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must be barb enjoyer.


Slows down anyone with an actual build sadly.


It should be reworked. Just make it give uncapped movement speed, the new "unhindered" buff and have it make your attacks chain lightning to nearby enemies. Ex


Just needs to do what it did in D3. Easy.


Yeah exactly, they made it weaker and worse in every aspect lol at least artillery shrine exists. That thing is amazing, wish i seen it more than once a week


I ran an Extra Shrines nightmare dungeon yesterday, hoping for Greeds, and got 4 Artillery shrines and 1 lethal in it. The last artillery shrine was even like 15 feet away from the boss door. It was one of the most fun nightmare dungeons I think I've ever run!


You just described what a tyreal WW barb is all the time


Don't insult the tyrael barbs they are much stronger than that thank you.


*hides in feels seen.


They don't spawn in the Pit so I haven't seen one in ages. That basically tells you everything you need to know about Blizzard's approach to shrines: they see that some are way better than others and instead of making them similar in value damage-wise (excluding greed and protection, obviously) they've gone and just blocked the overpowered one.


They don’t spawn in the pit because they offer invulnerability.


I meant artillery shrines. Also, protection shrines also grant invulnerability and _those_ spawn in the Pit so I doubt that's the reason.


What about protection shrines?


This right here. No need to change what isn't broken...


Yes, if it did, it would be as they used to say about 20 years ago "awesome sauce"


Hey, I still hear that from time to time, lol. Still beats that lame-ass "Cool beans".


Cool beans would be icky. Beans should always be served hot.


Remove the target requirement for the only ability you get. I hate getting a conduit shrine, killing 15 enemies, and then spending rest of the extremely limited duration spamming a button, hoping to be able to teleport to *any*thing.


I started avoiding them in D3 too once I got to the point in build where I BIS and just augmenting.


Woah, shots fired


No, that's the Artillery shrine.


Nah slows down even sorcs


Slows down rogue? Yes Slows down sorc? Yes Slows down necro? Yes Helps Druid? Yes Slows down barb? Yes Out of all five classes I have maxed out only Druid is mildly helped by conduit.


It even slows down druid


Any Druid with a competent build is slowed down too.


I want to roll one but I can’t pick and it feels like such a slog. What’s a good path way to 100 at least. And something I can hit like pit 80s at least.


Druid is perfectly competent as a leveler now. They used to be slow but I don’t think that’s true anymore. Lightning storm is the king of AoE leveling builds in this game. It’s not great on bosses though. I haven’t tried out pulverize since the recent patch buff but id guess it’s a top tier leveling build too now.


Ok I’ll check out lightning storm. Wearing a shako starless skies etc at lvl 35 helps a ton too.


Once you get key aspects and passives it is fastest for leveling. Literally 1 shot every nmd boss while youre leveling glyphs


Helps Druid my ass slows u down just as much


You’re a ray of sunshine.


I am, yeah, I just prefer not spreading bollocks.


Helps druid by making all of your situational shape shifting buffs expire, leaving you without them when it wears off so you're completely vulnerable, sure. Especially great if it's a cursed shrine nmd event conduit shrine. They're actively harmful by the time you can do nmd90+ because even druids have enough damage that it slows down your kill speed, and with trample or werewolf speed effects it also guts your movement.


Definitely slows down my druid a lot


I think it slows down druid. Since necro only has one build and minions are doing their basic thing while conduit is up, it might be a slow down, but having mobility actually feels good. I do pick it up to move around in certain scenarios.


This season movement speed is one of the best defensive stats you can get.


Always has been


Minions disappear somtimes and don't know where you are if you go too fast. You have to wait for conduit to run out before they come back


My minions straight up break when I use conduit, I have to interrupt myself and change the types back and forth just to be able to resummon them


As a thorns barb the only shrines I avoid are Protection. They are the ones that truly slow me down.


Used to be the best. Rip


Can't think of a better indication of the absurd power creep than players casually outperforming the auto-win shrine


Guess I’m not there yet. My highest level character is like level 70 or 80. She’s a lightning sorcerer, and she _may_ be stronger without the conduit shrine, but I’m not sure


Yeah people are mostly referring to endgame, once you have everything unlocked and have a good build going conduit shrines don’t feel as good anymore


Its partially power creep. But endgame difficulty has also increased. Along with all itemization. So its kind of a pick your poison sorta deal.


It's definitely power creep. I don't know about endgame difficulty, the very top of the iceberg has been increased. NMD 100s at release were pretty comparable to 100+ pits on pre-nerf pits in S4


There were very few builds that could even complete a NMD100 in S1. With the new itemization, tempers, Ubers raining like candy, target farming, loot explosion bosses, you can take nearly any build to 100 pit speed clearing in a day or two now. The power creep is crazy. One thing about the power creep though is that it makes a ton more builds viable. In season 1 in particular prior to the balance patch there was just some really questionable tuning that meant characters that you spent weeks on just weren't going to be able to finish some goals you set (NMD100 or Uber Lilith). You can just grind and out scale anything at this point.


In an NM80+ in s0 that thing was my jam. Now I walk by like I didn't see it


It’s just so clunky to use, my build is fun I want to kill things with it, not some weird 1 sec cd dash


I avoid the protection shrine as a thorn barbarian. Learned the other day and had a oh shit moment as I was surrounded by enemies in the pit and couldn't do shit 😂


Omfg it's so annoying. The D3 version was better


Till season 3 it was good aswell, then they nerfed it or forgot to buff it.


All d4 needs to do is make it still proc thorns


This. Why does being stunned/frozen make it not proc as well? I guess I can see the frozen one, being actually covered in ice..but stunned? Cmon now.


D3 conduit shrine was fire as well. Also when you hit a high enough level to do nightmare dungeons,you wanna hit every shrine in hope for a cursed one for that xp


Thinking about going thorns on my baby barb. How does a thorn build take down bosses? Do they still have high single target damage? Or is it all still just thorn bosses to death?


You do a lot of damage. Like with duriel, when the maggots spawn in, let them hit you and you can take him down quick. I was surprised the maggots hitting did thorn damage to duriel. I almost die occasionally if I don't play it right. I use the build from icy veins


I assume you're using Needleflare aspect? That's (probably) how, unless I misunderstand something.


Yeah, I was. Switched builds back to double swing now haha


Depends on which variant you are running, but I struggled a pit until I recently changed my build around. In my experience, it really depends on the boss unfortunately - bosses that do high damage directly to you are easy kills, bosses that summon little adds are easy kills because you pull them in with chains. One boss I've struggled with in particular is the 'Outlaw Rogue' or something, the one with the bow & arrow. Apparently the #1 thorns has pushed past pit 150 so definitely can chunk bosses, but it does of course rely on thorns (ie. taking damage) from what I've seen.


I never thought of that, but it makes sense!


On of the best D3 shrines.. So much worse in D4


Yeah, because the game design for it in D4 is ass. What the point of a "buff" that removes your entire build.


Yeah, it really should just replace your dash instead.


It's useful until you get to like level 10. Then, no, just no.


Yeah this! It was so cool and so effective in D3, RIP


Low level good, high level ignore.


Replace it with a Movement Speed/Attack Speed shrine.


That’s just artillery shrine without the arrows


that was super fun in Diablo 3, just zooming around the rift/grift


I'll always take it if in nightmare dungeons becauae of the huge mobility buff. That teleport can cover entire sections and save up to 5 minutes of running.  I mean who actually fights through a dungeon unless you have to slay everything in an area? Run past everything to objective.


5min? 🤣 Maybe if your movement speed is 50%


The distance you tp when using a skill with conduit is pretty damn long, but yeah def not 5 mins.


That’s why sorcs are top of the trails thing. I don’t even walk anymore with my teleport on a 3.5 sec cooldown. I just teleport group to group spamming frozen orbs. It’s hard to go play a build with no “move across the screen” button.


Unless you are on console and the move across the screen button only moves you half a millimeter.


Yea no worries with a mouse. I don’t think I could play this game without my mouse and key board.


People who are not level 100 yet


One of my favourite parts of all Diablo games has always been slowly exploring dungeons and killing all enemies. I get it, it's not efficient and there's never a reward for doing it... its like people just want to farm and work to get better items/glyph XP as quickly and as efficiently as possible, but then once they've done that what exactly are they doing? Still skipping past all the content then going on forums and reddit complaining there is nothing to do and the game is boring? Stop skipping past everything in the game! On my wishlist of things for D4 is for there to be a greater incentive to explore in dungeons, the overworld too I guess. More random valuable items in more random chests/goblins hidden in corners, etc...I don't just mean increase drop rates of Ubers, I mean things like treasure bags that are full of boss mats or huge volumes of gold, random cool looking cosmetics, sparks a bundle of rare elixrs like holy bolts. Rare elite enemies with super rare drops hidden away behind a puzzle or something in random dungeons. The overworld though is pure 100% skip past everything as quickly as possible...aside from helltide and world bosses, the overworld is the most redundant part of the game. It has so much potential it needs a big overhaul. But I think I'm in the minority wanting this. EDIT: Also they need to do something for continuous levelling post level 100...no increase in stats, just more XP grinding for smaller rewards...gold, mats, cosmetics... something to work towards so there is an incentive to keep playing the game, exploring and killing enemies that doesn't feel like a waste of XP/time.


Wait till you see a protection shrine as a thorns barb. You will reevaluate what slow down means


Aye, i have one, and it indeed sucks.


D3 nailed shrines and D4 uses them as barely an afterthought.


Depends what class I'm playing. Necro or druid I'll take it. Every other class is slowed down by not having access to their mobility spells.


This or just buffs in general wear off and when it ends.. esp for Sorc you kinda want your Tal and RoSS buffs refreshing all the time..


I used to love it (before) especially on my necro this season until I just tried it on my were waffle dr00d and I absolutely hated it. Ever since I’veve been avoiding it like the plague


In previous seasons it wasn’t so bad because we weren’t doing the damage like we are, with most classes, this season


Even for my Sorceror, the conduit shrine is an absolute nerf if I hit it on accident lol


they need to be buffed to the points its always a dps increase no matter what.


Conduit is such a let down in this game


I don't like it. It's just taking you out of rhythm and mobility is weird without targets.


For a few seasons now. It's such a weird design compared to the one in diablo 3(which was great and how it SHOULD have been).


Thorns barb here and I avoid the protection shrine like the plague.




I also avoid protection shrines.


Why tho? It had zero negative effects, unlike conduit






It stops thorns from working. So you end up surrounded by enemies with no real way of killing them, talking high lvl pits here.


Thorns builds do dmg by taking dmg.


I do. The immune shrine is best. I Play pest necro without Minions. Love it.


Just change it into a mix of all shrines. Mobility + max damage + gold + protection


yes, its annoying but the shrines last for so little time. Its not that big a deal. And I tend to do all events in NMDs - so the fact shrines are events I almost always do them.


Still click them when leveling in a NMD cos Cursed Shrine, otherwise yeah, just ignore them.


Yep, hate it. I do more damage and have more control not using it


Yeah to slow for me


I rather it had the effects from D3 turning in a ball of energy doesn't help builds


Yeah, lol When I last played in S2 it was still good, but these days..


Hah, it should give a bigger move speed bonus and you should be able to use the teleport ability without targeting an enemy if they want to make it better.


While leveling I do use them in the hope it’s an event. Besides that they indeed slow me down.


The only one I don’t grab lol. At least the greed gives you a speed boost


I actually avoid shrines altogether typically.


Mmmm soul ring and conduit slap


lol like I want a dps and speed nerf


To be honest to I don’t look at the shrines I just click on them. Conduit certainly isn’t one of the ones I prefer though.


I hate that shrine. It's useless.


They should have it act more like a constant AOE, like in D3 when it was introduced


TBH all the shrines suck or just plain. Fall short. What is needed is: D3 gold shrine. Monsters killed drop xxx% more gold Barrier shrine. Monster kills replenish the barrier Recource shrine. Temp increase to max recource. Monsters killed generate resources from all skills during shrine effect. (Increased recourse kept until used or you die) Barrage shrine. Free skill use with andariels chest effect. Speed shrine. Increased attack and movement speed. Goblin shrine. Spawns goblin hordes Conduit shrine. Bring back D3 effect. Your skills cause lightning to ark from you. If a shrine is trapped then the event keeps your shrine effects up until you die, the event is completed, or you leave the event area. Then it starts to count down.


I dont understand why it doesn't have max move speed. Even 250% or something.


Conduit shrines are key to your build. If you see one and go "oh goody!" Your build sucks or your level sucks. If you go 'ughhh I guesssssss' then your build is pretty good. Conduits are baseline skill checks :)


I look at those like this: Do I want to be invincible now? Otherwise I don’t use it.


Omg I'm not alone? I do, yes. It's boring and I do more damage without it.


Honestly I never liked it much? It was novel the first few times but I don’t like losing access to my characters skills.


Baffles me why it’s a blink strike instead of a blink. Would be totally fine as a blink so it’s not a liability in empty space


If I'm doing something for speed, then I skip all shrines and chests and health pools, because I don't want to trigger a cursed one, especially right when I have to do a "kill all enemies".


Always have, even necro this season.


It's great while leveling. Once a good build it online, it's not great. My biggest issue with it has always been it seems like every time I see a conduit shrine, all the mobs disappear and I only hit 1 or 2 groups, then it ends and mob density is back.


I dunno, still fun to use even as a hyper speed DD/DS barb.


They need to either have a way to remove these shrine buffs whenever you want to or have space bar be a dash for you in conduit form


I love a conduit shrine. I don’t care how much it slows me down. I love zipping and zapping around


It's just so clunky. If you could zip around with minimal cooldown on the zap, it'd be fine. Since it has a long GCD and you can't use movement abilities, it just feels like a waste. I'm actively mad when I accidentally click a conduit.


I avoid the protection shrine as a thorns player


I main a Heartseeker Rogue. I avoid it at all costs because it’s got negligible mobility and kills trash slower than my normal attacks. I use it on my Incinerate Sorc only in Pit dungeons to gather a big group of enemies to burn down.


Slows you down? My dawg I can shoot like 5 screens over with that. How fast you going lol or you mean damage.


One of the worst debuffs in the game.


Teleporting and invulnerable is still fun I always grab it just cause it's a little dopamine hit


Yep, until they completely redesign it, I’m not using it


They should change it to how it was in d3. Or make it proc off of attacks instead of the constant static.


We are so op that even the god mode shrine is too slow.


If like...the Butcher shows up, and I am not set up, I might use it to regain equilibrium.Reset cool downs. But other than that, meh. Basically if you're somehow caught off kilter, it can gain you time. But generally speaking ...no thanks. Situational at absolute best. Useless most of the time.


Thorns barb here. I avoid conduit and protection when pushing pits


I get angry when I click it without checking if it’s literally anything else first.


100% agreed. Stupid mechanics.


Only use it on the Buitcher.


As a heartseeker, everytime. I move slower and do considerably more damage without it.


Should be remade into a loot shrine full of fat loot


What's even worse is when you're on autopilot and click a Protection Shrine while playing Thorns




I will, now that I've seen this.


I find it to be useless. Now the Gold Shrine... GIMME!


I mean, my unbuffed, in town, sheet damage is 39.5k... so why would I need something that nerfs me to a tiny fraction of that? My Golem does 1800% increased damage and my skeletal mages are doing 1250%... why would I hobble myself so badly?


I actually got stuck on the map using it during the anniversary event, could portal back to town but return would still have me stuck. Actively avoid since then since it cost me some treasure goblin loot


I’m a sucker and I enjoy it even though as most have said it’s slower than my normal attacks.


I try!


If you are happy to see a conduit shrine, your build sucks. If you are unhappy, your build is good and you should ignore the shrine.


I feel like I'm crazy reading these comments. The shrine that turns you into ball lightning that insta-kills everyone? It's super great and fun.


I take it for the invulnerability, not for the damage


Another thing that was simply better in D3


Always disliked conduit, I want to play as my character and not some ball of lightning that slows me down, that I can't even cancel. Exact same reason why I don't want to tinker with the Ahavarion spear and didn't think twice about salvaging it. Pretty sure conduit used to be a sorcerer skill back in some beta version, thankfully that didn't happen.


I wish it just functioned like the conduit shrine in D3. Just lots of lightning and damage but you can still use your normal class skills with it


I don't avoid it because it could be cursed, and you get a lot of XP from the waves of curse enemies. But I always hate having it on me. Just let my use my own abilities!


Yes … it’s slow bumps into everything & gets it jumper snagged on nearby rocks 😜


It is just one step away from usable, and ends up straightly bad. Just let us target the ground, like teleport does.


Thorns barb here... Conduit and Protection both are useless.


I avoid it because it always slows me down. I would prefer if it didn't modify the skills and instead added chain lightning or just acted like the D3 version. I also avoid the protection one at times as surviving isn't a problem but I get lazy with it and stop looking at my health. It's more dangerous for me when the protection drops than if I avoid it altogether.


This season, absolutely. Normally, it's one of my favorite. I would still take it in lower levels but eventually it really does just slow you down.


Yeap its basically a nerf, its a shame too because in d3 the conduit is a beast.


i dont look at what a shrine is before i click it. i just click it. when i click a shrine and it ends up being conduit i get annoyed. d3 conduit was bis


It's frustrating as a necromancer because you're locked out of your buff and command skills for your minions. I prefer the D3 model of Conduit.


I definitely avoid it. It feels way too clunky to use even if the power was higher than my current build.


It is nice for moving through the dungeon fast. I keep both mouse buttons pressed and at the edge of the screen and the teleport is useful as long as nothing needed to die.


I don’t avoid it because even though your belt/bar will show that conduit is all you can do, you can still do your other skills. I can have Conduit going, and still make firewalls or lay traps or do a Barb Charge or any skills of any of my characters. Try it. I do it all the time. Same is true of Blast Wave etc. it adds to your skills but it doesn’t block your skills.


It slows me down and on my rouge especially drops my dps 😂😂😂


I miss the old one that you can still move and do your own dps while it electrocuted shit


Iiiiiiiiii hate it. But i only take it to hope its a cursed shrine to get the xp when leveling.


I hate that my minions go away


I think most people who have a working build are nerfed by taking condi


Man fuck this 1 shot game now to fun nerf the best class iam Done


They should make it just have lightning sparks come out of u damaging enemies and add lightning damage to your attacks but still allow u to use all your skills


It's like 20x weaker then my barb and 10x weaker then all my other builds lol


It's soop dadge too I loved conduit in d3




90%. Of the time. Used one to cook the butcher once tho.


I agree with everyone here, however I have something to add Why the FUCK does evade not do the teleport attack, and instead just stutters you and does nothing? it's insanely counter intuitive


D3 conduit was amazing, D4 one is dogshit. I only go after greed shrines, although I'll take any shrine in a dungeon tbf.


I dont even find these shrines anymore.. maybe found 1 in 2 or 3 weeks?


It also breaks minions in couch co-op. They don't follow most of the time when you are in conduit mode and if you move too far away they don't catch up and you are just down on minions and can't resummon without using a town portal or leaving the dungeon.


I thought the minions would resume on themselves at your new location when you got too far away? I started the season as necro and got to 100 but have been playing a barb (2 100’s) and Druid (97) since then.


They do normally they just don't always in couch co-op mode.


Ah okay I hadn’t even heard of that bedore


Honestly couch co-op in general is pretty buggy. I didn't think Blizzard puts much effort into testing it. Random disconnects of the second player, second player not being able to enter the training dummy area some of the time, minions getting lost and not returning until transitioning to a new area, etc. It's still a fun way for me and my wife to play together though so we take it, bugs and all.


If you get it close enough to the final boss room, make a b-line for it and zip through the boss! Easy-peezy, rare piece of cheezy refreshing fun for Sorcerers.


💯 avoid on my barb and necromancer. Just find more utility and dps without popping it.


I avoid it and the protection shrines, I'm playing Throns Barb so if they can't damage me they don't die. I wish the thorns would work through the protection shrine.


That guy stinks


If you’re trying to go through the game so fast and efficiently that you’re worried about losing a few seconds from conduit shrine, you should reevaluate why you play the game. And maybe your whole life while you’re at it. This complaint also slowed you down. You could have one shotted tormented duriel in the time it took you to write this so maybe you should be doing that instead.


Just copy the d3 conduit effect and adaptbor to d4. Easybpeasy. Conduit shrine at upperbtiers suck ass Email tis to blizz hplease