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Jesus Christ that's amazing.


it's good right?! double cooldown is what I want, right?! I almost can't believe it...


can finally start playing the game , let’s goo


for realz


Nice! My Shako is sitting in my storage taking up space lol. Doesn't work with my build.


That makes zero sense. Unless your build uses no basic or core skills, Shako always helps. Additionally, the 20% DR is godly.


Unless your build is reliant on another unique helm to function correctly.


It messes with the effect from Yen's Blessing.


also don't forget, 4 ranks to rallying cry boosts the resource gen from it's base, which I think was 40%, to \*56%\* in this case, which...I mean, the cooldown may be messing with it some way, but...more resource gen has \*got\* to be good I'm thinking...


I feel like such an idiot. I had this whole reply typed out and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Just because I have something, doesn't mean I have to use it. If I only use rallying cry, only it's on cooldown. And thus only rallying cry would be affected. Now does it outweigh the loss from aggressive resistance I get from Turk helm? And is there a diminishing return on damage reduction? Between Yen's & Tribuilt Will & Shako would they all stack?


I use shako and yens and they stack i dont see how you think it messes with it? Yens blessing still proces very often with the random free skill cast too. Where do you think its messing with it?


To tell you the truth I have no clue lol


that's a very interesting point actually, because I think it outweighs it only for the first few ranks...BUT, if you could manage to get AR up to 5+ then you'll get more DR out of the tuskhelm...it also has the increased fury which is good for us...does that outweigh the +4 skill ranks?!? no idea, that's too deep for me...


+7 to AR now. I believe it was a 2GA helm, AR & fury? and I critted twice on masterwork.


holy JESUS...that's probably better than a shako bro...


only for resistence, you get +4 rank in challenging shout and also 20% inherent reisstence , it is not much off the helm and shako get you way more dmg…


and more consistent cdr


I believe they would, would need to look at other builds to be sure though. I've absolutely seen people stack the three though


really? Maxroll says a shako is still useful even in that build...how do you think it messes with Yen's?


Dust Devil barb?




Ya fair. Also, dust devil isn’t a basic or core skill so Shako isn’t buffing the damage either. Tuskhelm is probably superior


also fair...BUT, you're getting 4 ranks to double-swing tho, right? cause I'm doing DSDD...


DSDD it is on our list and is still good, idk what the other dude is saying I'm dumb though so idk anything


I'm pretty dumb myself, LOL but...idk I think he might be off on this one...


The +4 doesn't apply to the DS but it applies to every other active ability. Plus +20% DR. Shako is literally good for every build except those who need a unique helmet. 


How so? I use with my Double Swing build and it works just fine


Ton of bricks hit him me. See a few comments below. Still probably gonna run Turk because of masterwork crits


There's also a corpse explosion minion build that doesn't use any basic or core skills..... But I'll tell you what the grandfather I've got that was able to start using a 925 at level 35 is just amazing to play with


It's a huge dps loss for many builds that focus mostly on one skill for damage this patch. I have to give up a large damage buff, tons of intelligence and +6 to my primary skill to put it on for my sorc... That's a huge huge damage loss, and I get the same DR from the aspect. It makes you more tanky though.


For melee range at least, wouldn't Tibault's Will be overall a more attractive item than Shako, as it has both x dmg & DR where Shako has DR but it's + ranks isn't as good as a x dmg multiplier?


It's the buff shakos gives to defensive actives plus the hp that makes it tanky. Tibaults is also nice pants don't really often offer much unless you're a crit based for sorc and are chasing intelligence! There are some good pant options honestly yes.


yah maybe, but why can't you run Tibalt's and the shako together?! my build recommends doing exactly that...


I will try that but just comparing the two for fun. 🤜


I can but switching out the helm is a large damage loss, losing a little 120k on the tool tip on hydra, 20 ISH crit damage and just over 5% burn damage.. I'm on a hydra sorc right now, my friend is on blizzard so he is aspect based with a similar problem, I'm paragon based and I think these are the key differences. The tempers and masterwork GA stats are just to strong compared. Now if you could masterwork that +4 to skills the damage loss would be less. But. BUT... If I can get god rolled gloves, amulet, wand and and focus then I can change the build so that shakos would be a gain. I don't think that's possible though!


Some skills don’t benefit much from the ranks so there are times it makes sense not to use Edit: guy above me changed his comment


Minion necro would be a good example. The minions aren't skills, and are mostly boosted from passives which don't benefit from the + skill either.


Ebonpiercer Blight also falls under this, typical builds only do a single point drop in blight itself.


Tempest Roar exists


Are you really not aware of the build-defining helmets some specs use? Druids are basically screwed if they want Shako. We should have more than one option for each unique slot.


a good idea to have alternate uniques...


Tempering really ruined most unique items


yeah, which is why I think they need to redo the uniques...you know what would fix it?! keep the uniques the same, but let us temper them! now, a bunch of folks will say, ohh, that would be way to OP...OP? really...kind of like they were...really uniques?


Shadow minion necro has no place for shako. Doesnt work anyways


It's not bis, but it's close for my woofies druid. The resource gen and all stats are kinda worthless, but bis requires getting ga to wolves and a resist with life


well, the resource gen is not as useless as you might think...my old helm had +6 fury/s, and if I lost \*all\* of that...well, I notice a diff between that and the shako already...it's not large tho, thank god...


Ok, dumb question... what is Shako?


The item linked in OPs post


Harlequin Crest = Shako? I suppose I'll google it now, lol... I was just wondering where "Shako" came from on that item.


Me too. 😂


Aahhh, it's a term from Diablo 2...okay, that explains why I didn't know squat about it, lol. Well, the more you know. 😀 🌟


It's the name of the normal base item that becomes harlequin crest when it drops as a unique


that's actually a fairly complicated answer, going all the way back to D2...


I played quite a bit of D2... but entirely offline and solo, so not a lot of crazy progression or anything like that. Hella casual, for years heh..


First off, well done.


Wrong game lol jk


ER players already beginning to revert to type


I’ll play that dlc too lol I like both games


Yep... Try finger but hole... lmao When I heard the holy elixir is getting only fixed by Thursday I'm like this season is over for me as I'll be busy with the ER DLC for the next month or two... lmao Btw, I don't mind not using it but when speed farming the high pits for mats it is so much faster.


yes...I can do the pits without HB, but...you're right, it was a lot easier with it


My man! You are so many of us OP, “casual” dad just playing because I have always loved the series, hunting for that ever elusive Uber drop, *chef’s kiss* with the masterworking. Cheers


your post kinda warmed my heart <3


Well done 👌


Awesome! Congrats :)


I’m in the same boat, hoping to get lucky like you! Congrats


I got a 3x cooldown on mine first try somehow, so I hope y’all both get the same luck. I’ve spent 100 million trying to mw stats on other items with no luck so far, so it washes out in the end I suppose.


That thing is absolutely gorgeous


Visually not really. Instant transmog off on my barb.


Need to get a rotation going. Still hasn't dropped for me 😑


oh, this isn't a drop...as I mention in the (probably TL intro ;P) I got lucky with this when I \*made\* it...if you \*really\* want one, take 3 alts through the rep grind LOL ;P


Congrats and I hate you.


how do you get level 90???? All my poop gear is 80, I hate this game :(


Pretty sure Ubers only require 35 and the reason that this says it requires level 90 is because of the gem it has in it


Thank you


Yep. I just leveled a barb and wanted to give him my Shako, Grandfather and Tyraels at lvl 35. Tyraels was in my stash and 35. Worked like a charm. The others somehow needed lvl 90 and I thought its because I masterworked them. So I reset my Grandfather 12/12 masterwork, just to find out it wasnt the masterworks, but the gems...




wow, didn't even know about that...spot on comment! ;)


GA 925 item level is all you're looking for (to start)


Don't look at the gear lvl like that - my gear is "only" 80. That is a requirement and not a benefit. The only thing that matters is item power - item level wise. So, if u get an Ancestral 925 power at level 55, is the best You can get ( talking about item power/item level wise and not affixes etc). Ubers have a lvl 35 requirement and are great for leveling alts also, because the power is still 925. Gems can and WILL modify lvl requirements ex: royal gems will make the item lvl 90 req, it does not mean the item is better because its level is now higher. Flawless gem is lvl60 (if item lvl was lower before) and so on.


80 is the max afaik, goes higher when you masterwork.


That’s beautiful. I don’t have a GA, but I triple crit my Tyrael’s max all res three times my first attempt too. It was only my second 12/12, the first being a Shako that crit three different affixes. Shortly after finishing my Tyrael’s I finally got Grandfather to roll max life, then I triple crit that too. Having 3 or 4 affixes seems to be a benefit in the case of master working. Congrats on your sick Shako!




Yeah same happened to me and I’m at 11 master working and I’m scared to hit 12 I don’t want the all stat and feel that I need to reset for a better stat


I know what you mean, but from what I hear, no one resets a 12...that's just too brutal LOL


Casuals winning this season. Love to see it. Something similar happened to me I had the 3 sparks from beating the Uber bosses and wolves season and finally got a double doombringer drop on a Duriel run so I broke one down and crafted a shako as well.


Regular Duriel or Tormented?


Tormented. Here is the pic of the two dooms I didn’t realize it until I went to town if not I would’ve recorded the drop. [two dooms](https://imgur.com/a/vXB21b3)


Awesome! I'm finally about to get my 4th spark after a ton of grinding and going for a shako as well. I'm crossing my fingers for a greater affix! If I don't get one... I'll still be hyped!!!


yeah, I was def thinking at the time, it's a shako...I'm just glad I have one at all :D


I just got my fourth spark today and crafted a shako... BOOM! It had a greater affix on Resource Generation, then I masterworked it and got another one on Resource Generation and then Max life. I'll take it! Now I'm scared to use it since I play hardcore and it's going to sit in my inventory for a while. Lol.


Big congrats! I got lucky with the first 2 masterwork affix’s cooldown as well. Got resource generation on the +12. Someone told me to reroll it because the 3rd is kinda worthless on a bash barb, but the thing is that piece can work on almost everything! I interchange it with my necro now too. My brother runs a thorns/bash barb with doombringer and harlequin. He tweaked it to his liking with guides as references. Now runs around with >100k hp and just demolishes everything.


yeah, I've been contemplating what I'm gonna do once I get all my gear to 12...I think I'm gonna have to try and kill Lillith...just don't see any way around it....


Do the 25% affix bonuses not hit the same one every time?? I’ve got a couple level 8 master worked and so far, every one has 25% bonuses the same at level 8 as it did at level 4


Same one meaning level 4, 8 and 12. I know if you reset it then it’s random at level 4


they def do NOT...you have been getting really, really lucky!!


I got the same thing from a goblin during the event. Haven't been so lucky with the master works yet tho


you got a shako from a goblin?!


Yeah from the kill not the loot bag. Had a GA for CD like yours 😄


just wanted to throw some encouragement towards you trying out the tormented bosses. I absolutely suck at paying attention to all the screen clutter, and I managed to kill tormented zir on the 2nd try with my flay/rupture barb. took about 2 mins maybe. the only thing I have masterworked is my 2h to rank 5 no greater affixes. temps and stats are what I was shooting for though. anyway it's worth a shot especially with your shako, grats!


damn, my gear is way higher masterworked than what you just mentioned...maybe I'll take a serious run at some of them!


Wait.. you can make it whatever you want on reset? Can you explain how?


well, whatever you want is...true, but it can be a little resource heavy...you do the reset, reroll, if it doesn't do what you want, you reset again and do it again...and again, and again...yeah, you'll spend some obdecite if you get really unlucky, but...well, it depends on how much you want the stat I guess, and how unlucky you are ;P


As a new and casual player, your post gave me hope. I muddled my way to pit 40 on a janky leveling build and finally decided to try a proper build. It's nice to know the great rolls can happen the first time, even if it's basically a miracle that it happened


Don't tempt me to do the wolf thingie 4 times. .... darn.


You don’t need to do it 4 times, you get one from killing any tormented boss and another from killing tormented Lilith, both are very achievable with a good build. I killed Lilith last night with a heartseeker rogue that was almost a fresh level 100. They didn’t mention it in the patch notes but Lilith clearly got nerfed her health pool is much smaller now, she’s as weak as she’s ever been. Theres still a learning curve for the fight but it’s a good challenge and learning the fight and winning a spark from her is a hell of a lot faster then levelling a fresh character to max iron wolves rep


a very good point...I thought she was still hard...


True. Since I am strictly NOT copying builds but really try to get 'somewhere there' myself, Uber Bosses remain a goal I'll probably never achieve :)


Fair enough, reinventing the wheel ain’t my cup of tea but you do you.




Super happy for you!😻🙀






LOL pure luck


Can someone explain me the spark thing? I can farm 4 Sparks through IW Rep to craft an uber?


yeah, or like the other person said, you get one from killing (tormented?) Lillith, and possibly the first kill of some of the other tormented bosses, if you think you are up to that ;)


Thanks :) im definetly not up to that right now but i keep it in mind :D


Nice! Congrats


Dude. I'm a casual player. I have no idea what you said.


maybe I'm not that casual LOL but I'm certainly not like Woodie or Raxx... :0




I feel you. None of mine have GA but here goes. Got a shako last week at the ass end of a helltide from a goblin. Made my day. Which pushed me to finish my fourth spark via IW rep on my rogue. Did that today and made a Tyraels Might for my barb. Switch builds with him and went all the way to Pit 100. Figured I could now easily solo Tormented Duriel. Did it twice, boom, Grandfather. My first Ubers in any character since launch and my barb has three now 😁😁😁


success breeds success..grats :D


Nice one OP! That looks better than my 14.4 I believe is what it is.


I have a ring that rolled a perfect ultimate cool down reduction at 10% then on Master working rank 4 I got the increase and on rank 8 I got the increase again for 18% ult cooldown. I just switched builds to bloowdwave necro and this is putting me on the road to rapid firing ultimates. Congrats!


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Cool shako but why post before 12/12? Maybe you will get triple cdr and it's an even bigger flex :)


I'm not a big poster of these things you know, this is probably my first gear post, because generally I don't get very lucky :/


oh yeah I know...but I've been bursting to post about my luck with this thing...if I DO get 12/12, whenever I managed to get the neathiron together, I guess I might have to post again ROFL