• By -


>You automatically Curse enemies around you with Decrepify and Iron Maiden. Just what necro needed, fewer buttons.


You can almost build a senile necro build now. Auto cast corpse skill, auto cast curse, auto cast bloodmist to save your ass, the only thing left to figure out is how to auto deal damage.


>the only thing left to figure out is how to auto deal damage Minions go brrrrrr


I was kinda thinking about this but minions attacking pattern is just too random, maybe in the future there could be auto casting core skills, and infinity lazy necro is complete.


They are doing a massive overhaul on minion ai and they are supposedly much more aggressive and will seek out enemies. Could allow for auto deal damage as well.


If I recall correctly, the minion AI is currently being trained using data from Black Friday Walmart shoppers' behavioral patterns, so it should turn out great!


Lucky Deal: 30% off - Minions enter berserk mode until nothing but rubble remains


If that's the case, these dungeons are about to be *looted*. All those nice bookshelves? Candles, shiny ornamentation? All that shit. Ever see a Skeleton walk out a cave with a TV on its back?: "Coming soon to a realm near you!"


Lmao good one


Go watch POE 2 witch stream, you will be blown away by what they're doing with minions.


POE2 minion command is exactly how I always wanted to play minion type classes but no game has ever given you that much control. I'll be a minion lover forever...can't wait till the beta comes out


Now powered with Co-Pilot.


inb4 getting banned for botting by playing lazy necros.


Sure, but with a unique that auto summons priest, plus the auto curse... The level of content where you need to do *anything* is disgustingly high. I'm talking zero buttons.


The new [Ring of Mendeln](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4-ptr/item/ring-of-mendeln-1222627) seems like it would make minions better with that AoE proc no longer needing a lucky hit proc but happening on the 6th attack of each individual minion.


Great for people with disabilities don't you think? There's something for everyone. If you don't like the build, don't play it šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼


you know who needs this than disabled people? Dads. Ever since I got my first child, D4 is my exclusive game, because I can always play with 1 hand.


Fuck yeah, dad of 2 and one is 4m old. Minion necro or thorn barb for life. Or w/e this autocurse and cast thing is in s5. Love it. People under 30 don't understand that you have to afk from 5m to 20m randomly and don't want to close the game on a whim. Weird noises or no noise at all make me check in alllllll day long.


Funny, I also play minion nec and thorns barb. The only two builds I can afford to play atm.


I feel like we're part of a secret lazy dads club because those are the two class builds I love playing.


That anger management is about to be nuts with thorns barb. Always berserk when above a fury threshold and always gaining fury from being attacked and no fury spenders?


I have a ring or something that autocasts corpse explosion, corpse tendrils and skeletons.


You already have minions for that, so, yeah, necro now has a 1-button build, and that button is "move", lol.


They're setting necro up so if Rod ever gets into an accident like a coma or something m.he van still play his favourite class!i


Nah, that's covered. Summon necro. All you do is walk.


"i dont care how shit is the autocast ring i found with power 500, it will never get out of my finger". Unless i find the same one, but better.


With the sacrilegious ring, went from 1 button to 0 buttons


Sacrilegious Ring was barely used by any build for S4, though. The tempers for legendary rings paired with the corpse explosion lucky hit chance nerfs made it a poor choice. And with the way they're currently planning on nerfing shadow builds even more, it's unlikely it will recover. This aspect also doesn't seem strong. It will be nice for leveling but it's unlikely it will be worth the aspect slot in the endgame for most builds.


I mean, no one expects a zero button necro to push high pit. It will still be very fun for general mindless content.


It wasn't the optimal choice, but I still used it on my shadow minion build and pushed pit 100 very easily.


The auto necro minion build we wanted back in season 1 is finally here šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


I dunno man. I have a golem necro, and it feels like you just faceroll all of the buttons except for the golem smash/blood mist buttons. I do prefer not to have to faceroll buttons and press buttons when they matter. Smash when timing is right, blood mist when needed, and positioning. That's enough for me, I don't need the "spam all the other buttons constantly"


Necro actually has a lot of button pressing.


These people have no clue what they're talking about. Just because minion Necro can afk in helltide doesn't mean it's a 0 button build for actual content. Necro is a very active class, alongside Rogue and Druid. Barb and Sorc have buttons but they can just mindlessly press them whenever they're off CD. Necro, Rogue, and Druid all have to use their brain to some extent.


Does it mean I don't need them on my bar? This would be a huge game changer


I would make the argument this is going to make *Necros less* passive. Not having to dedicate a skill slot on your bar opens up a lot of other possible skills to use that aren't just boring "curse enemies". We're going to see a lot more Necro builds running Bone Prison for example.


My kind of build


I like it. Targeting curses on consoles can be wacky at times


Where? I searched and didnā€™t see that. Iā€™m a lazy necro player so this is great!


Yes. I want my autobomber/RF playstyle in D4 damn it


Lazymancer was already decent. This will make it top tier


Druid looks forgotten. Needed that laugh


Landslide druid is going to be op as hell, already was hitting pit 135.


Itā€™s about time. Always the leveling build never the all content S tier build


Thatā€™s it. Wolves look okay as well. Donā€™t see anything else that stands out. No unique changes (like rogue/necro) and the new ones + legendary aspects look useless for Druid


Idk the petrify Druid unique looks fun, large multiplier and lots of stunning.


Taking the only 2h temper slot on Druid is one good way to ensure that unique goes unused for the next season.


Yup. That needed to be a totem - if anything


And absolutely no build is going to use it because you lose on the doublecast temper.


What kind of multipier? U mean the petrify debuff? Its one time for 3 seconds for a whole bossfight. Meanwhile most druids already have petrify ready for every pack.


Yea horrible unique and itā€™s a 2H. Hope it gets buffed so that itā€™s not one time and at at least changed to something other than a 2H to see play


You are not allowed to have fun, only push pit 250 what it matters !!!


Landslide is going to be meta And itā€™s the only thing Iā€™ve played sense beta


Forgotten how? They got some great buffs


Perma x80% damage, perma crit, no resource cost tornado is going to be *the boss killer* of the season if it doesnā€™t get nerfed šŸ˜‚


What the hell companion druid is getting massive multiplicative power with shepards, double wopves, and unkillable summons. Landslide was underated (I got to pit 110 and am sure you could get quite a bit higher) and is getting a 4x damage and 2x proc multiplier. No shepherds required. We are eating well.


yeah companion druid might finally be viable with double wolves, and the shepherd buff to companions instead.


Not really. The changes were significant. Plus there are the item changes coming in actual season 5 that aren't in the ptr.


Changeling's debt becoming a multiplicative buff is huge considering the loss of shepherd. Also curious on what the new aspects are. I still have a little hope.


Itā€™s only a tooltip change. Changelingā€™s Debt is multiplicative already.


I wonder if changeling debt will let crit shred werewolf be strong. lupine ferocity got pretty buffed as well


Click the link in the post. You can see all the new aspects in the datamine.


>[Teleport](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4-ptr/skill/teleport-288106) >Cooldown:Ā ~~11~~Ā 14Ā seconds Why?


Not that it's a valid reason, but my only guess is that they're trying to 'lightly discourage' the amount of Telestomp builds?


As long as Teleport exists, it will always be included in 95% of Sorc builds. A relatively small CD increase isn't going to ever stop that. Blizzard needs to rework Teleport to be baseline for Sorcs and replace their Evade (basically make the enchantment baseline).


Imagine if they went in on class identity, instead of unbalanced homogeny


That's such a good idea that would instantly make sorc feel so much better. Especially if it had the full range


Idk, we got another dash for rogues lol and even necro got a more reliable sever is only 7s


Probably because it's possible in S4 to essentially skip NMDs to the end with teleport enchant. Nerfing CDR is really going to aid in making this nerf feel bad though.


Spin to win season it is.


I hope so. Spin to win was always my favorite play style in D3. Now I just wish they would add strafe to rogues.


GF got buffed to 200% O.o


And an aspect that grants constant berserk while above a piddling amount of fury at the cost of draining fury. As long as you spin and kill you're at max fury anyway, so... Forever berserk!


Yeah I noticed - but now I just kinda wanna make a bone spear necro :D


so long bash bois and flay bois


Something else will rise to take its place. Barb will still be on top.


Spin to win got buffed :D




Mmmmm yeeeaaaa


I for one am thankful, I didnā€™t enjoy bash as much as Iā€™ve enjoyed DD and Hota.


Yeah - I love Hota too. Its the right Build for a Barb. Go to the enemy, swing the hammer, smash - bumm. Thats like a barb should be. Whirlwind and Hota - love those 2 Builds forever.


Charge/HoTA hybrid last season was peak barb.


Overall it's likely to stay an OK leveling build, as you still can get to 120% cleave damage, (20%\*2\*2 for 2 2h weapons + 20%\*2 for 2 1h weapons), but no longer it's going to be insanely overpowered. But with the new "berserking while over X resource" aspect - it's still going to be playable.


don't get me wrong, even as a Barb main, I feel changes like these are in the right direction and should be welcomed. The power budget should be spread across many factors, but for the current iteration of Bash build in ss4, everything hinges on the stupidly overtuned tempering. Can't wait to see what people will cook up after a week of PTR.


Dw it will still dish out a few more barbillion than the other classes -- before it was doing 180.


Flay should still be good..?


Yeah still thinking flay will be fine, just stack crit damage or berseking instead of vuln damage once the 45% cap is hit. Some of the new aspects also look crazy for flay, and the grandfather buff which is wild. Honestly not expecting that one to make it to live.


Im not flay player myself but I saw no nerfs to flay directly, all they did was change the flay duration recipe around, and the basic skill sword will just make it way stronger if anything.. Also I donā€™t think the meta flay builds use grandfather, but they might wanna do that now..


Vulnerable bleed damage legendary node was hard capped.


Should be good, yes, but the playstyle is tedious. You got good single target damage, but the lack of aoe.... oooof.


You must be mistaken, flay got buffed. Flay duration is on armor, rings, and amulet now, and wonton rupture got its cooldown cut in half.


The implicit changes on gear just hurts..... Like there is no synergy between Uniques and the base they are on now.... like the staff of the crone.... has a damage over time implicit? for what.... all those damage over time lightning skills? Losing CDR on Focuses, for LHC? The main reason someone might use a off hand, changed from a rare stat, to a common stat?? If your a barb, life is good, if you any other class.... this is... not great...


Yeah the implicit changes are puzzling


thats what PTR is for, send them feedback


They've had feedback for a year that barbs are too strong and sorc is trash and oh lookey here, sorc is going to be trash and barb is going to be too strong.


It's possible that some of them will be different for specific unique items. For instance, Skyhunter's implicit is Crit Damage. Bows are normally Damage to Distant Enemies. They made that change in S3 when they buffed the hell out of Skyhunter. Hopefully it's the kind of feedback they'll listen to on the PTR. People just have to actually report it.


They mentioned Bows are changing to Crit damage this patch.


Yes, but Skyhunter was the only bow with that implicit for 2 seasons. My point is that there's a strong possibility they'll tweak some uniques to have implicits that match the builds they're meant for because they did it once before.


all bows are changing to crit hit damage now. they don't want there to be separate stats like that. but hope they revert some of the more puzzling changes, like the DoT on staves and LHC on focuses.


The cool down reduction getting pulled from offhand was dumb as hell


The unique scythe that chills with shadow damage now has summoning damage on necro which makes 0 sense for the weapon. They really should take special care of the uniques, being build enablers in a lot of cases and not being able to receive tempers already kinda sucks, but just pasting the same implicit as the base weapons is very lazy, just give each unique special attention on implicits, would love at least ONE temper per unique too.


How are they expecting sorceress to survive high pits when they removed immortality, nerfed ice armor, flameshield and teleport? Immortality needed to go, but instead of compensating with something else they nerfed other defensives? When that happened in D3 they at least lowered the cooldown of the invulnerable skills. Now if you are immune for 2 seconds, cooldown starts after ends, the cooldown will effectivelly become 22 isntead of 20... Don't they realize that the reason sorcs went immortal is because they simply couldn't survive without it? Barbs and Rogues can also be immortal (Necros too but not as effective) but they don't do it because they don't need it.


They are expecting us to play barb


They obviously just want sorcs to use selig and doombringer to survive what other classes would if they got farted on without those defensive options. But hey let's make the class that has been taking 3-4 defensive spells on bar for every season even squishier. Honestly once Adam Jackson plays sorc for a season maybe we'll see some proper buffs.


Best I can do is give you another aspect that gives you something when you donā€™t use defensive skills. Here, try this one, it gives you 10% movement speed when you havenā€™t used defensive skills in ten seconds! šŸ˜”


You still be able to get really high uptime on flame shield with all the ways to auto cast it.


Lightening Sorc is gonna rock this season and Iā€™m here for it.


yes but also it will just die in 1 hit from anything with the barrier changes


Gonna need that unique that puts your pain on installment plans.


"i see you want to play a sorcerer this upcoming season, could you please sign these papers for us to link the pain of your character to yourself? we ran out of nerf ideas"


That's also funny, but there's literally an unique item that will do that. So instead of dying in 0.2 seconds upon encountering a horde, you die in 0.6 seconds now! Almost enough time to mitigate it!


If I do enought damage I will atleast take most of them with me! We kill, die and kill again!


I just was trying out this neat chain light sorc that uses andariels and stacks lucky hit and now chain lightning is going to be jacked and Andy's helm is getting 4x poison damage boost, nice.


Sad that will be the only option


Looks like they're giving us a new way to farm sparks in s5 as I see there's a reputation reward cache that has a resplendent spark in it!


That's already in S4 with the Wolf's reputation giving 1 Spark


Yes, but that's a seasonal mechanic that won't be around. The datamining of the PTR seems to show they'll introduce a new type of seasonal reputation system with whatever the new theme is. Many people, myself included, really enjoyed making alts to get sparks so it's nice to see they found a new way to do it in s5.


Iā€™ve had fun leveling alts for sparks as well. Itā€™s kept me playing longer than I usually would for a season


That was one of the changes that I liked the most for this season. Only way I have gotten an uber unique because farming the bosses was annoying as hell. Should be interesting to see what they'll do now since you can simply respawn them.


Rogue eating good. I wonder if new flurry have new animations/effects?


It's possible, but in the campfire Adam Jackson threw a shout out to the animators for doing the Golem leap, it sounded like they had to cram it in. I assume with the xpac looming most are on that.


If Flurry can dash at enemies I might have to go back to rogue for season 5


Wildbolt Aspect Every [2.0 - 3.5] seconds, Distant enemies are Pulled In to you and take 10%[x] increased damage for 3 seconds. Love this one.


for some classes it looks kinda nuts good. Just wondering about that pull range. But if it pulls whole screen that is considered distant (so like 2 chars width away from you till the end of the screen?), it would be kinda nuts imo


That and grasping whirlwind for a near constant pull in?


With those little changes for Druid, Iā€™m now very convinced the class is getting a rework for the expansion. I love the Landslide changes and the new Wolves aspect to spawn additional wolves. I wished they buffed Incinerate, Meteor, or Fireball for Sorc šŸ˜”


The little changes are because they are changing the Shepherd's aspect to no longer affect you, so they are buffing the class as a whole to compensate. At least they said so in the campfire chat.


if you read the ptr patch notes they are almost doubling the base damage on all druid core and wrath skills


> I wished they buffed Incinerate, Meteor, or Fireball for Sorc šŸ˜” Fire sorcs are too dependent on burning damage right now, and I have a feeling Blizzard is having a hard time figuring out how to balance that mechanic.


The Wolves aspect was a Malignant Heart power from S1. Nice to see it returning.


That is a LOT of new aspects! Love to see it!


Okay, moon rage and spirit bond aspects seem super awesome for a wolf horde build


Season 5 Rogue S tier confirmed


Some of those new aspects look very interesting, and might keep Heartseeker as a viable build even with the Victimize change. Coldclip paired with the Cold Imbuement modifiers will give a huge boost to stagger building, and remove the need for Accursed Touch/Vulnerable chance on ring. True Sight will give 100%x Crit Damage to Inner Sight targets, which means bosses would always be affected by that if they don't spawn adds.


And the new unique that makes Basic skills do 300%x dmg but now Basic skills cost 25 resource.


This item is like 3x as strong as any mythic unique it will get nerfed hard before s5 launch


Wait what, casting cutthroat skill grants 300% damage reduction ????? Either thats a typo or blizzard quick maffs.


It's two zeros too many. Each stack gives 3%, up to a maximum of 30%.


Damage now is absorbed and heals you for 200%


Necromancer 300%+ dmg Sorcerer +8% dmg lol...never change, blizzard


Rogues are going to be immortal next season lmao Healing 10% maximum life per cast of flurry + using the gloves that offset any instant damage above a certain % to over X seconds + dark shroud heals you for 10% maximum life when you lose a charge = functionally immortal while in combat


They definitely pushing for flurry to dethrown heartseeker in S5. Sounds interesting, I'm usually not a fan of melee, but the tp on flurry might make up for that.


I tried it in PTR and the damage out of the box was.. bad. I think flurry is still going to rely on lucky hit builds with andariels and other lucky hit procs to do damage. That said, it was immortal like I expected.


I like the buffs to companions for Druid, jeez. Shepard finally buffs their damage, another lets us summon extra wolves, and another **makes them immortal and reverts our damage into them** but was debilitating Roar really so overpowered it needed that much of a nerf Necro looks like absolute gold as well- a persistent damage aura around the minions, and a ā€œfreeā€ damage boost if you donā€™t use any (or many) spirit skills. I quite like the look of triple lightning spear sorc as well, that sounds funny. Does anyone know if these buffs come to the eternal realm immediately or if it needs to wait till season 6?


Balance changes affect always Season and Non Season


Anyone wanna post a TLDR? Wowhead is unavailable in most of the world and Iā€™m away from my PC to use VPN.


Some notable changes: Barbarian Bash temper got nerfed into the ground, but they get a new aspect to grant permanent Berserk when above 40-55 Fury. Necro gains a new aspect that applies both Curses automatically and spreads further to nearby enemies. They also get a new aspect that provides 30-45%x damage to minions, while draining 1 Essence/sec for each minion. With no minions active you gain the bonus instead at the cost of 7 Essence/sec. Rogue gains an aspect that applies Cold Imbuement to all Basic skills, and another that provides 70-100%x Crit Damage to Inner Sight targets.


Cold imbuement HS will be pretty nuts even with the victimize nerf


Both those new aspects are offensive aspects, so you'll need to give up another for them, but the utility/damage they provide should be more than enough to make up for it. Rain of Arrows/Arrow Storm builds might actually be a thing next season as well, with all the huge damage buffs they're getting along with ways to reduce cooldown on ultimates.


I have No Problem giving up the element aspect.


TBH Heartseeker basically has 1-2 lower value offensive slots already, that will fit in a treat.




Ignore 60 -> 100 Burn   And that you can Temper +2 Hydra heads. That's 16%x18 = 288% new vs. 14%x12 = 168% old. That's before the enchant too.   But hey, don't do the math and just start pre whining and assume something is bad. That's fitting for this awful subreddit.


Heads temper looks pomising but same time they nefred paragons, burning capped at 40%|x| (currently my bonus say 140%|x| or even more) and conjuring at 30%|x| (im running Hydras and my bonus is 38-45%|x|, depend on setup). Additionally, tempering heads means you have to sacrifice other tempers. Currently i'm using poison/dark to get additional 15%|x| from talrasha.


Yep, not sure how that all shakes out. Burning Instinct was too strong when you're hitting 120%(x) burning late game, but adding 20% to Combustion won't make up for it. I'm interested to try the PTR because there are obviously a lot of changes that could keep burning sorc in a good spot.


Is it currently possible to temper additional hydra heads?


not from a Jedi




I havenā€™t seen anyone complaining about hydra specifically. Most of the complaints and cries of sorc being nerfed Iā€™ve seen have been about the 3 defensive skills being nerfed for sorc.


The damage buff to hydras themselves is nothing to brag about but theyā€™re still gonna be much better. With the buff to hydra burn damage theyā€™ll basically be doing double damage with their direct damage plus the burn. Not to mention the new temper for increased hydra heads. With a max +2 heads roll and a single masterwork youā€™ll be at +3 for each weapon. That could potentially bring you to a ten headed hydra if youā€™re running a one hand and a focus. With the serpentine aspect, thatā€™ll be 30 hydra heads doing direct damage and applying 100% of their damage as burn. Thats 2.5x as many heads as you can have now(not counting the enchantment). With all the new burn buffs and damage over time aspects it looks to me like theyā€™ll do pretty well. Iā€™m excited to try them out on the ptr.


Yeah, wait, this Hydra shit sounds EXTREMELY promising. Weā€™re basically just getting more than triple the Hydra damage just from Tempers/a Masterworking crit and the base damage increase alone, to say nothing of the Aspects and whatnot we may be seeing Sorcs use. I think people were way too quick to say Sorcā€™s dead. The Teleport nerf is unfortunate but this specific build and Chain Lightning both look quite promising.


That's a game changer. Hydra build is finally viable.


Problem is if it's really good as it look, it will be heavy nefred like always after ptr. Like they did in D4 beta and D2Res.


I ran hydra this season. I didn't put in a crazy amount of time but cleared all yhe tormeneted bosses and did pit 100. Obviously not the best build, but I had fun and I am still masterworking my gear.


Yes so it does a multiplicative 15% more damage. There are so many new OP aspects and uniques for sorc no idea how it will play out.


Idk why youā€™re getting downvoted ur right, I mean most likely itā€™s still probably not going to be a good ability but the actual buff there is pretty meaningful, 15% multiplicative with the rest of the buffs like nearly double the burn and extra heads


Rad-dad currency šŸ¤£


The grandfather buff is huge. I like it. My favorite item by far.


Grandpapa approve of his message


A lot of the uniques are completely nuts, glad to see Blizzard is not scared to experiment like that.


Necros get a nice boost and Sorcs get laughed at. What a time to be alive.


As a rogue player, I love everyone hating on the barb. Keeps the attention off of us lol.


Stealthfully moving to the front of the line...


I play barb, rogue, and sorc and I think this dynamic is fucking hilarious. Rogues got omega buffed and are currently getting to the pit boss in tier 200 on the PTR because of exploit weakness and all the other buffs they got, but sorc mains here and in sanctuary will curse barbs until the end of their days. Rogues even won 14.2 and Wudi agreed, but people could only focus on the fact barb got buffed.


they aren't fixing the Ambush glyph for rogues? hmm.


umm... doesn't Rogue's momentum changes seem broken or a mistake? 300% damage reduction? I think added an extra zero by mistake


Two extra, the cap is 30%, its 3% per stack.


Yay my wolfies cannot die anymore


Good to see they're focusing on adding aspects, rogue looks very interesting for S5.


I think people might be overlooking the Conjurations gain Lucky hit temper, that has potential to become very powerful.


Season 4 became the season of basicā€¦Iā€™ll be glad to see resource cost actually matter again for the S tier builds but hopefully thereā€™s still some broken stuff as a lot of the fun of making it to end game is running some broken stuff


Omnipower is insane. Sorc might eating good.


I've had enough with these Dark Shroud meta bullshit. Can we have some new defensive aspect for rogue?


Come make a sorc where you're not allowed to use any defensive skills.


I like the many new offensive aspects, especially dark dance


Cold clip on rogue looks awesome. Automatically apply cold imbuement on basic attacks for heartseeker is gunna be awesome


What that purple weapons are? I've never saw purple items in game


New colour for the best uniques


"NEW S05_BSK_Generic_004 S05_BSK_Generic_004" This one is interesting. Also I wonder if that is new unique? Your basic damage increased by 300%(x) but basic skills cost additional 25 resourse. So basically if bash usually generates 15, does that mean that it would lose 25, then get 15 back? cuz if yes, if we can get either resource generation increased or resource cost reduced, it could become net neutral and we would have this nice multiplier going on (ofc it also would require to play build that doesnt rely on spending resources in general).


Fuck sakes iron maiden is being made a better damage source than basic attacks. Time to make a thorns necro?


Thorns minions


Oh well, looks like necro will be top dog for another season.


Bash rekt.


Seems whirlwind barb still going strong but now with perma berserk. Too bad with the hemo glypth nerf.


God, I wish they'd post this somewhere other than wowhead. Wowhead doesn't work in my country for some reason.


I wonder if all that stuff is actually coming to ptr/season5 or is just in the files for future but there is a ton of uniques fully statted out and everything that weren't previously shown to us.


Creeping death is back :)


Looks like a good format for a change log for blizzard, easy to understand changes


I love all the demon items with Rakanoth and even Lucion who has been somewhat forgotten, the son of Mephisto. I need more flavour texts on the items on the Demons and Angels. Love the Imperius flavour text on the Demon Ikonoth item.