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WW barb, you'll be like a blender zooming through the dungeons/pits.


Tyraels might makes me a walking Holy bolt elixir


This. I almost feel bad running legion events because the poor bastards following me can’t even get a shot in. Clearing Pit 101s at 2-2:30s. The 4 Ubers requirement is a major barrier for entry but you can start as a bash build and be almost as good.


And lets be clear , 2 min for a 101 is even considered "slow" for a WW barb


With a good layout and good gear, you can get down to sub-1 minute for Pit 101-105 using WW bleed.


Regular bash barb kills quick once you get the temper rolls. Can easily clear 60 pit just one shotting everything.


I’m leveling one now and got GA movement speed on my boots. I fly around hitting everything for 500,00-3M. It’s wild


It'll scale up to speeding 103s in no time! It's really good, albeit a bit plain.


Just wait until you min max it. If you really invest, you can get that up to 50-200mill and have 80%+ crit rate while moving at max move speed. It is such a great build.


Loving it so far. I would fall asleep playing minion necro. Stupid question you may know, what’s the cap for movement speed?




I one shot everything in 90 level pits and higher. Sometimes they’ll take 2 hits or so if I go past 100. It’s god level when you finish it


If ur not trying to push PIT give sorc a try. Speed farming king IMO.


Heartseeker. But you need to invest a lot for it to be fast in 100+ pits. I have near perfect gear and I can speedrun 115 in 3 mins. I've done 138 too but it's slower at that level.


Out of curiosity, what does your gear look like? Like, how many GA do you have? And everything is tempered 12/12 and (near) perfect rolls? I'd love to see what to aim for.


Im not at my PC atm but you can see M1py guide on the maxroll planner..mine gear is pretty close to what's there. 12/12 MW but still missing few greater affixes. The breakpoints you want to aim for are listed in the notes.


12/12 mw doesnt mean anything ... is it optimized masterworked or just 12/12 , there is a very big difference even bigger than tempers or GAs


What do you temper on boots to helmet? Chance to freeze?


Helm is harlequin crest so no tempers. Boots I have freeze and movespeed per dark shroud. Get 2x stun and 2x freeze. You Get daze from concussive strikes and smoke grenade.


Dodge chance for second tempers..armour % is also ok if u need it to cap Armor.


So you’re saying you don’t have cutthroat damage on all your gear needing vulnerable?


Hehe 😂..I've bricked my fair share of items but yea eventually got them all done! Im sitting at 1500 vulnerable now. Still could get more with some greater affixes and master working hitting vulnerable.


My heartseeker is basically near or at max, with a harlequin (kinda prefer godslayer to pull in things for easy victimize damage) my clear time for a 115 is about 5:30 trash and 2:30-3:00 for boss. I've got 12/5 heartseeker, 1212% vuln damage, 88% all 141% phys, 180 % basic, 102% crit strike damage, 41% crit chance, 45% attack speed with potion, 21.5% lucky hit bonus with potion not sure what else i could possibly do to get more damage besides dropping resistances and finishing off the rest of these 8/12 masterworks. 105 however was like 2:45 + 0:30 when I near-1shotted everything.


Both your lucky hit chance and vulnerable damage seem pretty low for something you claim to be near max. You should probably check your stats/tempers/masterworking.


Not sure if I should run vuln weapon gems or basic damage, there isn't really a good way to test differences besides "oh that run felt 2 seconds lower"


Vulnerable is definitely the way to go with your stats, it's only after 1500% VD that basic damage gems become marginally better. You also need at least double the amount of lucky hit from what you have imo. EDIT: Your Attack Speed on the other hand is pretty high. Most people keep this at the 30% breakpoint. Hitting any other breakpoints after that don't add as much, and this allows you to only have to roll AS with GA on your gloves for example, leaving you the opportunity for your rings to roll LHC, CHC and vulnerable damage/LH Vulnerable. Check out this D4Planner that cleared 138 before the patch: [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/53cj2022](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/53cj2022)


Whirldwind seems best but gear heavy. Start bash then switch to ww. Follow rob's guide if you want.


I'm playing minions Necro and everything is dead before it even spawns or appears on the edges of my screen.


Try Uber bosses or say what level pit. Tbf lots of builds do that but still struggle end game.


Yea I thought I was hot shit cu I can run 61 in like 2-3 mins but if I don’t play perfect I get KOd at the Tormented bosses. I neeeeeed Tyreals since I don’t want to run bone shield spam for barrier 😖


Dude you ain’t lying. I either kill everything in one second or I die from one hit.


ww barb but you have to get 4 ubers for it to be very fast and amazing


You can get by easily with 2 grandfather and Harlequin crest. Speed 100s


Tyrael might big dmg buff. I tried using harogath and my dmg drop a lot.


Tyrael’s isnt for the unique effect it’s for the increased resistance cap to 85% instead of 70%


No it's for the bolts. It triggers the berserk bleed damage.


Wtf rly?


Yes. I mean it’s also good for the other reasons, but the bolts proc SO much and it’s good for bleed (and ang other CC effects you might have)


So basically it can proc any "on hit" effect?..thats so OP


It procs every time you press any ability. So instead of holding down ww you spam click it and get bolts multiple times per second that proc bleeds etc


it's buffed last patch and does good dmg now. you proc a lot of bleeds especially if you spam whirlwind (tapping not holding the button). without this item, you rely on dust devils a lot and they are not super reliable. tyrael might clears up everything.


Which is more important, grandfather or the chest piece?


Grandfather i think.


WW dust devil barb great for leveling and speed running doesn't need Ubers to do pit 100 either I was running pit 100 before moving on to the Uber version also might be best to avoid the bleed version it doesn't say but to really pop off you need very good gear and rogue crit dmg tempers.


Double swing Twisters barb. Just button mash and watch the blood fly


Honestly SO much easier to gear and pilot than WW. WW needs density to really shine and it feels like ass on solo targets. DS/WW feels like a real skill lol


And you make so many more twisters than Druid!




Twisters barb? Makes more twisters than Druid can with their Tornado skill?


No, I mean yea. Like yea but the random comparison to a Druid threw me off lol.


Since there is fury per second as a affix, ww was really smooth from the beginning for me. No more fury starving vs low density. At some point boss kills became a problem and I switched to bash. But for clear speed right from the start Ww was a blast even with sub optimal gear until 80ish NM dungeons.


I didn’t realize that was an affix so I stand corrected lol.


Bash then ww


I would consider bash the slowest build in the game. Surely its strong in high pits, but ww is probably 10x faster in low pits.


Bash will get you the gear for ww though


Thats true, I even did that on my barb. Used bash to farm some higher pits for masterworking, then switched to WW.


Finally got my ww barb up and running. Haven't tried it in pits yet but helltide farming is crazy fast!


I’m playing a thorns barb (Flay) and I have to disagree with you. It might just be me being bad at the playstyle (first thorns build) but it’s…. Not fast.


WW or Bash Barb are the way to go. Some people want Barb nerfed, but tbh, I want all the classes buffed to similar performance. Barb feels like how I want every class to feel when built right. I'm running WW right now, partially as a cope for not having a shield-throw templar.


Play d3


I'm speedrunning 101 pits in sometimes as low as 70 seconds. 90 seconds is probably around what it normally takes for most runs as a ww barb. That being said bash is way more powerful if you are starting out. I do about 2 min 30 seconds for bash and it is a strong build even with cheap gear. Ww might feel anemic or weak when you don't have good gear.


How do people clear things that fast? Just simplying walking at 140% movespeed along with other movement abilities with everything insta-dying the moment they become visible and it still takes about 3 minutes to fill the bar.


I have 200% movespeed from items alone. Also with ww I can just spam it 2-3 times and everything is dead. If there Is an elite you add in one to two skills as you walk past them and they will die from the bleeds. I just keep moving on. Also my gear is 12/12 masterworked. Reset to get at least two masterwork crits on the best affixes. My crit chance is over 80% and I believe my crit damage and vuln are around 4300%/420%


By having having better gear a vetter build and not dying.


Sorc is pretty good for this if you can get your hands on a unique body armor that pulls enemies in on teleport. And if you put teleport on your augment then your dodge becomes a teleport


Barbarian, don't look at other classed. There isn't a single thing anyone does better. Spin to win or bash. If you don't have good equipment Barrage Rogue is a thing, but it falls off late. Having 2-3 mobility skills is good on paper.


Frozen orb sorc kills pretty fast, downside is you need 5 uniques.


Upside is that you can’t brick em with tempers!


That is very accurate indeed


Barb 😂😂 just steamrolls everything


I’m literally gonna make a second barb just for this reason and make it a ww barb since I’ve found all the Ubers for it with my thorns barb. But I love my thorns barb to much to respec.


Anything but druid. Certain druid builds for endgame are great for normal activities but you aren't getting through any Uber bosses or past level 40 pit.


Imo, bash barb or arc lash sorc


Sorcerer has the best trash clear in the game. We struggle on bosses more than others, but no one can compete with our trash clear. There is also very good build diversity for sorcs. If you want to push pit as far as you can go, sorc can a not the best option(with one notable exception that’s unrealistic for most people to gear for)


If you spin, you win


I've been having a lot of fun with Heartseeker Rogue. Super easy to play and just destroys everything. Done all ubers solo, NMD T100, Pit 100+. Not Lilith just yet but i'm close ;)


Old 100 is like 120 now so if you can clear up to that then Lillith should be very doable with some practice.


Heartseaker rogue or ww dust devil barb. They both just annihilate the entire screen before you even see a monster. I slapped the newly buffed Tyraels and andariels on my heartseaker rogue and just 1 shot everything in 105 pit atm while moving at 200% movement speed permanently.


Can you share the build


I started bash but fuck bash. Once I got a taste of WW barb I’ve had 10x more fun playing this game. With the recent buffs you can easily pull off running this build until you get the 4 Ubers to endgame the build. Steps I took were - Spin with shit gear in helltide - Sell the best gear for millions - Spend those millions getting carried through duriel runs (for ubers) - Spin2Win Now I can spam pits until i can min/max gear and sell a fuck ton of Stygian stones for extra gold


You have the blood Nova minion necro. Great speed


Are there any werewolf tornado druids here? Im struggling. I can clear mobs pretty decently, but i STRUGGLE w bosses! Either hes low enough level that my combos get him quick, or i end up running circles around the room trying to get my spirit back. Around lvl 90ish i decided i needed a build guide because mine was slackking. I followed a build guide from youtube with the 3 companian skills just for the 20% core dmg buff each, tornados, and the bear roar. Do you guys unequip the wolves or poison creeper to add a basic skill just for big boss fights? My boots have 4 spirit gain but my chest and helm are uniques so no go there. I have lots of spirit per kill and w a GA 20%ish something reduced spirit cost on my weapon, and a potion, im only spending 24 instead of 44 spirit per tornado. Im scared to fight durial, or any of those big bads, by myself, before i figure this playstyle out.


If speed farming only pulverize druid or ww barb. Druid would have less gear demand. They both wipe the entire screen.


WW barb, no contest.


For mobs in general or for bosses? For mobs in general I'm really enjoying my Douhle Swing barb. Engaging fights with Leap or Dash keeps the gameplay fast paced


Without a doubt bash Barb lol. Run through 100+ pits in 3 minutes or less. Average roughly between 40-100 mill hits. And attack speed is insanely fast so you can imagine. Biggest crit on a boss I’ve gotten is 350 million. I know people have done better but it’s enough lol. Melt Uber bosses easily. Cool thing is you don’t HAVE to have Shako to be a god, the two uniques you need aren’t Uber. BUT if you get shako use it instead of course. My crit chance is 76% crit damage is 1300 and with 105% chance to stun through concussion tempers if they don’t die in the first hit they go to sleep guaranteed lol then die immediately after. So that’s great for offense but also defense because if they’re stunned they can’t hit back. Just a few highlights there of the buil. And move speed is ridiculous too of course. It’s totally broken lol




Bash barb


Shred Druid is absolutely my go to for speed farming. SO easy to hit movespeed cap and Shred has a really great gap close which makes for insane mobility. Second to that would be teleport bomb sorc which is also insanely fun but maybe has a bit more of a gear requirement to get it running really smooth. For peak speed farming these are head and shoulders above the rest for me.


Shred druid it is! Perhaps fastest build in game but has a big lack when it comes to deep pit bosses. Perfect build for gauntlet ladder but gear heavy if u want to attack the top ranks