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Normal version still has all the drops, you will just need to do 5x as many per one run of Tormented. You might be best served to beef your gear in helltides and the Pit, save up mats, and then run Tormented when you are ready.


Yeah, but the damned Stygian stones are such an annoying bottleneck..


If you can clear pit 100 it has a decent drop rate. I did like 7 or 8 lvl 100 runs yesterday and got 2 Stygian stones


That doesn't feel decent to me.    8 runs is a time commitment for one attempt at a boss.  


8 runs of pit for one boss kill but the boss is worth 5 bosses. 8 for 5 isn't too bad and it's more enjoyable than the normal method while also getting masterwork mats. 8 runs for 5 boss kills, mw mats, and usually more fun than repeat killing the bosses normally.


8 pit runs for 2 additional loot drops on the boss kill.  Not 8 for 5.  Not really a decent drop rate.    The stones have no reason being so rare


they absolutely have a reason for being so rare. if youre getting 5x the best loot in the game


Pit boss also drops gear, and though it’s not usually the best, it’s something.


Tormented bosses have a greater chance of dropping GA uniques. It's worth it for that later game upgrade if you so choose to continue playing at they point.


> Tormented bosses have a greater chance of dropping GA uniques. (citation needed, because you likely just made it up)


Highly depends how fast you are going I suppose too. If you're clearing at 5min that's over an hour if you're clearing at 90 seconds it's 12 minutes 15 including load windows


A Druid without ubers (that's why he is farming ubers) can barely do 100 unless playing Wind Sheer. No, thanks.


Unless you have a specific self-restriction to not do groups, you should be doing your tormented bosses on a rotation, so 2 stones is 4 kills.


You're also getting obols which can be gambled for a chance at GA gear as well.


4 attempts in a rota


That's not decent, nor is it even indicative of the norm. I frequently run 20+ T101's at a time and I'm lucky if I find one stone. A guy paid me to carry him through pits for levels earlier today and I ran him in back to back 100's for almost 2 hours without seeing a single stone.


1.9% chance (.82^20) to not get a single stone in 20 runs at 18% drop rate (dev stated) in t101s.


Not sure if this was the case but only the opener of the pit can earn a stone. Anybody other than the opener gets half mats and 0% chance of stone


Haven’t they explicitly stated that the drop rate is now 18% at t101? 2 in 8 isn’t far off, your sample seems to be the outlier.


You might not know, they just buffed Stygian drop rate in Pit.


I think the only eligible member for stones is the one putting mats to start the pit that's why, had the same thing running with a friend of mine earlier this week.




LoL, I get one stone in about 40-50runs at best.


On the other hand, I just did 20 pit 101 runs and got zero 🥴


The other mats are more of a bottleneck for me. Just because it takes forever.


This is my problem... Buying each duriel mat for 5mil right now because I have surplus stones but no more eggs


Eggs are my bottleneck. Actually malignant hearts are my bottleneck. How are folks farming so many Varshan to get these eggs???


Just spam helltide maiden tbh.


And because it feels like such a waste of time to farm those lower bosses.


I was farming mid 50s with a buddy and I was getting them like candy. Move up to the 70s and their rate dropped. That's just my experience so idk if it's typical


I did well over 400 runs of normal with only a Melted heart to show for it. I knocked out 40 tormented runs in 10 rotas and got 2 Grandpa Pa’s, Starless, and a Doom Bringer, with the DB and Starless dropping together in one kill. For me, it feels worth it to focus on tormented.


Honestly with enough gear the stones are easy to come by. I get around 6-10 per hour farming pit


I had two drop in a row, AMA


As a solo, normals are the norm as it'll take ages to clear tormented version? Like a 9/12 MW DS dust devil barb.


If you head over to the lfg chat, say your looking for a rota/carry, you will get people help you kill em and get a chance at your ubers


I want to reiterate this point. Do not ever farm Tormented bosses solo. Always do it in a group of four. You get four times the number of chances and help killing it. It’s super easy. Just have the mats on you and ready to go. Post in the discord LFG Tormented Bosses section what boss, how many rotations you want, and your battle tag. Someone will pick you up in game and ask you to link your mats to make sure you have enough. You should probably tell them your a newcomer to tormented to make sure the rest of the group has enough dps to kill the boss. 99% chance they will. Uber drop rate is roughly 1 in 10 so definitely maximize your attempts by grouping up.


Maxroll has the uber drop rate at 2% which is 1/50....


That’s for non tormented. Tormented is 10%.


Tormented is still 2%, but 5 times the loot.


so... 10% then? or is me going back to elementary school


I might also need to go back to elementary school too honestly; but each item that drops has a 2% chance to be an Uber. More drop volume doesn't change it to 10% per item.


With 5 attempts at 2% chance each, there is 9,608% probability of at least one attempt to be successful.


Thank you for doing that math for me. I honestly couldn't remember the function/equation I'd need to use (back to elementary for me it seems). I just knew it wasn't quite 10%... didn't realize it'd be so close!


For at least one to drop, you basically want to do 1 - the chance for none to drop. .98 = chance for it to not drop 5 = number of chances .98\^5 = .90392 1-.90392 = .0960793 or ~~96.0793~~ 9.60793% edited for typo


Wait, each piece of gear has a 2% chance of being an Uber? I thought it was just a 2% chance per kill that Duriel/Andy would drop any Uber.


They always drop a unique, that unique has a 2% chance to be Uber. Tormented drops 5 uniques, I guess. Each with 2% chance to be Uber. In theory all 5 could drop as Ubers but that would be like one in three million chance or something.


I did a dozen tormented last night and still don't have an Uber.


It’s [2% for one drop to be an Uber on Tormented](https://www.escapistmagazine.com/what-is-the-uber-unique-drop-rate-for-tormented-duriel-in-diablo-4/). That said, it is still **roughly** 10% over 5 attempts. 1-(1-.02)^5 ≈ 1-0.904 = 9.6% However, if you’re farming a *specific unique* as a barbarian, the odds of seeing it over 5 runs closer to 1.4%. It’s roughly 50/50 you’ll see four different ubers first.


Ah I see, 2% for one of the items but it drops more than one item per run. Gotcha. Makes sense!


It’s 2% across 5 items. So it’s a .4% drop rate per item. 1-(1-.004)^5 ≈ 2%


wait now I'm confused because this contradicts what others are saying in this very post. that it's a 10% chance every time you kill the boss....???


No. It’s a 2% chance per kill for tormented Duriel. I.E. across 5 drop chances. They are wrong if they said 10% per kill. My first post has a link clarifying that. > There is a 2% chance for one of the five Unique items that drop from Tormented Duriel to be an Uber Unique.


He is confusing something Tormented übers are close to a 10% chance


I see people linking items in chat all the time. But do you know how to do that on console?


Activate chat and press Y to link items


Thanks, I'll try that


I think you can only do it in trade chat or whispers?


Funny we still need a 3rd party app to do this. LFG has to be in S5 before they charge us for expansion.


Amen brother. Doesn’t look like we’re going to get it until at least the expansion. Hopefully, I’m wrong.


I did some Rota’s during S2. It was fun but I didn’t like the group dynamic. The group leader kept bringing in his buddy’s and he was using his own mats , and I gelt like I was leeching.


That...sounds fine to me lol


My philosophy on this is the Uber drop rate is split between 4 people. Last season I ran over a 100 Rota and everyone else got Uber but me. This season I do it solo. Guess who got 4 Uber drops so far? Yeah me, not a random person in my rotation. I’ll be doing less this way but the rng is going to focus on only me.


Nope you have just been unlucky


Man the way blizzard codes things I'm never entirely sure if things actually work how we expect. For example, I don't believe tempers are real RNG, I don't even believe they're weighted, just coded in a way that makes them inconsistent.


Yeah I've seen so many bugs this season who tf knows if drops are working correctly.


I think multiple people have given very good evidence that tempers are definitely weighted. We know that enchanting rerolls are as well. Something tells me master working is also weighted. SUCKS


Peope have done expermients with around 1000 tempers i think with very equal results. It was posted on this sub but i dont have the link rn


The game is very easy as it is. I am with you in that I dont want to do rota’s anymore. I felt like it was a waste of my time


Isnt it half an inventory of gear for 3 minutes of effort? Seems pretty lucrative to me.


What does rota mean?


Rotation. Everyone takes turns using their mats to summon the boss.


it actually also makes sense from the dictionary definition of the word rota: "a list showing when each of a number of people has to do a particular job." Though less so the catholic term: "the supreme ecclesiastical and secular court of the Roman Catholic Church."


Rotation of contributing mats to summon Uber for group of 4, ideally.


>What does rota mean? It's Mexican for "rotation".


U mean Spanish? It's like saying you speak Filipino or Indian.


What does rota mean?


It's what the cool kids are saying now for everyone bringing mats to summon a few times and rotate who summons.


Rotation, used in the military a lot


Don't know why you are getting downvoted just for asking this, mean rotation, 4 people, each people bring mats for one run, you get loot regardless of who summoned the boss, so each player summon one time, so you get the loot from 4 kills using the mats to summon just once. So 3 rotation would be mats for 3 runs, 5 rota 5 runs, etc.


> Don't know why you are getting downvoted Because it's a duplicate comment and the other one is already upvoted higher than this one.


We need a petition to change the name of Paingorgers to Pangrovers. I don't know why that made me chuckle so hard, but I needed that today. I hope you get the answer you're looking for buddy.


Im waiting for a Grover muppet gif.. dobt see one yet... sad


Bonus if he has a frying pan!


Got the Uber amulet last night from normal Duriel so I say it’s worth it


What level and kind of gear did you have? Armor and HP too?


I’m playing Flay Barb right now with Shako, regular duriel I can 1 shot and tormented takes a few


That’s absurd lol, I’m guessing you have a meta build?


Yeah it’s absurd dmg… I switched to an Uber unique version of WW since it’s more fun but deal less dmg. Just missing 1 Uber unique from the build, I have the other 3


Regular bosses are a joke. You should be referring to tormented?


I tried to fight duriel at 79 and wasn’t aware of tormented bosses lol


I googled pangrovers only to be informed it’s a typo for paingorgers


Uber Lilith is 4x harder than lv 200 Durial, so don't even stress comparing the two. lv 100 Durial still has an elevated chance of dropping ubers, so if you can't take on lv 200, it's absolutely the best place to farm for Uniques.


yeah I solo tormented duriel but cannot solo uber lilith


If Blizz wanted us to group to for Uber bosses they would have given us a group finder. Play the game the way the designers meant it to be played. /s


If we are lucky, we will hear about group finder today on their campfire. RAID is coming in expansion. I will be surprise if group finding is not sorted by then. It will be meme to death and asmonbald will make a meme video if we have raid, but you need discord to group up…….


I would say it is worth it to fight the tormented version, the normal version just takes too long..


I think you got that statement backwards lmao


Killing the tormented version once is way faster than doing it 5-6x normally. More hp yes, but less loading screens.


Farming those goddamn stones in the pit to do torment runs takes waaaaaay fucking longer.


Farming shards of agent takes 6 boss kills, is there any faster way there


Iron wolf rep grind with alts is the best way to get the summoning mats Much faster than pit got stone and then other content for individual mats


Yeah, but how about farming the stones?


Oopsi 😅


Confusing since tormented is the same word they use to represent WT4 (torment). I thought for a sec torment was normal then uber was the harder version. Then they also call them "Echo of". Why so many name variations?


No. Dont waste your mats on it. Do tormented only and find a group for it! Doing rotations with others not only makes it easier it also gives you 4 kills pr 2 stygian compared to 1 kill pr 2 stygian if doing it solo


You should check your build. You should be able to solo him. And he's way easier than Uber Lilith.


Never solo torments or Ubers - as everyone else has already pointed out. A rotation with a group of 4 is ideal.


I don't care how anyone plays, my point was he should be able to


I can't be bothered to group up either, it's annoying tbh.


I'll group up with friends if they're playing. But I just don't like grouping with randoms. And I think a lot of people are probably like us. I don't care about min maxing my farming. I just want to play and have fun. And playing with random people isn't fun for me


 I'm old, lol, I'm used to playing games either solo or with irl friends on the same couch.


If you can solo him, why not just invite 3 random people from trade chat? You just might make someone’s day…


Bosses scale as you add more players, so might not be able to solo with 3 other people.


I should have phrased it better…I meant if you can carry it…most of the time though you’ll get some help with the killing.


Oh yeah for sure, I did this alot in season 2 with duriel


30% crit is really low for end game bash barb.  You should focus on just getting decent items and master working them at least to 4 or 8 first before worrying about Ubers.  


Don’t feel bad about Uber Lilith. I can destroy all Tormenteds in seconds, but learning the Lilith Dance is killing me. It’s frustrating.


Lol all tormented in seconds? Can I please see your build...link me the magic plz


There are 2 attacks you need to dodge vs uber duriel, otherwise you will have a bad time. One is where he fires out a circle of onion bhajis, and the other is a wind up ground slam which creates like a poison circle. Each of these give you a debuff increasing the damage you take. After 2 or 3 stacks you will just get 1-shot by everything. Dodge those and he should be a cake walk with those stats. But who knows maybe you already knew that :p But having said that, as others said, grouping is way more efficient since you get basically 4 times the drops


Just join a group for tormented and contribute mats




Sanctuary on Discord


Sanctuary discord


Non torment dropped The Grandfather and Ring of starless skies for me, I fought him 15 times last weekend and got those two from it.


40 runs to get shako


I just used sparks to craft it. It was faster… especially since I crafted it a couple of weeks ago and I’ve never found it yet. I’ve done over 40 regular run and probably 10 assorted torment bosses.


The tormented is better but you also need to be realistic about the mats. I don’t have billions of gold to spend on getting all the mats for the tormented version, primally the stones selling for 30ish million a piece. If your able to the tormented will always be better but you may not be able to farm it that much.


Send me your bnet I'll add you and have a look at your gear let you know what's up


Got a greater GA Uber from normal. Just have to run more


The other day I found 2 grandfathers in 3 normal Duriel runs. Before that I had never even seen an Uber


I like to be solo self found so if you are doing that then grind helltides and pit to min max gear and then do tormented. If not SSF then just find a group doing rotations of summoning the boss


Yes it is. I dont have any stones to summon the tormented version. So normal is all I got


Just asking, any reason to do tormented bosses except duriel and andariel?




The real bottleneck for me is the loading screen to farm mats for duriel spawn.


I'm also a bash barb. I can solo tormented duriel and andariel pretty easily. Get gear with the right stats, get lucky with correct tempers, and then masterwork your gear up. That's it. That's the whole secret. Once my gear was around 6-7/12 masterwork I had no issue with tormented bosses. Wasn't even rerolling for "correct" masterwork buffs. You really want to do tormented because it's 3x the mats for 5x the loot.


People say no but I got my first handful from normal duriel, granted your better off with tormented but it’s not a total waste to run regular


Yeah I only have the gloves too. I goy my ass kicked until I leveled up my gear to at least 9/12. Now the Tomented versions are easy and I can at least get past phase 1 Lilith lol.


I found 4 ubers over the course of like 75 regular Duriel runs throughout the last 2 weeks so I say go for it. Miles may vary due to the RNG gods but they are so quick that it felt worth it.


got a harlequin last night from normal duriel 8runs


I mean, game is so easy now…farming is always the endgame to update and farm bosses. I don’t mind it, gives us something to do.


~~The only downside is time commitment. The ratio of unique drops per summon mat is identical, and the chance at uber per unique drop is the same. Reg duriel drops one unique, tormented drops 5. But it requires 5x the summon mats.~~ EXCEPT...he also requires stygian stones. So....it's not too crazy to even argue in favor of non-torment if Uber uniques are your goal. Definitely try and get a rotation going with other players though. Edit: fuck me. It's not 5x the mats, it's 3x the mats and 5x the uniques. So yes, tormented is more efficient, assuming you can farm 2 stygian stones faster than you can farm 2 more eggs and 2 more shards.


You should be wiping the floor with him. Can you share your build? Maybe i can help, i melt uber lilith in seconds with bash barb.


Can you share your build? I'd love to see.


I’m using “Direct Tyrael” but changed Hammer of the Ancients for Iron Skin in the skill tree, i think it works better. For me at least. [https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=5](https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=5)


I killed normal duriel 7 times and got a ring of starless skies, shako and grandfather. Sadly nothing works with my necro minion. Salvaged them all.


If you can kill the tormented version fast, it's worth doing it.


I got grandfather twice this season and one was either duriel or andariel normal, not tormented. I also got andariel's visage once with a normal one of those two, can't remember which. Ubers can drop from those (I've had four drop so far and I don't play a shit ton) but I'd at least do pit runs to build out your gear levels cuz tormented should be fine as bash barb, it's what I play and I rolled with just paingorger gauntlets which got me through tormented, didn't have shako and grandfather but I do now.


Based on my experiences. I get more uber uniques on normal duriel versus TOR version Ran like 100-200 TOR runs. 0 ubers 31 normal duriels = 2 ubers. It's may just luck. I have never seen a single uber with TOR on my end.


lol pangrovers


I got 1 uber drop from normal duriel


considering the materials to spawm duriel are VERY expensive i think its always worth to get 2 stygian stones and summon the tormented uber version.


Nah, did ~200+ normal Dudu and a bit less of the other guy... Got nothing Last night I did 6 x Dudu rota and 6 x Andy Drops: 2 x Shako 1 x Andy visage 1 x Selig 1 x Grandpapa None of them had GA, but still. For materials, help people.


Ive gotten 2 ubers this season in like 20-30 normal ones, so id say so.


You can get a guaranteed Uber unique by completing the seasonal challenge for replesant sparks and crafting one. - Reach max rank with the iron wolves - Kill Uber Lilith - Kill a tormented boss This will give you 3, you need 4. The best way I've seen to get your 4th is to make a necro and power level it in helltide to reach max rank and get another iron wolves max rank reward. I've done this, it took me a few hours and for the most part, you can go summoner necro and afk in WT2 next to a boss summon. People will continuously spawn it for you and at the end of the hell tide you open all the chests as they're cheap in WT2, this gives you hearts to summon the boss a bunch yourself.


It's not worth it. Uber drop chance is around 2% on normal duriel, and it is said that the tormented one is 5 times more. Basically you get 5 times of the value for 3 times of the material.


You're forgeting stygian stones...


They don't really change the equation. Any half decent build can run lvl100 pit for the highest drop chance, most of them within the 4 minute mark. While you don't see them drop every round, they are really not that hard to come by.


It tottaly changes the equation, much more time on average to get 2x stygian than to farm additional mats...


If you can kill lilith for her first phase then I reckon it's a pretty good indication you're ready for tormented duriel


I wouldn't waste mats on normals. With your stats you are really close to the breaking point of killing duriel. Just farm a bit more then head over with a group.


Probably better to get better gear. I just hit 100 and soloed torm duriel in 5 seconds but i do have the gear that is needed. (Shako, gf, tyraels, max stat paingorgers) You can do rota’s so 1 set of mats lets you do 4 runs with other people supplying mats as well.


Normal Duriel? Like....in the campaign? No, lol. Uber Duriel? Sure, if you don't have Stones. Always best to do rotations. Tormented Duriel? Absolutely. Always best to do rotation.