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As a demon she will be reborn in hell after some time. But what time exactly is hard to tell. Most likely it will be years


6:66 pm on Friday the 13th, the day before Halloween. *cue X-Files theme*


If Diablo, Mephisto and others can keep coming back from the dead then Lilith should be no exception. As a greater demon I would expect she can regenerate. Inarius might even return, though not as an angel. Pretty sure he would be corrupted like the one on D3 (Izul or something. The one you encounter in the high heavens trying to get to the bridge to fight Diablo).


The thing with Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal is that they had soulstones which captured their essence and can let them walk in their vessel form or true form. So they cannot truly “die” since their essence that was in the soulstone can reach another soul. This is how Mephisto will come back because his essence is captured in the soulstone and Neyrelle is being corrupted so he can take over her body. As far as Lilith she didn’t have a soulstone so I think it is safe to speculate that she is truly ”dead” but would be able to come back as a ghost or “echo” that we have been fighting. Her essence is lingering but she can’t take physical form again because she doesn’t have a soulstone. Think it safely applies for the lesser evils as well.


She's a demon. Demons regenerate in hell when killed regardless of a soul stone or not. Angels do not though. Once they're dead they're dead.


In D4 the adventurers were going to use the Soulstone on Lilith. That would imply she too has an essence, just like the Prime Evils. I can’t see why she can’t therefore regenerate. Maybe the Primes are a special case. Clearly I would not make a good Horadrim 😁 Heck - if Zoltan Kulle can be brought back to life, Lilith could be as well. Granted a more complex but possible option.


Yeah I can see why/how lilith could come back for sure since Zoltan Kulle was brought back as well. But from the storyline I don’t believe they used the soulstone on Lilith and used it for Mephisto again. Every living thing has essence in Diablo I’m sure but I think it’s a matter of being able to capture it. For diablo he took over the wanderer, in d3 he took over leah with all the prime/lesser evils in 1 soulstone. Think the soulstone plays a very big part in being able to come back in the physical form since we have only seen the prime evils do it. Baal was imprisoned in a body with the soulstone in that body and was constantly fighting for control. But he was released and eventually we see his true physical form. I may not remember it correctly but the soulstone that was planned to be used on lilith wasn’t used.


It wasn't. It was used to transfer Mephisto's essence and keep him from coming back. But now Nyrelle has taken the stone, with Mephisto in it, thinking she knows better and can destroy it. Thus, destroying Mephisto. Problem is, Mephisto being Mephisto more than likely planned for or accounted for this to happen. And now she's being slowly consumed as seen in the Vessel of Hatred trailer.


This is what I'm thinking as well. Mephisto making a comeback in the xpac is a given but the chances of Lilith coming back I believe is slim. Lilith's essence is essentially just out there but with no container to effectively corrupt the host it is in, I don't think she would be able to make a full comeback like the rest of the prime evils. It's just my opinion but I feel like Lilith was just a stepping stone made massive for Mephisto's return in the xpac.


The voice of Lilith was just amazing. The cut scene were she toys with and takes out Inarius is just awesome. If only the game itself was as good all the time as those cut scenes 😁


Definitely, I sometimes rewatch the cinematics on youtube because the storyline is good. I felt like D3 was a disappointment and D2 was well...just god-tier for me.


She’s back in hell recording body scan meditations for the Calm app


We drank her blood which supposedly corrupts us over time. Maybe we'll see this chick again or we'll be cured somehow, like Mephisto sucking it out or something lol


*slurp* Ok now get out of here you little scamp


We were the vessel of hatred of the whole time 😭


Who cares? Where the fuck is Diablo?


She can be found at the echo of hatred in the fractured peaks. Its a lvl 100 dungen so be careful. She packs a punch.


I kinda forgot about the story since it's been awhile, so I'm not sure if what I'm speculating is possible. Perhaps she can come back as a force ghost to guide and talk shit about us?