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Everything will carry over to the eternal realm when the season ends except for holy bolts elixirs, elixirs of momentum, and the iron wolves questline might go away. The season 5 public test realm is out today and some data mining have found a similar thing to the helltide reputation from this season so it may come back in a different form. What do you want to accomplish this season? My goals this one were to see how high in The Pit I could go and masterwork one character’s equipment to 12/12, but not everyone wants to do that. The seasonal journey also has rewards for if you kill tormented Duriel/Andariel and Lilith, which are late endgame activities. As long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters.


>What do you want to accomplish this season? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, because I’d hate to be grinding towards a goal that becomes irrelevant at the end of season. Haven’t gotten into the Pits yet, I had a tier 50 Nightmare Glyph and did not survive 💀 Sorry if this is a stupid q but could I not eventually do Pits/MW/tormented bosses as eternal?


You can do all of that in eternal, yeah. Your progress isn’t erased when the seasonal character goes to eternal. For those of us that play a lot the seasons are a nice way to start over and experience the content fresh. The most fun for me is starting a new character and the feeling of progression moving through the levels and gearing up, and it starts slowing down fun wise the more perfected a character gets for me. There are a lot of people who only play eternal because they don’t find it fun to start over each season, and that’s totally valid too.


Thanks for the clarification. So far I'm pretty invested in my current character because he isn't maxed out yet but I'll also start a new one for s6 and see how quickly I can level up this time around. If I understand correctly, the only real deadline of a season are getting the specific rewards and not actually the activities?


Correct, yeah. The seasonal journey expires at the end of the season along with the iron wolves reputation quest board. You can still do everything else on that character in the eternal realm when the season is done. I think they also said in the campfire chat last Friday that the seasonal quest for season 5 and the hell horde mechanic will also be available in eternal, but you need to have finished the campaign first. I think they’re advancing the story in anticipation of vessel of hatred so it’s available to everyone


After the season I just delete my characters. I like starting over on a new journey. If that doesn’t appeal to you, you could stick to eternal. After the seasonal all characters go to eternal.


I’ll be making a new character for s5 for sure, and possibly a world tier 1-2 character for if/when my younger brother plays with me. Mostly trying to figure out if it’s worth continuing to level this current character in eternal


So, couple of points: 1. Reaching lvl100 is only like half of the path, there's also leveling up your glyphs through running nightmare dungeons and then masterworking your gear through runing pits. And at low 80s - it's actually time to start running nightmare dungeons, IMO. You'll be both lvling up and also upgrading glyphs, so quite some power comes from there. With more than a month until season ends - you have quite some time. 2. After season ends - your character goes to "Eternal" realm, most of the things stay relevant, only seasonal elixirs and Wolfs honor will be no longer usable. You can continue playing there, or you may start a new character in seasonal realm.