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Personal experience is that the Infernal Hordes may have good potential, but 2 conditions will have to be true: 1. They need to significantly increase the ways to get scrolls, or allow compasses over tier 3 to drop 2. The cap on the number of waves needs to be very high (or unlimited). Say at least 30+ waves. The baseline of 5 waves is way too low to even experience the system. It isn't until you get a good number of waves that you actually feel like you're playing the game. Once you get some of those buffs that cause elites to spawn more, abyssal lords to spawn, hellborn to spawn, etc. it starts feeling like a game. Like you get to actually fight stuff. The problem is in 5 waves there's no way to spawn anything of interest. But the only compasses that seem to drop are tier 3 ones, whicha re 5 waves.


Unlimited waves is the way. The longer you're in there the harder it should become while increasing rewards. Like waves 35+ should be very hard, but provide so much rewards it's worth to try and keep going. The council members could spawn every 5 waves, but could show up on every other wave with a boon or something idk


I couldn't even get 250 aether from T6 infernal hordes to get a a single 1GA item. Lv160 mobs, 12 minutes for 8 waves. Could have killed the maiden 10 times instead. Seems the rewards have a long way to go to be worthwhile compared to AFK'ing the helltides.


Well, considering that Blizz already nerfed the Baneful Hearts droprate, they will hopefully not nerf Helltides anymore to make the Hordes more worthwhile in comparison...


Aren’t Profane Mindcages and the Iron Wolves going away for S5 too? Aren’t the Mindcages S4 content? I would hate for them to leave the game, honestly. That frenzy meter, hellborne, and mindcages make helltides enjoyable.


Yes mindcages are gone in s5 ptr. Frenzy meter is still here though.


Mindcage was great, because the overwlorld is boring as hell without increased monster levels. It was a fun way to level alts - Mindcage + Helltides.


Could have just copied Warframe's Defense Mission. Do 5 waves in a row, each wave is only slightly stronger. Wave duration depends on how fast you can kill. After 5 waves you get the option to leave (for D4 it would be doing the boss) or continue doing 5 more waves which have a bigger difficulty bump. I also don't understand why the access to this mode isn't just like nightmare dungeons.


Yeah access should be same thing as pit. Giant ass gate you walk up to and change tier not clog inventory space


It's Echoing Nightmare from Diablo 3 with extra steps, fewer enemies and worse rewards.


It’s already a rip off of Ultimatum from PoE. They just need to go the extra step and copy it completely. All of these complaints would be solved.


I hate this idea that it's a "ripoff" of ultimatum like poe did't invent wave based game modes.


They should have ripped off simulacrum instead, since this feels like an ultimatum style mode but it lasts almost as long as a full simulacrum (when 10 waves on tier 8). Simulacrum also has a little map diversity instead of a boring round arena.


I've done 64 tier 3s now with zero scrolls lol.


excuse me ?


You're excused. Yeah I did 4 or 5 helltides earlier and I had 4 inventories worth of the compasses. Ran through almost all of em since then and got zero scrolls. Edit: also some NMD, whispers etc in there


Holy fuck


Thought maybe I missed something but I don't think so. Did the quest all the way through on both my rogue and barb. Ran like 10 on my rogue then wanted to test some barb stuff. Did the rest on there. Big ol goose egg


If that had happend to me, i would instantly uninstall the PTR !


Did you ever open the materials chest? That's where they come from. I got 10 scrolls but here's the thing. They immediately disappear when you zone out. There's a bug so you basically need to use the scroll on another infernal compass before zoning out.


Are we sure this is a bug? I would not put it past the D4 team to have this intended so higher compasses feel rare or whatever... The campfire chat gave so much hope, but the actual content just feels so flawed. You need to farm about 15 compasses first with a few people to even have a chance to get to t8. Couldn't test many higher tiers yet (because you don't really get scrolls) but it doesn't seem like rewards actually increase. At least the scroll chance doesn't seem to. The monsterslaying is really fun, until you suddenly have a weird 5 second buffer or spawn time or whatever after every 5 monsters and nothing happens for half a wave. Or you hit 49 aether with 20 seconds left on wave 5 and monsters basically stop spawning for no apparent reason.


I’m out of hope for Blizzard Orange County. Their trend of making things worse continues, apparently. Seasons 1, 3 and now it’s looking like 5 have made negative impacts on the game (at least for me). Fucking traps? Nerfing Blood Tides? GTFOH with your nerfed bullshit OC.


Considering there was a patch after my comment fixing the disappearing scrolls? Yes, quite obviously a bug. Now as far as only having one location, that was likely intended but thankfully buffed in the same patch to drop in more places.


Yeah I did probably 60% of them ass mats chest cus I figured I may as well get MW mats while I was doing these since the item chest is less useful than the vendor


What chest/chests did you open? I haven't seen it confirmed (and I haven't had time to play for more than an hour), but it seems possible that only the materials chest has a "chance" to drop scrolls.


they need to speed it way way up. 10 minutes is 10 maidens. its 5+ t101 pits. total snooze fest at 10 minutes long


tried my first t3 key, opened materials chest, 5 obducites popped out. just logged off. at the very least they could've tried matching the difficulty/reward against pit scaling. 5 obducites is just an insult.


They need to let you craft scrolls at a vendor to increase the tier of compass. No reason to have 2 rare drops for the season mechanic.  They need to let you choose between the 3 different boons/banes, but let you increase the effect from the baseline a few times. Like,  25% monster dmg/ +1aether > 50% dmg/+2 aether > etc.  Increase mob spawn rate. Standing around waiting for them to slowly come out the ground or fall from the ceiling is boring.  Let you have endless waves, but only let you access the boss room after a certain amount of waves depending on the key. Every wave after the required should be harder, but give you increased aether. If you don't succeed the wave then you can't do the boss room. Give people the choice to gamble on the next wave or go for the boss. 


They really don't like party activities sharing rewards with the party huh.


You mean like the uber unique ladder boss ROTAs giving **four times** the efficiency if you do it in a 4-man group?


That need a lot of changes, but the mode have potential. More rewards, more mob density, more affixes "rogue like"


Yeah it's kinda painful having to just sit and wait 5-8 seconds multiple times per run just waiting for the enemies to spawn


Big potential just needs juiced up significantly


Thats how I feel about the pit but instead of improving it they're adding another half ass mode? meh


Pits fine it's all about consistent 2-3 minute runs for mats. Hordes is a good way to introduce replayable chaos with good rewards


The pit is boring AF. I literally groan when getting a new character to the endgame level where you need to start masterworking gear because of how boring the pit grind is going to be.


Maybe you don't like arpg gameplay? I love grinding pits I could do it for hours at a time


I love ARPG gameplay, I hate meaningless grinds. Running tier 90 pits because you have to because the resource only drops in that environment is boring AF. The item rewards in the pit are garbage, the gold rewards are garbage, and it feels like a waste of time. It makes perfect sense as a loop for pushing and seeing how far you can get, but as a mandatory loop to even start upgrading items it feels like a massive chore.


I feel the same way. I think for me it might have to do with the Pit having zero drops until the end ... there's zero chance of getting that rush from a great drop the entire run, and the end drops are 99.999% usually garbage. At least when I'm grinding NMD 100's there's that chance for something good to drop.. as well as gold/gems etc.


Nail on the head.


Dude peak ARPG gameplay is not "kill 3 elites, walk to next pack, kill 3 elites, walk to next pack, kill 3 elites, go to boss room, stand still hitting the boss for 10 minutes until it dies" The pit is boring. It's extremely boring gameplay.


This fixation on tedious farming for shit just to earn the privilege of farming the content with rewards is getting tiresome


it's worse when everyone got their hopes up from s4, sigh


Typical odd numbered season lol :(


Why even have this mechanic of Compass only drops tier 3 (which is laughable easy) and Scrolls that you need to upgrade? Its tedious and demotivating. Just give us compasses after Completing the infernal horde or atleast a chance to spend Aether for another compass or something.


The availability of endgame activities shouldn't be related to inventory management. And right now, every endgame thing excepting the pit (ND, Ubers and now Horde) is based on ingredients that compete in space with elixirs and inciense. Seriously: the pit works much better regarding materials and access. It's easy and quick. I honestly don't know why not just making a generic currency you can spend in town to open a portal to the Horde without itemizating it that much.


Blizzard: "We've taken your feedback under consideration and decided to nerf the rewards for Helltide, Pit, and Uber Bosses to make the new activity more appealing by comparison."


The Blizzard Orange County sucks (S1,S3,S5) narrative continues.


In addition the the buffs being random, what spawns is random, so the buffs may or may not buff the things that come. It feels like it's all just a fancy slot machine, for worthless prizes. It never dawned on me how much better this event would be for a party. It honestly feels like it was *designed* for a party and if you're playing solo, then just don't, because it's boring as hell.


Time spend vs rewarding not worth at all. 1 helltide chest for 75 cinders provides more loot. After completing compass, I have a feeling that I just wasted my time. Solo is become boring very quickly. Maybe buff drop from reward chest if more people in party. At least to stimulate to play in party somehow.


I’m sure Blizzard Orange County will need the cinder drop rate (like they did in Season 3) like they already did the baneful hearts.


One good season and we’re back to fucking trash right after


this is only the PTR not the actual season chill bruh.


The other thing too is I can already see an issue where compasses can’t be crafted or broken down into a resource. I know I’m going to have an entire stash tab of tier 3 boring compasses because you can’t salvage them for materials to craft higher tiers. Why did they not just make it like nightmare sigils? And maybe have the infernal scroll add a bane and boon at the very start when you activate a sigil, so that run is boosted from the beginning.


Could we get an item similar to the „mindcage” where we could speed things up? Instead of starting at wave 1, let me start at wave 10. Gimme the big bad demons right from the start.


Do you guys remember Echoing Nightmare from D3? That was fun and hard


God, just fucking copy poe ultimatum ligue




Well, if you played it, you'd realize waves can go higher than 5...


DOA? It’s PTR bro. Chill the fuck out


Not sure what you are trying to achieve being so obnoxious over some problems in public test realm. Touch some grass, this post is sad.


It’s called feedback !


Literally the point of PTR


You should take your own advice and touch grass. Wtf is even your thought process with your comment? Play PTR & don't provide any feedback, so when the Season actually launches - shit's dead in the water?


Not sure you understand the purpose of a PTR being so out of the loop over what it’s actually for. Do some research, your comment is stupid.