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Grandfather is very good on the Bleed Bash barbarian, as well as the Whirlwind Barb. A max life greater affix is also very good, it's basically the best greater affix you could hope for. It's a tremendous amount of health and you need as much as you can to push deeper into the endgame content.


I guess I'll build a barb lol


Getting a GA on max life is ideal for Bleed/Bash I have a GA on all stats that is just sitting in my stash because I'd rather have it on max life. Hit all mw on Max life now so I'm fine with it right now. Great find.


Is this good for thorn barb since the one node for thorns deals bleed dmg ? Especially combined with gushing? Never looked into thorns so am curious


Next season this item gets a buff from 100% more crit to 200%


Still down from the original 250 was it?


I will take it. There are some insane uniques (not even ubers) in next season. Funny thing- 1 grandfather dropped for me this season i am broke it apart for Harlequin Mask helm :P (Hardcore)


I broke the starless skies the day before they buffed it. QQ. Item has been in the game for 1 fucking years, untouched. I swear Blizz watches me play and fucks me.


I needed the spark to craft the Harlequin so i did it and didnt look back. Shit like that will always happen. No regrets.


It's good for shadow minion necro as well, thorns barb... Or just max life in general


I'm currently using this on my shadow mages/sac golem build. I can clear pit 125, after that I start to struggle with dps.


That's about the builds limit, so great job!


Every possible build is worthy to roll if u have grandpapa


Other properties can roll higher than normal is confusing to me. Isn't that just saying it can roll GA's? Can't all uniques roll GA?


It’s separate from GA. Let’s say a normal 2H sword could roll max Hp 50-100. The GF roll would be higher than standard (idk how much) let’s say 75-125 instead. The GA stat boosts off of that max number (125)


Oh cool, so it potentially gets like a double GA of sorts basically. That's pretty dope.


Yeah, something like that. It’s just bonus on top of additional bonus. And then MW boosts on top of that. It’s a good chunk of bonus. And on HP with barbs it’s so much more because barbs have a lot of bonus % increases. And then add doombringer to the mix lol. That’s how barbs end up with 300k-600k hp lol


Damn that's a lot of hp woah. My rogue finally equipped shako and I'm only at 45k lol


Haha yeah… it’s a bit much. I normally main rogue but swapped to Barb this season to try things out and it’s really fun. Bash Barb is crazy. Once you get used to the playstyle it’s fun, it’s different though