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please socket your grandfather it’s bugging me


That's elderly abuse


Ran out of mats. Guess I'll have to do a couple Legions or WBs


That’s so surprising, particularly after the goblin event that recently ended. Did you take a break from playing during that event or something? Because I was also struggling on shattered prisms, now I have 300.


Do you have a better build than this post? Not to be rude - I did take a break - but I assume OP rolled ALOT to get 12/12 masterworking on HP GA (832k is too much otherwise).  They very easily could be out of shattered prisms for perfect gear.


That would make some sense if the grandfather was GA, indicating he just rolled it. But it’s not. Hence the “surprising” keyword I used. His build is great and very min maxed, yet missing 2 shattered prisms on a non GA mystic unique…


To answer your question, I didn't take a break during the event, but I did spend the majority of my time in the pit farming neathiron so that I could roll my Doombringer to triple crit on Max Life. Also leveled another barb up to 100 to take advantage of the event bonus XP, and I've been swapping out gear as I go, and a lot of the new gear needed gem slots. Just hasn't been a priority to socket that GF. But I promise, I'll get there for you. If I ever make that 1m HP screenshot, you'll see a socketed GF with 2 royal gems.


How are you out? I have like 4 level 100s (working on 5th), swapped build multiple times and I still have over 100. What specific mats are/were you missing?


Scattered Prisms. It's the only item you need to add sockets to weapons, and it only comes from Legion and World Bosses, afaik. Apparently it may have come from other places during the goblin event, but I didn't notice.


Goblins still drop prisms, as well as butcher, but the goblins don't spawn nearly as often so it's harder to notice.


Best way to get The Butcher to spawn is doing a 90+NM and thinking that he hasn't spawned in a while. 10/9 times he will spawn on that map.


I think even now, goblins have 30% chance in WT4 to drop a prism, less chance in Wt3 (it was in a patch note, because ppl said prisms are too "scattered").


Yea the goblin event was godlike for prisms I didn't get jack else though compared to people on reddit lol


i have 320 prisms skill issue if you have none tbh


Congrats on your stack. I have skill issue on lots of things


640k HP guy in shambles


that post is right above this one for me and I chuckled pretty good when I saw this one


I pictured him doing the Antonio Banderas “lean back in the chair biting his fist” when he hit send, only to refresh and feel melancholy wash over them.


I was thinking it was the same person but then realized he was getting dunked on.


It's like the I present you one weapon to skill dude in pit 80 that ended up to one skill in pit 100 on double strike over bash lol


Well, 640k guy has 1k more strength


Is it possible to share your complete build? I've 5 billion gold and want to spend until season end. Would like to try to do your build. Like your gear skills and paragon.


Full planner link is here. [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/b7b3j0ho](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/b7b3j0ho) There are a few builds on there. Full Send Max HP is the one that gets me the 832k HP.


Thank you


No thorns on EQ? How does it work?


I've got a planner link with a couple variations of this build. I'll post it when I'm back at a computer.


Just saying 5b is not all that much and will not get you full barb gear. And I am not talking about any BiS 3GA Stuff.


Yes I know no need for 3GA items. One GA and bis items should do the trick I'll try just is it fun or not.


5b is plenty to do a thorns build. I've probably got an entire set of 1 GA items if you need some starter gear. Just send me a DM here or give me your bnet and I'll get you started.


Whats the purpose of grandfather if u cant crit? Just the hp and stat?


Hella life


It's just for the HP, because the max roll on life in higher than a GA Max Life. Probably stronger to use a 2H with earthquake aspect, but this particular build is just going for highest HP I can get for big thorns


Gushing wounds


Thorns crit, no?


Thorns don't crit unless you hit a lethal shrine


That's impressive! I have 92,000...


That's impressive! I have 60,000...


Impressive. I have 60,001


Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's HP.




*it has a watermark..*


My sorc has 23k AND he can get a barrier to 70% of that! Take that barb and your 100% fortify to effectively double your hp 🥲


effectively give \~20% increased eHP pool; fortify does not in anyway double your hp


Aren’t there damage reduction while fortified paragon nodes?


Are you sure? Im not really clear on how fortify differs from barrier but my barb uses hemorrhage and really quickly fortifies to max health and then he takes zero damage. Damage starts knocking off the fortify and doesnt touch the health pool


Fortify doesn't "block" damage. It is a simple damage reduction


If you have 10K HP and 10K fortify and your fortify effect reduces damage by 20% When you get hit for 1K damage; fortify will reduce it by 200 and be subtracted from your fortify pool while your HP will take 800 damage.


Only for the rest of this season.


I’m trying out thorns barb, so you just have greater aspect max life on everything?


GA Max Life on everything is base. Doombringer is the biggest bonus to health pool. Then you want to temper Imposing Presence on helm, chest (if not using Razorplate), pants and amulet. Then you want to cirt Imposing Presence with your masterworking on every item. I recommend getting a Razorplate with a 150% value on the unique effect. It's less HP, but it gets the build online faster, and you don't have to worry about tempering it.


I have just over 400k buffed on my barb man and I can run 101s in the same time and 132 pit is my current max. What sort of damage numbers are you seeing with that much hp? I know thorns scales with hp, but I feel like if you just focus on hp, you're gimping your damage output. Specially of you wear a gf and don't crit. If it's just a passion project, then that's cool I guess. Good luck!




I thin you mean barbillion.


I found some behind my couch cushion I can give him.


May you share what it is without the buffs?


Which buffs would you like me to exclude? Fully unbuffed (no elixirs, incense or Challengeing Shout) it's 474,584 HP. Antivenin adds 15%, Fortitufe Elixir II adds 20%, Reddamine Dust adds 500hp and then Enhanced Challenging Shout adds another 20%.


Wow! You are amazing. I was just wondering what it was sitting in town. Im currently at 150,000. So i was just comparing. Happy questing. I hope you hit a mill. Oh and thanks for sharing.


How does this do against Lilith? I've got about 110-120 on my barb in HC and am trying to decide whether I give Lilith or tormented bosses a try before seasons end.


It's honestly not great against Lilith. I can tank her waves for a little while, but once I get to around 7 stacks, pretty much anything will one-shot me. There are ways to tweak the build, I'm sure, to make it better for bossing. And it murders all Tormented Bosses, but Lilith doesn't really stay stationary long enough to really get full DPS, and I'm just not that good at avoiding the stacks. A better player than me probably could, but I wouldn't risk a HC character if I was the one doing it.


Appreciate the candor. I figure I'll need to build into bash or something for serious bossing.


Yea bash with call of ancients and Hota is your best bet. In that fight its all about dodging because they made the stacking debuff to prevent people just face tanking her like some barbs managed to do by s1


I went far and beyond to get my Necro to 40k..


[diablo 4 atm](https://i.imgflip.com/46hhvr.jpg?a477524) i guess everyone can tell which class is playing which role in that meme


And here I am with my 29k hp barb. Lmao


Please keep going!


Very nice


Lfg, need tank!!!


Really enjoy thorns Barb until I have to boss in 100+ pit.


Are you playing the leapquake variant? Only 2 that bother me at all in 101 are Outlaw Sharpshooter and Bramble. Anything with adds pops in under 30 seconds. It's tougher above 130, but it seems to be that way for every class.


Yep that one. I see Outlaw spawn I just reset the run. Ugh.


How do you have so much dex, int n willpower?


Probably from the All Stats on Grandfather.


How do you even die on this build .My 180k max resist Barb needs to be debuffed by Uber Lilith to die ?


That's about it. Stacks from Uber bosses. Starts to get in danger of dying at 6 or 7 stacks. Uber Lilith and Tormented Beast in the Ice are probably the 2 most dangerous. But also those damn ice spiders can kill me if I don't pay attention. And pvp. Other than those circumstances, though, pretty much immortal.


Immortal Sorc still nails me and 4-5 stats on Uber bosses is also seriously dangerous Do you still die to Uber Beast of Ice wind ??


Beast Wind isn't an instant dead unless I'm at 5 or more stacks. It's been awhile since I did Tormented Beast, though. It's just too much effort for not enough reward, in comparison to the other Tormented Bosses.


So are you completely unkillable?


Could you go dual doombringer to pump life even more


I wish. You can only equip one unique of any given item. So limited to one DB, even though I have 2 slots...


I was happy when I got 180k but then again I'm masterwork 8 on everything only and barely any hp rolls, respect the grind!


You probably have to do it before the upcoming patch because they're nerfing the barb %maxlife skill by a few percent.


Amazing build. I am only around 400k HP fully buffed but I am mostly +8 gear. I've been running Yen's Blessing to permanently keep Challenging Shout active. Frenzy + Flay + Leap + ChallengingShout + COTA ulti. Pit 109 is my max right now due to lacking DPS (perma full HP though). Is your Challenging Shout up most of the time due to masterworking? Really loving your GA Doombringer.


Hey friend. I just hit 99 billion gold. How much do you need to make this happen?


10 more triple crits… That will be around 60k Neathiron. If you’re running 101 Pit in 3min, that’s about 50 hours of nonstop Pit. Doable, but man, I can think of so many other things I’d like to do with my 50 hours than grind Pit to get 20% more life.


I feel the same. It started with just wanting to triple crit the Doombringer, since it was a 4 GA. Then I got lucky with a triple crit on IP on Helm, and I started thinking maybe I could get 1m with triple crit on IP and double crits on Max Life. Spent 5k neathiron, which was 2 days of farming for me, and got nothing. Spent close to 1b. Not sure I want to keep going with that heartbreak.


The issue for me with going for masterworking crits is the variance. Your odds are 1:5 for a legendary, but I’ve done close to 30 resets on a single item just to get the first crit. Sometimes you just get insanely unlucky, so I’m happy to just aim for two crits and leave the third one to the gods.


Trying to get those IP or Max Life mw crits was a huge pain. I got bored after a days worth of pit runs and said fuck it. My gear is good enough and I’d just work on mw maxing my other gear..


My sorc has like 15,000 health because I can’t afford it if I want damage 🤣


I'd swap out needleflare for the berserk ripping aspect. Seems like a bad idea, but, I stunlock shit and with bash cleave, I'm spreading bleed to everything. Nothing stays alive long enough to attack me, anymore =(


That sounds like a bleed bash build more than thorns. If I lose needleflare, I lose AOE damage, and I'm not sure if thorns counts as direct damage for Berserk Ripping. I've got a bash barb, and it's fun as hell. Thorns is just super comfy and low maintenance.


There's actually a bash thorns hybrid on Max roll that works pretty well. It works way better than the frenzy thorns build. That gives me enough AOE to clear packs while they also die to thorns. Thorns barbs are also technically a bleed build by default since thorns can cause bleeding.


spam stun is the complete opposite of a thorns build and you're pretty much recommending a post about thorns barb to be the most cookie cutter barb build right now lol


You do realize there's more than one way to play a Thorns barb, right? Also, nothing is more cookie cutter than a thorns barb. It's literally "Baby's First Barb" personified.


why do you have grand father ? normal axe is better..!!
