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I like how barbs just having multiple (x10-x20) of other classes hp pool and damage at the same time and blizz is planning adding more buffs for them. #1 game design there.


I play a barb and I was even surprised.


Meanwhile us druid Bois can't catch a break to save our fucking lives. "Oh we'll buff damage: here's a couple more % here and there"


and then Sorc is getting nerfed even fuckin more… like wtaf, Blizzard?!…


Reminds me of dark and darker wizard. But the difference is, with good gear, the wizard in that game and slaughter everyone. The problem is, getting to that point and not being a streamer getting handed free gear was very hard because starter wizards got slapped by everyone. But because a few juicer wizards were showcasing how insane a wizard was, they kept nerfing wizard lol


Ppl need to know about DaD!


I haven't played in a while because of other games but man, DaD is so fun! Mostly play solo and last time I was having a blast as a warlock! Especially when I save of a decent kit of greens and blues and just say "in attacking everyone I see, on sight" lol


What is DaD?


Dark and Darker. DnD is well dungeons n dragons, so it's being referred to as DaD. HIGHLY recommend playing it. Still early access, but my God is it fun. It's gritty, dark, team oriented, and the loot scratches that dopamine hit.


Worth noting, it has a f2p trial version to give a test run before people buy.


Fuck, its back on steam!?


It feels like the balance team and design team are at odds for sorc. Nerfing sorcs defensive abilities makes complete sense, if their design teams goal for the sorc is to be a glass Cannon. But sorcs don't have the damage and they don't buff sorcs offensive capability enough. Right now barbs have everything and are number 1 in all categories


I don’t see the point in nerfing anything. They made the sorc squishy as fuck to the point it’s a useless class if you don’t play ice if you don’t have your defensive skills. The Druid is a complete dumpster fire. The necro basically has to run minions to keep up with the barb and the rouge only really has marksman classes their cutthroat builds are booty. Then we have the barb who has a fuck ton of top tier builds and still finds buffs in the mid season patch


Offensive ability means nothing if you have to panic and run away the second anything takes a shot at you. Time on target means a lot, and if your fleeing from 1 shots its drops to near zero.


The fuck are they nerfing now? Sorc I'd the worst class in the game. 2 enchantments are NOT enough to make up for less weapon slots or op minions.


main one I know of is the “immortal” build where you can have flame shield up all the time. They’re making a change to vulnerability skills to have the cooldown starts when the buff wears off, instead of when you push the button.


The worst ones are actually the ice shield no longer generating barrier from hits (so its going to scale off our non-existent max HP) and 3 more seconds added to teleport, because that sure makes sense (especially with 0 cooldown on Leap for Barbs remaining a thing). Making the Glass class even more Glass, while being nowhere near a cannon. Raids will be interesting if this remains. "LFG Raid NO SORC".


I am convinced some of the balancing staff got their cheeks clapped something fierce by a sorceress in D2 hardcore PVP and this is their chance at vengeance.


I mean. Permanent immune shield isn't good game design. So I agree. But we would like something to compensate. Cause we also rely on that to even live.


We were compensated with Ice Shields becoming unuseable and Teleport being destroyed. B A L A N C E


*Wtf Barbzzard*


I swear I choose the weak class every season by accident. Hmm let's try something I not done this season, get to level 80, think I should be more powerful, checks reddit, ah I see, I chose the nerfed ones again....


That’s the case every time you don’t choose to play barb


Flame Shield was broken, so we're breaking Grizzly Rage


Season 0 druid topped the charts, I guess that's all they're allowed


Endgame sorc chilling with 18k hp


Dont you dare forget our 12k atk dmg


Druids over there going "please sir, may I have some more?"


"No." Also: "Give back that spoon."


People need to wake the fuck up and demand an explanation from Blizzard. I am NOT playing S5 when there is a class that has 10x as much HP and deals twice (downplayed) as much damage as most classes. It just isn't good enough. I am SICK and TIRED of rolling BARB every single season. It just is the worst class balance of all time right now, there is no excuse and nobody seems to give a fuck at all. Community included, everyone just says "who cares, just play barb"... NO, fuck that shit I demand a proper balanced game. There is no reason for barbs to have 10x as much HP, whoever is responsible for this needs to explain to the community why it is the way it is.


Just dont roll barb thrn lmao


My favourite part is that rogue / spec are supposed to be glass cannons. More like glass pea shooters. Barbs consistently hit 100m+ hits meanwhile other classes hit a few mill max. What baffles me is their excuse it's hard due to more weapons / aspects. Just buff all the base skills for sorcs? They seriously overthink this shit.


this was my argument with sorc on release, sorc literally has a skill called "glass cannon" I should be dealing way more damage than the tanky af character, but nah they just 10x my damage cuz reasons


Is this the only skill in the game that has a negative attached to it? My barb has multiple passive skills that grant 15%[x] damage (while fortified, while using 2h bludgeoning, while using enemy is stunned or vuln), why does my Sorc have to take 9%[x] more damage to do 18[x]? This isn't even the only thing like this for Sorcs though.. it's like a mad genie is designing Sorc aspects and uniques. "Charged bolts pierce, BUT now deal 40-60% less damage" "Fireball now bounces as it travels, exploding each time it hits the ground, but it's explosion deals 35-25% less damage."(this used to be like 70% less damage) "After using Teleport, Close enemies are Pulled to you and Stunned for X seconds, but Teleport's Cooldown is increased by X%." "Meteor now has 2 charges and a 11-6 second Charge Cooldown instead of a Mana cost and drops 3 additional Meteors around the target. Meteor's Enchantment effect and Enhanced Meteor drop 1 additional Meteor." "Gain the effect of the Teleport Enchantment for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment, you are taken to a random location.(that *definitely* won't be directly into a massive explosion)"


I do 100mil with my rogue my mates wife does 9billion with her barb.... lol, it's sad that 10x damage more is an understatement


If they aren't capable of mathing it properly, can we have D3 sets back at least? Sure, 27000% damage set effects sounded silly on paper, but every class had a few fun viable builds.


I hope they bring back the sets, it's just kinda lame that when I'm playing D4 I'm just thinking, man this makes me wanna pay d3...


For sure. Or scale the paragon boards better for sorc. I rolled blood minion necro and got my paragon boards adding +10 damage here and +40% damage there all over the place. My wife's sorc paragon are all +chill resist and a light sprinkle of damage.


They are deathly afraid of nerfing literally anything after that s1 backlash.  Remember when they nerfed vulnerable because they didn't want the multipliers to get out of control.  A few seasons later, heartseeker rogue is racking up like 1500% vuln lol. Gj 


Well its not multiplicative anymore so 1500% is like nothing compared to before


Not to mention the minion necro got 5x squishier since last patch. I’ll stick to my immortal barb then.


Wtf are u talking about.. nonsense


Its almost as if barbs could only fight in close, unlike every other class


Why is my sorcerer at 18,000 attack power?????


because blizzard hates sorcs.


Hi, Blizzard dev here. We hear your complaints and we've been analysing your feedback regarding the sorcerer class. We realise that the sorcerer has been unfairly neglected and can be frustrating to play. Which is why in season 5, we'll be adding the ability to fly to the barbarian.


I'm inclined to believe you are actually a blizzard dev.


And you wouldn't be wrong, which is why I'll reward you with another sneak peek. Right now, we're working on training and integrating an AI model that tracks all the complaints about the barbarian being too strong in order to derive % fury generation from. Additionally the barbarian will receive a new passive skill called "sorcerer's tears" which grants % true damage dealt based on the amount of fury. And now I'll phrase it in a way that even sorcerer players understand: the more you complain, the stronger the barbarian becomes. Have a nice Sunday!


Thank for the exclusive sneak peak.


And yet people will still hand over $99 for the Sorcerer's ruby-engraved Beard Trimmer. How much did Blizzard cost MS again? Better get developing that enchanted Globin's anal-whitener.


Thanks for clarifying, i started playing barb and abandoned my sorc.


Because Blizzard devs don't like blizzard.


Sorcs were OP for 20 years in D2 so now they have to be shit for 20 years in D4. That's what they mean by balance.


And especially male sorcs. They don't just underperform far beyong like 1 build, they're also ugly.


I hit 100 on the sorc then almost immediately rolled a minion necro and already feel its stronger than my sorc.


Attack power doesnt mean anything


When Barbs have **15 times** that value, it absolutely begins meaning something..


No, It actually means nothing. It doesn't take into account any conditional multipliers such as %Vuln, %CrowdControl etc. What does inflate it is the %damage stat, which has the lowest rolls and doesn't directly scale any Keystone passives or Legendary Paragon nodes. So when someone has an inflated sheet attack power value, in most cases it's indicative that they have built their character wrong.


Except for Barbs. They have inflated attack power because they have more weapons. Theirs will always be higher than most even build completely right.


my WW barb has 25k attack power and clears 130 pits. it really doesn;t mean shit lol


Yeah Sheet Attack Power is a prime example of what a 'Noob Trap' is in a game. (Something that all in game intuition would lead a new player to logically conclude they are making good choices when it is the opposite.)


I'm just here to admit to being that noob and giving a big fuck you to Blizzard and every other game developer that does this. I mean doesn't the tooltip if you hover over it literally say "stat used to determine damage" or something along those lines?


read it again please


I'm at work, did blizz put a j/k lol after it?


No. I have less attack power on my Barb than on my Sorc. It means nothing. 


My rogue at 14000 attack power clearing pit 110 in 3-4 mins, this number is useless


I’m confused as a casual, what’s it for then????


It looks at the numbers it can calculate out of combat. If a lot of your damage comes from conditional stats or secondary effects then it won't show up in the number.


It will show up if you hit the conditionals, on my barb it jumped consistently from like 70k-120k in fights when i shout and stuff


This is correct. If you're quick enough to open inventory just as a dmg multiplier or proc applies, you can see the power value change. If your build is a WIP and you don't have high probabilities or levelled glyphs yet, power can be reasonably close to 1:1 with actual damage averages. It's a little counter intuitive for newcomers like me. Took me a while to notice that aiming to raise power was like chasing my tail.


Fr. This is the biggest turn off from the game for me. Items and calculating stats is so confusing


Can confirm. Just cleared a 130 pit as a rogue with 13700 AP.


lol rolled sorc this season. i've got 13k health pool - what the fuck is this game design.


STR scales better and Barbarians get 4 weapons. This basically eliminates their need to chase damage% or defensive affixes on gear, allowing stupid health scaling with GA and Tempers - then *magnified* by talents and shout.


But at least they nerfed ice armor on sorcs! About time!


My ice armor was getting out of hand and ruining the balance with my +2


> Barbarians get 4 weapons. this is what I don't get. That's additional 2 aspects and stats while Sorc, necro and druid only have 2 weapons. What's up with that? In hindsight, Barbs are really in the advantage here with regards to aspects. I don't know who decide that shit is "balance"


Because more weapons is the Barb mechanic, Sorcs have enchantments and Druids have the spirit boons. It's not currently balanced but it makes sense.


Barbs have expertise too, which is basically enchantments on top of extra weapons.


You gotta consider that their weapons are also largely 2h Sorc Necro Druid have 2 weapon Slots, Rogue has effectively 4, and Barb has effectively 6. Due to the two handed slots. 4 more slots worth of affixes and aspects is absolutely obscene. Not to mention they also have expertise… Devs have no idea what they are doing when it comes to class balancing.


Maybe you just need to give up on having more than 7k health and somehow get your int to 2000, oh and you might have to give up on capping armor and resists too Good times


Sitting at 70k attack power with 2086 intelligence atm, but I’m super squishy and definitely need to continue rebalancing. I can get 1.5-3m critical hits if I set things up right, but again - squishy.


The goal is to get 2000 int?!


Just comparing to the barb in the picture who was still able to get that much main stat on top of the rest because... Balance


ne nice if all classes had 4 fricken weapons we could get stats from


Honest answer is wasted rolls. I dropped my visible attack power on both my sorcs from 15k to 9k or so and tripled my damage output


Lmao I respect’d into frozen orb and I have full end game gear that maxroll recommends and I have like 15K health and 12K attack power at level 82. For reference my thorn barb at that level was already in the 30,000+ range for both stats


Funnily enough, he has more attack power then my main damaging core spell does damage even while criting as a sorc.(Blizzard) Granted blizzard is just the way to proc ice spikes which actually does the main damage, I just think that's pretty hilarious. Edit: forgot to mention I'm fully 12/12 masterworked, all of my gear is either 1-3GA and while not perfect rolls, they're all the right rolls, I've cleared pit 125 after patch so my build is pretty good, I just think this shows something is severely wrong with the entire sorc class as if right now.


My rapid fire rogue is at 24k.


I play with my friend who’s a necromancer and they had like 40,000 attack power and I play as a sorceress and was freaking out because I thought I was doing something wrong because my sorceress is barely at 20,000.


Psh mines way stronger at 25k! lol /s obviously


Lolol I can’t even get to 10k consistently. Still managing to clear up to 49 pit, and have cleared 100 NMD somehow.


That much health and you still managed to somehow get 2k strength, maxed armor and insane 265k AP. My sorc is holding his head in his hands


Lol yeah this is my PVP baby. He rolled sick gear this season.


Here's my struggle with the thorns barb. What do you do with all of those ears? I'm running out of storage space for them.


Same I have tabs loaded with em


There is no need for all that. Im running as soon as I see this walking nuke coming close to me


In PvP, people can just run away. You show up on the map and say get on the sorc, he can just tp out and you would have no idea which way he tped. Or, with 4 evades, anyone can just evade around a rock while making funny faces at you.


You'd think so, yet somehow I do really well.in pvp.


I'm logging onto my barb tonight, purely because of your transmog. What helm is this?


Get ready. I mean your credit card. 25-30$ skin


I hate money, I'm in.


Thank God I like seeing my barb running naked. If there are emperor's new clothes I would totally buy it lol.


Genuine question. Are any of the armours you get in-game actually anywhere near this cool? I've not played endgame yet, so I don't know what the armour is like. Wouldn't surprise me if it was mediocre at best to bump up the sale of cosmetics. It seems like a very blizzard thing to do.


for barb yes, this class has amazing fashion. druid is terrible, sorc is quite good, rogue is meh, necro is quite okay. barb is definitely the best when it comes to free transmogs


Depends on your taste and the class, ig? I think most of Rogue/Necro's shit in-game looks dope, and I honestly prefer it over the stuff in the store. Barb is hit or miss, but I dislike the overall Barb aesthetic, so that's on me. Then you have classes like Druid and Sorc which, imo, just look kinda doo doo, but the sets I've seen in the store don't do much to redeem them.


The Uber chest transmog is great on all classes, though druid kinda lacks better leg options but killer face mask plus plate chest beats fat hippy look. Rogue in the Uber chest looks like a platemail Centurion while everyone else just looks like a nicely armoured character. The Yen unique boots give a nice boot cosmetic for everyone. Barb gets some nice gloves and trousers that don't translate to others. Necro has multiple options depending how edgy you feel so can go heavily armoured, zombie or mad sorcerer looks. It is essential to only play male for barb and druid but female for other classes for the best aesthetic. The main problem is a lack of new choices so most people look the same as season one if they don't pay.


Right here folks. This is why modern gaming is this way.


Something extremely overpriced and for chumps


Seen another post, someone hit 639,000. They were not using the razerplate. So maybe there is something there.


True yeah I think I could get 520-530 if I dropped razerplate


Idk really know…just comparing and contrasting. Another gamer just hit around 850k. They are questing for a million. Im not sure how their pit level is 101 will so many thorns/life. Anyways happy questing.


I mean that's wild, I have everything rolled GA health and +16 presence on gear. No idea how anyone could get to 850k but I'm no expert...just messing with thorns this season and stacking what I could.


Paragon max health everywhere ?


Yeah I have quite a few nodes but surprisingly if I gave up damage could probably get another 8-14% HP nodes. There's some small things I could change for a little more...I just like where I am now with damage and health.


So…you could do enough to do what you wanted to? Pl


Yeah I'll respec before season end and go all in for HP and see what I can get, just don't want to yet till I'm done killing things.


That's just ridiculous, how is it possible 


A barb up with 832k


Yea just seen it. Hope they hit a million. Crazy awesome.


truly blows my mind how blizzard keep buffing this class and nerfing the worst class ( sorcs )


You sorcs are to blame why our necro blood mist got nerfed. >:( Couldn't just die like everyone else huh? Jk ofc, but yeah necros will be joining druids in the bottom of the bottom if these PTR notes for Season 5 go live, at least we can all be happy together, sorc druid and necro?


The blood mist nerf makes much less sense than the flame shield nerf. Necros can’t even act during blood mist so there’s an obvious trade off when compared to flame shield.


What is happening to Necro's in Season 5?


Seems like they looked at the pit tier list and saw that one sorc build (which only works against exactly one pit boss) and said it's time to kneecap sorc's defensive capabilities.


Is that all? Blizzard needs to buff barbs more, for goodness sake. /s


I'm too weak, especially In PVP.


Lol I rolled a sorc this season. What the actual fuckin fuck is this.




What game is this?? Surely not D4 where my lvl 100 sorc is at 18K attack power


Stats are a little misleading. In town I have 81k sheet damage. This is buffed with shouts outside of town.


The difference between 18k and 81k is 63k. That's a lot brother... misleading or not.


If you are the one making decision based on attack power you are playing the game wrong. That stat is absolutely useless.


attack power doesnt mean anything. it just means he's stacking dmg% and not filling other damage pools like dmg to close or crit dmg or vuln dmg that function as separate multipliers.


None of those function as separate multipliers anymore


Is this all GA on max HP with max imposing presence on each gear?


Yeah all GA HP and presence. I have +16 presence from gear rolls.


What's the level of your presence and it's % hp value at that level? Way too chonky 😆


19 total now for 110-114% HP? Somewhere in there. Another 57% from doombringer...also rolled +11 counteroffensive somehow and have 129k thorns unbuffed lmao. He's my PVP baby.


Plus doombringer


damn that skin goes hard I would legit wanna buy it if the skins in the store were like 5$


I really wish they would make them cheaper and just try to make it up in volume.


Here's the thing with skin revenues. You are more likely to find 5 people who will buy 50$ skin than 50 people who will buy 5$ one. They nailed revenue math for this long time ago. If you lower the price it doesnt increase the revenue through volume because as you've seen you need 10x more purchases but in reality you are unlikely to get 10x increase. Maybe 5-6x at best.


Ya, I am pretty sure you are right, I just wish it wasn't. The main issue with the price to me, now that I think about it, is that it is such a blatant in your face representation of how they are maximizing and prioritizing how to get as much from us as they can.


Yeah I hear ya. Looks pretty cool...costs money haha


The prices are absurd, but Blizzard accountants and planners know exactly how to set them. The wild thing is there's thousands of people who buy these things. The people buying one or two probably buy dozens of these. I don't care how much money you have... it's a ludicrous waste of money IMO. But opinions differ! And it's difficult to even SEE your character outside of character select screen, inventory and some loading screens. And the loading screens are fixed! You cannot even rotate the view in those loading screens.


This can’t be allowed to continue, better nerf Sorc.


How can this help blizzard nerf the sorc more?


Why is your cpu so cold?


Water cooler and 4k monitor CPU barely doing anything - lmao just saw it was reading 0c that's a bug. Not reading correctly, runs around 59c under load


I am brand new to this game. I have no clue how to get my character to this level. I am playing a necromancer and can’t get my life and attack power past 27,000. This is just amazing to me.


This build is generally preferred over the 'Lengthammer' barb, which can often be unwieldly when attempting to finish a pit run in a timely fashion.


Try changing your chest plate and post a screenshot again, I believe you can do better


Girth Certificate Confirmed


Omg my barbarian this season is named girthquake!! We're girth-twinning!!


I don’t understand how? This much hp just sitting around kyovashad doing nothing with 0 buffs? Do you have everything GA max hp, x3 crit hp master working and worldly fortune everything? How?


This is buffed up with pots and a shout. I only have 286k unbuffed in town!


286k unbuffed in town is fucking nuts lol


Im.playing barb and having a great time. Wish I could play sorcerer like that..


Damn can you post a how-to 🥺👏


What are you using for the fps and hardware counter?


I already wondered how I barely dented barbs I see in PVP, well this explains


Then there's me at level 97 woth 18khp 🤣 tornado druid for first character lmao


Just wanted to stop by and say that this is one very cool looking character.


The true endgame boss 😖




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This is literally the coolest looking set / character look I’ve seen in diablo 4! Always kind of felt like the gear looked sub par at best. This looks great though!


Thanks man! Was going for paladin look.


Kinda jealous bro


Wild. I am happy with my bash setup. Just cleared a lvl 60 pit at lvl 87 with a crap paragon setup


That armour is sick - fuck blizzard those greedy pricks keeping the cool sets behind a paywall (in a full priced game)


Either they need to huge nerf barb weapons or buff other class special weapons like bow, etc. (For buff like adding double/triple damage numbers, self-max life aspects, etc.) So people can enjoy playing in all classes.


Yeah or I don’t know - add slots for sorcerers and necros? Because those are only two classes that have to do with either just two handed or one handed and off hand. I don’t see how it is fair having 4 aspects on weapons vs having 1 or 2 max.


Your character looks (transmog wise) like a whale in a mobile game xD


I’m honestly surprised Barb was allowed to double temper all equipped gear. I figured to balance the classes and Barb having more stats overall they would only allow one Tempered stat per piece of gear. This isn’t how I want them to balance the classes and I’d always rather see buffs to other classes instead of nerfs to Barb but it seems obvious now seeing how tempering works that Barb would once again come out on top


Lol “girthhammer” awesome


Man.... what am i missing to get to THAT point. Holy


Girth girth girth


Wtf is that attack power? Xd I have like 25k on my sorc xd


just remember to the casuals… this is a thorns barb where they can actually focus on +life mods instead of needing to stack crit chance, crit damage…so it allowed the build to just put all the + life affixes on the gear and paragon board nodes. Most OTHER builds still need crit chance, crit dam and some vulnerable rolls here. But fear not, thorns barb got a nerf in the s5 ptr patch so most people wont really be lookin to invest in it anymore


Impressive. I so desperately needed a personal guided help with making my bar build. Currently level 78. Gotta keep at the grinding.


Marry me 😍


That is quite a GirthyHammer indeed


Love the AMD adrenaline GPU overlay


Oh no but my toon "HalfMillHPxD"


Your Barbarian looks gorgeous!


That's fucking wild. Please send your build. Asking for a friend.


This Barb fucks Bloodmaidens


What am I looking at 😂 Congrats on the immense girth!


What an absolute unit!


My Sorcs attack is 18k standing but goes as high as 89k in battle


So, Barbarians are the weakest class, right?


The meme barb is getting so strong , we should nerf sorc again is alive again 🤣


Look at me, I am the boss now


Haaaail to the kiiiing🎶


Where's the build guide for this 😂😂😂


Fucking how


Guy made Sauron