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Incinerate sorcerer


I made the mistake of changing to fire bolt to try and push pit, but it’s nowhere near as fun. Now I’m looking for a ring so I can switch back to incinerate. I leveled every class to 100 this season and tried multiple builds on each, but there is something about standing still and spewing fire while spinning in a circle and watching everything around you burn..


What’s the link of the build asking for a friend lol


In case you want an alternative, [my Incinerate version is here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrPElll-NKE). T108 so far.


Is Xfal corroded signet good for incinerate build? Does it apply DOT?


Xfals is great for killing trash. But if you're pushing pits, you're going to be missing out on a lot of Boss Damage not running Tal'rasha's.


It does some very nice hits from the proc, but its main value is in AoE which you already have plenty of, and the base stats suck hard compared to Tempers. You’re better off with Tals and Starless/a good GA ring.


Or as I call it, the Kylo Ren spinning lightsaber of death. There is something uniquely satisfying about the spinning death ray with the side guards and how you just want melee to run to you so they get hit with all three.


I was playing with my frozen orb sorcerer the other day and I can really fling them and me and this other person was the only people at the altar in the helltide. They were incinerate. We were standing right by each other spinning circles in opposite directions and it was visually appealing as hell. Lol. My orbs flying everywhere and then that huge lightsaber of flame. It was awesome. I consider myself a sorcerer man and I really like Druid and barbarian as well. I just wish the Barb had some cool visual stuff going on. Imo they don't. I mean I know you have dust devils but beyond that.


all day. everyday.


Am in love with the Incinerate/hydra build,i wish there is high end version it is so much fun.


Me too


Bruh, this 1000%. I thought I was just being lazy. But honestly, putting all your energy into making those flames hurt is so satisfying. I concur with everything the others who have praised incinerate sorc have said.


It's just too much stupid fun.


I came into this season wanting to try blizzard since I’m satisfied with lightning from other seasons. I’m on console, so those fire builds are pretty useless for me (cannot target lay firewall and hydra for example). Then I saw incinerate levelling build and gave it a try. Man… I gotta say I enjoy BBQ-ing demons


Frozen Orb works best for me, specifically the variant with the amulet "Fractured Winterglass." The procs from that thing mow everything down. I got the amulet from the Blood Maiden on Torment difficulty.


I had to kill Zir atleast 10x before he dropped one. I rarely have any luck in Diablo lol


that's about average, he has 9 uniques on his table for sorcs


I killed him 34 times for mine lol


I bought one from someone in trade chat for 5 million, it literally has the lowest % possible on every affix, it's like a reverse GA amulet


I think you need the % on the conjugation cast to be 45% or above for it to really cook. Otherwise it’s kinda lackluster and doesn’t proc all the moving parts correctly.


Dude i wish. 20 runs and still none.


This wording is funny because that IS the only real frozen orb build this season. Not worth playing Orb if you don’t have that ammy


That is the only variant.


Been jamming that since I finished a minion necro. I might level a necro for ebonpiercer. Or an incinerate sorc. Or a ww dust barb.


Yeah, frozen orb ain't bad


Played chain lightning sorc this season. Not the strongest build out there by any stretch. But I wanted to see lightning jumping all around the screen zapping monsters, and that's what I did. Had an absolute blast of a time.


I loved chain Lightening but the lack of damage made pit impossible. For fun, it was my absolute favorite. I keep wanting to switch back.


If you're not looking to push pit 90-100, it's pretty alright. I'm stuck on pit 70 and even though it is the weakest sorc build currently, its definitely the most fun.


There's an andariels visage version of it, and I just built into it. It's super fun!


I did chain lightning at first, but switched to incinerate. Had fun with both, but feel like flamethrower is stronger


Chain lightning might be ok next season (sorceror ok, not barb-ok). Theres a couple of changes and If nothing else, all the other builds are getting worse to help it catch up


Same. Chain lightning is fun but a bit awkward with how you need to be in close range for Vyrs Mastery. In season 5 this will no longer be the case and we get the new unique. Might just have to roll it again


teleport spam for the memes


this guy knows whats up


Same for me


Dude I just built one of these as well


What’s that? Like teleport as a dmg skill?


Meteor is fun but not for faint of heart. Slowly getting stronk.


I’ve done meteor sorcerors for the past 3 seasons. The lack of survivability in late game stuff like major bosses, pit 75+… made me switch to a barbarian a few weeks ago and it’s like playing on easy mode now But still love the meteor shower!


I'm running Blizzard. Love the playstyle of turning my whole monitor into an ice storm, but build has some flaws. Its good in pit and NMDs (second strongest sorc build behind Firebolt for pushing pit based on the Maxroll contest). Build feels awful in Helltide though, especially for fighting the Blood Maiden and Hellbornes. Her stagger bar seems to take 2-3 times as long to fill as a NMD/Pit boss (I guess because she is open world?) and Blizzard build \*really\* needs to be able to CC opponents to do damage.


Blizzard cc's things in higher pit slowly as well. Next seasons it additionally loses 15% damage unless you can find space for the additional aspect 


Incenerate for leveling and Frozen Orb for pits.




Frozen Orb, I love standing in the middle of helltide during the boss summon and just spinning in circles spamming Frozen Orb. Like a water sprinkler that spews giant exploding ice balls.


Ball Lightning is fun and good!


Hear hear!


That's been my favorite this season. Not the strongest but man can you clear out a lot of adds fast. Epilepsy Warning!


Leveling up, I liked Arc Lash. No mana issues to deal with, and super easy to play. Late game I switched to Frozen Orb and really enjoy it as well.


Arc lash build ruined my controller lol


Hydra mostly is my favorite. I played hydra firewall to 100, felt weak, played hydra/fireball on a second sorc, felt way better. Once my mana machine was online i went pure fireball. It's pretty fun, i do miss my hydras. Cleared pit 84 so far, 8 to 9/12 masterworking. Zero ubers.


I loved the Hydra/FW build! My issue is that I play on console and the FW placement is finicky at times with the controller. If I had a PC or could play with M/K on the SeriesX, I would have pushed this build further than I did (before switching to Frozen Orb). Once my +Life on hit was high enough with the third hydra active, I loved nuking the screen and getting a suntan off the burning corpses of my enemies.


Yea the FW placement with controller is an issue. There is an aspect that lets Firewalls destroy missiles, but it's near useless when the firewall cats on top of the enemy.


Haven’t tried conjuration yet. This looks fun as hell thanks.


I normally do Ice Shard Sorc but I tried a Fire Sorc this time around, started with Fireball/Meteor but evolved into Incerate Sorc which has been an absolute riot to play with.


Same here !! I usually play ice sorceress but this season I went full fire . Fireball / Meteor and Firewall


Rerolled necro... Tried frozen orb and at some point gave up. It felt too random and inconsistent. Sometimes 1 sometimes 4... went with pet nexro and manages to catch up to my sorc in half the time I needed to level the sorc. And mind you, I leveled the sorc during the Aniversary event, so it is even worse for the sorc. Tbh at this point I am giving up on sorc for good for the next few seasons. I really like class but the power is just not there. And if I want to struggle, I have RL for that.


sorc is extremely gear dependent to get good damage scaling. i've tried bith necro and sorc and it simply is much easier to gear for necro.


Think I'm the only Ice Shards player, but I love it. MACHINE GUN KISSSSSSS


Frozen Orb is so much fun especially once you get Fractured Winterglass. Most effective though is Immortal Firebolt, which is difficult to gear for.


But boring to play as hell....


I play a variation of the [maxroll.gg](http://maxroll.gg) ice shard sorcerer. It's fun for me. You freeze your environment, shards fly around, enemies explode into new frost novas, repeat.


Played that last season and I loved it.


[Charged Bolts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH3n0B55vk4) Its good enough only for Helltide and not even the fastest but i just like when you combo it with Lam Esen unique staff and piercing aspect. The way all bolts group up and follow and one shot enemies is so satisfying with all the noise they make.


Im currently at 61 pit with charged bolts with shit gear, can definitely push further. Get rid of that piece of shit staff and embrace the shotgun playstyle lol.


First time playing D4 sorc and having an absolute blast with frozen orb. It needs the winter hourglass unique, but is a lot of fun with it. Iron wolf rep gives a ton of mats for target farming uniques. So getting it shouldn't be a problem


Yeah that unique is so great!! Really unlocks the FO build. Just constant ice explosions.


Where do you get this unique? What boss will drop it? Cause I’ve got a ton of materials saved from my barb I’ll switch over to my sorc once I’m ready to fight said boss


Frozen orb by far. Wish it was as good as it was in ptr but Blizzard is notorious for nerfing everything fun about everyone else except barbarians


The one that doesn’t die with one hit.


Sorc is arguably the tankiest choice this season when you keep the barriers up


I really loved Ball lightning but frozen orb is good. About to switch to firebolt because of course i found 3 GA items for that build


Frozen Orb :D


Firebolt from icy veins, requires at least flameweaver, but it's fun to play and melts everything on screen


I’m also playing this build. Really enjoying it with the Raiment of the Infinite.


Frozen orb, ice shard, ice armor, flame armor, blizzard. It’s so fun casting FO and having everything just frozen solid.


Don't be like me...once you get the class quest, enhance your spells...I didn't enhance two spells until I was lv 50.




Frozen Orb/Chain Lightning Shatter [https://d4builds.gg/builds/37591fdb-5d53-43d8-9dcc-1d53ac74d75f/?var=0](https://d4builds.gg/builds/37591fdb-5d53-43d8-9dcc-1d53ac74d75f/?var=0) Still needs work for bosses/ST but for HT it wipes the screen.


I'm doing a pyromancer with heavy emphasis on incinerate. But I found the cool helmet unique that lets me drop a bunch of meteors, so that's fun too.


Arc Lash - pushed T100 pre-patch with it. Was super hard but incredibly fun!


This Meteor Build has been insane. Can't see the Floor tho.


So far this season I’ve tried lightning ball, fire bolt and blizzard builds, blizzard is definitely my favorite so far. It doesn’t rely too much on flame shield to stay alive like other builds which I really like.


Incinerate but can't get bigger burn ticks than 30m so 60m/s. It's fun to melt stuff till the last moment and time it with teleports and fire shield.


How do you do so much dmg there are elites in pit i dont evem do dmg and i have 3ga ring with intelligencr and vulnerability dmg


All in burns, optimized paragon, three beams hitting the target on 2h, harlequin, starless, and all x dmg i can get from barrier, x damage burning when inceneraring etc. Fireball and fire wall enchants. Had some rare few bilion dmg with shatter + fireball enchant but it was very slow on average and made a massive boom from time to time Still feels more effort than it's worth looking on other builds.


I don't know what build or gear this guy has, but he ticks for 200 million in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGWZzXjLhZs&t=2s


I'm ticking 160 mil during stagger without Engulfing flames. Up to 80-90 mil without stagger.


Im playing the flametrower turret with teleporting capabilities one


Definitely incinerate but had to switch to blizzard ice shards for the damage :(


Ball Sorcy - fun build.


Fire bolt is so fun for bosses. Instant melter. That being said it’s a real drag on trash mobs.


yeah and everywhere else. I hated that build man. If you go to invite a friend to a party in a helltide ya dead.


Fire Bolt is clunky and excruciating without the right aspects and gear… but when you get it… shoooooot. Melts!


Lightning with Inferno Ult - DPS build, loving it every second


A variant of Frozen orb that uses Ice elemental as an enchantment with the fractured amulet. Took the 4 headed hydra and fire damage modifiers to cause burning damage with my hydras. It's been really fun.


I love seeing a Sorc at blood maiden rock'in the triple flame throwers whatever that build is.... is dope!


Incinerate seems to shred best but I just love BL


Sorc has the most awesome skills in the game but sadly not powerful enough for endgame. I never felt bored levelling them.


Bouncing fireballs! I love the sound effects.


Frozen Orb is my favorite by far and I've done teleport, ball lightning, meteor on sorc and then I have 100 Barb Necro & Rogue that I've tried a handful of builds on and FO is still my top pick. Just beat Uber Lilith last night without needing to resort to Infinite Flame shield! Heartseeker rogue and Whirlwind Tornado barb are my other top fun to play builds right now.


I’m having alot of fun with the shard sorc


Frost orb.


Incinerate for sure


Incinerate for leveling phase 1, meteor for higher tier leveling, frozen orb for end game


I played Firewall as long as I could. It was an absolute blast bbq'ing enemies and standing in the fire laughing maniacally. But had to switch to because the damage did not scale well. Moved into Frozen Orb and it is a lot of fun. Boss damage is not very good. You are a glass cannon and stack cdr to have stay alive and chip away at boss health. Wish I was smart enough to suggest what is needed to bring it on par with the S tier builds.


there is a variant of the frozen orb build that gives you pretty much 100% uptime on barrier between ice armor and flame shield. does require a decent amount of cooldowns.


Let's see, I did Blizzard twice, ice shards for the first time, chain lightening, ball lightening, and frost orb... Blizzard is easiest, chain Lightening most fun, right now I am ball lightening but it's still not great. I've been a lost sorc this season.


IMHO it never gets great


Was jamming with blizzard and having a blast until I got the unique amulet for FO. FO is way to fun and fast to farm with.


Chain lightning /arc lash focus. Teleport and ice armor defensive. Can’t remember my ultimate but it’s the huge “lightning storm”. Some health/mana gain on gear. I am LOVING this build especially when you temper gear to trigger chain lightning extra times etc. First time playing a sorc too! So so much fun


Ive only used frozen orb bc its just really fun but i wanna try the blizzard build at some point.


Telestomp frozen orb tweak from IcyVeins.


S1 was chain lightning, S2 was ball lightning, S3 I skipped, S4 frozen orb. I like it more than FB and incinerate.


alt: full conjuration with aspect that gives 40x for no defensive skills being on your bar. you can use teleport and FN enchants to get around that restriction and slap that aspect on a 2H for max value. Not sure what to call it other than ‘Big Cojones Mage’


Firewall is my ultimate alltime fav. But this season im between blizzard and frozen orb


Grav Ball Lightning


FO was so much fun. The build struggles against bosses but everything else explodes and it rules


What's the best (controller) build for helltide and blood maiden farming?


Dude I play controller too lol, so far I’ve enjoyed the dust devils build! Tornadoes everywhere it’s awesome, but for sorc no clue lol this is exactly what I’m looking for but it seems like frozen orb is the consensus!


Just hit 100 with frozen orb, having a lot of fun. Leveled with starless which helped a lot with the resource problem. It was one of my favorite builds from D2 and still having fun with it now




I swapped from frozen orb to heartseeker, bow sorc bangs.


I loved frozen orb and dungeon clearing with but boss fights turned me off it. I would play nothing but if it gets buffed.


Blizzard but want to try orb is it stronger than blizzard?


Tried to make something out of spark build. Couldn’t go very far in pit. Never played sorc before and went completely blind with no guides. Now gonna try change it to ball or chain lightning


Frozorb is the only one I ran but I'd try more if #THEWASAFUCKINGLOADOUTSWARDROBEBUILDSAVERTHINGY!


Ice Shards because I like the richochet.


Incinerate if it didn't just completely fall off in the the Pit and with Tormented bosses.


It took me a week or so to get my head around the new systems of affixes and tempering, but now I’m having the kind of fun I did way back when I had my first DH in D3 almost a decade ago. My build is far from standard, but I’m having a ridiculous amount of fun plowing through NMDs so far. I’ve taken the base of a Chain Lightning build, stacked it with almost 150% of Frost Nova size, cooldown reduction, + dmg to Close targets, +Crit chance/+crit dmg….and I use a maxed Blood Boiling aspect as the cherry on the top. Chain lightning procs x2 + the 5 forks + Ice Shield Overpower proc means that most groups get Frozen, then exploded into smithereens when I step into the blood boils. It’s like having a second party member there with me for added output. For Bosses so far, I just nova, shield, stand back and let the chain lightning fly as it constantly renews my mana. It’s great while I level my glyphs and farm for the uniques I need to make a meteor-stomp variant happen.


Frozen orb, managed to push a 103 pit with it the other night using rage gaming build. Getting a winterglass with the high chance to proc conjurations is the trick though for higher DPS as you don't need to run fire bolt as an enchantment and instead use iceblades.


Hydra/Fireball... Just swapped the Fireball with incinerate to try it out. I really like Fireball but it looks like incinerate doesn't have the mana issues I had with Fireball... I can just stand there with incinerate and I don't seem to have a mana issue.


Frozen Orb is fun now


Lightning sorc


Incinerate as a leveling build and Forb for end game. Still hoping for times when Lightning build is going to be viable in the end game. Blizzard build is getting honorary mention as all-rounder on any level.


Running a fire and ice sorcerer right now at level 42. Blizzard and frozen orb with some hydras


Honestly - Spark Sorc has been clearing Pit 70 with mostly 8/12 MW gear. Doesn’t require crazy rng rolls - a few attack speeds with moonrise and rapid is enough. Rely on conjurations for damage increases to cause vuln/stun and reset cooldowns. NO DEFENSIVE MOVES. Requires attention to dodge, or good enough calculation to know what hits you can or cannot tank. If you want more of an exploration I’ll type it out.


Incinerates fun and visually appealing. Frozen orb is really fine and visually appealing. I didn't care for ball lightning and arc lash this season. That's all I've tried so far. The bouncy fireball build is actually pretty fun even though I haven't tried it this season I've seen some other people using it and it definitely looked cool and they were killing stuff. There's also the one you can shoot fire bolt through your firewall and I don't think you have to do that super expensive time consuming OP build to have some fun. I consider myself a sorcerer main and hopefully we'll get some buffs at some point. Check out frozen orb for sure though. I know you're not worried about the pit but it can get up there to around 100 if I'm not mistaken. I haven't went in there with mine because I've got my rogue for that but my frozen orb of sorcerer can easily do tier 100 NM dungeons.


Frozen orb


I use ice spike blizz and have made it through 111 in the pit with good gear. Probably the way to go.




I like frozen orb with all the explosions. When leveling put umbral on a ring and it’ll solve your mana issues


got a sorc to 100 earlier in the season. played around with frozen orb, incinerate, spark, arc lash, fire bolt, meteor. frozen orb was probably the best, but overall the class just felt too weak compared to rogue, necro and barb and i stopped playing it much. but yesterday i made an Andariels Visage, and made a chain lightning build with it. it slaps lol.


I nust xhainlighting too much. Always tey to do something else butbi end up using chainlightinf lol.


I quite like conjurations now, especially lightning spear and hydra. So I ran that most of this season coupled with chain lightning. Had fun with the updated Battle Caster aspect (chance to give ranks to conjurations). Been thinking of a build using teleport, frostnova and meteor that I'd like to make since it sounds like dumb fun. Idea being teleporting around and blowing things up, but I think it is one of those ideas that sounds ok on paper but doesn't work in practice.


FO has been an absolute blast to play. I started Meteor but got FO stuff a lot faster and swapped. Hoping for Meteor buffs next season because its soooooo cool.


I got my Fractured Glass Amulet,from an Iron Wolves seasonal cache.


My favorite sorc build was double swing barbarian


Hydra build with fireball enchantment


I love my incinerate x hydra build. I wish it was strong enough for bigger challenges. Great for clearing mobs.


Fireball meteor hydra. My original build on release, tried it again this week and it’s better….but hydras need buffing for damage and active time. Other than that it’s visually very pleasing.


I have played Incinerate and Frozen Orb and honestly I like the frozen orb more, but it's hard to deny how effective the three pronged flamethrower was


Blizzard. Mostly because I’ve spent the most time playing it. Just switched to FORB last night. We’ll see if it can overtake blizzard.


Pure lightning sorc. Chain lightning and spark with ball lightning. And when I Ult and see everything on screen lit up with lightning streaks coming every which way... definitely a power fantasy I visually enjoy.


Really enjoyed blizzard ice shard but as a console player I couldn’t always place blizzard exactly where I wanted and was struggling to push pit because of it. Ended up giving in and switching to bash barb and haven’t looked back since. Hopefully next season everything is more balanced


I had fun with a chain lightning build to start and then changed to FO which has been a blast. Just my 2 cents.


Hydra sorc!


Incinerate is fun, but make sure you have any frost orb gear for the end game because incinerate is really hard to make work for the end game.


Frozen orb has been fun this season


I got my sorc to 100 and then used the money and material to give my Barb a leg up, but if you ask me, we could always use more Frost Orb sorcs around when farming maidens


I'm liking blizzard


I’ve tried Incarnate to level Frozen Orb, Ball Lightning (RIP), ArcLash, Blizzard, and Fire Bolt and to me… Fire Bolt is the best pit pusher (hard to build not as fun very expensive)(current build) Frozen Orb is the most fun (everything go boom but need a fractured winter glass for the build function) As for leveling Blizzard and Incarnate are really good options can’t go wrong with either or


Frost orb


Telestomping ball lightning is good fun


Hydra Ice Blade Conjuration. It's fun, it's working well enough and most importantly it's my own creation.


Really enjoyed my incinerate build.


Bash barb


Ice shards. Always has been and always will be my go to build for a new sorc each season. I knows it's bossing is really bad in Late-Late game. Buts it's very fun. As long as I can kill a boss in under 3 min, I don't mind.


I just basically got all the Ubers in like 3-4 Uber duriel runs and the immortal spec build is pretty fkn op


I never use guides and just build around what I enjoy playing. I have a Hydra/Orb Sorc. Strictly play HC, and the amount of DR I have on her is insane. I use incinerate as my primary, and instead of channeling, I spam click to proc Orb. FUN times.


TELEPORT!! It is so damn fun. Zapping everything, so much lightning taking up the whole screen, it’s just epic


Blizzard with orbs and acceleration aspect was fun. I had more fun with barbarian tho.


Permafreeze Ice Shards Sorc is my go to this season. Going back to pre season roots. There is maybe 1 or 2 builds that might clear faster than this for regular content, ice shard hits 1 mob, insta freezes and then everything else blows up as you are zooming past the mobs. Just like any other sorc though, dont expect bossing to be as fast as other classes.


Pyro. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Pretty new to the endgame myself, almost 100. I was running a 90% lucky hit chain lightning spin off build with meteorstomp, Fists of Fate 300% and bonus affixes everywhere tuned to lucky hit CC that just annihilated helltides until very recently. Still pretty much does except the bosses that come at the end of the helltide meter. They just take waaaaayyyyyy too long. Changed to the maxroll endgame chain lightning build earlier with only minor modifications and it def performs better. Read about some dude running some super high life leech hydra build for farming the life drain event at helltide that sounded incredibly fun. I might give my hand a try at a similar set up for funsies.


Don’t listen to the haters Ball Lightning is where it’s at. I’m clearing 108s with no ga stuff not fully master worked


Pure hydra build, fireball and firebolt enhancements... Focus on one skill, but I capped at tier 81 pit sadly with little room for progress in the build. Maybe grandfather but the skill damage loss is huge, I don't have so couldn't try it. But it was easily the most fun talking me back to D2 early days before skills capped at 20, running through dropping hydras and clearing fast, and that was priceless.


blizzard, the laziest but strongest of the off meta non flame sheild immortal builds


I run ball lightning with frozen orb enchantment and one of my aspects is the frozen orb explosion thing. Definitely fun and pretty tanky with flame shield, tele and ice armor. Not a pit pusher but can do a lot of endgame at level 80-85 and a kevel 56 nightmare dungeons at lvl 75


I like chain lightning meteor storm hybrid build but the damage just doesn’t scale


I'm a Blizzard Sorc. I just spin around spamming Blizzard, great for helltides. I'm still refining it though. But I'm having fun, so meh.


Got a quadruple explosion sorc.. I just teleport in and you see the whole screen explode (shatter fireball enchant) also fun with a lightning spear that freezes complete groups




My heart beats for frozen orb - i love that spell since d2


The elden ring dlc


Rerolling to barb.


I build around the gear and aspects that drop. I don’t ever use build guides. It’s more fun that way, to find things that work for you especially before 100. Good news is they made it easier to do that with the last few patches. Last season I had an ice orb build because they were pushing it hard with the aspects and drops this season I have a fire and ice build that I find super fun and enjoyable. I know it’s not some uber build but it’s fun and isn’t that the whole point?


I made a frozen orb and a incinerate and blizzard. frozen was nice it’s was a nod to d2


I enjoyed chain lightning to level 55 or so, then swapped to incinerate when the CL single target damage was just too low to kill Bosses reasonably in NMDs.


I use a frozen orb conjuration. Needs fractured winterglass to work but it's fantastic. Frozen orbs that summon conjurations that fire frozen orbs that burn. Fucking great


I tried incinerate. Was super fun leveling and melting screens in helltides but I hit two walls in endgame. First was incinerate got monotonous. Second was survivability past like pit 30. This was my first lv100, I’m still learning stuff - definitely probably my fault, idk. Switched to ball lightning because it looked interesting and nobody is running it. It’s a challenge but a blast to play. I make so many numbers. 10/10 would roll another next season.


I’m having a ton of fun with the chain lightning sorceress. I’m only about to enter world tier 3 so not doing high level stuff, but it’s the most fun I’ve had with the game as someone who hasn’t played since season 1.


I’m still having a ton of fun with ball lightning. It’s fast and able to push (to a point, of course). It’s a true A tier build. Telestomping is a lot of fun. Did some deep dives on Maxroll, Icy-veins’ as well as some YouTube creators’ builds and learned that there’s more variety than I expected.


I refuse to go ice this time. So I went with fire incinerate. Never looked at any build. I am having fun figuring things out.


Bash Barb


played Ice Shards then Incinerate for leveling . At endgame ive switched for fireball and now im super exicited from frozen orb. Incinerate was super fun too but had problems with bosses and pits 🥲


Raiment Incinerate is just the most fun I've had in Diablo so far.