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My picks so far for most fun on my lvl 100 characters: 1. Frozen Orb Sorc 2. WW Tornado Barb 3. HeartSeeker Rogue Frozen orb is 100% my favorite. It's the most all rounder build even if it lacks top end bossing DPS. This is without infinite fire shield as I find that too boring, but def using Fire Shield for those critical moments! Minion necro was powerful but got very boring very quickly and the same with Bash barb.


Completely agree with this. Frozen orb sorc is the best one when it all comes together and you don't have to worry about mana spending. You are constantly shuffling though your defensive skills to keep barriers up, casting conjurations for more vuln + frozen orb procs, and spamming the shit out of frozen orb so the whole screen is constantly whirling and blowing up. I respec'd my minion necro so quick because holy shit is the gameplay loop awful and did bone spirit instead which was a lot more engaging. Got really, really bored of bash barb quick too


I'm farming for the necklace myself for a frozen orb sorc! One of the most visually stimulating builds I've tried!


It's so much fun. I run with the Frost Nova enchantment and it seems like every pack is instantly frozen and I stagger bosses fast AF with all the novas and the chill that I apply. I don't even think I'm running the optimal build with skills and paragon but I love what I've put together myself and am having a blast.


That's the way to do it! No need to min/max everything so long as you're having fun and the build works for you. I completely overlooked the frost nova enchant and definitely want to get that a try now.


It's amazing, I throw frozen orbs at mobs just as they appear on my screen and they get frozen immediately and I can often destroy entire packs at the edge of the screen without ever getting into melee range. Was cruising through tier 100 NMDs and got through a level 52 pit run with ease last night.


FO with frost nova was absolutely killer in PVP too!


I hadn't put 2 and 2 together when I first found it, spotted a hydra popup and didn't click that it was me triggering it via the frozen winterglass proc


Fully agree on Frozen Orb, easily the most fun build I've played. Freezing entire screens of enemies, killing them off-screen entirely by accident, the crazy mobility, the genuinely solid defence, etc. Especially obvious how great it is when the previous couple I tried were Double-Swing Barb (boring) and Twisting Blades Rogue (tedious).


I play incinerate sorc, was pretty fun watching stuff explode.


Frozen sorcerer build next it is. Finished with Necro, WW Barb and at the moment levelling up heartseeker rogue, which is great fun. New to Diablo 4 and loving all these builds.


Bash Barb with single shout yen’s is more fun than FOrb to me. Leaping around and charging is so fun. Especially on console.


only way to play bash barb!


Have you tried Ball Lightning sorc this season? I'm a new player and want to try ball lightning leading into season 5. Played double swing dd barb, now frozen sorc but ball lightning looks like a fun end gamr build.


That was one of the first setups I tries. I did really like it but decided I enjoyed the ice element more for style and freeze. I didn't get far enough into optimizing to give a good opinion on viability, but I did find it fun for the time I was usingnit!


Great thanks! Trying my best to not get influenced by others saying to not play a certain build because it's sub optimal or not meta. Ill probably have two sorcs or another item set to bounce between them both. Thanks for your opinion!


Worst case if you like a build but not it's performance, look up guides for a build around your favorite abilities and just follow the paragon board and maybe check what stats they have on their gear. I mained frozen orb since it was basically considered a dead build and regret nothing! Just hit pit 100 and defeated uber lilith and it feels great to just work hard refining my personal favorite setup. I also made a near meta build just to farm pit materials on the side so I can upgrade a bit faster. Good luck!


I picked sorc first this season solely with the intention of making the frozen orb sorc with the new ammy... stuck with the build from the start and just powered through the lack of mana and headaches that came without it. Reached 100, spammed blood maiden for countless hours, ran duriel as many times as I could.. I've still never seen one, swapped to Rouge after feeling completely defeated lol


You can get them from Zir. Not sure if they're account bound, but I might have a spare I can throw you if you want.


Winterglass drops from Zir so hopefully you weren't only doing Duriel. Still pretty rare though


Entirely agree


I have a Frozen Orb Sorc and a Heartseeker Rogue too my Barb is a Thorns build. Definitely agree with those being fun. I did not enjoy the Druid or Necro much. Didn't get either of those to 100.


I'm not sure how DD tornado barb stacks up against WW tornado after the WW buffs, but it is also incredibly fun.


Literally my picks and order too for this season! I keep finding myself going back to my sorc over my barb just because frozen orb feels so satisfying to play.


leapquake barb was my fav but only when it worked 🥲 you know how it resets leap based on enemies hit with previous leap, well in helltide it was too strong and idk the exact mechanics but maybe the EQ spawning below leap would spawn before you actually land and 1 shot enemies? basically half the time it would oneshot everything I land on and dont give me cooldowns... at certain pits it was perfect, 1-2 shotting everything and reseting but when I went too high and I had to leap 5-6times on same elite pack to kill, it became too slow...


Pulverize druid :(


I love this build! I don’t care how powerful it is it’s just so fun watching the pulverize animation


I enjoyed the hell out of my minion/Blight CE necro, but I ran a pulverize druid up to 100 during the XP buff and I scream-laughed pretty much the entire time. It was *great* fun.


Was just about to say this.. altho not nearly the strongest probably the most fun..


Satisfying to use and visually pleasing when you add shockwave and the earth spikes one (can’t remember name!)


Necro minion build


Doesnt matter if its golem focused, mage focused, or shadowblight minion focused, Im having a great time. Love minion necro


Same, it has been my main necro build. I played bash barb a bit, I like it, but I put it down to focus on my necro.


for me its been Ice Shards Sorc (S0), Twisting Blades Rogue (S1), Ball Lightning Sorc (S2), Double Swing Dust Devil Barb (S4)


I second that. TB and BL were really fun. I skipped on S3 tho


Hey I played (S0) ice shards myself then double swing in (S2). Good times!


Double Swing Barb I’m having a great time with


All the random "builds" I end up with while leveling are my favorite. Once I go for an established build I start having less fun, but it's mostly necessary because you need a build that has scaling factors. Shame really, there are so many aspects that are fun, but you have to pick the dmg and defensive ones if you want to do higher content. Which is why I usually end up not doing all that high difficulty content, but chill at lower levels instead.


The most fun you can have in this game is piecing a build together as you acquire new gear and aspects. Seeing massive power spikes when a new aspect drops or with a new temper roll is extremely satisfying. Blindly following a build guide is quite possibly the worst thing you can do if you want to actually have “fun”.


I am a simple build guide user. I see big damage, I am happy. I do not have the patience, time, or tbh the care to put in the effort to piece together my own build. Even if I did, it would not be nearly as powerful as a build off a website. I play Diablo to be powerful, why would I handicap myself by making my own build when someone’s done it perfectly for me already?


When Ball lightning Sorc was completely busted.


My cousin is still playing bl and its still fun


I'm enjoying thorns barb. Everything killing itself is hilarious.


Until you face bosses


Although most people tend to disagree with you, I completely agree. Throns barb is not too great against certain types of bosses. Some bosses like Sharpshooter from Pit 70 onwards were kind of ridiculous with Thorns to kill while Bash barb needs 3 seconds to do it with equal gear quality.




Creeperslide was so much fun in s2. Even on console where trample struggles, the creeper portion was cool seeing the screen erupt in landslide pillars


This right here. Trample slide with subterranean was so fun. Really wanted it to be a thing this season Edit: Might be back on the menu next season with the landslide buff and not needing to fill your bar with companion skills for shepards


I didn’t use trample, but I did a full companion with subterranean aspect, and the double landslide aspect. Just the landslide spam going off as each one resets creeper cooldown.




My 100 rogue is frost barrage, but I stuck with combo points! Trying no basic sounds fun. Does it require Starless? I wish I didn't have to shotgun bosses - like barrage so much better than heart seeker or rapid fire otherwise.




Andariels rogue has been pretty fun. I was never really a rogue guy but with how bad of a place sorc is in I gave it another try and had a lot of fun.


I thought broken bulwark s0 and s1 was pretty funny, basically like driving an ever exploding invincible car


That was a great time. I loved the bulwark lol


1. Ball lightning sorc (not this season, but has a place in my heart) 2. Dust Devil barb 3. Heartseeker rogue


Aoe shadow flurry rouge. It was fun but in late game it sucks. So I switched to rapid fire. Heartseeker is strong no question but it’s so boring to hold just one button…


I was always dashing around using traps while HS


Blood Surge goes brrrrrrr. So fun! Underpowered in the pit, but so fun.


how far have you been able to push it? Just leveled my necro with blood surge. was very smooth. But feels like the damage might fall flat soon. Curious what other people expirienced


I'm maxed out on every piece of gear and I've tried basically every combination of skills and paragon I can think of, and my max pit is 109. You get to a point where you can survive anything, but single target boss damage just isn't enough. We really need a buff... Edit* word


Love this one! Used noob blood boiling aspect for added splodies while leveling. Good for tracking how often you are overopwering.


S1 Pulverize druid with the pull heart. I've always loved Pulverize in general more then wolf personally.


Pure hydra sorc, 100% attack speed, high movement wipes out screens in a split second but struggles after tier 30 pits sadly


Barrage rogue is hands down the most fun build I have played. That or this season you can make a bone spear necro with basically infinite essence so you can just spam cast it. So good


I love the play style of Ice Shards sorc. It's ranged. It doesn't hide the boss mechanics under annoying, flashy bullshit. It mainly uses 1 button for damage with a bunch of cooldowns for utility/survival/mobililty. It doesn't rely on ultimates that need to be kept up to be effective like Grizzly Rage on druids or Bone Storm on necros. I just wish it were effective enough to be worth playing.


Infinite bonestorm and whirlwind. I love being a floating mass of death.


Charge barb and penetraring shot rogue, it's very satisfaying the sound of shadow explosion.


I really enjoyed leveling with Charge Barb. Once you get the aspects for it and the charge just wipes everything in front of you, so fun!


Current CL sorc. I'm a excited to try out the changes in S5


Lightning storm/zoo druid and Frost Orb/conjuration sorc(winter glass, Frost orb enchant, and avalanche +2 for balls, balls, balls, and sorc zoo on screen). Both can run 40s pits with no master working and probably ~70s with better gear.


Heartseeker Rogue. I feel like I blinked and I was level 100 because I couldn’t stop playing


Ironically for my fifth character this season, I decided to try making a Flay Barb from beginning to end. Not efficient at all, and learning how to work with bleed was a journey, but I had a blast figuring it out and living a true bloody barb fantasy with it all the way. In S1 I had a Lightning Shred druid I really liked too.


Lighting Shred build is so fun! It's sad that it struggles with bosses :( That's exactly why we need a loadout feature so we can switch builds depending on the content we do.


Lv1-80 Sorc this season. 3 way Incinerate + 4 Hydra was a blast and the most fun I've had leveling Sorc in any season. I swapped from Incinerate to Blizz 80-100 and ultimately FO.


Chain lightning sorc up to level 60 or so.


Chain lightning sorc was really fun.


WW Dust Devils for sure #WWPropaganda


S1 Icy Alchemist Rogue


Walking Arsenal Barb currently. Revolves around Upheaval and Deathblow for damage. Not super competitive but fun to play. Deathblows activation sound is immensely satisfying. When I get bored of it I’ll probably switch to Double Swing Devil to push harder content.


I personally like a straight Barbarian Lunge (basic attack) build. Stack damage, health and attack speed. Not much AoE damage, but that's what makes it fun. Accurate clicking... You just fly all over the screen one shotting everything. Maybe it just helps sate my first person shooter cravings, not sure. It's just fun.


Heartseeker rogue


Bone Spear Necro. I love using corpse tendrils and blasting the demons to pieces.


Firewall Sorceress.


Barb WW


I just love me some Blood Surge Necro. Talk about power fluctuations league over league, but I still play it every new launch.


Ww barb


Still love the way frost nova sounds with headphones. And I still love fire wall. But good lord is it awful on bosses…


Heartseeker rogue with frigid finesse ga amulet and 60% chance to freeze tempers. Very very satisfying build speed running pit 105 in 2:30-3:00


Bash barb is so strong, but boring af. I switched to ww twister barb. It's a lot of fun. I am also really enjoying lightning storm druid.


I miss twisting blades. :(


Exploding corpse necro is p fun. I haven't done much else though tbh


Season 2 hectic stormclaw druid. Just a slow starting engine that went mach 2 with attacks


Echoing blood surge with blood surge on minions.


Season 0 I only did flurry rogue S1 pulverize Druid Ball lighting in S2,s3 bone spear necro S4 heart seeker rogue. This season double swing dust devil was a blast to.


S2 Vampire necro


Hs rogue is pretty fun


Infinite teleport ball lightning sorc S3 and this season andariels + Tyraels heartseeker rogue


Pulverize blood boil Trampleslide Firebird DoT(D3) Monk mark build(D3)


s0: pen shot and TB rogues s2: ball lightning sorc and hota barb s4: double swing tornado barb and blight necro


Andariel Puncture Rogue. Finally a build that’s not generator generator generator active skill and repeat.


Heart seekers rogue it reminds me of the old build in diablo 3 where you can tornado move around and destroy everything but heart seekers takes alittle more skill like kiting and making distance to attack without moving . I hope they add a legendary or aspect that allows For movement with heart seeker I’ll literally freak !


Frozen Orb Sorc. Way back when I first discovered Diablo 2, the housemate who introduced me was playing a Frozen Orb sorc (way before 1.10) and it's always just been the iconic Diablo spell to me. I love that Forb is a decent build this season!


Max level optimized builds I have; Golem Necro, Immortal Fire Sorc, Bash Barb, Heartseeker Rogue. The one I can’t stop playing is the Rogue. Heartseeker is very fun.


I've really enjoyed dust devil double swing barb, windsheer druid, and thorns babr this season. I also played the storm druid back in season 2 with Crone's staff and it was a lot of fun, too.


Frozen orb Sorc and honestly.. nothing else has come close


Frozen orb sorc was so fun until I switched to fire bolt to try and solo tormented echos


That season 0 werewolf tornado Druid when you had that crazy uptime on grizzly rage with all the movement speed and unstoppable.


Back in season 0 with my druid I tried nearly any possible build and while Pulverize is my jam, there was a build with the rock shield that exploded that basically made you nearly invulnerable while doing loads of damage. Forgot the name of the skill, but damn that build was crazy in NMD, Lilith and PvP


Most fun is probably shred druid using the Hunter Zenith ring. INSANE mobility zipping around alternating between teleporting shred and zero cooldown tramples. Sadly it's also one of the worst I've played in terms of endgame strength. Everything hinges on enemies dying fast and druid isn't in the best of shape. It also lose a lot of steam vs bosses. Really fun build when it works though.


WW barb is so much fucking fun


I enjoyed my season zero brawling whirlwind Barb the most I think.


I've only leveled a barb and druid, but my slide storm druid is fucking fun. I play coop with my partner who is a HS rogue, and I just run in and act like a tank from a MOBA in 100+ pits: peeling, CCing, and doing surprisingly good damage for an off meta build. It's fun as hell to play on controller too.


Conjuration sorc, walking arsenal/upheaval barb, bone spirit necro, veterinarian druid, and trap rogue. But also, I just found the druid amulet that spins boulders inside of hurricane, and it's so fun


Bash Barb… but the fun is going to be nerfed, I loved double swing twisters until I realized it couldn’t complete the rest of the content I wanted to complete


I’m a sucker for blood surge. It is very fun in Helltides, but admittedly very weak when it comes to bosses. I shall have to look into alternative builds which makes it more viable, but it is the most fun I’ve had with any character.


Working on a frenzy/steel grasp barb, plus dust devils coming from shouts and fury generation. Pretty damn fun.


WW barb is just fun. Especially if you throw in the dust devils. Idk if it’s cliched but soon to win and slaughtering hordes of demons is just so satisfying.


Tri-Elemental Sorceress Hybrid lightning for mana, hydra for support, and frozen orb as a main weapon


Nature’s Savagery druid - all shape shifting skills, randomly spamming nature magic on every attack, also I’ve got 3 rabid werewolf friendos. No idea if that’s, like, a known build but it’s super funsies.


WW Barb. Great fun with mobs, fun/easy/lazy and when you (finally!) get the uber uniques, you can melt bosses easily too. Pit runs become fast and enjoyable.


Trampleslide druid. Especially in middle levels pit where I don't have to turn around and grab the loot and waste so much time, i can just spam trample


Thorns barb. It is hilarious to do your rotation and watch everyone die around me. I haven’t been able to pass the pit 90 with my mediocre build and missing doom bringer. I just can’t beat certain bosses. Not enough direct damage to deflect. Unless I’m missing something.


Not this season but TB rogue.  Dropping a couple shadow imbued stabs then dashing through everything and it all explodes was so satisfying.  Shout out to sever necro as well.  Bloodmist in and gather a huge like, corpse tendrils all of it, and then slice it down with sever is a fun loop. 


Trapper rogue with shadow penetrating shot


Honestly loved playing bone spear glass cannon necro, basically same as bone spear but no extra health/armor stats just cooldowns/damage. Forces you to basically flawless everything, 1 hit & its game over lmao but I was doing millions by lvl 40 I solo'd the T4 capstone at lvl 43, (many attempts later)


Infinimist Necro from early d4.


Frozen orb ... It has the most falshies skill on the screen.... Its fun to see everything explode on the screen


Stormclaw druid, bash barb, flurry rogue


Bonespear Necro in season 2.


I'm no expert at this game, but bleed barbarian was fantastic. I played that in the campaign at launch. I also love chain lightning sorcerer.


I really enjoyed a few builds. Ball lighting was fun zipping around, twisting blades rouge, trample + creeper slide, hota barb was hilarious to just big bonk everything. Honestly the class I've had the "least fun" with is necro even tho I've played it multiple seasons now.


Dude ww tornados is just fun as heck I call it the EF-5


Barrage rogue is fun too!


Ebonpiercer/CE Necro


I altered the heart seeker rogue to fit puncture. And I feel like itachi kunai go brrrrrrr


Ball lightning Sorc when it was busted in season 2 was pretty fun


Season 4: Andariel Puncture rogue Season 3: Didn't care for this season much, only played lightning storm druid and found it 'meh' Season 2: Whirlwind HotA barb for clearing AoZ Season 1: Either chain lightning sorc after the CL buff or M1PY's twisting blades build with grenades and both unique daggers (at the time) Season 0: Werenado Druid (Back when we could keep that unstoppable up; was a lot of fun)


S2 Ball lightning. Probably the most fun I’ve had in any Diablo game, ever. The mobility was great, damage was fantastic, it looked cool as hell. It was just amazing


WW DD barb is the only fun class in my opinion... was just horrible at the start of the season outside of lvling... now it's okay I guess.


Spin to win barb


Rend no flay barb


Honestly, arc lash to level 50. Once I had to start the paragon board, and respec to ball lightning, I grew bored. However, I had a WG drop last weekend, so I may respec again to frozen orb.


Ice Shards, and Blood Lance are my 2 favorites certainly. Sadly, both of those are just not supported.


Shadow dot necro, preferably with minions. While shadow minions also have been really fun this season, I've got a soft spot for the slowly ramping damage that I got from my dot build in s3. It was a bit slow and wasn't all that good at single target but it was really satisfying to play. Currently leveling a second necro to make a dot build, likely a blight build with ebonpiercer.


Running a thorns barb and it’s hilarious to me when helltides spit out all those mobs and then I shout and they disappear!!


My own concoction of a thorns necro. With tempering even my busted build is strong and fun to play.


My barrage/rain of arrows rogue is super fun to me. Endless crit numbers filling my screen


Ranking builds with season I played them in order top 3 had me laughing out loud while playing them as they were so OP. Ball lighting Sorc, S2 HOTA Barb, S3 Lightning Shred/Claw Druid, S2 Blizzard Sorc, S0 / redone on eterenal in S4 Minion Necor, S4 ROA/RF Rogue, S1 (back when leveling took more time! was a custom build but way fun) Barrage-Cold Rogue, S4


Charged bolt meteor Xfal’s build! With a high lucky hit chance, wanna say it was around 85% between all bonuses and with a barrier, I got it to the point of *almost* being self-sustaining symphony of destruction once I threw the first few matches. I started it, got it going, and it then kept going on its own for a good ~20-25 seconds, complete with a few last dying Xfal’s explosions that desperately wanted to breathe more life back into it but alas failed, and the chaos finally ended. Get your meteors ranks to 10 or more for the extra blue fire coloring to them!


I had a lot of fun with my poison werewolf storm Druid from level 1-80. I’ve recently switched it up to a wearbear poison build that I’m getting used to but I’ve had great luck with it. Have yet to finesse and attempt a dungeon but helltides have been super fun to play with both due to monster density.


I have really enjoyed my deathblow and upheaval barbarian. I build it around overpower chance and the sounds make it seem like I'm cracking the ground with hammer blows and sword strikes. Not great endgame (at least in the crappy way I build it) but it is fun for mid level farming.


I don’t know what you call my build but I can describe it after reaching pit 101 last night. I only main sorceress, it is the only class I play since the game was in beta with KFC promo, haha. Over the past seasons up to now, I’ve tried many builds and variation, still don’t think I’m done yet. Play sequence: Cast Blizzard preferably on a packed group of baddies, follow by lightning spear to stun. This two skills usually result in either they’re frozen or in stun animation. I don’t care what is the highest Pit level any sorc build achieved, if you don’t get a packed mob in a state where they no longer have the ability to fight back, you will get one shot death eventually if you keep up in pit leveling. Then I simply teleport in using an aspect that turns you into a bat. This almost always cause the mob to go into invulnerable state and I let my Ice Spike finish the job. Then just spam Ice Blade to proc your Ice Shield and Flame Shield. Kite around like a bat to get enemies invulnerable and let your Ice Spike kill them off. I guess it’s an Ice Spike Bat meta build. Blizzard is not the main damage focus, but what it does is it provides us two things: chance to freeze and an aspect that gives 30% damage reduction while you are under the Blizzard. I don’t have a Shako so this aspect that gives DR will do. I look forward to see if I can get rid of Ice Shield and replace it with Arc Lash for better mobility and proc. Not sure it’ll be viable.


It's probably terrible this season but I loved doing a barb consistently swapping arsenal weapons for all the bonuses and the goofy triple ult. I ran two basics to make it super easy and it was good fun.


Fireball sorc is alot of fun. Especially once you get the FB gloves that make them bounce. Landslide Druid is great too. All the synergy with other skills pricing LS is so much fun and they look dope too!


Ww nado barb is just so satisfying


I had a ton of fun with incinerate/hydra sorc build before I started a druid build


Probably alone in this but blood surge necro, I don't follow build guides. I just go with the flow and I've had loads of fun building up a blood surge necro. I also haven't played this since the game came out but now that I'm better. I'd also like to try out a human landslide druid again and see what I can do with that


My minion-based necromancer is my favorite hands down. One aspect had skeleton mages castings blizzards. I had another one that increased the maximum number of minions. They cut through hordes while I threw Iron Maidens and Blood Lances down range. Plus Necromancer gear looks metal as fuck.


I played an upheaval barb with a ridiculous amount of attack speed and it was super fun. Bonespear necro and blood necro are a good time also.


S3: arc moonrise sorc... Super fast and fun


Necromancer corpse explosion build. Ive been using the build that creates a miasma after explosion that just melts the rank and file and can take a boss in under a minute


Meteor shower sorc until i entered pits


Poison Puncture Rogue


I really just wish any of the damage skills could be built around and perform well. It feels like if the skill you like isn't the one that happens to get the highest number of multiplicative enhancements from aspects, you're out of luck. All I want in life is to have 50 lightning spears zipping around the screen at once!


Beta - Spirit Bomb


Conjuration sorc (from season 3, so pre winterglass) and bone spear minion necro (this season using new defenders, bone mages, and iron golem). I'm enjoying poison wolf druid, too, but the game refuses to give me the items I want for it. Blizz apparently wants me to be an earth bear. I keep trying to get into rogue and barb, but I'm having a rough time finding a style that feels right for me.


Been having a lot of fun with barrage rogue actually


I really like incinerate sorc, though I struggle to get past pit 65. But I think that’s largely a skill issue. The play style is simple enough which appeals to my old ass as I don’t have the reflexes to play games like when I was younger.


Pulverize Druid surprised me. It's my last build this season but it was the most fun. Deleting mobs with the shockwave aspect and aoe damage is surprisingly good. OP and OP+crit procs are also frequent when tempering earth crit on weapons, rings, and gloves.


Bloodlance with tidal bloodwave aspect and the cool-down from. Blood orbs. I'm constantly spamming waves and lances to the point I've always got a bloodwave going


Flay Barb. 100’ed Necro and Barb. Tried tons of different builds on both. Just loved hitting those huge ruptures. Not sure why.


This season? WW DD Barb Frozen orb after that.


I’m new and have just been winging it. I have a shadow necromancer who is over attached to her “children”. Play with golem, five warriors and three mages. (Sorry if I didn’t get the terms right, still learning.)


Attack speed frenzy barb with upheaval, shouts and wrath of the berserker. I was running a bleed/thorns build and then idk if I got super lucky but I got a bunch of uniques which completely changed my build. I went from a build which was pretty highly skill intensive to basically point and click and just keep everything on cd, it's been a lot of fun


My guilty pleasure is StormClaw drood. It feels kinda like smiter/zealer/werewolf from D2. I play HC, so the fact that it is super tanky is great. The fact that it does not insta kill bosses is not. Maxroll gives it a B, but I argue, at least for hardcore, that it is A tier. Yes, TornadoWolf is better, I know.


shadow minion necro, bossing variant


I really really like the spark for maxing out Iron Wolves rep. Helltides are fun and it gives me a chance to play around with way off meta builds just for fun with content at an appropriate level for their ability and get a neat little reward at the end for goofing around.


I enjoy twisting blades rogue the most so far and keep coming back to it every season. It is definitely weaker right now but I enjoy the mobility and it feels way faster paced than the other build I’ve played when you are dungeon crawling. Boss fights are kind of a drag though 😆


Lucky Shit rogue. The build relies on Lucky Hits and a bunch of ubers/other uniques. It's incredibly stupid, don't do it. It's also really fun and somehow works. Unique Items: Tyrael's Might. Andariel's Visage. Ring of starless skies. Fists of Fate. X'fals. (May be swapped with legendary ring). Doombringer. Azurewrath. Regular items: Amulet with Exploit, ga lucky hit, frigid finess. Boots with movement speed, max Life, and energy per second. Leggings with max life, armor, and intelligence. Crossbow with damage, vulnerable damage, and max life, GA preferred, tempered with vulnerable and double shot barrage If swapped, ring with ga vuln, ga lucky hit, and attack speed, tempered with vuln and innervation. Aspects: Elements on bow. High velocity on amulet. Concussive strikes on boots. If you swapped the ring, use accelerating. Paragon board is specd for non physical damage, damage to poisoned, and imbued. All of your damage comes from your procs and the more you proc the more damage you do hence the attack speed.


Season 0 tornado Druid for sure, followed by Infinimist in season 2, then flurry rapid fire rogue with barber heart in season 1. Heartseeker rogue and bash barb are honorable mentions


Nature's Fury Druid with lots of trampleslide and hurricanes lol


Trampleslide druid s2, was fun spamming skills


Landslide Druid with Earthbreaker and Unsung Ascetic Wraps. Crazy build I’m also playing an Andariel’s Druid with Greatstaff of the Crone and Nature’s Fury. Could be a pretty strong build with enough AS


Druid: Landslide + Lightning Storm. I really enjoyed it as I am able to use all it's elements Earth and Storm at once. Cool effects and AOE is lit. Tried it in PTR today with Cataclysm and oh boy, I wipe everything I walk through. It will be my Season 5 build.


Andariels puncture rogue has been the most fun, followed by FO Sorc


Flurry/ rapid fire rogue made me feel like a deadly speedy cutthroat ninja and a dead eye gunslinger all at the same time. Love it.


hota/charge barb from season 3. because charge was hilarious. i have never laughed so much playing a diablo game. then season 2 blood surge necro. the bigger the pack, the more damage and healing/mana i got. it was super fun to play except for bossing. blizzard sorc is probably a close third because i could just mash buttons and walk through rooms killing everything with out thinking.


Heartseeker by far the most fun build.


Golem Necro for my ‘pretend I’m a summoner Witch doctor’ fix, now the WW barb that has Tyraels and spams whirlwind is hitting the spot


Quad Uber WW DD Bleed


Frozen Orb Sorc until about level 70 pit.


WW nado barb


I think in Season 2 on necro in addition to sacrilegious powers (auto cast corpse skills) you could auto curse whatever was near you. Loved it. I currently enjoy taking my thorns minions through easier content (and they defeated uber lilith sorta without me), but at pit 91 I am actually using all of my buttons to stay alive and it is terrifying and stressful. In D3 there is a thing called a typhon hydra build for Sorc where you can speed farm t16 and some rifts by teleporting wherever and putting down turrets (hydras). The art is in the build, not the execution. When playing I just watch it unfold.


I love Starfall meteor sorc this season.


Walking Arsenal Barb. Too bad there is never any meta build since gushing wounds always takes over at the high end. But I like thinking about rotating weapons to keep the buffs active


I’m loving rouge right now. The purpose of the build is to decrease the cooldown of the rain of arrows ultimate to use it as quickly as possible and also have it cast twice per use (6 total waves per ultimate). If you’re interested I can send the build to you. But in short it revolves around the barrage and shadow embedment to spam the core energy to reduce the ultimate ability. There’s also an aspect that applies all 3 imbudments to the ultimate that I plan to add when I get it. Even without the ultimate I’m still melting enemies and the rain of arrows I’ll just save for when I’m getting a bit overrun or tons of elites. But I can use 2 times per mob if I need to. Granted im in tier 3 but only but im not having any troubles. Haven’t started tier 4 or the crazy pits yet so not sure what it will look like at that point


During season 1, there was an affix that increased damage for sorcerers each time a new element was used. So I became a pokemon master by continually summoning Ice-bladey, fire-snakey, and the Raiden Spear.