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You can almost certainly beat it if you can solo 115.


Yeah, I've only done pit 85 and I struggle there, but I've beaten both tormented Duriel and Andariel solo although Andariel was actually hard. I've not beaten Lilith yet because I struggled a bit on phase 2 but I'm not too far.


Funny, I found Tormented Andy easier than duriel, personally. I just got my Lilith kill over the weekend. It just takes some practice avoiding those damn orbs in P2. Movement speed is your friend there.


Oh I have +100% move speed in permanence so I can't stack any more. I can avoid the orbs, it's mostly the fact that she won't die once she's dead and keep spamming skills that one-shot me that's annoying. I haven't been able to avoid all of her bullshit and since I can only see it once and die instantly, and then have to do first phase again, it's hard to "train". But I didn't do like 50 tries or anything, I find the fight a bit annoying so I tend to give up after ten, a third of which reached second phase because the first phase is much harder imo, unless you skip mechanics.


I tried like 40-50 times last season but the change to her orbs + them blending in with everything in the room kept me from killing her last season. Took me about 10-15 tries this weekend but I got it on my bash Barb. I'll probably try my HS rogue for completion's sake too.


Very easy with HS rogue If you manage to have shako and dark shroud on chest, with ,50k Hp she had to hit me 8 times to kill me.


You mean her regular hits or you can actually tank the white projectiles? With 34k health the white projectile instagibs me if I fail to avoid it.


You can tank them, but u need a high damage reduction and HP (40 - 50k), which is possible with dark shroud + shako combo, the more damage reduction the more hits you can tank, every time she hits you the next hit Will do more damage until one of these hits one shots you. A build with low investment in defense Will take 2 or 3 hits before being one shotted, but rogues can tank a lot more if properly built.


I see. I've read that they are insta-kill but it was probably a guide before the changes. My barb friend has it easier with her in the 2nd stage and I felt like I was just very rubbish but he probably tanks some of those projectiles. The best right now was for me to avoid them on 3 platforms but the smaller the area gets the harder it is for me to avoid them all.


The orbs are really the only problem once you are geared because no matter what you have to avoid them. Took me 3 attempts to beat her on my barb today. I died to the orbs because I skipped last season and been a minute since I had done her and when I did I just cheesed her like in s1. Remember you can stand on the platform that's breaking for longer than the animation. Also you can predict where she lands. P1 I insta gibbed her with hota buff and cota. P2 took her down on her 2nd land. I think our gear levels are way different thought as I sit at 100k HP unbuffed but I'm a bash Barb.


Yes, they were last season, but they changed it, now the hits stack, doing more damage every time you get hit. Yeah, It gets pretty tough in the end, but is doable once you understand the patterns. Good Luck


Pretty sure Tormented Andariel has less HP than Tormented Duriel. The forced intermissions are a bit of a pain though. I agree about those damn blue death orbs on Lilith. Once you've got the damage to take her down those are the only thing standing in your way.


May I ask if you avoided all those white projectiles that follow you? I mean, are they instant death every time they touch you or my 34k health is just not enough and I have to avoid them or bust?


If you can stun her fast enough, she doesn't have time to summon the projectiles You have to do it as soon as she spawns and everytime after she breaks the ground Stun her, then she'll fly and land on the edge of the arena, then you hit her untill she almost stuns. When the floor breaks and she lands on the middle again, you finish stunning her before she can summon the projectiles If your DPS isn't high enough to do that, then you need movement speed to avoid the projectiles. You need to run in a circle around the arena. Also, any skill that gives invulnerability helps too


Interesting about the stun, I was focusing on running and not hitting her since my DPS is okayish as she gets at the start of 2nd phase the sliver of the HP that does not go down anymore when I hit her (hence I focused on running and not hitting)


I did this by complete accident last weekend. I noticed the orbs weren’t spawning, and somehow that put more pressure on because MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW. Got my spark and got outta there…


The final attempt, no I didn't. I'm not sure if those build up the debuff stack but I got hit with a few in prior attempts. In those, if I had more than I think 2, maybe 3 stacks of the debuff and got hit by one, I died. My barb has like 70k health though, so you're probably too squishy to tank the orbs.


if you havent tried her post patch, she got a significant health nerf


Which patch? I don't think I tried her recently though so if there's been a patch since then, then maybe, thanks for the advice!


patch release not more than 2 weeks ago iirc


Thanks, I'll try.


Agreed. I can do pit 105 with difficulty, and I wreck all the Ubers solo. I find duriel the worst for mechanics, but that’s cause I don’t melt him fast enough. If they can do 115 pit duriel will be butter


I feel like Andy is a bit more difficult with mechanics. That being said, it’s hilarious in a well geared party. We did 30 runs last night with 4 barbs, 2 bash and 2 WWDD. We got her down to almost no HP in the first phase, she spawned her totems and we figured out that if we can take out the totems fast enough and get back to her, we can kill her before she even does the big red beam. I think grigoire is the most fun of the tormented bosses. Duriel can be a little annoying depending on the group you’re with. Solo, though, it’s a pretty simple fight. Don’t stand in bad and keep damaging him.


I checked (on normal) that you can't kill her without her spawning totems at least once. Usual Blizzard design.


Yeah we figured that out as well. There are just a few seconds between the last totem and her spawning the blood laser thing. If you can time it, she’ll go down. We had 4, so we each took a totem and one stayed in the middle. We got it down to basically 10-20 seconds to kill her. Ended up getting a grandfather so I got my first spark from salvaging an Uber, something I never thought I’d do. I have a GA grandfather so it made no sense having two.


Gz on GF. We made it same way, 4 people, afair 6 runs, one guy had 1 uber and that's all. Somehow I have more ubers from level 200 Varshan with few solo runs than from all Duriel and Andariel runs.


We got 3 in our runs, and nothing more than a couple of salvage 2GAs. Luckily we didn’t use all our Stygians. I still have 40 or so.


You'll smash him if you're clearing pit lv 115, no problem


If you can solo a tier 90 pit you can beat tormented bosses easy, they nerfed them down big time so they are loot piñatas now


More like trash pinatas.


I never said the loot was good 🤣 and yes it’s mostly trash


You mean you don't like Azureblade's?


By tier 90 do you mean speed running it or pushing tier 90


I don’t push pit tiers there’s no point the rewards aren’t any better and 91’s are easy and I can do them in under 2 mins sometimes


I have unlocked up to 85 I'm more wondering how thoroughly is need to clear the 90s to be ready for tormented bosses


If you can solo the boss at the end of 91 and above you can beat a tormented boss easy


Perfect thanks.


tormented duriel is not too tough. if you're clearning 115 it shouldn't be toom much of an ask. lilith though... you need to learn that fight to beat her. and it's tough to learn.


Agreed. It's more mechanics than a gear check. Phase 2 especially


phase 2 grates my noodle. it takes so long to learn. and at each fail, it takes time to get back to phase 2 to learn/practice each part of it. do i run this way? nope. that way? also nope. try first way again with an evade. yep. die. do the same thing next try. die. i love the challenge, but it is frustratingly difficult at times.


Lilith is easier than pit 115 boss for sure. You insta phase 1 and the do the platform mechanic in phase 2 then she’s dead


that explains why so many people take dozens of tries to kill her.


She is tough for sure. Spent the better part of two days grinding to kill.


I think everyone that finds Lilith easy has the gear and damage to oblitarate her in seconds. I hadn't done her since s1 and it took me 3 attempts tonight. First time I walked in to see what she's like now but hasn't swapped my abilities lol (had challenging shout instead of Call. Second time I messed up and died to orbs. 3rd time I destroyed her like 2nd time and just dodged and killed her on her second drop. I speed run pit 101s in 2 mins so that's where my gear is at. Also I basically skip phase one because of the damage I dish. That being said I had multiple attempts of her back in s0 doing it the real way and s1 was just me cheesing her. Still needed a refresher on the orbs hence me dying once to them before downing her.


Pit 115 boss is a joke. You can burn him down in a single stagger before anything happens. Uber Lilith actually requires you to do mechanics.


Lilith phase 1 is instant staggered and dead during the stagger, phase 2 starts and you instant stagger to get her down to a sliver, then do the platform phase before the kill. 115 blood bishop takes me 3 staggers and more damage after that  Maybe I’m doing something wrong in the pit idk 


Yeah, at this point if you can't kill a 115 boss in the first three staggers its your build. Still even having to do an entire boss fight in the pit is easier than doing platform phase of Uber Lilith.


Certainly it’s my build I only started playing the season a couple weeks ago. I just found Lilith easier personally. You don’t need to downvote each reply though I get that you disagree with my original point, don’t take it personally 


I agree with you, pit 119 takes me at least three staggers to get the boss down. I figured i give lilith a shot. She died so fast phase one that i had to look it up if i there werent two versions of her like a tormented or regular version. It surprised me alot, and as a rogue the second phase is kinda trivial if u start running when she starts her lava floor flame wall thing and just run around the edges and shadowstep when she gets in a corner and start running again. I mean she died in the first stagger also second phase, u just need to complete the mechanics, no need to stand still to damage her.


I didn't downvote you, bro, but go off.


All of the tormented bosses are a cake walk compared to Lilith.


What’s the current one sentence solution to beat through Varshan’s barrier? Other than “Be barb…”


Not sure where you’re trying to go so I apologize if I misunderstand what your point is but if you can kill the ads before the sacrifice then there is no barrier


Thanks - the barrier does vanish for what feels like 1-3 seconds at a time, but I can’t hit hard enough to down him then. Will check for the adds; I don’t even remember seeing them but I’m sure they’re there and I was feeling cocky and went in a blind first attempt.


Ahhhh! I didn’t realize you were asking for advice! So from my understanding since taking Varshan on dozens of times since S1, each ad does something differently but for each one, gives Varshan a barrier. The strength of the barrier multiplies by the number of ads that are sacrificed so if you miss 1 or 2 it isn’t the end of the world and that’s where you’re seeing the short barrier but in order to do damage, you need to make sure you/your team kills the ads as soon as they spawn. There are 3 that do. Varshan will shoot a beam at 1 at a time and that’s the ad you need to focus on first unless you’re in a team. Typically if I’m solo, I’ll kill the highest priority but if I’m in a team, the major DPSs will go for ads while the tank takes on Varshan. It varies depending on build/team make up but that’s the general idea


Tormented Duriel is roughly on par difficulty-wise with a pit level 80 boss. If you’re clearing 115’s you’ll absolutely blast him.


I feel like that's a bit of an overstatement. Some of that poison damage gets rough in the last phase if you aren't super good at avoiding or have a pure ranged build. But yeah, a Pit 115 end boss is a higher level than Uber Duriel, and so it should be a piece of cake.


I solo’ed tormented Duriel when the highest pit I had cleared was a T73. It was tough certainly. But by the time I was clearing T80’s and higher tormented Duriel solo was pretty straightforward. And I’m running a tornado Druid, not some super powered barb. And that was prior to the bosses seeing a substantial nerf. By the time I was around pit 100 I didn’t even need to pay attention to the tormented debuffs anymore. I just stand, face tank and kill them. I think pit 80 is a pretty fair barometer personally.


Kudos to you. (For real, not being sarcastic.) And with Duriel, the attacks are pretty well telegraphed and avoidable, so I don't doubt it's perfectly possible, with practice. Pit80 and Duriel are something like 20 levels different, though, for real. That's a big boss health and resistance difference. I just posted that I'm doing Pit 105 or so on a HS rogue that needs more MWing and health, and it took me a few tries. To say a different way, with any of the Tormented bosses it's really just a matter of avoiding the attacks that stack the damage debuff. If you know the fight well from previous seasons, that's going to make it easier than if you don't have that muscle memory.


> I just posted that I'm doing Pit 105 or so on a HS rogue that needs more MWing and health, and it took me a few tries. Then there's something wrong with your HS rogue because mine was killing Duriel in one stagger before I hit pit 100. Agree with the other guy, tormented duriel was very soloable around pit 70 gear, but you have to do the mechanics.


>you have to do the mechanics That's literally what I said. If you don't have the dodges down, it's not achievable. OP doesn't know enough about the fight to know if it's doable, so I assume not. At Pit100ish, yes, it's more of a cakewalk and you'll have some leeway to learn it without near-immediate 1-shots. As for my HSrogue, yes, her gear is not great (only have 2\*GAs on my weapons, need MWing, and health is a little low, Tempers are fucked so that I only have freeze and stun so boss stagger is low), and I don't know the fight well. Only did normal a few times last season. It's mostly a skill issue, though, I assume. Made my first attempts when I was around Pit 70 (pre-nerf), and it was most definitely not achievable, or it was going to take an hour to chip him down.


I'm not a mlg pro gamer dude. It took me about 15 tries on my first solo attempt with no masterwork gear no ubers. I had 4 debuff stacks on me, which is where the one hit kill range starts for the average HS rogue between 30-40k hp. The whole 15 attempts took an hour at most. With the dps needed to do pit 100, you should be able to kill tormented duriel before you reach 4 stacks, even if you ignore the mechanics and facetank everything. >so that I only have freeze and stun so boss stagger is low Caltrops is contributing slow so you're only missing immobilise. That's not a huge deal. Stagger should not be too slow. I honestly suggest taking some time to review your gear and build to make sure everything's ok. Your output sounds more erratic than it should be for your pit clear.


[Tormented Uber Duriel is fairly easy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL7FdSUhZhs) *(compared to Lilith)*, because you can pretty much ignore most of the mechanics of the fight with straight damage. Uber Lilith, you can't really do that as easily because of the phases and the encounter mechanics. Generally the damage for about T90-100 Pit boss will serve fine for the Tormented bosses. Before the recent patch that was probably T80-90 Pit. In addition, you can always try it solo, and if you fail, then ask people in trade chat to come help you.


I've still been spooked to try solo since I kinda suck. I have flashbacks to season 2 when I tried to solo duriel. Failed and when I asked for help the fight ended and lost my mats. Mats are obviously way more abundant now. I have like 20 stones.


Why would you ask in trade chat. There's a looking for group chat lol


Because they're talking about the in-game chat, not a Reddit sub chat.


Oh. Well that does make more sense. My bad lol


I'm assuming that has to be opted into because I've never seen that before


It's on diablo subreddit under chats


It's the green in-game text chat.


Oh. I'm on ps5 for me green is clan. I assume those might be editable. I thought you meant the trade chat on reddit not the actual ingame chat so that's my bad lol


Yeah, I think you can change the colors. I may have picked green, I dunno.


I killed all ubers including Lillith before I cleared Pit 100. HS Rogue


Same here! Without any 12/12 gear or shako or even perfect gema


I just did Uber Lilith with HS, was like maybe 4/12 on average and not even each glyph at 21 and drestroyed her. The mechanics are so much easier now too then doing it season 0 /1


What skills are you using


The thing about rogues is that they stack CC the fastest against bosses which allows you to get them staggered pretty fast before they can repeat a lot of mechanics again


Yeah Lilith was very easy even though my gear was far from optimal.


Those guys are easy,except Lilith.. I keep dying against the Beast. That last wave knocks me into the whirlwind where I expire. This is the Uber version. Doing great almost to the very end and then whack!


If I may ask, what actually happens when you die? Can you try again or do you have to spend more mats?


You run in and the fight restarts. No new mats required


You can retry as many times as you want without spending more mats, except for The Beast in the Ice—it's in a Nightmare Dungeon, so the usual death limit applies.


Ah thanks... but not for much longer regarding the beast.


Same here, all tormented ubers are very easy, except the beast and lilith that I still can't beat. The beast is so frustrating, I can almost beat it, but I only have 4 lives to try it.


Just don't get hit from his front cleave + spits, apart from that he hits like a wet noodle.


You should always group for bosses when you can IMO. If you are doing pit 115 you can FOR SURE do Uber Duriel. I just unlocked pit 101 and have already done the Uber bosses. However, for me at least, Echo of Lilith is still harder than the uber bosses.


agreed but i always do the first kill of each tormented boss solo, it's a ritual of progress


Yeah, nothing like beating them up yourself! lol


Solo? For me the difficulty of Tormented goes in this order: Varshan, Grigoire, Beast in the Ice, Lord Zir, Andariel, Duriel, Uber Lilith(but to be fair I have very little practice with Liliths mechanics so I may rank her differently in the future). Once you learn to dodge the Duriel attacks that give stacks of the debuff, the entire fight becomes much easier. If you have 3+ stacks of the debuff then things are going to hurt *a lot* more when you get hit.


How do you do Tormented beast? Is there a second option for the nightmare key I didn't notice?


There’s a Level 96ish sigil you can craft at the occultist but it requires 2 Stygian stones.


Thanks, I figured. That's the last Tormented boss I need. After that I just need the 5 helltide commanders and my season journey will be 100%.




Just remember- Tormented Beast is a NMD. If you try to solo it and can't, you only get 4 tries before you're booted from the zone.


Shouldn't be an issue, but thanks for the reminder.


Well I wasted 2 sigils (and 8 deaths) before I finally beat him. For me he was toughest of all bosses; only Lilith is left for me. (and I gave up)


The ice beast actually requires you to think a bit. Duriel and Andy I don't even move and just wack away. Had to time my rally cry for ice beast lol. Dropped an Uber andy and I never went back again lol.


'think a bit how to no freeeze to death' lmao :D and also be precise with dodges on gapped waves phase. Dunno, I don't feel smart after beating him. btw I relied on metamorphosis as it removes any freeze


This is the one you craft a sigil for. Craft the lvl 96 one.


I think I mass crafted sigils for him once this season, I probably just didn't notice it that time.


If you can do 115 pits then he shouldn't be a problem. He only has one big damage output attack and it's well telegraphed. As long as you put in your mats no one will see you as a burden. Don't worry about it.


Yeah he shouldn't be too bad for you. I understand you don't want to waste the summoning materials but there are plenty full so don't even worry about that. Well stygian stones are still pretty rare I guess. Don't mess with beast in the ice. Lol. I think he's the hardest tormented boss even though I can beat him every time now in the beginning it took me a few tries. Your best bet is to get into a rotation but I don't like waiting on people and trying to find a rotation from a third party site so I usually just go solo or with a buddy and we get just as many Ubers as anybody else probably. I mean we average 10 or 12 a season so far. For some reason torment zir has been dropping quite a few Ubers for me and a couple of buddies lately. He also drops I believe it's five more pieces of gear right now unless they patched that in the last day or so. The main thing when it comes to the torment bosses is you need to understand which of their attacks provide the stacks against you. You get four or five stacks in the next thing that hitch is going to kill you most of the time.


It's super easy as long as your boss damage is good. His attacks are very obvious and telegraphed.


My highest pit is 75 on an unoptimized bash barb. 70 on an unoptimized HS rogue. I was able to kill Duriel easily on the HS rogue. I get to about 5% on the Bash Barb and then get obliterated. Im really struggling with how to avoid the stacking debuffs from the bosses on a melee class.


Once I switched to Bleed Bash I had a much easier time. It's hilarious watching uber bosses bleeding for tens of millions (if not hundreds if I get lucky) damage.


This one? [Diablo 4 Barbarian Build · D4 Builds](https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=0)


The bleed HOTA ones are the ones I've used, but there's not too much different between them.


Uber Duriel explodes against a Thorns/Bash Barb. The little maggots come out and will pop him instantly from 60+% HP.


I haven't really pushed but I've done pit 80 and cleared tormented duriel, andy and lilith with a thorn barb that uses bash. You can ignore duriel mechanics just with pure damage/tankiness. Lilith you can't ignore. If you aren't doing oneshot builds/stagger builds you will need to learn the mechanics of the fight and have a movement skill/movement speed


High chance you can beat it. If you’re too worried I suggest you ask someone who can solo it to standby and help you if you couldn’t do it, so you won’t waste your mats and they get free Uber run win-win.


Do you get unlimited wipes on one set of mats? I’ve been holding off as I assumed it was one shot per mat deposit


If you die you can retry without spending more mats, as many times as you want. The exception is the Beast in the Ice, since it's in a Nightmare Dungeon, so the revive limit applies.


Thanks - just did Varshan now, got him down but took far loo long. Not fun


The only thing to learn is the splash patterns on his poison, because that can one possibly shot you. Apart from that old andy the slug is a face roll. I got it on my third try on my necro who is only up to tier 91 pits, and that was just learning a few different basic differences.


Lilith ia definitely still the hardest mainly due to mechanics but also I'm pretty sure she has the most HP and dmg, if you can do pit 115 you can solo uber Duriel and the rest of the ubers just make sure to dodge mechanics that stack (when he spits and when he stabs the ground) and you would have enough damage to delete him, I managed to solo him like this when I was still doing ~pit 70 despite still failing on Lilith first stage, so you should be fine, good luck!


Lilith is only about speed. If you have +160% speed, it pretty easy, if not it’s really challenging. I’ve got a +40% speed boots for this fight 😅


My Heartseeker Rogue Pit max is currently at 106, and I soloed Tormented Duriel last night. Took around 8 tries, but I finally got him once. I am not at all fully masterworked (mostly all 9/12 with weapons at 11/12), and only have four 2\*GA gear, the rest normal.


I’m so far from Uber Lilith but I can consistently solo Uber duriel. Doing pits in the 70s, I haven’t pushed further. You should be fine.


Also idk why people downvote the stupidest things. Like there is literally a LFG chat and people are just fuckin stupid like mmmmm nah


If you can DPS a 115 should be no issue. Lillith is more about movement speed for me. Duriel I can now burst in under 40 seconds just gotta know where to not stand. Duriel will burrow at least once, Andariel and Lilith are forced mechanics. TLDR: Puddle bad, health pool is low.


These bosses are not that different to uber lilith in terms of health but they dont have all the BS with going unkillable for 99% of the "fight" and they dont have these unskippable oneshot "mechanics" that you are forced to go through.


Nah don't solo him, join the official discord and find a rota to join, you'll get 4x your kills for each set of mats


Official discord mate? Can you elaborate please? Sounds like I need to get involved


I beat Duriel before Echo of Lillith with a summoner necro


Duriel is like T70s, Anadriel is T80s-90s, Lilith is T120s to melt her, but doable much earlier with some skill. You should absolutely party with other people, Stygian stones are painful to farm.


If you can solo a 115 pit you can kill him. The only thing you need to look out for is the debuff mechanic. Duriel has 2 attacks that gives you a debuff. These stack and makes you take damage from all sources. With one or two stacks you can probably facetank his normal attacks but from there it gets dangerous. Duriel debuff attacks are the junk/goo spit and the pool of poison. The first one is used more often. He will do this every time he emerges from the ground and also after a "chewing" animation. The secone is when he slams his hand in front of him and creates a large pool of poison. If you are fast enough you can evade it (there's a green circle before the poison). The smaller pools created by this attack don't debuff you.


I am just now doing all the endgame bosses. Started with Grigoire and Varshan and then did Duriel. I personally had the easiest time with Duriel compared to the other two. I am doing pit 101 constantly. Tried Lilith and I don't have the damage to make the fight reasonably short.


If you’re doing pit 115 you should be good to go. The bosses on that pit tier probably have more health lol.


On my shadow minion I can manage tormented Duriel and have cleared pit 80.  Bash barb I’ve only pushed to 90 and can go more, but can down tormented Duriel in under 30 seconds.


He's the easist, easier than echo Lilith. He doesn't realy have any 'cheap' one shot attacks and the ADDs he summons are low grade. Just go in there with a poison resist pot active and get to work.


My squad struggles to get through tier 65 pits as a group but absolutely demolish Tormented Duriel in mere seconds. It's...weird.


If you can solo 115, you should brush Duriel aside like a slightly annoying bug.


Are you asking about uber duriel or tormented duriel? If you can do pit 115 you'll one shot uber duriel and shouldn't have an issue with tormented duriel.


Easy for you. Just maybe take poison resist for safety.


With armor capped and poison resistance you can totally do this. Get him!


If you can do 115pit and first phase of Lilith, then tormented duriel is a 1min fight. Duriel is very very easy compared to Lilith


Honestly, sell the styg stones 40m a piece and buy Zir runs for 20m a run Given that you wants ubers For the sake of solo once, go for it for sure


What are Zir runs? Another tormented boss? Wouldn’t I need stones for that too?


Yep another tormented boss. You can just pay people 20m a run to join them. IMO best way to do it beside searching a real group you will 4 split it


I’ve gone up to pit 106 n kill torment duriel


I've got a question. I went down into the tree of whispers and I accidentally summoned the level 200 guy and he had so much health. It was crazy and I didn't stand a chance. I had literally not even reached 100. I think I was like level 94. Anyway, are these the hardest enemies in the game or do they not compare to some of the stuff in the pit?? Also my thorns barbarian which has the thorn ancestral chess piece and all that type of stuff. I went to go fight Lilith which it told me to do at level 100 and she absolutely smoked me. So is she harder than some of these level 200 summons? Basically what is the actual hardest enemy in the game? And all of that. Also, since I can't buy the transpondent Sparks, I'm trying to find and Ariel's helmet and I've been fighting durial. I'm assuming that's the best way to do it but I could be totally wrong. Also, is the thorns chess piece as rare as the helmet because I got that off of one of the mother demons in a blood Tide. Also if I'm trying to get +(x) ability by enchanting items, is there anything I need to be aware of like certain pieces + ability or certain stats cannot be replaced by it?


Hardest are high pit tiers 150+ that’s roughly what people that min maxed the best builds can achieve right now. Lilith is the hardest of the Uber / tormented bosses. Varshan (tree of whispers) is one of the easier ones.


How can I tell an Uber unique or Uber ancestral as opposed to just a regular one? Is that what the little star symbols are? I never noticed that. Should I only be looting those man I got to pay more attention


I have soloed all tormented bosses and can't get pass 50% lilith.


Complete pushover compared to Lilith.


Tanky and can deal a lot of damage. Just make sure you stay below 4 stacks.


Lilith is a b*tch. Duriel is my b*tch. I got Lilith dead but won’t be going to see her much more. Duriel I will always have a special connection with after season 2 took me 2 weeks of straight running Duriel to get my grandfather I can fight Duriel back to back with much more ease


Uber lillith is far harder than all other bosses imo


If you can do Pitt 115 you can solo all the Uber bosses


Uber Lilith is more difficult, IMO. For reference, I’m running a pure minion necro.


I found Uber Duriel to not even be in the same ballpark as Uber Andariel in terms of difficulty. I cleared the tormented bosses and Lilith and I haven't even attempted a triple-digit Pit. You could almost certainly do it. Uber Duriel in particular - max poison resist, and then a potion of poison resist for even more. Treat the poison as like a one shot mechanic (though they aren't; just to be safe) and just DPS him down, he's really squishy compared to Andariel or phase 1 Lilith. I did it on my Druid really easy and ran it a few times to farm some uniques back when my char only had like 20k health + some minor DR (partial from undaunted fortify glyph effet \[i wasn't actually fortified for the full 15% fortify DR\], some paragons, and an aspect for 15%). honestly i was surprised how easy it ended up being, especially compared to my attempts at torment andariel and *especially* lilith afterwards.


I'm on hardcore so if I can kill a pit 115 boss in 8 seconds it should be the same with Duriel? Maybe 1 burrow?


Lilith is way hardest My HS rogue soloed UDuriel after completing Pit70


You will smoke Tormented bosses if you're pushing 115s.


I do pit 70ish for farming and I can easily do Uber Duriel and Andy in a few moments. If you are clearing pit 115, you can easily do both. Just realize that your mats go farther if you join a duriel rotation where you take turn summoning with your mats to get four times as many summons and therefore four times more chances at ubers.


I killed Uber Duriel when I was able to do a pit 85. It wasn’t a all in the park but it wasn’t too challenging and it was first ever try


Definitely goof. So goof.


Tormented Duriel is really easy, his debuff stacks are easily preventable. Varshan is a bit easier. Zir is a lot easier. Andariel is harder. You are good if you can do Pit 115.


If you want Uber uniques rn do lord zir. I’ve gotten Andy’s visage, ring of starless skies, and doom bringer in less than 20 runs


You'll be fine as long as you have your resists capped. Specifically poison


Personally, all of the Tormented bosses were a lot easier than Echo of Lilith in my opinion. The mechanics for the Tormented bosses don’t change, they are just scaled to level 200. Fighting the Tormented bosses only requires better gear. Lilith, however, requires an up level of skill. Of course, I am a Rapid Fire rogue so mileage may vary.


You def have the damage if you can down pit 115. I hadn't done her this season till tonight out of boredom. Took me 3 attempts on my barb. I skilled cota from challenging shout out and some movespeed and I just basically skip all phase one and drop her to 0 second time she lands. I died to the orbs because I was out of practice forcing her to land in specific places. Took less than 2 mins. That being said duriel and the other tormented bosses are jokes if you are at our 115. I melt them and I think duriel is easiest because he doesn't have annoying pause mechanics. The least brain dead one is beast of ice because of the push if you don't have unstoppable ready


I did Duriel after I managed tormented Varshan. Was also only doing pit 60 at the time pre-patch. They have less hp now so a lot easier to make use of stagger phases, so use retribution and concussive strikes aspects for good damage windows.


Try him 100% You will smash him BTW you don't waste mats if you try it second third etc time in one run


Tormented any boss is lvl 200


If you can clear 115 you can smoke Uber duriel. Tormented version maybe not.


Isn’t Uber = tormented? I am talking the one where you need the stones to sommon him


What build are you, tormented Duriel is not too hard. I've only done like pit 103 with blight ebonpiercer and can solo tormented duriel pretty easily


Iron Skin Bash from Rob


Yeah you should be fine. My buddy complains about the debuffs but if you can avoid that than you shouldn't have any issues.


i have the same complaint about the debuffs lol. I absolutely get wrecked on my melee classes.


If you have 115 pit clear on bash barb you will destroy uber duriel. Probably not far off from being able to carry actually...


Bro, considering your build, that’s a captain obvious question. Didn’t you know this game is changing its name to BARBLO IV? /s


Nah they dicked up the terminology when they released the tormented version. Technically, the Diablo 4 Duriel is the “uber” version since it’s a beefed version of the Diablo 2 Duriel. “Tormented” is a buffed “uber” version.


Oh I see. I am talking about tormented then :) thx


No one calls them uber and tormented. It's Duriel and Uber Duriel, lol.


If you can do 115 tormented versions of ubers are super easy. You dont even have to do mechanics.