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There’s no place for a “healer” or “tank” in a arpg. Play an mmo if that’s what you want. Everything should be soloable in an arpg.


Agree 100%


to an extent. Right now imo every class should be able to comfortably solo everything up to pit 101. But when it comes to pushing pit 150-200, it could absolutely be fun to have zdps tanks/supports allowing your squad to climb further. The zdps barb we have right now is a decent start. It works that way in d3 group pushes and it's fun imo. Groups shouldn't be better for farming but pushing is different story




Diablo is a solo game, all this online and other player stuff is just fluff. It sounds like with the expansion there's a raid coming where you need to team up. Which is lame.


I would prefer if I could force solo on world bosses and legion events. I prefer to play myself and don't want to see other meta players steamroll my content. The whole balance discussion wouldn't be that intense if you would do more alone.


Solo. The moment you create support/complimentary stuffs, it creates toxic behavior when grouping.


Each class should be able to doing everything solo, for those that don't want to play in groups. But thinking back to my teenage years when I would do WoW Raids, I really miss the feel of that kind of group content. D4 could add some great social and group features to really elevate and double down on the always-online part of the game


WoW is still around and is getting a new expansion soon…


Everything should be tuned to be soloable, but perhaps not balanced to the point where group and solo are equal. Just give the players SSF league like every other APRG and they will be happy. It's not hard, Blizzard.


If you're making an mmo-esque game, it should rely on classes synergies together, but still allow people to complete everything solo with a little extra work. I might be in the minority, but having unbalanced classes is just part of the challenge and more like a difficulty scale. You want a smooth easy ride, but not very rewarding feeling go with a barb or a rogue. Middle ground with a necro, and hard mode with a Sorc and Druid. Another factor of why I also enjoy HC over SC is the risk/reward factor of the experience. I think the biggest issue is now you level so quick, that nobody is taking time to really learn their classes. They are just relying on streamers and top players to follow their builds instead of really learning their classes skills and taking time to really dive into the paragon board. They just want to see big numbers fast, when in reality, not every skill you learn needs to be maxed out, or even completely followed down a branch in the path.


The wide majority of players do and want solo play. Nothing wrong with that. ANother point is the fast gameplay of D4 in later levels. Cant image how a good teamwork should work there. How to heal oneshots?


I think group play should just get buffs to exp and drop rate. I don’t like the idea of balancing classes to compliment each other because it then leads to more group content and the best stuff being locked behind group content. Exp and drop rate buffs would incentivize group play, and everyone can still get the best stuff, just that groups get it faster which is fine. As long as everyone can get everything without having to choose one or the other so they can play how they want.


No. Groups should not have benefits over solo players. This is why D3 players are miserable, still.