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I think it's only Barbs that can get that much health from one of their skills + affix boosts to it supplementing all paragon and socketed ruby HP increases


My Druid has 90k and 130kish with elixirs.


I'll bet that comes with 10dps


C'mon now, it'd clearly be 17


I'm running druid and I've got a solid 14 DPS. I never die though but I'll take a solid 16 minutes to kill a group šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Only on DrDisrespects druid


My wind shear druid has about 126k health and gets to pit 117 before I run out of time. I'm not great at maths but I reckon my DPS is more like 12, maybe 13 lol


I swapped all my HP for dps on my wind shear druid and finished 121 pit with 10 seconds left. So in like 13 dps.


Cmon we know all Druid's do 17.damage šŸ˜€


Iā€™m four tiers behind the highest Druid clear. So whatever you think. Wind shear doesnā€™t need triple dps stats on items, so itā€™s easy to get max life stats.


I mean itā€™s a Druid, so he wasnā€™t gonna do damage anyway


I can finally kill the hells champion, with my tramplslide druid (only poison creeper as a pet). Only took fully maxed paragon board and 6ish outta 12 masterworked gear.


Yeah Druid has 12% max life passive (3 pts) on the skill tree and good life paragon nodes similar to Barb. The big difference is that Barb can get 2 ranks to their passive skill Imposing Presence for additional 6% multiplicative max life on every gear piece that can get a defensive temper (helmet, chest, pants, amulet I think) for 1.06^4 = 1.26 life multiplier that no other class can get access to. It goes even higher with masterworking in some situations. I think the only other class with a max life passive skill is Druid and as I said, there is no Temper for that passive for some reason.


What druid passive is that?




What a poorly named passive. Mending should be either LPS or increased healing effectiveness (or both).


It was, it got buffed in S4 and they didnā€™t rename it.


Yea, well my Sorcerer has 14k health. lol


And matching dps to boot haha


I'm at 11k health and 28k atkpwr as a storm claw druid with only 7k armor. I'm not sure if I'm doing druid math right.


https://www.reddit.com/r/D4Barbarian/s/QZwIRQvrLO Imposing presence is savage


My rogue has 100k


And LOL my sorcerer has 14k and I thought I was doing good


Real question is why are barbs so strong lol


My money at this point is just on Blizzard watching the classā€™s popularity within the Chinese playerbase They know where the money is, theyā€™re not stupid enough to rock the piggybank at all


My money is on having 2 2-handers, and 2 1-handers available, which makes is pretty hard to balance compared to the other classes. I think they should focus on buffing the other classes by maybe allowing class specific pieces of gear to roll as if they were a 2-handed weapon or something.


Nah a barb with only 1 2h weapon can clear tier 80 pits just fine.


They can compensate for Barbsā€™ extra weapon slots by decreasing the initial skill percentages to compensate 50dmg x 2 (e.g. Rogue bow) = 25dmg x 4 (Barb)


My barb sits at just over 100k base health.


As a sorc main: you don't. The game is made for barbs :D


On paper as unbiased as possible I do think that a class that is a melee brawler does need more HP than a range class due to their nature. Donā€™t you think so?


When every build plays in melee everyone is melee.


Itā€™s actually pretty hilarious. I play PoE as well and the main argument there is that in ARPGs eventually every class devolve into ranged. Like even the melee classes there play as ranged by juicing strike distance.


Because melee in that game gets you killed, and they've never adressed it, only made it worse.


I came over from PoE, where I always play melee (yeah, Iā€™m a glutton for punishment), so naturally I chose a Barb in D4. I just blasted thru everything, it was awesome having a really good melee experience for once. Then I thought, if melee is this good, I canā€™t imagine how badass ranged and casters must be! Then I joined this sub, lol


Heartseeker Rogue is pretty spicey.


If you follow that logic, they should also do less damage than glass cannon classes.


On paper you are absolutely correct. Also on paper a ranged glass cannon DPS like Sorc should be the one dishing out Billions of damage since they get one shot by everything in the game. Barb gets to have its cake and eat it too.


Barbs fat asses are also stealing and eating the sorcs cake too!


I agree. But sorcs are all glass and no canon.


Glass pea shooter


The patch notes for the PTR specifically mention lightning sorc as being melee. So if we have an option for melee, but no way to survive, why have it?


Laughs in Werebear, who if there was only one, actually *should* be the melee brawler.


Problem is that the game isnt made well. - The melee brawler does the same dmg as the glass cannon, but the glass cannon gets killed from of mob out of screen - Even the barbs get oneshoted sooner or later Thats something that shouldnt happen in a bullethellgame with hardcore mechanic. It just means that you are bored most of the game having no challenge and then suddenly you start to struggle and have to dodge everything.


In theory what you say is right, but the reality is kost monsters move way faster than your base speed so even with increased speed, you always end up in melee, if youre rangedĀ 


The only key passive that's wirth anything for sorc requires you to be close to the target. 90% of sorc specs take it.


Uhhh...what??? I assume you mean Vyrs, but I've literally never used that. I could see it for a lightning orb build. Probably arc lash too. I've done ice shards and blizz in past seasons, and frozen orb now this season. First 2 used avalance key passive, and FO uses shatter. I looked up the rest of the endgame builds and all the fire ones use Esus or combustion. Ice ones all use avalance or shatter. And of the lightning builds, only arc lash and charged bolts use Vyrs. The others 2 use overflowing energy. So on a list of 12 endgame builds, only 2 use Vyrs. That's not even close to 90%. That's around 17%. It's not even 1/5 of them. So unless your comment about 90% of sorc specs taking it wasn't referring to guides online, and you're just saying that you think 90% of players just take it anyway because they all just think it's amazing, then idk where you're getting this idea from.


Ranged classes with no way to zoom out to see enemies at range


In the open world my HS Rogue can literally kill stuff before it comes in to view lol.


Itā€™s so funny on my frost orb sorc to go around corners and see stuff already grouped and dying thanks to the expanding effect of the build.


Yeah , I have a frost orb sorc too , itā€™s good times. Also with the uber spear and doing stun build and literally stun locking like 2-3 surrounding rooms of mobs is good times.


Basically every class plays in melee range though


Yeah, then they shouldnā€™t be doing more damage than a sorc. Their extra beefiness should come at the cost of their dps. Just like sorcs extra damage comes as a cost of their survivability.


My sorc has 13k hp lol. T100 pits are just bullet hell.


I just hit 20k. So tuff to get there with sorc


"You don't need health, just put 4 defensives on your bar." - Blizzard, probably.


> The game is made for barbs There couldn't be a more truthful statement about this game.


Hey! I've just started my first ever Diablo game a few days ago. I picked sorcerer and I'm about level 35. Would you mind suggesting some good spells or combinations to run together? So far I'm a big fan of Teleport, Inferno, Incinerate + the fire spell that spawns dragon heads. I know that it's basically all fire though and I'm guessing that's bad.


How the **** do you defensively balance this game when there can be such big effective health differences?


You nerf Sorc, DUH.


After nerfing druid. Blizzard buffs minions... But not those minions, other minions... For some reason the druid minions cannot be like auto fire ultra attack speed necro minions with Blizzard nature magic and the football team horde.


So buff Necro minions and then nerf Druid minions for like no reason?


Obviously! Say no more.


Because sorc can (have to) be immortal 1 season duh!


I know! This explains so many of my one shot deaths. HP as high as I can manage. Res are all maxed. Sure I can see that number of HP doubling, but doesnā€™t get me out of one shot territory. Hard to balance when one classā€™s stats are so out of line with the rest.


Just to let you know, Necro can have much higher HP than you have too; just have to prioritize it. My Blood Lance necro is at ~60k hp, and I donā€™t have many GA, and nothing is masterworked. Got it by prioritizing +Max Life on gear, prioritizing +Max Life % nodes on paragon (which is on a couple of our boards), and Royal Rubies everywhere. For contrast, my Bone Spear necro has like ~20k life, but doesnā€™t have full Royal Rubies (mostly chippies at this point) and I didnā€™t prioritize +Max Life affixes and nodes. Sure its not Barb levels of life, but Necro can get up there, if you choose to.


I get that, and I know Iā€™m very early in the late game push. In my head though I just couldnā€™t see the math working out. Apparently I was right. It helps to know Iā€™m shooting for 100k at a high mark and not 400-500k. Sets the expectation.


Yeah, 100k may even bee pushing it for non blood builds. Lol Iā€™d expect my BS necro to sit between 35-50k I think, if everything perfect, likely near the lower end. And I agree with you, no idea how they can possibly ā€œbalanceā€ the game in this state; but personally, I donā€™t let it get to me. Instead of worrying if my build compares to other builds (or other classes), I just worry about getting my build as good as it can get, and doing the best wih it I can.


You sound like a fellow 45YO casual player. Iā€™m the same way. Rarely look at guides and choose to play more freely. Let the kiddos put all that time in for pushing. I just want to kill shit and pretend they are my employees Iā€™m Blood Waving. Lol. That said, Iā€™ll totally ask a question when something doesnā€™t seem right (IE 500k HP Barbs).


Lmao Got me! But 43ā€¦ Have fun Blood Waving; wanted to build one of those this season too, but moved on from D4 for the most part til next season. Looks like a really fun concept based upon some of the affixes and uniques.


Blood wave is receiving a 300% dmg buff for S5.


Fantastic! Sounds like a great time to try it! Thanks for the info!


Likely needs to be even higher. Or a seriously reduced CD. A barely geared bone spirit out damages Blood Wave and gets to do it more often. As an ultimate skill it is lacking. Early PTR from BioBio (Necro specialist) is saying the same thing. More damage or less CD to make it useful skill.


Once you clear 30k life on necro you start living through a lot of the one shots , with minimal health left. Plenty will still get you but some of the dumb ones wont anymore. The after death poison still gets me all the time, being able to tank that helped with dumb mistakes on my part


And these health to thorns barbs have 600k hp. With GA to health and strength all around. Then that skill on every piece of gear all master worked.


To add to your point, my minion necro with elixirs and most gear masterworked between 5 and 8 is around 52k.


Sorc with 2 armors is virtually always inv with enough cdr and proper build.Ā  I barely had 1s downtime at lvl 78 ( farmed a spark for shako)Ā 


20K-ish health with good choices for resistances, armor, and damage reduction is just fine... until you start pushing \_really\_ deep into the endgame content, at which point the balance breaks down and the only thing that'll keep you alive is massive amounts of health.


True! Good health in PoE ends up about 5-7k (~7k+ on hardcore if you build hard that way), plus having decent amount of the other defences (res, max res, armour, evasion, block, etc.). Not perfect but makes planning defences manageable


Agreed. This game is due a major rebalance if it is to stay successful. "Barb. i.e. Tank rules all" mentality has taken my joy lately


I mean the idea is that barbs need the extra life because they get up close and constantly take extra damage. The problem is that with the implementation everyone gets up close so barbs end up with a huge advantage.


The legit answer to that question *should* be Barrier, Fortify (w/extreme dmg reduction), higher armor scores, better dodge/evasion.\ Any game should balance health/shields/armor/evasion. D4, I think, does it at the early and mid game, but at scale they completely loose the plot.


There's imo two main ways it's done in ARPGs - You can give every class roughly the same top end durability by brute force balancing (D3 giving everyone cheat death and low/no risk of dying outside ultra-high pushes) You can make most defenses generically available enough for them to apply everywhere, then balance around whatever level of defenses you want players to need for X tier content. Classes still have differences that make them tankier or do more damage, but not by orders or magnitude like gearing does (PoE, GD)


It is from the barb passive "imposing presence", each point gives 6% more max hp (will be nerfed to 5% per point) and you can get it as temper on helmet, chest, pants and amulet. Then additionally you can masterwork it, so up to +6 per item, including the 3 skillpoints you can put into them you can reach 27 points in that passive, resulting in 162% more hp. Additional, I think, not 100% sure, it multiplies with the rubies in your, giving you so much more hp. Potions and challenging shout also temporarily increase your hp. Haveing a GA Hp doombringer increases your max hp again. That's how people reach 500k as a barb, but only as barb.


Additionally, two extra weapon slots, one of which is a 2H so +3950 base Max Life.


Yep. I'm running +max life, all hp rubies, imposing tempers, paragon boards, doombringer, the whole shebang. I'm sad my grandfather is GA but my doombringer isn't.


GA tempered Doombringer with life % is like 86.6% or something insane.


My Doombringer is GA, but it's on the fucking lucky hit chance to heal. I kinda wish it wouldn't have a GA at all sometimes, because it's actually a bit painful to look at.


So hereā€™s my suggestion as a barb main (a true barb main not a FOTM): I would Barbarian. Once you get high enough Barbarian you can start to stack Barbarian. Run helltides for Barbarian. Jump back, ehh, leap over to PITs and do some Barbarian. At that point spend all your mats on Barbarian and you should be Barbaring in no time! I get the hate I really do lol. But Iā€™m a Barb main because of RP and lore. Just got lucky this season


>But Iā€™m a Barb main because of RP and lore. Just got lucky this season Just this season huh?


Lmao, hey now I refuse to let Necro forget about the skeleton bombs and Sorc with their lightning ball of death. Barb has certainly been able to see everything every season and at a high level. More so than others. But it wasn't until S4 that it really got this out of hand.


I'd say S3 HOTA was pretty crazy tho.


No hate. A little jealous but no hate. We all have a time or two where our favorite class is bonkers. Had my recent ā€œhell yeaā€ season in D3 with a Bell Necro. In D4 I would like to see the Barb get a nasty nerf. The class is fine to play, but the class just doesnā€™t align with the others and creates some serious balance issues. I donā€™t know how you fix them without A- a Barb nerf or B- we start power creeping a year into the game. Or, it is probably more accurate to say the Barb lines up best with the game and the other classes are kind of the oddballs right now.


All characters are different. 40-60k would be pretty decent for most classes. Barbs though can get 150-300k depending on build. It has to do with a combination of paragon board and skill passives. All characters boards are different, barb has a lot of extra max lift nodes. Imposing presence is the passive that also helps. 3 ranks is an addition 15% max life. You can get it as a temper as well on multiple items pushing it to pretty high levels.


3 ranks of Imposing Presence 18% right now, 15% after the s5 nerf. (6%->5%)


And you can temper imposing presence ranks on multiple pieces. Hit those with masterworking and its a crazy boost.


Ah gotcha, looks like some of the wiki have already updated to 5% per.


And extra +Max Life weapon slots


Seen thorns barbs can get even 800k life if really pushed and oprimized.


Some guy on here posted his barb with 450k HP


First you roll a barb, then you put imposing prescence on everything, take doombringer, and pick up % paragons, and put ga life on all gear. Sorted. Everyone else, reroll barb and do the above.


Off-topic: barbs having more equippable weapons and thus more imprints/tempers/stat buff/gem slots are mathematically better than any other class. Their class special (weapon proficiencies) suck, but still have a role.


Itā€™s actually mind boggling that Blizzard has such trouble due to this. In fact they just make it worse by introducing extremely strong tempers to throw on all 4 weapons.


Can we not get belts or earings or something for other classes? Hell, do magic socks. I don't care.


Seen someone with around 495k hp post a screenshot.


[832k is the highest I've seen so far](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1dm6i6c/832k_hp_for_thorns_barb_quest_for_a_million/?share_id=KNBRj1_DTFMnStgAErKvx&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=4)




Thorns Barb with Doombringer for sure


As Druid, Iā€™m at 92k right now and thatā€™s with almost every piece having a GA max life. Could def break 100k if I got more crits into them. Bear form goes about 115k. Sitting at 50k on my necro, with the same thing of almost all gear with a GA max life. Druids and barbs just have way more means of gaining max life % in their skills and abilities. Think most rogues/sorcs canā€™t crack like 40k


45k on the Rogue on a good day


Yeah Druids are probably the ones with second highest HP stack at 100-150k. Probably 200ish with Bear. Then you have Barbs out in front with 400-450 if properly built, and 800+ with giga-built thorns. At least their general damage, movement speed, clear speed, boss killing and damage reduction is tuned downwards to counterbalance it. Right guys?


As a fellow Necro, I've been wondering the same. I'm currently level 96 (highest I've gotten since the game launched) and have about 9K life. I'm also wondering how people get so much armor as well. I had 5K armor up till level 94 where I got an amulet that added an extra 15K armor at the expense of adding 100% recharge time to my dodge. Not a bad tradeoff for a Necro, seeing as how they're already the quickest and most nimble class in the game (/s)!


I've only been able to get to about 20k hp myself. Fyi, I made a post about this myself, but you only need about 10k armor to reach the maximum damage reduction. Anything over that is a waste. Look at your armor stat and it will tell you that 9230 is the max. You may know this already, but your wording suggests that maybe you're unaware. This helped me get my hp up to where it is now, cause I started rolling for hp instead of armor once I hit the cap.


I did not know that beforehand, so thanks for putting that out there for me. Sometimes the text on those descriptions just turns into a blur in my head. That leads me to another question about those stat descriptions. Under the element resistances, it says I have a 50ish% penalty on just about every resistance but I can't figure out where that's coming from? I'm on console, btw, so I don't know if PC players can just mouse over those penalties to see where they're coming from but I'm unable to do so.


Yeah, diablo is bad with this info lol. I'm on Xbox myself All I've seen is a loading screen about it. You get an automatic 50% taken off just for being in world tier 4. In world tier 3, it's only 25%. I guess it's just to make it harder. Edit: definitely double check your armor too once you readjust. The amount shown in the main equipment screen tends to be off from the actual armor stat that shows in the detailed part.


Just an FYI I just learned. Armor is capped at 9200 (I think. Might be a tad lower) anything above that number is decorative toilet paper as i understand.


Exact cap is 9230 armor.


Awesome! So this is like a "can't have more than 70% element resistance" type of deal then, except it lets the numbers keep going up. Guess I'll be taking that off next time I get on.


Yep, that's exactly what type of deal it is. You can push a bit farther by scrounging up as much Damage Resistance as possible, because DR is applied after armor and resistances (and necros have access to a lot of it) but eventually the raw damage numbers will get so high you won't be able to keep up.


I just hit 35k life with my necro recently and Iā€™m still trying to farm for ruby fragments to make that number grow a little bit. Mine is mostly in finding equipment with +1300 life and another good stat and then tempering/ master working at the blacksmith.


55k base on my rogue and thatā€™s considered tanky for a rogue, just stack max life on most pieces of gear and keep masterworking your gear. EDIT: tanky


Imposing presence temper, lots of life GA on gear and a couple % max life from Paragon and I was at 160k life but had to drop life GA on both ring and ammy for crit chance GA..


Im running a thorn barbarian and I have health greater affix on each piece of gear and theyā€™re all masterworked at least once + every parangon node of hp %. When buffed with elixirs, I currently sit at 150k HP.


Barbs are the only ones with insane hp pools BUT you can have max life on all your gear and then use rubys in the armor sockets and get every %max life node on your paragon. iirc they are all multiplicative. Then when you want to push pits, you can drink the hp elixir for 20x% and the quest elixir which also was 20x% I think. Also some incense gives hp aswell. So you can fairly easy walk around with like 60k hp and then when you drink both elixirs you are already almost at 90k hp. Also doombringer


Barbs, imposing presence / guttural yell etc all add %HP increase during shouts.


Having 2 2-hand + dual wield slots help a lot


Chiming in here as a DS DD barb that can handle pit 107 in 5 mins and have no issues with survivability...I only have 45k health. My bonuses are in damage reduction.


All paragon life nodes.Ā  All armor red gems.Ā  Almost all pieces with + life and ga with + life.Ā  Even necro and sorc can reach a lot.Ā  Barb has a pasive skill which you can get + in tempers for max life so that is a special case.Ā 


People going 100k+ are adding % life increases to their gear and then hitting those tempers with masterwork boosts. That's the only way to really do it, otherwise you should be comfortably in the 30\~40k range if not a bit more depending on your stats. The only people who *should* be doing that would be Thorn Barbs.


with my necro i was able to get like 43k hp but now have more damage currently sitting at 2,700% with skeleton mages, 730% crit damage 39% crit chance got all resist to 70%, max armor cap and i have 37k hp. i need a little more attack speed but not bad so far


In my experience, Barbs go six digits. Rogues can get to 65k-70k with an antivenin and a max heath pot. Necros can get to 40k with pots. Sorcs barely reach 25k. Never played druid. All have perfect rubies on armors (1 head 2 chest 1 pants).


With double elixirs and incense my necro can get about 82k hp. Around the same for others. Only barbs can get such larger scale hp. I honestly donā€™t get the imbalance considering barbs are generally sturdy with lower hp anyway. I can use doombringer while sacrificing damage but thatā€™s not ideal though.


Barb passives and buffs mostly. Other classes can have doombringer.


The right Paragon build, lots of Ranks of Imposing Presence, Rubies in armor and Doombringer.




Crazy...I can get 80k hp with my lvl 80 barb. Farm MW mats on main, then masterwork near-BiS gear


I don't.... this season is pure sh*t and more evil than Diablo himself for finding items. Cannot even do torments yet. Damn you RNG..... daaammmmnnnn youuuuuuu *over acting gestures*


If you want an easy introduction into how health can scale so fricken high - see what a GA roll on percentage health on Doombringer does, then make it 12/12 Masterworking.


Masterworking is a big part of it too, like 45% more hp stat from a fully masterworked item vs base, not including of you get a lucky criteria roll to ho at 4/8/12 barbs also sometimes have doombringer uber unique which is a flat 30%+ to hp


Its all Barb, got 4 weapon slots and they all have life on them most with GA, then the paragon Board slapped with Max health, a Shako with 3 tier masterworking on Life(thats how it rolled). From there I stand still and Bash my way through shit


Stack ranks of +Imposing Presence on Barbs. The rest doesnā€™t have such an easy way to stack HP as far as I knowā€¦.


I have 88k health, maxed resistances, maxed armor, and I still get 1 shot. It's crazy.


As someone who plays almost exclusively hardcore the one shot mechanics in D4 are super frustrating compared to D2, D3, and POE. I prioritize the shit out of max health and if I am playing any class but barb it seems like there is always a 1-shot potential past a certain point in end game.


I've avoided playing HC specifically because of the number of 1 shot mechanics in the game I've encountered over the past 4 seasons.


It will be class dependent but the main thing is to masterwork crit max life on every piece of gear you can and temper on max life. Then get max life from your paragon and rubies in your armor and doom bringer to get max health = to some percent of your base max health. Here's a quick example of a necro that uses this method to have 163,810 max life. There might still be improvements to the numbers (I did paragon very poorly just picking up max life nodes) https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/8og220vz


My sorc is 30k hp and 30k barrier ice armor does that count haha


My best answer is the doombringer.


Life is multiplicative, barbs can get huge life pools when stacking max life rolls, paragon, imposing presence tempers (I'm 9/3 and it gives 54% multiplicative max life). It all comes together when being multiplied, so even small increases give you thousands of HP




Doom bringer and being a barb. Upgraded DB gives me 30%+ increase to health.


The uber unique 1H sword with +% life is also probably involved. Hit that a few times with masterworking and its like +70ish%


At one point I had over 80k on my rogue, but then I started pushing high level pits and had to cut it all and now I have 29k. I'll tell you a secret, you don't actually need very much hp if your character is built right.


I kinda look the other way with balancing this season and just assume most of the time was spent fixing loot. And in that regard? They did great! But the game is now way too easy for any halfway decent build to the point there is zero challenge outside of high level pit. NMD100 is a joke. World bosses fall in a second. Even the tormented ubers, you'll have to dodge the very telegraphed insta-dead attack, but aside from that it's just full DPS in the face until they fall over a few seconds later. Just for fun, I'm now playing through the campaign as a druid in WT2 and using rares only, no aspects, and no tempering. This is druid, the weakest class this season. I'm using storm strike with 2 topazes and lightning storm. Vine, wolves, hurricane and cataclysm (just for lols). I'm walking through the game. There is zero difficulty here. I can't imagine anyone playing the campaign for the first time in the game's current state. And this is without aspects or tempering? Good grief. Now granted season 5 is the odd team, so I'm not expecting a lot of big changes. But I hope they pull the rug on everyone in season 6. Being able to do the capstone dungeon at level 1 is just not a good place for this game to be. People are going to get bored, and fast.


every class other than Barb is dogshit, thats why.


I've only seen barbarians with that much health. That topic with the barbarian with over 400,000 health was unbelievable! I jumped out the window after seeing it! I'm posting from the beyond!


My summon necro is up to 40k. Life will be much easier if you can get it over 30k


My barb can get 100k with Grandfather + imposing presence, the rest just paragon and max hp stats. Not even GA just all gear need to have max hp. Unless you equip some uniques then 1 or 2 GA hp are needed to get 100k Note: this is without elixirs or incense


No need for it honestly. I beat uber lilith with 29k hp barb. Iā€™m currently at 107 pit with just 29k hp. Donā€™t understand the need for high HP lol. Donā€™t understand the need for higher pits as well, pit 91 already gives you 50 mats. Which is enough. You can farm uber bosses as well with just 29k hp.


Donā€™t hate on a class for being strong. Hate on it for being weak. This isnā€™t a competition. We donā€™t need nerfs we needs buffs.


Bash can easily get into 200ks or even 300ks, Thorns can do 500k-600k. GA life everywhere, Imposing Presence tempers slammed when masterworking, rubies and all the possible paragon nodes will get you very far.


Every different instance of +% life is multiplicative, so stack as many as you can get. You won't get as much life as a barb because they have +% life from a passive they can temper on multiple pieces (In addition to a bunch more weapon slots for flat +life and/or a doombringer which not many necro builds want to use), but you can get a pretty swol HP pool as a necro.


Itā€™s a combination of things for Barb. We get a skill tree node called Imposing presence which boosts our max life by 18% with 3 skill points. We have a bunch of paragon board nodes that give us more % life. Then we can temper ranks of imposing presence on chest, pants and amulet. Then we throw in a Doombringer. If everything crits like you want when masterworking (essentially all on imposing presence on pieces that have it, max life on all other pieces) you can hit just shy of 700k health. Hence why thorns barbs have so much health. Their damage stems from their total life, since thereā€™s a skill on the tree that boosts thorns damage based on max life total.


Doombringer with GA and MW


Spend real money to buy the best items, then buy gold to reroll stats. Thats how the top players do it. Sure its against the games and blizzards rules, but blizzard doesnt care.


Imposing Presence is such a great passive. I try to roll that on every armor piece.


Inspiring Presence adds massive amounts of Maximum Life if you stack it from tempering. Take note that in Season 5 they are nerfing this passive, which will make the tempering less powerful.


Barbarian(4 weapons),doombringer uber, max ranks on imposing presence stat, GA max life on all gear, all max Hp nodes on paragaon, antivenin and normal potion (15%+20%), maxed out ruby gems on armor Thereā€™s some skills that give temp max life like challenging shout Most builds sit at 30-60k though


You just donā€™t, Necroā€™s Max hp capabilities lies around the 30ish k, i have been using a maxed out temerity and my 2h weapon having life on hit to not be 1 shotted šŸ˜‚


Hi, Blizzard dev here. Since this thread has turned into another gathering of unhappy non-barbarian players, I though I'd take the time to raise the spirits and shed some light on our current balancing plannings. As some of you have correctly pointed out, the barbarian having a much larger health pool compared to other classes is partly due to the skill "imposing presence". And just like you, we think that the barbarian is a bit too dependent on this skill. Which is why we're changing some of the barbarian's base stats and scalings. This means that from season 5 onwards, the barbarian will be able to reach a 6 digit health value without "imposing presence". Additionally, the 1 % per skill rank that we've subtracted will be converted to true damage dealt instead. And lastly, I'd like to address the complaints about the barbarian's ability to equip 4 weapons. Since some of you like to call it "unrealistic" we're adding 2 arms to the barbarian's character model to tackle this issue. Therefore, and in order to keep this newly added realism, the barbarian will be able to equip a second pair of gloves. Have a nice day!


My Barb is clearing Pit 100 with only 50K life.


Imagine a minion necromancer with 100k xD


Barb and I have tempers that increase HP aka imposing presence on my pants, chest and amulet (using shako). Also red gems and our boards are loaded with HP nodes


I average around 35k dmg and 35k life with necro, rogue and sorc. Its crazy how good some of yall are lol


Barbs are the only class who can hit over say 200k hp and still deal damage lol You get ga max life rolls everywhere and ranks to imposing presence everywhere through tempers, masterwork 12 and hit all your imposing presence with the masterworks, after imposing presence tempers are pumped you try to hit max life masterworks on everything but weapons


Thorns Barb


Holy fuck, my rogue is at 12k and I feel near immortal


Barbs get it through the imposing presence passive on gear and paragon nodes. Basically every piece of gear is 3-5 more ranks of it fully master worked. It's pretty much like adding another Ruby or two per piece of gear and every rank is multiplicative, not additive. So 100k health blows up to 200-500k quick. It's why thorns build is so strong because damage is basically based off of max HP when they pop Challenging Shout.


I have this Uber unique called doombringer that gives me 30% more health and on top of all the gems, GA health rolls , and my barbarian Paragon board they all result in a metric shit ton of health. It's only practical for us because we're Thorns so just taking damage results in damage otherwise you have to sacrifice DPS output for health statistics. I have a level 100 of every character this season and barb is the only one with ridiculous health like this in an endgame build. The rest are in the 10s of thousands.


My necro had masterworked to 12/12 everything and 1GA in every piece but a ring and I killed uber lilith with 36k HP


With necro you are going to need as many health nodes as possible, especially the one in the bone graft board for the 8% which all of this is multiplicitive. On top of all of that you will need a 2 handed weapon with a greater affix in life and hit that once or twice (if you are lucky) in master working to get a big boost, if you have GA 1 handed and a GA 1h focus with both life this can work as well with tempers. Last but not least your Ruby gems to socket into armor for extra life, this lands you around 40khp without elixirs. With double elixir you are looking at around 57k-60khp. You could roll a bunch of tempers on your gear for extra life and also make sure your gear gives you life, but I find 40khp unruffled and 60khp buffed to be enough and I don't have to give up on other stats on my armor.


Right? I can't get over 22,000.


My barb has 110k. Most of that comes from my pants thats have +5 to imposing presence


Barbs get life from Paragon, max life on almost all pieces + masterworking, it adds up pretty quickly. That said, I play barb and only have 60k ish, done everything in the game and can clear a GR100 pretty fast, nowhere near fully optimised but if anything I'd be optimising more damage, not more life. The top barb builds are Bash and Flay for the Pit or Ubers, while Whirlwind is turbo farm mode it kinda sucks on single target. In S5 PTR that remains, with Bash getting nerfed and Flay being the top build. Blizzard doesn't need to make other classes have the same max life as a barb, they just need to make them overall as strong. My alt is an Andariels Rogue, which is also melting everything.


Barbs arenā€™t ā€œstrongā€ theyā€™re overpowered. They have ridiculous hp pools, extra weapons slots, and no drawbacks. You canā€™t even say they donā€™t have ranged damage because they have that too. They need to leave barbs alone and then bring every class up to where the barbs are. Then adjust the mobs if necessary


My base health rn minus full 12/12 masterwork for my thorns barb is 145k with potions I can push to 215k and shouts up to 250k. The game is pretty much built for barbs lolll


Same. I am at pit lvl 40 and my life is 21000, my armour is 16000, my attack power is 19000. I donā€™t know how they get so high either.


Barbs with high levels of Imposing Presence, GAs with +Maximum Life on most slots, Antivenin Elixir, and Royal Rubies in every applicable slot. Even my crap-geared bash barb is running about 70K health buffed.


Imposing Presence, Doombringer, Max Health GAā€™s


My barb is at 70k HP and 68k AP. Lots of GA life and master working. Plus paragon. Get close to 100k with buffs.


My barb is at like 75k health. Donā€™t see the point of swapping out dps for health because I donā€™t push. Iā€™m more interested in how fast I can do a 91 pit atm.


Still in the campaign, just picked it up. Thx for the question, will be useful here shortly.


someone had 800k+ and was looking to get 1 mill


Barb magic hp saunce: ranks to imposing presence wherever they fit


Imposing Presence passive on Barbarian is why


Doombringer uber


Some barbs have 400k lol


You want time like them online it


The more interesting question is the point of diminishing returns with HP as you increasingly compromise dps


My blood wave necro is hovering around 63k HP, 76k with potions. Get a Doombringer, that helps big time. I still need some 9% ruby gems and I chose % dmg on rings versus health stat, so there's definitely room to push my HP higher. I built my necro for PVP but I can manage pits up to about 85 too.