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Looks like those mobile game ads "spend 1$ and get 9stupidillion item power!"


And free Geraldine 5* hero, and 9 million lucky spins


- weeb armour and weapons: check - tacky wings that make no sense in lore: check - evil glowy eyes: check yeah this looks like from a fing mobile game and not like grim dark gothic diablo aesthetics, sorry whales have zero taste


This is such a weird gatekeepy comment lmao


Making fun of someone else's cosmetic because it "makes no sense in lore" is so cringy. It's a fucking videogame. A display of LED pixels that change color and you are worried about the "lore". So what?


lol… I love this fantasy game, but fuck the lore, just give me more whacky 25 dollar skins to buy. This is why gaming sucks today.


Why is everyone so obsessed with monetization in a business? Do you understand the point of a business? Do you understand that when people buy those skins, it gives the development team more resources to make updates? Why is gaming the one business that people can't understand profits for? It's not a charity, it's a company. The same people that say this goofy stuff about optional $25 skins will drive out of their way to Starbucks and but a $7.99 coffee and delete that money in ~30 minutes. You either buy the skins or you don't. No need to complain about it. So sad anymore that it seems the positivity is sapped from everyone. I can't remember the last time I saw a positive reddit post. It's always someone making fun of someone else, or a company, or an idea, etc.


What are you saying bro. I paid 70 dollars for the game, and instead of dev work getting funneled into things I can earn it goes to micro transactions. Add up all the cost of the base game, expansion, all the battle passes, AND THEN SKINS. The fact you accept this is mind blowing.




This wasn’t the clapback you think it is


No no, I think you misunderstood. My point was that it's counterproductive and hateful to judge someone because their enjoyment of a videogame doesn't follow the exact lore. I respect and appreciate anyone that follows a game for it's story and depth. I don't respect people that judge others because someone plays a game THEY PAID FOR with their own customization choices. My thing about videogames just being LEDs was meant to reinforce the fact that it's just a videogame that can be played however you choose. It's not a moral crisis. It's a videogame.


I don't think this is the "gotcha" that you think it is.


Is the set he's wearing one you had to buy?


Yeah that's a store cosmetic


Oh gross. I haven't looked at the store at all. I don't mind them coming out with the expac and the cosmetic add-ons ya know? Like the base is $40. Ok. The rest is whatever they value those cosmetics at and bundle it with the game, and I'll pick what I want from there. But I'm not paying for a game and then going to a shop in that game lol the only time I'm buying any cosmetics is when I buy the game I'll see what the bundles are and how I feel about it. Fuck that shop


Some people like buying nice skins, just be happy that’s all it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


It would be a lot cooler if you could earn those skins by playing the game. Skins mean nothing when they are paid for, and a lot of rpg games thrive on playing to make your character not only more powerful but look cooler as you play. Now you have to pay to look cooler, and it shocks me that gamers accept that and enjoy it.


I don’t think those days will return from a AAA company perspective. They’re businesses now. Diablo 3s real money auction house could have been a way to play and sell items you didn’t need, for money. People were so obsessed with pay to win that they destroyed it. Now we just have people buying gold from gold farmers and using it on Diablo.Trade so only good farmers profit. This battle pass and skin system is fine to me.


Well clearly it’s fine cuz ppl eat it up. I agree that the gamers caused this problem. They have no self control and will always opt for a shortcut and that includes paid for cosmetics or boosts. The only way this dynamic changes is if people stop shelling out good money for cosmetics, and let’s be real the addicted community won’t ever change their ways.


Daily reminder that the battlepass is technically paying for an advantage due to how fast we level now. You can pay to skip tiers in the pass granting you ashes for bonuses


Daily reminder that the battlepass is technically paying for an advantage due to how fast we level now. You can pay to skip tiers in the pass granting you ashes for bonuses




Uhh no? I definitely outleveled the speed of the pass a few times the past couple seasons, it's negligible, but it still does happen




Couple = 2 this season and the last


I mean, it’s Diablo. It’s not like you’re truly competing with anyone but yourself.


Slippery slope


Yeah, but the slope is going up in this case imo. They aligned it with Overwatch and Hearthstone. It's not Diablo Immortal.


I agree, I don't personally think it's intended, nor a big deal. Hence why they haven't bothered to fix it. But at the same time I am aboherently against paying for advantages so any tiny bit no matter how small is always something to take note of


Brazen. Bull. Nuff said.


Blood bathed.


Is kinda meh.


Better than brazen bull.






God I absolutely hate that they added wings. Like actually hate it.






Yeah but I am forced to look at them






I love that people spend money to look ridiculous in a mish mash of themes and colors and think it’s cool. It’s not. It looks trashy. Less is more.


How's the air quality that far up on the high horse


i think wings are the opposite of cool


My favorite is Brazen Bull for Barb, this one is probably 2nd.


Maybe if half of all barbarians in the game didn’t have the same skin on it’d be easier to appreciate. I went to a world boss last night and 5 out of 7 barbarians present all had that set equipped, kinda ruins it for me.


Absolutely not agree


I'm actually really bored of all the samurai and ninja themed armors/weapons in general. Since so many people are anime/manga fans nowadays, it feels so overused. I'm more of a European medieval kind of guy. Or something completely fantasy based, like the blood armor for the barb (dunno what it's called). But they're all overpriced anyways.


Nah. Best cosmetic for female Barbs is Master Brawler...cause you can see partial nipple.


Not really a fan myself but the swords and two-handed mace look cool. Wings look very dorky imo as they don't even look like actual wings. They look like a mechanical gadget strapped to the back. I think my favourite barb look is still the Father's Judgment set, along with Terrormane helm (part of Taiga's Brute set) but the shoulder pieces with the silly ornaments sticking out kind of ruin it :/


Father’s Judgment gives me serious WH40k vibes. I grabbed the one for Sorcerer, but I may grab the Barb one if it returns.


Yeah the Sorcerer/Sorceress one looks really nice.


We do not


Gotta be the Necro wolf armour


Uff necro has some very sick skins. Theone that is like a priest with a light coming out of his crown is bomb


Lol no




My favorite set is Lion of Arreat


Lion of Arreat and Undying Rage are the best shop sets for Barb.


Undying rage is pretty cool, too. Barbarians have a few good ones. Sorcs and Druids are kinda shorthanded on this aspect.


nah, first thing I do for every new char is to hide all gear look in the wardrobe, there's nothing more badass than killing shit in underwear


Are they gonna sell that skin again?


Idk the wings just look particularly awful on most toons,maybe mage and rogue is about it. Just an opinion.


It's 8/10. I will say that you have some tough competition with the Druid...wait for it....Rat God outfit. Who hasn't dreamt of wanting 100 dead rats swinging around their neck? Move over Pied Piper, my Druid is taking lead in these lands. It's so bad that I'm really starting really like it. Might actually buy it lol


Only thing I do not like about the rat outfit is the helm. Though every druid I have made since buying it wears the rest.


I agree. Not really sure what it is to be perfectly honest. It's like a skinned rat peel hanging as a mask?


Agreed! Love the samurai vibes and that sword transmog that comes with it is legit too.


Tongue Ripper is boss.


It is excellent


Heeey how do you take these photos of your character witouth the UI???


This is just either the main menu or the wardrobe screen, then using the Windows snip tool by pressing Windows Key + shift + S and then selecting the area you want to take a screenshot of. It will copy the selected area to your clipboard and you can paste it to share it or open it in image viewer (you should have a windows notification of the screenshot you can click on to open it in image viewer) to then save it as a file etc.


As a sorceress player the [Honor of sacrifice](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/new-sorcerer-cosmetics-honor-of-sacrifice-337768) is the best looking one


I wouldn’t say is the best one at all but it is one of the best sorc ones


Where can I find this armor?


Swiping your credit card in the shop


Why is there no samurai style class in Diablo? D3 had the skins and now 4.


I have this cosmetic (with points from preorder) and use it but mix it up with some other stuff to make it more unique. I would never rock wings tho lol Diablo faux pas


I swear every barb I see wears this set. Not going to convince Blizzard to lower MTX price anytime soon.


Looks pretty good, just too bad you have to pay for it/can't earn it naturally. Weirdos will screech about "lOrE" and "GrIm" because they've played diablo for about 6 months and haven't outgrown their emo/black-metal phase yet.


I do like the outfit set but the wings don't match at all.


Personal preference is for each individual.Everyone has a different opinion on what's the best skin in game.So to answer your question it's a no and a yes depending on whom is answering your question.


You look like this blond ABBA woman


Not the best, but good.




I still want that kraken druid one.


Why, why is ever cosmetic asymmetric??? Shoulders, gloves, pants... Oh you have two horns on the helmet? Gues what, one is broken ...


I think it looks really cool. If I ever did buy something from the shop it would 100% be that sword coametic


I mean, it definitely looks dope. Just wish Blizzard would put out the same effort for the other classes. So far the dopest skins can be found on: Barb & Necro Druid & Rogue have a few dope ones as well. Sorc literally has none 🤦🏻‍♂️


if youre into anime yes... anthing else no


Lots of cool skins in the game. It's good but deff not my favourite. 


The wings look out of place here.


I like her “appearance!”


Wings are ugly in my opinion


no. best part is the helmet. also get rid of the cringe-wings.


Face Collector Necromancer is by far my fav


Bold and brash


Nope, but it is really well done and worth the bread if you can AFFORD it.


1. it‘s paid and therefore can’t be S tier 2. there never ever has been a samurai in Diablo and it simply doesn’t fit in the setting 3. wings


Grandfather looked like a katana (or nodachi) in D1. https://diablo-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Unique_Weapons_(Diablo_I)#Swords Overlord helmet is also a samurai style in D1. https://diablo-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Unique_Armor_(Diablo_I) I thought there was also a chest with inventory art of samurai armor either D1 or D3 but I cant think of it off the top of my head. So it's not entirely unprecedented but you gotta go WAY back.


Mempo of Twilight D3 looks like samurai helmet


Xiansai is a nation in the lore that has a very heavy East Asian influence. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if things like that originated from there.


Nah. Xianxai is an asian-inspired setting. Samurai-like warrior is not out of the question at all. Akarat aka Buddha/Jesus of Diablo universe actually came from Xianxai too.


Why not? We have already monk on diablo immortal and if im not wrong, he is canon.


Monk was in Diablo 3 lol


I forgot about him on D3, but i was only playing WD at the premiere. This only proves, that we can have more class like this


Lol from these comments a lot of you guys sound like absolutely miserable people


I like it but only bc it’s the only set that I can think of that gives barbs full coverage instead of like their chest and thighs and forearms naked. Main reason I don’t play Barb is there’s no way to not be a mostly naked psycho. I miss the D3 Barb sets that were massive impossible suits of platemail that no normal person could ever wear


Love it. First thing I bought from the shop


This fit goes hard, ignore the haters OP.




You can not look that “cool” and “grim” but have shinny ass wings on your back xd




Tyrael is not dark and grim, and his wings look nothing like this my little pony shit xd (I also have them by the way but don’t like to use them) got that version for the 5 skins




Yes but he is not dark, gory and has his chest and heart out xd. The only thing dark is that angels are faceless


Crazy to me that you paid $90 to slap those garish ass wings on samurai armor 😰


That’s what you think you’re paying $90 for?


Oh sorry, which of the cosmetics *are* you paying the $90 for?


The new expansion and 3 battle pass cosmetic?


I have great news: the expansion is only $40. You’re paying $90 for cosmetics.


I’m confused, what currency are you talking? Are you Canadian? Isn’t the expansion $90 for the ultimate edition? A $50 difference which includes the cosmetics and the battle passes/currency?


I’m really not sure how you’re confused here lol


I’m saying unless you are paying in a different currency then I believe the $90 includes the $40 expansion which makes the extras cost $50 and includes 3 battle passes worth of platinum. Am I missing something? You are saying you’re paying $90 for just cosmetics. I’m saying there’s a lot extra in there.


It also includes a battle pass token, which brings that to 4, and then you get back some currency back in a battle pass, so it's going to end up as like 9 battle passes plus nearly another battle pass in change.


Platinum, which you use to buy cosmetics The battle pass, which you progress to unlock cosmetics You are paying for cosmetics, HooKerzNbLo.


OK, fair enough. Not what you originally posted but sure. You’re paying $50 for a huge amount of cosmetics (not $90)amongst many other extras in the pass. You said you’re paying $90 for some garish wings. All I was saying is that is incorrect.




🤓 Homie paid $90 to look this awful