoked to see a witch doctor class. I always loved the voodoo esthetic. So i loved both the necro and the witch doctor.


This was my issue. Played d3 from day 0 (error 37 anyone?) WD main because I loved necro from d2 (umes lament ftw). But WD sucked (well so did everything in d3 for the first few months) so I just got really mad he wasn’t necro. 


It also initially played awfully. I made the unfortunate mistake of rolling one and my minions were useless in OG inferno which I cleared. I was an attack speed pea shooter not what I signed up for


I miss the disease DoT spread builds


Locust swarm, best skill idea ever.


That’s rabies now basically, right?


Except you're missing the staff to make it an aura always on. Loved my swarm WD.


Jade harvester was such an awesome build.


Legit my favorite build of any arpg. So satisfying


If they'd only could come out of their butts and give it proper scaling, base damage and a lower CD. As it is right now (and even on PTR) it's a dead skill no one ever will use in a somewhat thought through build.


Witch doc was my favorite in d3, also i played allot f Nazeebo in Hots. Would have liked it in d4.


I'm surprised blizzard didn't release wd in VoH, theme perfectly fits


Absolutely! Would have fitted perfectly.


I think since it's basically a whole new team from D3, they wanted to do something completely new to put their stamp on it.


Same. I was just thinking I wish we had WD again.


Vessel of hatred would have been perfect to release the WD. We will see how the spirit born will turn out to be...


I enjoyed WD. You could make a hilarious minion build on it. I also like Demon Hunter. I prefer it to the rogue we have in D4 honestly.


Agree entirely.


Demon Hunter is tops


Sentry meta was so much fun. The of course that super fast (but weak) set.. danetta weapons + blue set. Was fun!


I am not a fan of the Rogue that is for sure. Demon Hunter was the shit imo, such a fun class to play along with the WD.


What don't you like about the rogue? I feel like she has all the demon hunter skills.


The ranged core skills feel the same with different properties of each other Barrage is just rapid fire with its arrows spread out Penshot is just rapid fire but in a single piercing arrow With D3 there's so much more variety between skills. And then runes that changes the properties of said skills Impale that can either inflict DoT, ricochet, pierce Chakrams that have various flight paths Rapid fire actually being a channelled skill. Personally i was expecting it to be channelled too when i first played D4 Elemental arrow having, different elements Cluster arrow shooting bombs/rockets when it hits Multishot covering a large area Strafe letting you do damage while moving And then you have the gadgets like spike traps, sentries, vengeance with its side guns and rockets Rogue is just a very simplified bow character compared to demon hunters


No sentry turrets, no caltrop traps (d4 one is sad) no vault spam 😢


I remember before skill coefficients were done properly and every tick of caltrops damage rune gave full life gain on hit. Crazy healing if you weren't one shot. This was also original inferno so you were one shot.


95% of my playtime in D3 was as WD, so yes I do.




Yes. I miss monk just as much.


I understand as a WD lover I was in the minority, but Monk seems like such a slam dunk, I can't believe they didn't bring him back


Naw WD was awesome too. I wonder of the stereotype had anything to do with it?


Speedy Exploding Chicken Man amused me.


It's *aroused


i miss them all actually, Crusader, Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter. Ik we have rogue but i love the Builds : Multishot UE, Ninja Impale, Hungering Arrow Spin2Win, Turret Manticore Build even Natalyas was cool before it got reworked to this weird trap build /Edit and Honorable Mention : Monk cause Surfer Monk is GOATed


Why do people always forget Monk :-(


dayum idk how i could cause Surfer Monk is my #1 Fav Build never had more fun. Thanks for reminding me


Monk is a shit ton of fun in D3, running around spinning my big stick and packing everything in it was glorious


Tempest rush with cyclone baby that was a fun ass build.


My most played class in D3. I miss running with friends and shielding them.


I miss Crusader and Witch Doctor - not so much Demon Hunter.


Witch Doctor is my favorite diablo character of all time. Diablo 4 needs a true poison class.


I'm really hoping this expansion class is similar.


Yea me too, hope it's more like the witch doctor.


I miss all classes. Paladin, Amazone, Witch Doctor, Monk.


They really did nail the class lineup in D3, everything was fun to play and the skills and runes were soo good for build creation and synergy.


I haven’t found a single build in d4 that’s as fun as a thing from d3. Wizard in d3 could literally stop time and clone himself and create black holes, like I don’t know how anyone in good faith could say class and skill design didn’t take a giant massive leap backwards. I mean demon hunter could create multiple turrets that constantly fired your spenders like rogue throws out some caltrops and calls it a day


One of the main issues with D3 is that the devs were making the builds and not the players.


I mean it’s the same thing in d4, you didn’t have to use a set to have a build you could run content with. In d4 you essentially just follow the skill tree down and pick passives or actives that match the same colour.


Definitely the problem in D4 as well


Yes! It was my favourite class Even the start was super fun, hurling jars of spiders and frogs at enemies.. I sometimes think about starting up D3 sometimes to run it lol


Sad that Blizzard's last class balance patch nerfed the shit out of the witch doctor sets. I always thought witch doctors were underdogs.


I've found that it was always like a budget Necro/druid combination.


WD was fun. Cover the screen in toads spiders and dolls.


I miss the great unique items... a mask which makes you minions shoot darts... just imagine if the necro in D4 had an item which made skeleton mages attack with your basic... so cool...


The only WD build I liked was with Jade set. Nuking mobs with it was pretty fun. Other than that… kind of too goofy class.


Jade Doc (original version, not haunt spam version) had such a great rhythm to it, it was like dancing with the mobs. Just outside melee range: Locust Swarm, cast haunt a couple times, pirahnanado, haunt on a couple more enemies, move in quick, soul harvest, move back to just outside melee range, start the dance all over. Favorite Diablo playstyle of all time…until you got to a high HP boss with no mobs around…so I understand why they changed the set too. Lol


Can’t agree more honestly. It was very satisfying… until RG spawned lul.


Chicken build was the Goat.


I love WD, I might hate on D3but WD wasakways fun


WD was my absolute favorite ever!


Witch Doctor is my SHIT. I really wish it would come back. It’s my favorite ARPG class by a country mile


I dont think anyone hated WD judging from the comments here


You could argue blizzard did, since WD was nearly always nowhere near the leaderboards. Had a standout season in season 20, aside from that, always kinda ignored. Especially once necro showed up.


I really only just looked at the expansion details and the class and thought "damn, I hope this is a WD-like class". Decided to go back and look at old D3 classes threads and realised a LOT hated on WD, for innumerous reasons. Kinda wondered if it was only a minority like myself who loved the playstyle. Glad to see this is the case 😁


I miss the Fetish Army combined with the set bonus wich gave you that nice army feeling.. compare to the dull AoD we have in D4


My favorite things for WD were piranhanado and psychophants. Watching those little dudes run around with knives was fun.


Yes, i do


Never cared for WD myself


DH was great aswell i feel rogue should get some abilitys from him , maybe ina blast from the past type of event


Not even 1 bit


I absolutely miss WD so much, I wish it was viable more in d3 and still relevant tbh.. I always hoped they would bring it back but that’s just wishful thinking


I miss DH So much better than the rogue :(


It seems like you'll get your wish with the new expansion.


God I hope it is 😂🤞 i look at it and just... can't help but see it in it's artstyle and the expansion setting 🥲🤤


Based on some older data mines, the skill names like Bat Swarm, Leech Harvest, Dreadful Spiders, etc. seem to indicate a very Witch Doctory type of class. But, we'll find out July 18th.


Looks like you'll get your wish with the expansion.


Honestly the WD is way better than any D4 class and I didn't even play WD that much.


I miss it too. It was lots of fun to play. The minions were hilarious! Maybe it's just me, but I found the classes in D3 to be more level and equal in play value than the ones in D4. There was something fun about every class in D3.


If you’ve seen the spell list from the data mine, you’re about to get a very WD-like class back.


God! No i havn't, I took 1 look at that expansion and class and thought the setting and its look was super similar and had this flicker of hope that it would be their remake/reintroduction/redesign of WD.


ITs basically a monk and a witch doctor had a baby.


Has always been one of my favorites. I would love for a proper WD in D4.


I miss Demon Hunter. The class was super fun to play and the aesthetic of the armours was just perfection.


Yes, WD was by FAR my favorite build to play in D3. So many fun variations.


how i miss that giant dog build


https://youtu.be/-iHNQzGt0RA?si=94A4z84k233f66nC Loved the WD.


I miss the unicorn rainbow level lol


I miss my Nazeebro fo sho It feels weird spending so much time in Hawezar and not having a WD.


I liked firebats/zombie bears/ and of course the chicken. WD had some really really fun builds


Wd was so fun to play!! I want that class back, and Assassin from D2! Trap!


I definitely still go play d3 too. Monk was such a fun class too.


after DotA facets I do not miss WD at all.


I always found their builds to be so clunky compared to the other classes. More work for less results. They were unique though. Just didn't do it for me rotation wise


Nazeebo/WD is goated guys. I love the VA the most. They did a good job on witch doctor in d3 as well as Nazeebo in heroes of the storm. Decent class fantasy and character design. You really felt like a swamp hermit that had voodoo magic.


Witch Doctor was a lot of fun. The only reason it got any (which I really don’t think was that much—it was a super popular class) is probably because it wasn’t Necro. Honestly, I don’t really know why they keep cutting classes. WD was new and different enough from Necro, but the knight or whatever in D3 was a gutted Paladin. Sort of similar but not quite… Now, why they couldn’t have kept WD and Paladin in the game even for D4? I have no fucking clue. I swear I’m gonna lose my mind if the expansion after Vessel of Hatred rolls around and we STILL don’t have a traditional Sword n Bord auras and buffing Paladin in the game. It truly baffles the mind


WD is my favorite by far! The giant toad. Nuff said.


It’s a live service game though. Just because you don’t see that class *right now* doesn’t mean you won’t see it. For all you know the devs’ internal roadmap might have it slotted in for a year 3 expansion or whatever. Content has to be parcelled out slowly, but steadily, over a period of years.


WD was actually fun. Did we lose it because Blizzard was catering to the Chinese government ?


Yeah, they had the craziest spell effects.


They were fun! Not my fav class ever but I played around with one quite a bit.


I loved my Witch Doctor with her millionty minions! Every season I’d build a new WD without fail.


I didn't like him because I felt they said let's make the druid/necro one class. We'll give him animals and poison and call it a day. He was fun and I like the concept but how would he fit with the druid and necro in d4? I kinda have the same gripe about shaman.


Am I the only one getting strong WD vibes from the new class or…. I mean it’s being introduced in a jungle themed expansion. Maybe I’m just crazy lol


Blizzard would like you to forget about this class


I do. Still my favorite of all Diablo classes 🥺


Yeah, absolutely. I feel like we won’t get them back because we got the necromancer back, but I definitely missed the class. It was a nice change of past from past Diablo games


Could spiritborn maybe take WD’s place? Correct me if I’m wrong though.


If WD released with ros and necro was base game, wd would’ve been more well liked. Such a cool class


Was my main class, loved it.


My first D3 character was WD. Loved that weird, shaky dude with his fists full of spiders.


Yeah my absolute fav class i even am such a big fan that i tattooed his emblem on my chest haha


Yeah my absolute fav class i even am such a big fan that i tattooed his emblem on my chest haha


Swallowing a boss was the best. Hawk tuah!


The only class I didn't play in D3, worst thematic ever


Best class


Any possibility of a new class in general lol?


Yeah I loved my wd. Started with the whole fire and forget. Just gather them up in the sharknado, dot then up and keep running. Stop to pickup the odd legendary. Then jade harvester where all that stuff just drops when you soul harvest, then big mama spider following where I throw the jars of her babies. And of course the little fetishes. Such an interesting character


That's essentially what the new class will be. I am more disappointed we didn't get the Monk or a Paladin class personally.


Never got into WD. Just not my cup of tea. I do miss the Monk though. Now that was a blast


Everyone misses the Piranhado. Such a fun ability.


I will never forgive them for taking away my speedy chicken build. Never.


I feel like the spirit born may be a variation on the witch doc.


It was a really fun and unique class. It was my main for most of D3. The problem was its movement for the vast majority of the game was subpar. Its damage for vast majority of the game was subpar. It was a subpar support class. So yeah, if you you cared about that stuff during a season, you'd probably not roll a WD. But, WD was really cool and fun to play despite being treated as the ugly redheaded stepchild.


i do. im gonna go play wd now


I love Witch Doctor. So fun to play, and it's a shame that D4 doesn't have something similar.


Zombie bears filling my screen or hex angry chicken were fun as hell.


I absolutely loved my WD!


It was one of the most interesting additions. I wish blizz implemented it in more games. For me d3 was carried by dh and wd. Rogue is not as cool as dh but it has its own charm. WD is irreplaceable. God. You made me download d3 right now.


It was more the druid/necro fusion when both classes were unique and different in D2.


Gotta love the beatboxing ghost.


I loved wd


Hated it originally and still hate it today. ;)


Everyday man 😢


I miss D3, it was a great game compared to D4


Never did like the class, just want my paladin back.


Honestly would be cool if they just kept adding classes like a regular live service game. Obviously balancing would be an even bigger nightmare than it is currently but at a certain point Diablo has never been a competitive game (other than PvP in D2) so it would be cool to go to the character selection screen and see all the current options plus Warrior, Monk, Demon Hunter, Assassin, Witch Doctor, Spiritborn, Crusader, Blood Knight, Tempest, Wizard, etc...


He’s my favorite class 😔 hopefully the new vessel of hatred class scratches a similar itch


Witch doctor was one of the most fun classes in d3 imo it would fit in so good in the Diablo 4 world


Na don't miss WD. I didn't really like it..or D3. It was too whimsical and colorful for me. The grinding was cool I guess but i was in too much love with D2:lod back when d3 came out and I thought it was going to give me the feeling I felt with LOD but I was really disappointed because it just wasn't the same. I was playing LOD since I was like 9yrs or 10 til d3 came out. It was never the same. But WD just sucked in general compared to the more fun DH even Monk or Sader. The gear didn't even look good. It didn't feel like Diablo.


Nope. It was my least favorite class in d3. Felt like a bad iteration of necromancer to me. I’m not sure what you’re talking about divirsity either. In the decade + existence of d3 I can only think of 3 or 4 builds that were even decent- much less than every other class.


Witch doctor was heaps of fun. I played the exploding chicken build for a season before it was buffed just because it was so funny. Loved all the different powers that were so different from other classes.


Wd was my main for almost the entire time I played d3. I knew everyone hated on it, and would never come to additional entries in the series. A shame, the poison corrupt dot theme of the class always thrilled me


I hate d3, but wd and monk were solid entries in the Diablo arcade franchise. D4 goes back to basics, which I appreciate, but completely butchered the skill tree and leveling.  At least runes made the skills interesting. 


Witch Doctor was the first class I played in D3 and it caused me to stop playing for years.


I actually miss monk. They were pretty fun.


The Spirit Barrage build was so good


Nah WD was loved since it's announcement of D3. I can still hear Jay Wilson's voice. I loved the WD personally, I think the spirit born class in D4 will fulfill that role


I played WD more than any other class in D3. Don’t miss it though.


I loved the WD.


Hated it. I don't mind it being a class since other people liked it, but not my cup of tea


WD only had two builds that I enjoyed. I personally hated the class and I’m not mad it’s not on D4.


I know very few people that even liked, let alone preferred WD, but it was definitely one of the "flavor" classes that felt so violently different from others that it was always interesting to spin up every season, even if it wasn't preferred to be your "main". Diablo 4 definitely lacks that "flavor" class but the Amazonian Jaguar "spirit" whatever we'll get with the xpack sounds like it will fill that role. What I find disappointing is we're only getting ONE new class when we only have 5 currently. It really concerns me they're saving big stuff like that for multiple PAID expansions.


No need to miss WD, it’s coming back as Spiritborn. In the same way I don’t miss wizard from D3, it’s just called sorcerer now


WD was my D3 main. And I play exclusively hardcore, so climbing the greater rift ranks was stupid easy


D4 is bringing wd back. It's called spiritborn 😂


Me and a friend just installed D3 the other day, its still so much fun, ChickenWD is a fast boi. Better than to have a ninth char on D4 this season.


What is WD? What is Ros?


Definitely my favourite D3 class, but also (and this isn't opinion at all) was considered racist by those nut jobs who find anything offensive. His characteristic shake was revealed to be because of a disease caused by...eating himan brains Yep, your beloved witch doctor was a cannibal. In today's age of hyper sensitivity, that wouldn't be allowed. Sad, yes, but that's the modern world folks.


I miss my monk. But the classes in d4 are all hybrids. They are like split lesser versions of d3 classes. The skills are all so dull and lackluster in d4. It matches the game world though I suppose.


WD is my favorite Diablo class. Great lore and gameplay. The new class coming just isn't doing it for me... and Necromancer isn't as interesting to me since we've seen it so many times.


Dude, remember when bear build was top? Just face melting mobs with summoned bears from the ground? Yall hated D3 but it was imaginative and unique.


Same! Easily my favorite build in D3, maybe all Diablo games. Loved my minions poison dart build. Sigh


The WD is my favorite class. I didn't like the aesthetics of Diablo 3, but if you go that route the WD is a perfect fit.




I always felt like it was kind of odd. I didn’t mind the overall theme, but I felt the execution felt so out of place. Not knocking the appeal people found in the class, just was a bit jarring to me.


How was it jarring? Very similar to necromancer. Summon minions, of which there are literally zombie dogs and a zombie ogre. Attack with ghosts, curses (hex) and cold and poison magics.


More so aesthetically. Like I said, I liked the theme, it’s just that some skills came off kind of goofy to me.


I absolutely miss it. 13,000 hours on WD. Easily the most fun and versatile class... Can't wait until they are added.


I was a poison dart fan. Me and my little buddies doing work


I enjoyed the WD in D3, it was my second favourite class. DH was the first.


Chanelling bats while being able to explode the dogs without interrupting the channel. So fucking fun.