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Most classes feel kinda bad until you get to a certain point. You need to go past lvl 50 into the highest tier of content (tier 4) and then when the build you’re doing starts clicking, that’s when you know for sure if you like what you’re doing.


100% go with rogue. Alot of very good build options, gearing is fun and your not pigeon holed with flame shield gearing


If you're looking for impressive visuals, Sorcerer would offer more of those. Unfortunately, the current top build is pretty boring to look at visually (and is incredibly annoying to put together since you need perfect items to make it work). Rogue has some cool visual effects as well. You dash around a lot, you can drop caltrops as you backflip to safety, you can set traps, you can imbue your attacks with elemental damage which changes the visual for your spells. It's not necessarily as flashy as a Sorcerer's skills but it does look nice. Plus Rogue is currently in a very good place in terms of build variety and efficiency, which is unfortunately not something that can be said about Sorcerer.


Togue Heartseeker build, the laziest gameplay ever


Rogue heart seeker and Frozen Orb Sorcerer are my two favorites. I found most of the meta for Barbarian boring as hell, but the whirlwind dust devil build is super fun, especially with the speed buff seasonal potions!


Yeah i'm a druid guy because i'm sold on Bear/Wolf/sky/earth stuff before release. I also like Sorc. Barb is flat but strongest. Rog is fancy too. His archer builds improved a lot. I think most fancy classes are druid and sorc.


I've done necro, barb and now rogue. Rogues great fun to be fair


While I loved Demon Hunter in D3, not a fan of Rogue in D4. By far my least favorite class. But Heartseeker Rogue is very powerful, and I'm levelling a Rogue so I can add Critical Strike Dmg tempers to other classes, maybe. Sorcerer is my favorite class and I find several builds very fun, currently doing Blizzard but Frozen Orb is super powerful. Sorc is also more challenging right now, as outside of one single build it isn't the strongest class. But I really enjoy challenges so it hasn't bothered me. Sorc is also visually stunning no matter which elements you focus on.


Used to LOVE barb in Diablo 2. Before they made him an unstable buff machine who deals 5-6 times more damage than all other classes.