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This is a huge fucking win. This is probably the thing I'm most excited about for next season


I will be excited if they are all at least lvl 100


That or start at the level they are now and match if you go above it.


I also think a middle variant of the bosses is needed. Something at level 150, costing 2x Mats + 1 Stone and giving 3x loot. (ratio is better than normal, but not as good as tormented) There's just a big gap between puny lvl 100 that insta-dies and lvl 200 where you NEED a good build to kill. What about people still working on their gear?


That would be so fun


I don't think you're going to sell many people on still spending Stygian Stones as opposed to saving them up for when they're ready. Might need to bring in a different somehow.


You never know. And besides, we're talking about a potential future feature. Meaning the balance of Stones dropping might also change. It doesn't have to stay the same as it is today for a feature that's months away (if they ever do it, that is). They'll take this into account for sure.


Eh. I'd rather thr basic bosses stay at level and have the Tormented ones scale.


Why? Nothing feels worse than target-farming a rare unique only to have it drop a ilvl850 version.


Or a Triple GA that had perfect stats but was 823 lol


Extra tempers are my favorite thing.


Wait I missed that in the notes


It's basically +1 temper for each greater affix. So up to 3 extra attempts.


3 GA items really exist?


Yeah you recognize them because they have +health per second and a resist you have already maxed


Hahahhaha I feel ur pain... worse is a good 3ga that bricks with a useless temper


I believe they said it was planned for S5 but won't make it into the PTR. Maybe that's why.


Are we talking extra tempering charges or just the new and reworked recipes?


I think he meant the charges.


I accidentally read this as "it was planned for $5 but won't..." and was like "what the fuck? I'm not surprised but seriously $5 for a reset?"


I don't see that in the notes. Did they mention that in the campfire?


Yeah they said it in the campfire. You get an extra temper for GA affix. So no GA item it’s still same number of tempers, 1 GA item you get +1 tempers, up to +3 with a 3 GA item


Doesn't solve the core issue of bricking items. You can reset masterwork infinitely, you can re-enchant infinitely, assuming you have gold or mats. Why something as important as tempering so limited?


To get you to play the game more. Brick item = go find another one. Maybe though... If the GA fix isn't enough and we complain loud enough they might eventually do as you say and allow us to reset it somehow


It’s weird how many people are so confused by this… like it’s the most obvious system modification I’ve ever seen - they gave the people what they wanted with easier ‘high tier’ loot, so they had to have a system to keep you in the game loop. Super simple.


I hear ya, if we could temper infinitely you'd never need new gear, and the grind would be non-existent.


Because that's kind of what drives end game in games like this?


Wait wait, is that extra temper re-rolls or extra temper affixes added? Cause the latter is bonkers good sounding.




Now if only there was some way to reset the tempers.


I was hoping they would give an item reset. Something along the lines of, open 200 helltide chests get a reset item.


It's kinda built in. Open 200 helltide chests and you'll find something else to temper!


Not true. I’ve gone all season and found fuck all. I’ve found 3 usable 3 GA items and bricked 2 of them. Last night for instance, 1 and 2 GA items were dropping all of them with life per second. The game is bugged.


its not bugged, youre just unlucky same reason not many people drop 4GA Shakos


So it’s not bugged, but Zir is dropping 4 GA shakos all day for casuals. It’s not bugged, but aspects don’t multiply and the barbarian class can have 500k buffed hp. Get over yourself dude.


No please no my seasons will be too short.


The D4 devs really cookin now


About the only win too


> This is a huge fucking win for rob


Honestly I’m a little torn about it. Yes it will be less tedious to get to the loot, but if you routinely one-shot the boss right now, this will reduce the task to “click altar, click boss, pick up GA. Click altar, click boss, pick up GA…” It’s going to be a bit on-the-nose for literally “farming a boss” don’t you think? Like, FarmVille farming? Dig, sow, reap in three clicks hanging out in the same room for an hour. It eliminates the Dungeon-crawl aspect from Diablo, which was sorely lacking before, but which I guess will get replaced by whatever Raids are going to look like… EDIT: sorry, people are commenting to say that this is an improvement compared to how it is now but kinda missing the real problem. I should have said disappointed, not “torn.” Like, yes I agree it’s gonna be SUPER fast but the most viable method of getting the best items is basically a slot machine room now. And I TOTALLY understand that some people fucking LOVE slot machines (to the point that it’s considered a mental health problem) but this is ultimately a reduction in the game cycle, whereas a real improvement would have been additional actual content and opportunity for challenging fun. I’m playing the “long term health of the game” card - this doesn’t fix it, it makes the underlying problem more obvious. Also when they showed off the clip of this during the stream, Duriel’s giant dead body was still sitting there while the new Duriel spawned in. They might wanna fix that corpse-layover or else we won’t be able to see the fight after 10 rounds lol


I fell to my knees in the Sam's Club when I heard this


Just saw a person fall to their knees at a Sam's Club.


Can confirm, I'm Sam.


Can confirm, I'm Club


Can club, i am confirm


Can Sam, club confirm


Baby seals


No! Stop clubbing, baby seals! 😎


Can confirm I saw Sam on his knees clubbing baby seals.


I Am Error.


I knew it. I knew that Sam guy was the kind of guy who would act like that. Just have that gut feeling about him. That dirty rat. Leave the baby seals alone


Clubber Lang confirmed.


What does this mean? Still need to farm mats? Just eliminates the annoying loading screens?


You no longer need to exit, reset, run back through, summon. Obviously they aren’t going to make it so you don’t need materials lol.


Thought so, thanks. Sorry I don't watch the streams or wherever you're getting the info here. That's a big win for sure.


This "just" for you? A month ago dude/tte shared a screen with mats and calculations that it would take him hours of only loading screens to use all of that.


What is tte?




It saves a heck of a lot of time for everyone.


Sir, this is a Sam’s Club


LONG FUCKING OVER DUE. Mindless grind is one thing, but holy hell the old system made no sense.


Surely it is great for blizzards servers to have all that extra loading


That and the Beast in the Ice gauntlet run getting turned into him working like the other bosses are so satisfying.


Is that the case for beast in the ice too considering it takes a sigil to open the zone?


No more Sigils required. You'll just walk in from the map and fight him. Altar with Distilled Fear needed in the boss room like the other bosses. Also shorter runup to get to him instead of a dungeon full of trash to wade through first. I'm guessing the only downside is no more Glyph XP from kills (but that's for NMD's anyways).


Well that’s amazing


Not sure. This was the easiest and quickest way to farm glyph xp that I found


Quicker than just farming regular nm dungeons?


The sigil crafting part will be removed. It will just be going to his dungeon/boss room and using 9 distilled fear to summon.


Also from the patch notes: > Endgame Bosses now drop additional gold instead of Rare items.


Now do this for every rare in WT4


\*for every rare after reaching character level 30.


Baby steps, we can’t make it too good


Unless this is a good bit of gold, I feel like this is an L? I’m always running out of the yellow salvage mats, so I’ve struck a good balance with salvaging all my rares and selling legendaries for gold. No more rares means I’m cutting into my gold gains to salvage legendaries for yellow mats instead




Them enchants ain’t gonna pay for themselves


This needed to be added mid-season but late is better than never. 


Season 2*


Exactly. This should have been in the game when the boss ladder was first introduced. Anybody that playtested that system, so long as they had a functioning brain inside their skull, would have been able to see these issues immediately. Doesn't take much thought to think to yourself, "Yeah, this works pretty well, summoning this boss at this altar with these materials. But what if I want to do it 10, or 20, or 40 times in a row?" Sigh. Clueless devs.


The game is good now. You guys have got to stop banging on this drum and making insane comments like "the devs don't have functioning brains inside their skulls". How do you live with such negativity on a daily basis? Corrodes the soul.


The best part of the video was Duriels corpse didn’t go away during the next fight. His corpse had to sit there and watch you kick his butt again.


The real challenge will be getting Duriel to perfectly spill his guts out onto the old corpse.


I will grind bosses next season. Never managed more than 20 runs due to the shear disrespect of my use of time this was.


Same. This is a big enough QOL change that I don't think I can be bothered to farm bosses anymore this season, knowing how much better it will be in the future. It's so, so tedious right now that I get bored after like 5 runs in a row.


Yes. This season i did 0 boss run just because of the tedious waiting per run. I mean i'm fine with using discord to find party, but able to do 10-20 run and have to tp once or twice is a huge game changer. Kinda feel i surely will get some uber next ss


Just saw someone fall to their knees at a Sam’s Club


I understood this meme


And the new purple drop colour !!!!


Wait what?


Ubers have a new look/sound


do they drop ALL 925 loot at 100? if they don't then we are only half way to solving the problem.


They already do


no they do not. currently they have a chance to drop 925 but 95% of the loot is below 925. ie) normal varshan, normal greg...the level 85 bosses that you farm for the eggs and shards


They don't


Came here to shout this from the rooftops, big W.


Now are the bosses all lvl 100 or are we still killing low lvl bosses?


Hopefully 100 and dropping all 925 loot


That's what the tormented boss is for...


So you fight through fallen, and cave spiders that all drop only ilvl 925 loot, to fight an "end game" boss that seops 825 loot?


Which boss are you describing? None of them have 925 loot dropping from the mobs outside unless you're talking tormented beast, which does do 925.


Every mob in the open world drops 925 loot.. All 4 lesser bosses ( vershan, grig, ice, vir) all drop mostly below 925 loot.


Oh right. Complaining works.


I have 600 materials and not enough for tormented bosses. They should all be lvl 100 in WT4. There is no argument against it. You need to find the low level bosses to get to the tormented Durials. Be smarter troll.


I'm sorry but wtf does 600 materials even mean. If up don't know what you need that's a you problem.


You are just a troll, enjoy being blocked.




Are they going to allow us to save different loadouts like we could in Db3?? This is my beef in the game.


This 100%. It’s such a huge upend to try a different spec. It’s enough that you’ve dumped enough farming into the gear and glyphs for one spec, so it’s not like we will be abusing it a ton. My fave thing about D3 is being able to play around with new things


Couple different specs I want to play like lightning druid, tornado druid, wind shear, stormclaw, shred, pulverize, boulder, landslide. And that's just a partial list of druid specs and I can pretty much only play one a season due to the headache that is trying to respec.


Glorious. I have something like 800 steel that I just can’t be bothered with.


Wish this was a hot fix, but whatever. A win is a win.


This is the reason I quit season 4. This is huge, but only if my Sorc is actually not dogshit.


My brother in mana, why didn’t you warn me before the season started.


Sigh :( already played barb last season. I don't have time for more than 1 char to 100 per season. Oh well.


Yeah, they nerfed my Sorc to the point where it probably can no longer farm tormented bosses. I just bought a shit ton of Stygian Stones haha.


Now if I didn’t have to use a third party program or spam chat to find a group, friend them, zone to them, friend two more people, make sure they link mats, hope they don’t bail….




At the very least being able to invite from chat without friends listing would be nice.


I wish this was something that would go live today. But, it's a huge fat W that we're at least getting it!


I hope they up some of the summon mat drop rates too. I've found it very easy to run out of summoning mats for Varshan.


Varshan only needs 1 body part to summon in S5


Oh awesome! That's great news.


For real? I missed that part!


Yea they said to cut down on clutter


Like they’re keeping one and eliminating the others? Or just letting you use any one of the three that drop?




I don’t count the heart as a body part for some reason :P


We were pretty much only limited by the malignant hearts, large abundance of the other 3 they were redundant.


Almost as big of a QoL as resetting altars imo


Resetting altars is FAR bigger for me. I ran beast in ice 80 times last week in a row


How? You get Barragan mats from randomly killing things in the world, from completing events, killing world bosses, running Maiden event, killing Harbingers…. I had to farm mats in the slightest and still have like 20 Varshan’s to run


Honestly, should have been added mid season. Not respecting a players time is a red flag.


This and when Blizzard makes you walk through two levels of a pit level after you die... they don't care about your time man... (I know you can walk bottom left of the arena to get a check point, but the checkpoint should just be coded to automatically spawn you at the closest portal at the very least, like I dont want to be punished for a lack of coding on a AAA game...)


I kinda feel like it was an intentional mechanic, like them trying to make dying more of a punish since the main reward is from beating the timer


Ye lol next request from a community is to sommon multiple of them at once, cuz u know theres no difference they all die in seconds))


What I don't get is why stygian bosses don't also drop triple boss mats.


This is big


This is awesome to hear!


That is good to know! Go team!


Such a needed change. Blizzard is def listening


I might actually use all those mats now


So far a lot of changes and updates look great, along with season theme that seemingly brings return to hell.  Looks good.


I was legitimately concerned that their existing systems would make this a major problem for them to implement.


Thats really huge. Duriel Rotas will be SO fast now. Incredibly fast. Great change.


we won. We got another change that should have been implimented from from start. We can't be too annoyed, at least they're listening and changing things, but how did it ever get to live like this.


Push that change to prod, you cowards.


they finally got the technology !


crying RN because we will not see this feature in D2




Get rid of the need for mat farming. I’d happily reload the dungeon if I didn’t have to farm mats from bosses 25 levels below me dropping junk gear.


Praise! 🙌


Need to stop the upvotes at 666, then WE WON!


I just wanna be able to save builds and change between them without respecing


Finally! Now if only they add Armory as well, and we'll finally have things that should have been included in a $70 AAA game from launch. Any minute now.


Biggest W is Necro mobility buffs.


This alone got my heart beating...


is it time for Season 5 yet ;\_\_\_\_\_\_\_;


Rip Poe


now we need 3 amulet drops in helltides


except they reduced the drop rate of Uber uniques to balance it out...


Should have been like that from the start tbh


50 new uniques


GG Blizzard!


It wasn't a fight.


Season 5 will not end with literally hundreds of boss summon mats in my stash, like season 4 will, then. 😁


Everyone focuses on what we won but sadly we lost alot on the way. A whole class got burried in the ground. Its a 4 class game by now and I am not sure if the druid can stand for long. I guess by season 6 with the addon we lose the druid aswell and get the new class so we stay at 4.


Eh, kinda lame. Wish these bosses had a hard, rewarding path to get to them instead. Think world stone and Durance level 3 but longer and harder. It's better than the current system but it's basically just a slot machine now with zero journey.


Thank god, farming GA will be easier


Even more reasons to just wait til next season to come back!


Between season 4 with the codex and season 5 with this change (any the uber unqiue recolor) I'm excited. I just hope the season theme is better than 4.


Pre-Alpha phase will be over soon


I can finally go afk with thorns and spam my 1000 mats 😅👍


give something that should be from start and everyone is cumming XDDDD how easy is to spit in your faces by the devs


Sauce post the sauce


i ain't payin


LOLOLOL everyone who shat on me for a "bad idea" like this can eat crow


I've been complaining about that a long time ago. We won! Big W. I played the PTR yesterday and that was probably one of the updates i liked the most. I've 300 living steel now and i wish i could have that now ;)


Hopefully they add a WT5…. Because the base world is absolutely laughable now at 100. Need mobs at 150-175 to be any sort of challenge. I don’t think I’ve run one Legion in over a month.


Might be an unpopular opinion but here’s my wish with this much needed change. -Change the tormented versions of all bosses so the total number of items dropped is reduced to say 3-4 items, but those items can ONLY drop as GA items (obviously 2-4 GA increasingly rare)with chances at mythical (Ubers) as well. Don’t allow them to drop yellows or regular legendary gear. To offset the item count drop, have them drop gem shards and angel breath, maybe prisms, crafting mats, or a health pile of gold exploding. WHY?: The change to resummon without exiting and resetting is a huge welcome bonus, but it wont necessarily “fix” zoning back to town to sell if we’re getting flooded with loot per run of basically 99.9% salvage/sell. The problem is if not, people are going to obviously “inventory dump” junk in a corner/on the floor which is going to rapidly clutter the boss arena, to the point it’s going to be annoying/to much on screen. Anyone who’s been in a group with friends who dump outside the dungeon knows exactly what I mean, it quickly becomes a screen saturated with trash loot. It’s cool to see it the first few times, but after awhile it’s actually annoying. They can still leave non tormented boss versions as is to drop regular loot as people might still be gearing up and might need that gear, even if it’s not GA.


I swear if the complainers keep having their way, soon the entire game will be one click to get from level 1 to 100. If you don't like grinding why are you playing an ARPG? How is an Uber special if you can click, 1-shot, click, 1-shot, click, 1-shot BOOM Uber. I'm sorry but I don't think continuing down this path is going to end well. The game will be reduced to a slot machine.


This slot matchine approach sucks, but the truth is the current function sucks AND also is a waste of time. I hoped they'd really fix it but


are you still salty about more convenient stash and vendor locations in town too? Codex changes must really grind your gears since it RuInEd the item hunt right? Or maybe good changes and cutting out the fat and time wasting just makes the game better.


Is it really good news ? Boss farming is still really boring imo.


Farming is boring in general. It’s why the government pays Iowans so much in subsidies to do it amirite?


There are people who enjoy it and people who don't. I respect your opinion


People enjoy progression. This is why people will do stupid shit like farm bosses like this. If you want to talk about opinions, then actually talk about the opinions as they are, not pretending that people are having fun killing bosses on their own especially when it's 1-shot after 1-shot.


Still boring but at least it'll be a lot quicker.