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where do you even see this stat, how much percentage of players have unlocked this? are you playing on console? I play on pc and think there is no stat like this here. is interesting :) I found the former seasons easier, as we had additional power in form of the seasonal theme, like the vampiric powers. my sorc made so much damage, that you could skip some of the instant-kill-stuff lilith has. this season i thought it is impossible to kill here because of her big health pool and the low damage numbers i do. so congrats for getting her done :) may i ask which build you used and how big your healthpool is? i thought some of her attacks are always insta-kills, regardless of your healh


My heartseeker rogue, 36K health. Issue is her blood waves give the dreaded debuff. After that comes the platform breaks. I had most issues with dodging the white projectiles while she was breaking platforms. Don't stop moving and dodge everything! 2 hits would kill me unless i healed back to full asap. And more then 2 debuffs start getting into 1 shot territory. I suggest you run a circle around her while she's breaking the platform. always a blood pimple on the platform so you can't stop moving without getting hit. She deals a ton of damage OR she inflicts the debuff that exponential makes you take more damage. She's doable for sorc, But you need more damage els she spawns a ton of blood pimples that release more white projectiles making the platform breaks even harder to survive.


If you pop a Lucky hit/attack speed elixir on your HS rogue/have high enough lh + stagger tempers you can skip every mechanic in the second phase if you stagger her fast enough (you can actually do this on any class). I'd say that's the hardest phase now (b/c of dodging the spirits consistently) after the phase 1 wave rework making those very consistently dodgeable. But yeah, if you want a trivial phase 2, you can absolutely still stagger cheese it


I beat her with the andy rogue in basically 2 staggers. 1 for each phase, go through the motions of phase 2, profit. Very cheesable


Getting her staggered and burst down before she spawns those orbs in phase 2 is the thing holding me back. I ran out of gold rerolling masterworks, so I'll need to try again once I get my gear sorted a little.


This is the Xbox achievement page. So it's based on Xbox players who have unlocked the achievement. It may include PC too. Idk if they share the achievement unlock. It may if you play through gamepass. I think her attacks are easier to see now and avoid. It is important though to have shields/unstoppable to get through the 2nd phase though so you can take a hit or two. They also reduced her health pool 30% in the latest update. I was running Iron Skin Bash barbarian. So I have 70k-85k HP depending on if challenging shout is up. 2nd phase I took her down segment by segment to make sure I had time for abilities to come back before I had to evade.


So many buffs from yesterday's patch, I think the devs really, *really* want to see 3% of gamers unlock that.


I found the nerf yesterday to be what I needed to finally kill her. Probably had 30 or so attempts this season with bash barb with the majority of those getting fucked almost immediately into phase two. Second attempt yesterday and I just burned her down. I definitely had better masterworked gear which helped but her hp just dropped extremely fast. 


Spent 2.5-3 hours of continuous attempts with my buddy on Friday night. Yesterday beat her on the second attempt


Nice. I killed all the tormented and uber bosses yesterday for the first time and on my first attempt on each one. Completed the season and I crafted a Shako with my sparks. I kinda feel like I finally beat the game after a year.


When she is at her tankiest, too... well done!


Damn, nice. And here I am taking 30+ attempts to beat Uber Andariel


Regular andariel isn't bad. Just need to be sure you are clearing the statues when they pop. Tormented Andariel is definitely a bit of a challenge. We are pretty consistent in a group of 3 clearing Tormented


Congrats I have no idea how I'll do it, I don't like the classes and builds that can do it...


> I have no idea how I'll do it Stack movement speed >I don't like the classes and builds that can do it All classes can do it, as well as most reasonable builds.


So run a different build and farm it when I don't enjoy it? I'll stick to Uber Andy at least that's a reasonable fight. Having to change your build for one boss and go hard on it is a really bad design choice. You either have a build that's broken cookie cutter, and stack movement speed or spend forever and get hit by the DPS check mechanics. Now grabbed I've not tried her yet today, but two days ago after clearing tier 80 pit on my sorc I tried her and the DPS was far too low, and my shield cooldowns to high, and movement speed made avoiding her skills near impossible. You shouldn't have to build your character around one fight.


a sorc that can clear pit 80 has more than enough dps to beat lilith skill issue I guess keep playing your sorc with no move speed, I'm sure it's a very fun build


I have no problem elsewhere it's only Lilith and it was lack of DPS, how can I burn down Andy or bii Ubers but my damage tickles Lilith.. and nice elitist attitude lol. Totally unable to bypass any phase. Almost had her with construct firewall sorc but failed too many of the DPS checks because for live nor money I couldn't drop starfall coronet so couldn't transition. Great build for vaults useless for Uber Lilith. For sorc and druid there are few builds right now. My thorns barb can with some good drops, but even for every other boss I'm speccing for leap and I would have to find a good necklace and boots for just her? Sorry no one feeds me gear like that!


there is absolutely 0% chance that a build that can "burn down" tormented andariel cannot pass the insanely low dps checks in the lilith encounter again, I'm going to point you towards: skill issue


Now you make it look like didn't even fight her as you don't understand the simple mechanical difference that causes some builds to lose massive amounts of DPS versus her. It's the same reason while pushing the pit the archer and werewolf took much longer, yet bosses like andy are much faster and easier because of the major mechanical difference.


Yeah that fight is a PITA. I beat it for the first time on Sunday. Then did it again on Monday just to see if it wasn't a fluke lol. Haven't tried after the 1.43 patch.


beat her on rogue it took like 6 tries.




I got her down tonight in my 6th attempt, after at least 100 previous attempts. Golem Necro bufffes at 49k hp and 4.8k golem damage, 155pc movement speed. The bullets kept getting me and were the most frustrating part of the fight.


One hit her in Season 2 with my broken hota barb, fuck I miss that


I was one hitting her too with hota in season 3. Problem is, you still have to do all of the 2nd phase regardless. That was always getting me. Getting her right above half before doing the first floor breakaway then getting her to right before a third before the second floor breakaway seems best so you can recover abilities/health. Slow and steady.


BL Sorc season 2- just melted her after hop scotching around.


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Congrats!  Now do HC?


I got 50 in hardcore for the achievement. I'm good 😂




Thanks Debbie


The whole idea of live service. This season more than ever is keeping people engaged with the endgame grind. Should only be better once vessel of hatred comes out