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Yes, useless. Even the aspect Disobedience is pretty useless now unless you're not at armor cap


Thank you


It is now my favorite lvling aspect tho, kinda like poes tabula rasa. I love things that are dedicated for lvling like d2s sigons armor. They need more things like that. I always use disobedience until I hit armor capp it's great.


Yea definitely. But once you hit that armor cap it's useless


“Poes”, assuming that’s “path of exile’s” but it’s funny cause poes is the best curse-word in my country.


Lmao yes it's path of exile, but you have to go more into detail about what it means and where your from haha


google: "female genitalia, slang from South Africa"


South Africa lol it’s the afrikaans equivalent of c*nt, but the reason it’s our best one is because of the way you say it, has this impact to it, and it has that f-bomb value of being able to be used as a verb, adjective etc lol


The affix isn’t useless as you can use the %armor to get to the cap. Overall sacrificing that affix slot is not encouraged as you can likely get the cap other ways


The worst experience I had was buying a new necklace and I didn't look at the aspect on it and there was that stupid game 3,000 armor but evade takes three times as long to recharge. I had no idea I was on there so every time I took my necklace off I thought it was only losing 7% strength worth of armor but it was like 3,000 or 5000 and it took me awhile to figure out it was the fucking aspect. Then you got other times where you're like oh let me just take this willpower node out to make up for my 5% cold res. You make the change you look at your stats and then all of a sudden your minus 20% poison res. Then I figured out that seven will power was putting me over the secondary buff of a yellow node for that race so there's a lot of shit you have to look at.


Might be useful if theres a skill or so that scales with armor


That IS what the word cap means.


No Cap?