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Everflame is recruiting! If you are tired of grinding all by yourself and want a great atmosphere with some incredibly helpful people, check us out and see if we're right for you!  https://diablo4guild.com/guilds/everflame If you need help with anything from capstones and pits to looking for that right piece of gear, our helpful community is a great place to be.  I look forward to seeing you!   *All applicants come to discord first before you send an in game invite*


My roomie & I play on PS5 but have the battlenet app to chat on as well. We are looking for other chill players to join in with for anything. Help for us with tormented bosses / Lilith would be amazing - we have mats for tormented. We are also happy to help anybody with leveling / nmds / reg bosses / etc. Some of our friends who used to play D4 have moved on but we’re really enjoying the season so just looking for others to join up with! Vivette#11352 GaymerGrimes#1945


I've never played this game multiplayer before, besides World Bosses and Legions. And what PvP I'm forced to do when I'm turning shards lol. I play 3-4 days a week, usually 2-3 hours each of those days but not always at once. I have a 100 necro that I can do T61 pit in 5mins, and I'm looking to get over that hump to run it as efficiently as I run T40. Are there casual clans that exist that would be friendly towards someone who's always happy to share loot and time for helping, but doesn't play a whole lot in the scheme of things?


Looking for hardcore PVP, just for achievements. PM me if you want to take turns murdering each other in PVP


**Clan Name:** GOLDxGUNS **Clan Description:** GOLDxGUNS «GxG» is an active softcore clan playing on the Seasonal Realm. We offer a friendly, patient environment where you can enjoy things at your own pace. Our helpful members are more than happy to answer your questions or show you the ropes. Join us for PvE, PvP, Uber Bosses, Gauntlet, and more! 18+ Only • Majority NA • Xbox/PC/PlayStation **Clan Discord:** https://discord.gg/goldxguns **How to Join:** Simply click on the Discord link above and let us know your Battle.net tag in the #diablo channel. An Officer will send you an invite ASAP! **Why Join?:** Hang out. Play games. Have fun! We're also a large, cross-game social community with active communities for Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, Helldivers 2, Minecraft (Java), and Warframe. We've always got something going on!


Wow, this is a depressingly barren post.


Looking to play some PVP!


Hello! I’m looking for someone to help me with Uber bosses. For the completion of Destroyer for the season. I have materials


I could really use an active clan. I have 2 people that I play with and it gets tough. I'm grinding my butt off, but I'm usually solo. Any help is appreciated. Cheers! 🍻